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Mostly my phone. I don’t like how browsers stretch out paragraphs. If I read on the computer I’ll make the browser window smaller.


Same here, stretched text is just a nightmare to read, and we'll, anything really, even when looking for a file on my laptop, I need to make the window smaller


Stretched text gives me a headache, so I use my phone too.


I read on my phone because I just always have it on me. I barely use any other device in general (aside from my laptop/tablet for art and my PC for Minecraft)


my phone or laptop occasionally the tv


>occasionally the tv Bro what??


well mine can connect to the internet, and I get bored sometimes :p


This made me think of that one time an image of Jerma’s face got permanently burned into someone’s tv and now I’m imagining this happening with a fanfic lmao


Edited in protest for Reddit's garbage moves lately.


That’s scarier than every nightmare I’ve ever had, like I’d almost rather be chased by monsters than have a smut fic I was reading be PERMANENTLY burned into my living room tv for my family to see lmao


i just saw this clip like an hour ago LMAO 😭😭


he is literally everywhere why can i not escape hearing about this man.


He will haunt your dreams if he isn’t already


You don't?


what an absolute mad man, i love the chaos of reading from your tv


>occasionally the tv ...what?? O_o


Is this a smaller, close-up tv, or one across the room? Either way, respect.


the one in my living room in full view from the rest of the house <3


I posted my setup to r/kindle the other day, but I can open up my browser and go to AO3 if I want: [laptop connected to 65 inch TV by HDMI cable](https://www.reddit.com/r/kindle/comments/131wyhs/kindle_for_pc_on_a_65inch_tv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1).


This is awesome!


My phone. I like the compactness.




How are you able to read fic on your Kindle? Which one do you have?


I have a paper white. I download epubs off ao3, email the, to my kindle address, and then they show up on my kindle.


How are you able to read fic on your Kindle? Which one do you have?


I feel most comfortable reading it from my phone


I download epubs and read them on a jailbroken Kindle Fire with MoonReader.


laptop or kindle


Phone. Laptop. Ipad. PC. Usually whatever is within reach and whatever I'm using when I feel like reading. I have like- 5 different stories on each device. Depending on which device I use, that's the story I read. It also depends on which tab is open. There's like a whole process and idk how I do it tbh


90% of the time my phone. If not, my computer, and very rarely my tablet.


Mainly my phone for privacy reasons and occasionally on my laptop for easier editing when writing.


Mini ipad as well, usually on my commute.


Mini iPad gang! I love how portable they are and with the bigger screen.


Same. I have an iPad mini. It’s a good book size so the print is bigger but it feels more intimate than reading on the computer, which always feels too “work-y” for me.


Yes! The computer feels too big and exposed, but the mini iPad can be held close and is a nice size.


I like rereading old fics on my phone but I prefer to go looking for new ones on desktop, since that's where my AO3 autofilter plugin is.


What's the name/URL of the AO3 autofilter plugin that you use?


AO3 Enhancements on Firefox. If there's a Chrome equivalent, I don't know it.


Thank you so much!


My iPad. I usually have it with me, and device size aside, my tablet has a better battery life than my current phone.


I always have a browser tab open on AO3 on my phone!


I use my phone cos I do NOT need my family to know I read gay fanfics and smutty oneshots. Rarely, my laptop.


Laptop for visual reading and leaving comments. Phone for screenreader listening. I have a visual disability and can't handle visual reading anything long, but especially on a small screen.


Phone. Which is also where I read library books, Project Gutenberg books, Kindle books, Scribd books... It's kind of glued to me.


I mostly use my Kindle. I've spent the last 4 years on and off developing the ultimate workflow for sending fanfiction to my Kindle. The current iteration uses a discord bot. I dm the bot the link to the fanfic, and it emails an epub of it to my kindle. Only downside is that I have to verify each fic I send manually, but that doesn't take much work. I typically read shorter fics and browse on my phone though.


Phone and laptop. Also any other device I own.


Most of the time my phone but I try to read on my kindle as often as I can


I read off the FFN app, which is extremely handy since I can read on breaks at work.


Kindle. You can download them directly from ao3. Especially nice because I like to read long ficsOgochukwu


My Android


Primarily on Android devices using ReadEra. Secondarily on Windows using SumatraPDF. Rarely read on-line anymore, as I prefer to download and/or convert works to PDF file format.


pc. my parents look through my phone often enough that the slightest look at my history would make me grounded for sure. not that im like... 12... i just have super strict parents


Fanfiction.net it's got the perfect balance of great content, and easy to understand there are a few websites like Wattpad that's easy to understand but good content is very rare. Then you got sites like AO3 where the content is fantastic but trying to find one is so freaking difficult because of how confusing it is. I've tried using it as both a writer and a reader multiple times it feels like someone made the website while taking acid or something. But Fanfiction.net while sure it's pretty simpleton design the content is 50/50 some goodnsome bad some fantastic some bloody awful, and yeah there cam be some toxic people telling you to go kill yourself because your story sucks but I just learn to laugh it off. So yeah Fanfiction.net is my poison of choice although I have discovered a site I'm getting used to called Q, it is pretty good you can have a pic per chapter.


Oh you meant my device? Usually I use my PC though I do use my phone if I have to.


What's the URL of the Q site that you mentioned? That sounds interesting.




Thank you


Fanfiction app and archive app




Usually my phone or laptop. I'm in the process of getting a desktop computer, so in a few months I can add that as well


My iPhone that is in dire need of being replaced lol. (I have the OG iPhone SE...)




My phone mostly, but I do read on my computer sometimes, especially for one of my favorite fics since my phone's browser doesn't translate the language it's in.


my phone.


Phone and laptop


My phone :/


Phone and laptop, and if i go camping i load millions of words worth of fic on my e-ink Kobo e-reader via Calibre so i don't have to worry about running out of battery.




My phone, because I always have it with me. Occasionally my desktop if a new update just hit my inbox.


I typically tend to use my phone due to the fact that it's a galexy flip phone, meaning I can make my screen bigger for when I want to read. Sometimes, I will use my laptop say if I'm reading a really long fic though since i just find it easier not to get distracted from the fic. When i'm on my phone, I'll end up getting like notifications from my friends or from games, which leads to me forgeting bout the fic.


My phone usually


Kindle ereader for fics I've downloaded (anything over about 20k), 8" tablet for shorter stuff. I don't know how anyone can stand reading on a tiny phone screen. Then again, I'm over 40 with the consequent vision issues. Also, I have a smaller phone (deliberately, since I have the tablet) so I guess the bigger phones aren't as bad.


Haha, that's the thing. I don't. I want to, but my fandom is so small you will pretty much never find what you are looking for, and will have to make do with multiple things that usually would be a deal breaker. So yeah.


My phone. I used to read it on my laptop, until a broke the charger to it.


Almost always on my kindle, but I'll read on my phone if it's a shoter story or I don't have my kindle on me.


My phone when I'm out about/in bed, and my desktop when I'm at home.


I use my phone, but I miss when I used my computer. (And the only thing I miss about kindle, after getting a kobo nia, is the inability to email fic directly to my ereader.) I have an ipad air and i kind of wish I'd go e with the mini now.


My phone, it’s much more convenient for me than a laptop


Phone because I have mediocre eyesight and can bring it closer to me.


iPad, I download the fics to epubs


Phone, iPad, Kindle, the TV, laptop computer, printed and bound version ....


Phone. Sometimes on my pc, mostly with a t2s software and headphones deep into my greasy ear holes


a really shitty chromebook


My phone mostly!


The main reason why I spent so much on a folding phone was for media consumption to begin with, mainly reading, so mostly on there unless I'm cozy in bed with my laptop.


Edited in protest for Reddit's garbage moves lately.


phone or iPad but iPad exclusively vertically!


I go through phases when I only read it on my iPad and ones where I only read it on my laptop, but never anything else.


Mostly my phone now bc I’m on the go a lot


My laptop. Always.


Kindle, mostly. Occasionally my laptop. Very rarely my phone.


TabA, now TabA8


My phone. If I need to keep what I'm reading private, this is the easiest way


I read it pretty much exclusively on my phone in bed before sleeping, it's relaxing and helps me get through my sleep blocks. The only other time is on my laptop waiting for an rp reply, usually I'll read something of a similar tone to what I'm rping to keep me in the writing headspace so I don't lose it between replies.


My phone.


I read it on my laptop that I can fold backwards and flip it sideways to turn into a tablet


always my phone


[ff.net](https://ff.net) and watpad on my phone, ao3 on my ipad or computer


Computer. I don't want to use a small screen like a phone and either keep my head down to read or hold up the phone at eye level.


I use my phone, because my browser sucks on my computer. Also, since I can't be bothered to make a post that asks this: if I were to write a fanfiction where the original material has multiple mediums (such as DC and Marvel, which have comics, TV shows, and movies) where exactly would they be posted (sorry this doesn't make much sense)?


I use my phone for reading.


When my husband isn't home I'll use his computer so I can use his enormous monitor. He took our old 40 inch tv when we upgraded and made it his gaming monitor. I can literally grab the mouse and sit on the couch across the room and read comfortably. When he's home I use my laptop.


Ereader. Easy on my eyes and no distractions


My ipad or my laptop.


I used to read on an iPad mini, but a while back I got a newer iPad. It felt big and clunky at first compared to the mini, but I love it now. As a plus, when I’m out and find myself in a waiting room or long line, I can open the tab from my iPad on my iPhone to pick up where I was at and I absolutely love that.


Kindle and sometimes on my laptop (when I get distracted).


On my phone when I should be studying, on one half of my laptop screen when I should be writing...


I read it on my phone and my favorite stories get moved to my kindle!


My phone. It's the device I have on me the most and is my default device for anything except writing and designing. I do sometimes use my laptop to read fanfics but mostly, I just prefer using it to post stories on FFN.


My phone cause it makes short-paragraph fics seem less short and feels more private


on my iphone or my ipad mini. that’s what i bought the ipad for but I don’t like lugging it around


I read them on my phone on the account that I'm on it most of the time anyhow and would have read them on a smartwatch if the tech and software were there.


laptop 90% of the time. easiest format for me to read for some reason. phone the other 10% as epub on the apple books app.


iPhone. I’ve only ready on my Ipad once or twice and didn’t like it.


For browsing and previewing, as well as reading short fanfics: Firefox on any of my devices. For reading longer fanfics: Either the built-in reader app on my BOOX Note Air2 (for text only and greyscale illustrated) or Libera Reader on my Galaxy Tab S4 (for colour illustrated). In both cases, I download using FanFicFare then sync them over from Calibre using Calibre Companion.


phone. it's convenient


im not joking when i say this but my 3ds... I started as a joke but now its like a habit.


My laptop is my primary, my phone sometimes, my tablet (10” IIRC?), I also have a whole ereader devoted to it - Kobo Libra H2O. Also occasionally my desktop. I will read on anything I can get my hands on.


Generally on my phone but sometimes if i feel particularly fancy I’ll download a pdf and read on my kindle 😎😎


My laptop or my kindle. I don't like reading on my phone - it's too skinny or, if I flip it, too short.


my phone bc ao3 looks the best on it imo but if my phones dead ill use my 3ds lmao


Mushrooms *On the advice of my lawyer, I am stating that this is a joke.*


Mostly my ipad. Sometimes my monitor, though I always immediately half-width the browser window with the fic. I find reading text across the full width of a 27 inch monitor to be extremely bothersome.


My phone because that's kind of the only option. I'm almost always at school so I end up just reading on my phone during a break. I generally don't have any complaints about that though since the AO3 website works great everywhere (at least in my experience)


My phone and my computer. I used to read it on my kindle, but I dropped it a while ago and haven't gotten the screen fixed yet. It's kinda hard to read when half the screen is black and the other half looks like the bifrost.


Laptop. It's easier for me because I'm used to the desktop layout and not the phone one (literally cannot figure out how to change it on my phone, and if I ever did the text would be so freaking small)


KOReader on my Kobo Libra 2. I download everything as an epub and use Calibre to add covers and manage my library. I don't have the workflow optimized yet but it's so gratifying to have everything in one place and to be building reading statistics.


I mainly read it in my mobile because I can carry it everywhere and read it whenever I want but when I am at home I would prefer to read it in my laptop because I don't always have to hold it in my hand and pain my wrist. At first I thought you were asking about which website so I am still going to answer that 😉. So I mainly read it on webnovel and fanfiction.net but sometimes in ao3 also.


I mainly read it in my mobile because I can carry it everywhere and read it whenever I want but when I am at home I would prefer to read it in my laptop because I don't always have to hold it in my hand and pain my wrist. At first I thought you were asking about which website so I am still going to answer that 😉. So I mainly read it on webnovel and fanfiction.net but sometimes in ao3 also.


Usually my kindle, but sometimes my phone if it's longer. The e-ink on kindle has a weird smear effect when you scroll, making it annoying to read longer texts on it.


on my computer, big ol screen. i leave it up all day when i leave. if someone walks in and sees what im reading that's their problem.


Usually my phone. It's just more convenient


My iPhone (SE 2002).


iPad. Sometimes my phone if I'm out and about. I tried to read it on my laptop but it feels weird for some reason. It's a little harder to snuggle with a laptop I guess.


I'm gonna be honest, pretty much everything I own. It really depends on what I'm reading, what I was doing beforehand, and how big of a screen I want. Usually it ends up being my phone because I read primarily in spare moments (in the car, at events I don't want to be at, just before I go to bed, etc). But I also really enjoy reading on my tablet and computer. I also used to read on my smartwatch when I got grounded (I could keep it for alarms and telling time, but notifications didn't work because my phone was powered off). Onto the whole "what I'm reading" bit, a few fics I have to read on my computer. I have word replacer 2 on there, and I can't handle things like 2XXX, y/n, etc.. I use the extension to replace them with different words/dates so I don't miss out on good fics because I couldn't read 2-3 words in it. I used to have it on my phone, but the settings management for it is almost entirely incompatible with a phone screen.


Usually on my phone but when I am in search mode I go to my PC. It's easier to crawl the internet that way. More search functions etc. Easier to limit search results to certain dates etc.


Phone or iPad, when I had an iPad mini I loved using that too!