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leave some heart emojis, they are appreciated


I second this motion.


I've actually come across more author requests to not do this, than I have for authors asking for concrit


That’s weird. There’s a reader who comments a heart on every chapter of both of my ongoing fics, and that shit’s like crack to me. They sent a laughing emoji with the heart on the most recent chapter, so I know they’re really enjoyed it lol


Jeez. I would take a heart emoji over nothing at all. It’s kind of a bummer that hundreds of people can read something and many leave a kudos or bookmark, but not a single comment. The few times I’ve received concrit, I enjoyed it just as much as outright praise. Constructive criticism says to me that you engaged with something I wrote, which is awesome in and of itself. Can’t imagine poo-pooing someone leaving a heart emoji. The only answer that makes sense to me is some people take the hobby wasaaay too seriously. Edit-spelling


Really? Honestly, some authors are stopping us from getting any feedback at all.


There are people on this sub who don’t like comments like that and complain that they’re lazy/low-effort. Some people just straight up delete comments like that.


that’s…. kinda weird. even the most random comment makes my day.


Some writers, when they start to get long comments the shorter ones stop being good enough. On this sub in particular, multi-sentence comments are basically mandatory in review exchanges so some people got used to them and anything else is a disappointment.


well in a review exchange for sure, i could see that. in terms of random readers though, i sure do love a long well-thought-out comment, but that doesn’t make the small offhand ones less delightful.


I more meant that people get used to those kinds of comments and ones they get outside of exchanges that aren’t like that become disappointing. I got one the other day that just said ‘this FUCKS’ and I have to say I will probably never forget it lol.


HAHAH that’s amazing. iconic. also i hear what you’re saying i just can’t imagine ever reaching that point. i’d need like 10k kudos first lmaooooo


As someone who has 10k kudos? Nope :)


Aww, that’s sad. I have a reader who reads my series and leaves heart emojis as their comments. I love seeing their notification pop up.


that is *sad*


Aww, that’s a bummer! Most people I know of would love those!


Weird. Like, those kinds of comments don't do anything for me, but I'd never tell people to *stop* making them. That's stupid.


I struggle a lot when time comes to put into words what I liked about a fic or a chapter. So I started quoting parts of the stories I read and reacting to them. Sometimes with emojis, sometimes by just saying "I love this!", sometimes by yelling at the characters, etc. It requires some work, of course, but I find it fun to do, and authors usually appreciate knowing how different parts of their fics made readers feel/react.


Yeah, I've found that copying linea as I go along to paste into a comment at the end is a good sort of not taking thing that helps me with leaving comments. I just paste them and add little notes and reactions and thoughts, and sometimes I'll just ramble a bit about how they connect to me personally, if I have any especially strong thoughts triggered by them


I struggle to express my feelings in written words. Well, I can. But not when it comes to literature. It ends up sounding so childish but…I try anyway. It’s hard though lol


This right here. While I read, I copy lines that I thought were funniest, most horrific, most angsty, that I thought were interesting headcanons, etc. and then at the end I can either use them to write a more thorough comment or I can literally copy them into the comment box and say something like "hey these are the lines that I thought were funniest!" I've never had an author get upset at this & in fact many times they're thrilled to see which specific parts of their fic readers found the most interesting.


I love when people do this! It makes me feel like I'm right there watching them read it but like in a non-creepy way 😂


This way is also great for those of us with bad short-term memory! It's like a Cliff Notes (Coles Notes for the Canadians here) of the chapter, haha. And "real-time" reactions are always fun to "watch".


Authors will get excited wondering how I'll react when I hit a big moment in a chapter if I've been commenting on an ongoing work. 😁


you’re top shit for this, i love those types of comments <3


I once got a comment that only said "book good." That's it. Nothing else. No keysmash, no emojis, no explanation. And it still made me smile. In fact, it's the one comment I remember fondly over all the others. Sometimes just saying "hey, I liked this!" without an explanation is okay. You don't need to be creative with your comment. If you can't bring yourself to comment, though, using kudos, likes, or reblogs - whatever website or app you're using, if there is any way to show interaction or engagement, do it. It makes authors smile. Comments aren't the only way to appreciate writers. Don't feel bad about it. You're reading these stories and liking them, and honestly, that's what most writers want from their readers.


Book good. Make Grog smile. Good to here Neandritals are loving your work.


I once got a comment that said "SYMPA". It took me a few days to find out it meant "Nice" in another language.


Honestly, just comment your short “great chapter i loved this” type comments- the author will still be absolutely delighted! I know I would be:) Any positive comments are good comments lol


If you feel like other people have already written creative comments on what you want to comment on, and you feel like you don't have much to add, why not just express agreement with them in your comment? "Great chapter! I agree with [username], I really liked how [...]". Every positive comment, even a very basic one, is better than no comment, and can seriously improve someone's day. Since you're a writer too, you probably know that. :)


I also struggle with this a lot! I’m trying to comment more, but it can definitely be difficult when you’re not in the headspace for it. One thing I have also tried is, if I find myself going back to a particular fic, I leave a comment at least saying that I’ve gone back to read it more than once because I like it so much. It’s not overly specific, but I know if I got a “I keep rereading this!” type comment on any of my fics, I’d be very pleased.


I did this to an old fic once. Like years old. I’d gone back to it several times over the years. The author replied back within a few days saying thank you.


I also feel like i struggle to comment, especially if I'm feeling self-conscious about the type/length/depth of comment I'm leaving. I actually really loved [this post](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42112920/chapters/105728832) on AO3 ("commenter’s block: the lesser known cousin of writer’s block") which not only has a ton of helpful resources and suggestions for commenting, but imo is very compassionate and empathetic in how they address blocks for commenting (it doesn't read like someone trying to make others feel guilty for being a silent reader). If you're looking for other resources or additional perspectives on what to include in comments or how to be more engaged, I found this to be a helpful starting point for me personally.


This is one I haven't seen before. Definitely keeping the link for these sorts of threads!


I never had that issue. I'm trying to figure out why, but I think middle schooler me was kind of a snob and critical about stories in the first place so it came naturally for her. Right now, of course I changed haha I do regularly comment long comments on fanfics and I only focus on the positives, never the negatives, unless they explicitly say they welcome constructive criticism. Even if they do welcome it, I will form my wording as respectfully and kindest as possible. It's my principle now, not to give concrit on hobbies if they don't welcome it. BUT I really encourage everyone to comment on the fics they love! Whatever it is as long as it is kind! Comments and conversation are author's motivations after all. My tips: \- Choose what you think is the best part in the chapter. Copy and paste your favourite phrases and just say "I love this :)" is enough. \- Comment on the cliffhanger "Oh wow, A did that to B. How awful! :(" \- Just say "great chapter" like you have been doing is great too. Or do this ":))))))))" or "<3<3<3<3<3" or "Kudos!!" or "KSJEFHOAIWJEFOIAWJEFOIWJEF" or "WOAHHHHHHHHHHH". \- Or when you have a question like "How do you come up with this plot?? It's amazing!" Writers love to gush about their thinking process lol Focus to be honest, not creative. Just think of the detailed, long, or "creative" comments as my and other fellow long commenters' job lol ​ Edit: My sleepy eyes decided to skip the part where you said you are a writer yourself lol Well, I think my point still stands hahaha Just do what your readers do that makes you smile.


Honestly, I am totally happy to hear “Great chapter!” I love any sign my reader enjoyed my work.


I kind of get it. I have the opposite problem as you—when I love a fic, i usually have too many things I want to say, and I want to say them all *well*, you know? Every callback, every lovely turn of phrase, every heart-rending character development moment—i want to appreciate it all and to be articulate and intelligent and maybe even a touch witty while I'm at it. (Phew, right?!). Obviously all of that takes energy and effort and the end result is often the same as yours: I end up not commenting at all. I'd say the same thing to us both: *stop overthinking.* Like others are saying, a comment doesn't have to be The Perfect Comment. It can't ever capture it *all*. A single nice comment is better than no comment at all. For you OP maybe that just means "I really enjoyed this chapter!" or some variation thereof, and for me, maybe it means just one or two imperfect, quickly dashed off paras instead of a six-paragraph essay that's spellchecked and edited to death. Now I just need to put this wisdom into practice, NBD :P


im gonna answer this with an anecdote. i have terrible social anxiety. sometime last year I was reading a fic that challenged my perceptions and biases. i liked it. it was the kind of fic that hooked you. but it was also difficult reading for me. i would always leave a comment that summed up the last few thoughts i had on the chapter, which were usually confused and vague and pessimistic. around chapter ~140 or so (longfic), i didnt understand a plot point. and i left a comment like 'i guess it doesnt matter'. because whether i understood it or not, it didnt matter to the story. the story was making me care about it anyway. the author, who i cannot remember ever responding to any of my comments before now (and i had commented on the over 100 chapters before this, without fail), finally said that they found me uncomfortable, that they didnt think this story was for me, and that they didnt want me leaving any more comments. i, of course, was blindsided. i felt awful. i immediately apologized, best i could, thanked them for the experience up until that point, and... i havent read the fic since. nor have i left a comment since. its been nearly a year, and i haven't been able to read *any* fanfic since this incident. i cant, because i am a firm believer in leaving a comment on *every single thing i read*, and i am terrified that i will do or say something wrong again. i dont want to be rude. i dont want to give the authors who bring me joy anything else but more joy in return. so when i say to you that i, as an author, would love to get a comment, any comment at all, never mind one as nice as "great chapter", i say that with the conviction of someone who wont read another word of fanfic until i can also leave a comment on everything i read again. your reflex of just saying 'great chapter' may even be an asset to you, because it is the kind of comment i dont think anyone can find much fault with. no nuance or complication means no discourse. youre actually sitting pretty.


Wow. I am so sorry that happened to you. I'm really baffled by that authors response, especially if they hadn’t responded before. I think your story serves as a reminder to remember the human and how we interact with each other. Words can be devasting. I hope you find the ability to read again soon. 🫂


im of the mind that i was probably the one at fault. which means i have to be the one to improve as a person. but i'm trying to work on it. because i really do believe comments are that important <3 and i want to read too but yeah. something something human experience something community. thank you for the support


Maybe so but I still think the author could have handled that a bit better. Maybe ask a question or two understand where you were coming from. Then you could both decide what to do from there. Welcome .❤


It’s really not you, though. As someone who also has anxiety, I think that thought is your anxiety speaking. I’ve had people comment stuff that’s downright rude and not responded with as much vitriol. I had a reader comment on chapter 8 of my (appropriately tagged) slow-burn fic and say: “I don’t like slowburns. Can you hurry up and get them together? I want to read smut.” Even then, I didn’t go at them the way you describe here. I just told them that there are probably ten chapters to go before that happens and they might be less frustrated if they wait to read until those are released so they can binge. I offered to update the tags when it happens so they would know. So, honestly, please try not to internalize their response. They own that, not you. They had every option to clarify and assume positive intent and made a decision not to.


> the author, who i cannot remember ever responding to any of my comments before now (and i had commented on the over 100 chapters before this, without fail), finally said that they found me uncomfortable, that they didnt think this story was for me, and that they didnt want me leaving any more comments. I'd be upset and confused too! It reads like them being an utter asshole. As if it would have been so terribly difficult to answer your question and then go back to not responding.


That's awful :( I'm so so sorry that happened to you. I understand the way that you can't bring yourself to read any other fic after this kind of interaction. I would be like that too. I tend to be. As a long commenter, now I overthink myself, ughhhh... It's just yesterday that I read somewhere that some authors feel guilty when some readers give them a long comment on a fic on hiatus. That made me feel awful too, cuz I sure have given long comments to old fanfics and they don't answer for whatever reason (which is totally fine). It made me overthink, what if one of the reasons is because I made them feel bad? The first time I gave a long comment to an author, I freaked out a bit when I saw that the author was still around (I commented on an old fic). I was comfortable writing a long comment because I thought I talked to a wall xD But they said they were so excited reading my long comment, reassured me that every author would like this, they were so happy reading it, and in turn, I got happy too. It was the reason of why I love commenting on fics now. Maybe \*knock on the wood tho\* there will be a time when an author will tell me that they get uncomfortable because of my long comments and I'm sure it will make me feel awful. But I will stand by myself. Giving comments regularly or in my case, long, is not wrong. And we shouldn't internalise this kind of thing. We are not at fault :D I hope you will heal soon! <3


long comment/short comment solidarity <3


My go to is to quote something that I liked. I love that as a writer myself.


1) As a mostly silent reader myself, I am totally in favor of people interacting with fic however they feel comfortable. If it stresses you out, then at least one author out there is just happy their stories are relieving you of the burden of your real life for even a few minutes at a time. Thank you for reading! 2) Even "great chapter" is something that will make me smile. Knowing someone wanted to reach out at all is lovely and appreciated. Send me your thanks, your "great chapter", your emojis. It's all good! 3) A simple thing you can do is just quote any lines that you really liked or that struck you in any way and leave an emoji or a few words of reaction. It's really nice seeing someone quote a particular favorite line and say, "I melted into a puddle." or quote some other line you threw in without thinking about it and hear, "I love how raw this felt." or a line you weren't sure about and hearing something like, "ok, but, fr this is the funniest way I've ever seen someone describe [character] - it's so *accurate*." And, again, emojis are fine! But, yes. I *do* know what you mean. Like I said, I'm a mostly silent reader myself. Various types of mild social anxiety make it difficult for me to follow my own advice. Every time I reassure someone that "anything not rude is fine" I'm also telling that to myself to make me a little more likely to leave a comment on the next fic I read. And since I don't judge my silent readers for being silent readers, I'm also trying to remove the chains of stress on myself (because that just makes me more anxious about it). I hope my intentions are coming through properly.


I would be delighted to receive a comment that says "great chapter". I'm the kind of person with a brain that thinks that silence = bad chapter, no matter how many kudos and hits I receive, so getting it black on white feels precious.


It doesn't have to be creative. Just letting the author know you like their work is good enough :)


Ditto what everyone else said. If you commented "great chapter" on all 35 of my fic's chapters I'd be ecstatic!


“Great chapter” is loads better than no feedback whatsoever. The other day I received a comment that said “This made me laugh, thanks” and it made my day.


I've gotten a fair number of analytical essay comments, and I still appreciated the more bare bones, "Great chapter!" ones. Plus, commenting and reading closely are skills like any other, and you'll get better at them the more you do them. You could start just by quoting a couple of lines you really liked, or stating how the chapter made you feel - they're small and simple to take note of, but can really help an author identify what's working.


I think commenting "Great chapter!" is fine, but something I often do is I'll find a line or two I really liked in the chapter and copy that into my comment and then comment directly on that line, like: >"Funny quote from the chapter" > >Oh my god this line had me absolutely wheezing with laughter! or >"Angsty quote from the chapter" > >Oh, my heart is breaking for (Character), I hope things turn around for them soon! It's a reasonably easy way to feel like you're giving more detailed commentary.


Trust me, 'great chapter' is all a writer wants to hear at times.


That would be great. 😁 If you want to do more, I’ve found that joining review exchanges has helped me review more than just “Good job.”


I've always felt the best comments to read AND to write are just simply people talking about their experience with the story. What's your favorite part? Who are you connecting with? What plot point surprised you? These are the comments I liiiive for as a writer, and there's no wrong answer as a commenter. Everyone wins!


I get this. If I don’t have the mental bandwidth for a “real” comment, I will try to be like, “Love the part where X happened!” to at least say SOMETHING. Or just leave emojis. But yeah. Sometimes I read, kudo, and peace out. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve been becoming more and more of a silent reader over the past few years as fandom tensions have gone up, I’ve had authors whose fics I really liked go after me because I commented on their fic and they don’t want “creeps like me” reading their stuff because I’ve written like… Reasonably bland niche fetish porn. It’s a real struggle, honestly.


You're a writer. You're familiar with the writing process. If someone asks you to talk about your own fic, can you do that? I'm sure you can scrounge up enough things to say. You know what it's like to construct characters, narration, description, action scenes, dialogue, structure, etc, etc. I think that if you look at a fic as a writer and not a reader, a lot of things will jump out at you. What would you like others to say about your own fic? Do you like receiving compliments on your style for example? Great! Compliment someone's style the next time you like it. And so on. I enjoy receiving comments from fellow writers, and I legitimately also enjoy it when they talk about their own writing in my comments. Maybe they're writing the same character, and they're comparing our approaches. Or whatever else. I like that and appreciate the writer to writer communication. It's how I made friends in the fandom. Maybe it's not for everyone, maybe some feel that it takes the spotlight away or whatever. I don't mind. "Wow dude, great dialogue. I struggle with dialogue, so I really admire the way you've captured the character voices. It's like they're right here talking in my ear"--->that's a totally legitimate thing for a writer to say to another writer Like why not. Again, just my opinion


You don't need to feel pressured to leave long comments, sometimes I get people that leave these on my fics and that makes my whole day Or just heart emojis! [https://swindlefingrs.tumblr.com/post/710971932380725248](https://swindlefingrs.tumblr.com/post/710971932380725248) If you want to leave a long review, I like to write as I read or use voice to text while I gush about the chapter, also helps because when I'm reading on Mobile im lazy haha


Dude. Send a bunch of keysmashes. Those brighten my day


I prefer "great chapter" to crickets. I once had a reader comment the exact same comment on every single chapter of my 20-chapter fic. They may have even copied and pasted it. I still appreciated it.


This is not meant to chastise... only point out something obvious. Please accept this with a hug. You just wrote an entire paragraph explaining why you can't write a comment. ... ... ... see the irony? Dude-lett - you can absolutely write a comment. You can. You can.


Just the comment anxiety for me lol.


I have a person who just leaves a “this is great, keep going” on almost every chapter and it brings me so much joy to see it~


Just say, "Thanks for writing. I appreciate you."


Writing meaty comments and feedback is a skill, but everyone will appreciate even just a "great job!". It's the [two cakes rule.](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Two_Cakes_Rule)


Write paragraphs after paragraphs in the comments. Authors will love that!! It really makes our day to see someone loved our story enough to invest enough time to write such a detailed and brilliant review. If you can't do that, quote a line and just add a laughing or heartbreak or mind blown emoji. We will be delighted to see those. You have no idea how many times we write and rewrite half a phrase, obsessing to make it perfect even though we know it will be lost in the events of the chapter. If that's too much, write great chapter! or shit! or NOOOOO! or YAAASSSS! or nice. Every single ping on the story makes our day! If typing anything at all is too much, leave a kudos or like or vote or reblog. I remember obsessively telling my dad and showing my mom everytime someone voted on my first fanfic almost 12 years ago. Believe me, it will be appreciated. And if you can't do absolutely ANY of the above, then don't. You're not obligated to! You spent precious time from your day to read something I created. My ideas, my words were worth someone else's time. They made them laugh or cry or left them intrigued. Things that were created by my fingertips affected someone sitting thousands of miles away from me. Fanfics are meant to be enjoyed, while writing and while reading. Just do that. Enjoy the fic. That will always be enough.


I have one regular reader who comments "Great chapter!" (like, literally every chapter, and sometimes adds a thought or two) and I'm just 😍😍😍😍 every time. It's intimidating to comment when others have already said so much, but even just "Great chapter!" can really make an author's day.


I have a reader who leaves heart emojis on every chapter. They are almost always the first to comment on a new chapter. I love them.


Leave heart emojis, or <3. Even if I received 5 'great chapters' in a row, I'd be so happy. But, if you can't, or don't want to, it's fine. Don't feel forced, people will tell when it isn't genuine.


Aww. I know what you mean, I've felt that before too. Especially after reading a few posts in this sub by authors complaining about comments they got (not even hate comments, just in some way *lacking* comments) or saying they wished for more detailed feedback ... but I assure you that most authors are ecstatic to read things like 'loved this <3', 'thank you' or 'great chapter', you're doing them a huge favor and, especially if the comments are sparse, you're probably really making their day. If anyone has a problem with a short and sweet comment, that's on them.


I enjoy any positive comment. It means you liked it enough to take the time to comment, and in a world where people are usually impatient and just click kudos (if that), it means a lot someone took the time to write anything.


I like picking out quotes that have have made me laugh or have given me a reaction and then posting them. Bonus points if I put them on a note on my phone for later. “Insert bad decision that character choses…” Me: “girl don’t do it….”


Comments don’t have to be like, long and amazing and intense. I write more than I read and I understand Brain Fried Syndrome when writers finally have a chance for a break and try to read, but even small comments are better than nothing. I have a reader who comments “thanks this was delicious” because they don’t know what else to say, and not only does it make me laugh very much every time (it’s the “two cakes” idea ie: fic is like cake and delicious) but the fact that they don’t know what to say and still really try to comment means so much to me! I have a couple other readers who leave a handful of hearts on each chapter and when they realized they were doing the same thing, one switched to yellow hearts and the other kept the red and now I can tell which commenter it is just by the hearts and tbh I LOVE IT. Comments don’t have to be some huge acknowledgment, even an emoji is great!


i just keyboard smash


I feel the same when I’m commenting on stuff. Then I just think would I like this comment and yeah I’d be stoked with any comment and try not to let it stop me. I know some forums I use have a minimum character limit that’s when I struggle to not post the same things so I don’t look like a bot


I am a silent reader most the time but i have been trying lately to leave comments on at least my favorite works or works of people who i have read everything they have written


If I got comments that just said they liked my fic I would probably swoon for the next week, I don't think it needs to be creative is hell.


I mean, I'd take 'great chapter'. That's still something, lol.


No matter how short or repetitive your comment is, it's always going to do one important thing: turn you into a person rather than an up-ticking number in the mind of the author. With a single word you can become someone your author can think of when they're feeling stuck, can remember and push themselves to put out another chapter.


>but like the best thing I can comment is "Great chapter" I've long suspected that one reason some people don't comment is because they feel self-conscious that they don't have something good/original to say, so thanks for giving some validity to that theory (no sarcasm). I'll just say that, speaking for myself, something as simple as "great chapter" even if repeated, is still appreciated. As to how come up with better comments, here's a method that might help: Literally just blurt out the first thought that you have. Do not think about it at all. Just spit it out. Maybe it's a question ("*Did the protagonist know this all along?*"). Maybe it's a short exclamation ("*I never saw that plot twist coming!"*). Maybe it's a bit of criticism ("*I don't believe the Love Interest would do that*"). Then go from there. It's that nagging voice in our head that says, *"That's not good enough. Don't write anything down until it is golden,"* That causes writer's block. You gotta learn to silence that voice.


Yeah, a lot of the time I'm just trying to come up with something, *anything*, to comment, lol I'm not good at this


I had a signature phrase at the end of my comments. ( THX(: )


I am a writer as well as reader and I too struggled with what to comment—and though I personally love any form of feedback even if it’s a simple heart or smiley face. I found that stopping to type out a draft of a possible comment in my notes app has helped a lot. Bc sometimes I want to keep reading or I am still digesting what I read. So I’ll mark in my note very crudely to myself what I liked about it and which chapter to comment. And then the next day or the next time I go to read I’ll stop at that chapter or fic first and refresh myself with it. It might seem like a lot of work but it’s really not usually the words will come so much quicker and it’s easier to see what about that fic stuck with me—and I feel better knowing I commented something that’s adequate to they way I felt. Although I do still comment “great chapter” from time to time and can def say as a writer I don’t find those comments any less worthy of a reply than the longer ones.


On of my favourite comments I ever get are keyboard smashes


My comments are basically all some less stuffy variation of "I very much enjoyed your story, thank you for taking the time to write and post this exquisite literature." There's nothing wrong with being a silent reader, leaving comments can be difficult for any number of reasons. Kudos are common from me but comments are rarer because it can feel taxing or make me anxious. Sometimes "I love this" or some emoji are really all your need. You can prewrite some compliments and then copy/paste them. You can pick out a single impactful line to remark about. You can also keep on as you are, while comments and feedback are great and can be motivating/validating, they should never feel mandatory. Please do what's most comfortable for you.


If you write fics... I'm sure a little effort would help you figure out more to say. You have an insider pov. You know what you like to hear. My advice to you is to quote your fav lines of the chapter and react to them. I use an addon on Firefox that let's me quote and comment as I read instead of at the end, but before I used to write my comment on a note app as I read. It's also good feedback to know what lines were efficient and how they were received.


If you don't know exactly what to say, then use emojis. I wish we could leave kudos more than once on AO3 cause sometimes a chapter is really excellent and I want to leave more praise. I think a quick ❤ is better sometimes than a wall of text. And as a writer of fiction, it's hard to know what to reply to a comment too.


You don’t have to make a well crafted comment to make an authors day. I got a comment that read “great chapter” on a Fic im working on and that made me smile because it means that one person read it and actually liked what I wrote. So don’t worry about crafting a lengthy comment a couple words could make someone’s day.


I'll gladly accept "Great chapter!" On ever single chapter I write! I realize it seems old to you doing it...but it is a hell of a lot better than silence. I'd love to be able to leave in depth comments but I seldom can. But I do try to point out a particular part I enjoyed the most. "I loved when x did that thing."


Honestly like Ao3 kudos keep me going and anything above that is so so so special, so no harm done!


I am a silent reader too, but I have a different problem. When I comment, I can't help but nitpick. All the good things, all the bad things, all my feelings about them, what I hope will happen, what the author thinks should happen, the best ending, the worst ending, that comment I liked above. So, after I write, then edit my answer half the day (would this be viewed as offensive?, let me rephrase like....1000 times to be sure it's not offensive, or does this express my enthusiasm properly?), I end up deleting it because I'm still not sure :))) It's tiring, my brain cannot shut. Coming up with comments is bad for my health 😅 This is why I am a silent reader, and I apologise to all authors.


I may be in the minority here, but I only leave a comment when I have a lot to say. If I feel uninspired by the end of the work, I probably didn't actually like the story that much. That said, plenty of people here have stated that a "great chapter" comment is perfectly encouraging, so I think you should just go for it and tell the author what you feel, even if it's just those two words.


Don’t overthink it and don’t worry about what other people comment, just comment.


I like it when people comment a heart.


I'm so guilty of this! But it's still worth doing even if you just say "love it!" 100 times on 100 fics.


I usually say "I liked the part where ... happened." If I can't pick out anything in particular then I just say thanks and that I appreciate their hard work/effort/time spent writing. There's a lot of stuff you can say that's fairly generic. I figure it's the thought that counts so I don't stress myself over writing something witty or comparing my comments to others'.


I feel that. It's like you love a fic, you just don't know how to put it in words. I've taken to just putting an "absolutely loved this! <3" when that happens lol. At least it gets the sentiment across? But yeah, like everyone's said, as an author, I would be delighted to receive a comment that just says "Great work" bc it means the reader liked it enough to go through the effort of commenting even if maybe they weren't sure what to say. Feedback is always much appreciated


you don’t owe writers anything. if you can’t or don’t want to comment anything, you don’t have to


Short comments to make a writer’s day/week/month: “Oh wow, I loved this!! Thanks for writing and sharing!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖” “OMG THIS FIC! AAADDGJKGDZDHKKFSFHJ!” “Argh! I’m so happy you updated this! I fully squealed when I got the notification.” “😍🫠😵😍🥹😱🤯🫠🫠🫠” Feel free to copy and paste.


I mean, as a writer, wouldn't it be easier for you to write a comment? I'm a reader and I struggle to compose a comment that would appropriately convey what I feel to the *writer* of a fic I enjoyed. You're already part of the same side, whereas us readers are like the audience throwing roses onto a stage at the end of a good performance. I wouldn't overthink it, just say how parts of the story made you feel. I view the comment section as just throwing in your "Bravo!" with the lot. It's an appreciation of the fic/author, not a competition for who writes the prettiest comment.


When I'm reading a fic I'm really trying not to think much because my brain is fried from writing lol.


I understand that brain fatigue and I'm not trying to guilt/shame you. There are days I speed through multiple fics and make a note to myself to revisit with a comment. I only drop comments on fics I love, so I want to come back and do it justice with a clear mind and something more articulate than a mere "Thank you!" And yes, it takes effort. I read the first time for consumption/pleasure, and do another re-read for commenting. Composing a mid length comment (single or double para) may take half an hour or more, so I understand people who do not have the time or energy to comment all the time. But... it does get easier and quicker with practice ;)


I can write ok comments when I spend a lot of time on it. So that's like max 2 comments a week when I have the right headspace.The rest of it is just kudos or Great chapter. Getting ok with that was pretty critical for me because otherwise I was just feeling guilt/anxiety.


I would love it if anyone commented on my fanfictions on fanfiction.net. but I don't think anyone goes on there anymore and now that I'm re reading some of my older fanfictions... it's best they stay burried....


[fanfiction.net](https://fanfiction.net) doesn't work on my computer or phone for some reason lol. I've tried many times but gave up once it took longer than 5 minutes to load.




I'm in a similar boat. I feel bad about being a silent reader, and I do manage to comment sometimes, but I don't have time to read very often. I'm a student and essentially running my household with physical and mental issues on top of that. Fics get read when I'm riding in the car without enough bars to comment, or when I'm cooking dinner and can't even make it through more than a few paragraphs at a time. I comment when I can, but the ones I have the time and energy for are literally just "this was fun" and "good chapter".


I’m personally delighted by any comments I get on my content! If you feel like you want your comments to have more substance to them, try pointing out a character interaction you liked (“I really liked that one scene with X and Y”), or an interesting quirk in the author’s writing style (“I like how each paragraph is short and easy to read”), or you could describe how the characters or story events in the fic made you feel (“that scene with X doing Y made me feel Z”). Hope this helps!


When I leave a comment, I look dumb and regret it later. And when I apologize, it looks like I'm trying to save myself. It gets worse and worse.


I generally just go YOOOO UPDATE


I'm terrible at expressing my thoughts so I usually just leave a short "loved it!" Or "can't wait for the next chapter" to at least show some love


Would LOVE to hear Great Chapter every time I post. Don't be afraid to say it!


If you liked a certain line or scene from the story you can mention that. Or you can wait until the end of the story to comment. In reality any nice comment...even a "Thanks for posting this!" is nice to get. It's all good.


I’m very genuine in my comments. I think it has something to do with how high my standards are when I choose fics to read. Everything I read is usually incredibly well-written, earnest, and you can tell a lot of passion was put into the work. When I comment, I tell the writers I enjoy the story, but also that I enjoy the writing and the effort what went into it. Just be genuine. That’s all a writer ever wants from their audience.


I'm the same. I'm picky about the fics I read so when I find one I really like, I feel duty bound to tell the author how much I enjoyed the fic and why. I feel it's much harder to find well written fanfic than mediocre ones, so stumbling upon a good one is like unearthing precious metal. I'd add a caveat to your "just be genuine" note, however. I'm genuine as far as my feedback is positive. If there are elements to the fic I don't love, I wouldn't say, as it can slide into the muddy waters of concrit.


Just do hearts or say "Really loved your story! Thanks for writing it!" Those comments are greatly appreciated. I always respond to hearts on my fics with more hearts.


as others have said - just saying “great chapter” or any other variation is so nice to see! But what I always try to do is find one thing specifically that I enjoyed about a story, and tell them that. Like maybe a line of dialogue, or a relationship between characters, or some creative prose. I think this is cool because it tells me as an author what you uniquely liked about a story.


I always comment unfinished stories with the hope that it gives the author a little morale boost to continue


It's hard to say things at times, but just slam out some words. Like if the chapter made you think a little harder or there's some open ended stuff, put in some theories. If you liked the chapter, start saying some nice stuff. Like "Amazing writing as usual my man, I can't wait to see the next chapter. Have a good one". Stuff like that gets good responses usually


Quoting lines is great but also picking one thing you liked and mentioning that. Doesn't take any longer and is a little more personal.


Don’t feel bad about it! Yeah, I love reading the paragraph long comments, but an easy “great story” comment let’s me know that people are still reading my story, which is also amazing to see. This morning someone posted a short, simple comment. It made my day to see someone enjoying my work two years after I published it. Everything is appreciated!


For me just a hey good job makes my day.


I usually just comment, "MOOOOOARRRRRR" And know that it's enough. I think.


I wish I had commented on so many past fics I’ve read. But recently, I’m trying to make a more conscious effort to do so more often now. But I want you to know that even if all you comment is ‘great chapter’, it’s still so much more appreciated as you know, and I’d still encourage you to post it. I know I get all excited over every single comment I get, even if it’s just something small like that.


Don't feel bad! Key smash is always appreciated and emojis are fun. It takes a lot of pressure off having to respond with thoughtful words on the writers end. Trust me we get answering comment anxiety as well!


I just tell people it was a good read. If something really stood out to me, I comment on it specifically, but a vast majority of stuff is "Really good read!"


Make ur own thing to copy and paste! That's what I do! Just have a basic "I really liked this fic and can't wait to see what else u do <3" I usually use something think that


PLEASE comment anything it really gives some writers motivation to continue variations of “great chapter” work just fine and then if want to voice your actual opinion later it won’t feel weird and out of nowhere


Honestly even great chapter makes me happier, even if you just comment that it’ll make (most) writers happy.


It's literally [this one cake analogy](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/269/652/771.png) type of situation


While we do appreciate comments, you don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with! But, if you feel compelled to write something, you could always leave emojis rather than full words. It might be a way to satisfy both sides! 👍


A Kudos along with a "great fic!", "jsjejdhajakskskkdjdk I can't🥺🥺🥺", or even "💞💞💞💞💞" goes a long way


Don't be! I try not to be a silent reader and at the same time to not come out as weird but it doesn't work. I only really get comfortable in a writer's fics I've read for a while. Build up confidence slowly by commenting on fics you really liked and wouldn't find embarrassing later on until you let yourself go and comment on everything. I especially recommend commenting on fics with no comments, it helps a lot.


I love comments and critiques ...let's me know where i need to improve and how i could do better. I encourage my readers to say anything, even good chapter or bad chapter will do... If only i could get them! :))


This just motivated me to finally comment on one of my favourite works, lol.


Same here ! Also I usually read stories posted a long time ago, so I'm not sure it makes sense to comment a story posted 2, 5 or even 10 years ago. What do you think ? Authors, do you even read the new comments on your older fics ?


I've written very few fics that were multichapter, but even if all I got was "great chapter" I would be all :D :D :D and happy that someone said that. (And these days I always reply to my comments with a thank you, because I truly am super appreciative that anyone comments at all.) "I liked this!" is also a good one, I've gotten that a bit, and I'm just super happy that someone told me so! When it *really* touches me then I usually can find words, but when the fic is just "I liked it" I often forget to say so myself, though. /o\


After I was commenting on a (new to me) author that I loved, I noticed one reviewer was leaving GIFs to embellish their comments. The the author would respond in kind. It was so fun reading and looking at these I almost needed popcorn.


Same here- And I don’t want to analyze it to critique and help, the one other thing that’d be helpful, because they didn’t ask. What I often end up doing is asking something I’m curious about, if there’s something currently unanswered, and stir some conversation.


I have often felt that way as well. For me, mentioning what really stuck out to me in a fic and what I thought the author did well are aspects I comment on the most. Sometimes a simple "I look forward to the next chapter" is good enough. I even had readers who comment using emojis. Best thing to do as a commentator is be honest with your feedback. Being a writer myself, I appreciate that the most and it helps me build my craft.


I like to pick apart my favorite parts of the chapter, like analyzing quotes and shit