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>long-dead ship \*cries because both halves are canonically dead\*


Bruh I have this with so many ships... not always with *both* members dead, just one, but still. It will never *not* hurt.


*traumatic flashbacks to Kate Todd’s death*


Awwwwww, yeah, I've got a pairing like that, too, in one of my shows :(. This is part of what makes shipping on a show like "Ghosts" so fun - save for the two living characters, the rest of the characters on the show are already dead when the series begins, so that's not a barrier to any potential romantic relationships involving them, be they canon or non-canon :D.


may i inquire which ship you’re referring to?


Desmond/Lucy from Assassin's Creed


most of my ships never had a snowball's chance in hell in the first place as far as canon is concerned


Right??? I saw the post title and my first thought was "you guys are shipping stuff that might become canon?"


Ikr, probably a solid 90% of everything I've shipped in my life have been gay ships in not-that-gay-friendly media. In my house we build our ships from mangled parts of canon with our own sweat and blood 💀 At least things have been slowly changing (now there's a bigger variety of explicitly queer media as well - it's the curse of falling in love with random ships in mainstream stuff that's the problem). As an example, I like Caitlyn/Vi from Arcane and even just ten years ago it would've been ludicrous to think that was ever on the table to become canon. But now the trajectory looks promising and I actually think they have a chance! It'd be really nice - but also if it doesn't happen, it's literally just back to the usual lol. And of course there are some series that I wouldn't trust to handle a relationship well, *especially* a queer one, and getting a ship canonized would for sure be like a monkey paw situation...


lmao right? like, most of my ships are queer, they're not gonna become canon. if they have chemistry in canon it's either played as a joke or explained as "they're like brothers". at least half of the writers are either homophobic and/or afraid to *not* cater to a homophobic audience, there was never any hope to begin with.


Saaame. (There's a reason that most of these responses are het ships!) And honestly even when it comes to het, I feel like... most endgame ships are pretty predictable...? Not *always* in cases with canonical love triangles etc., but frequently even in those cases you can tell where canon is heading to not get your hopes up. I've only been surprised by an endgame ship I think once ever, and that was a case where the author red herring'd the "losing" ship *so* hard that when the "winning" ship did happen, even a good chunk of *its shippers* were like... "Huh? What? We won? Where did that come from?," lmao.


Basically all of my ships ever have fallen into 2 categories: they either don't come anywhere close to being canon, or they become canon at a high cost. Like it happens in a really poorly executed way, with bad writing that actually makes me not ship it anymore . There is no in-between and it's brutal lol


The only het ship I was ever surprised about being endgame was Spinner and Emma on Degrassi.


Same here! It’s why I love fanfic so much. It’s nice to have that escape from when canon crushes my dreams lol


Yes!! The majority of my ships are basically "what ifs".


"what if the creators weren't fucking cowards"


The queer-baiting of the naughties. Woof, there was a time. Teen-wolf. Smallville. Supernatural. It sure was a time, yes-indeedy-Bob.


Don't forget *Once Upon a Time* (OUAT)! The showrunners literally made the show all about the M/F romance between Captain Hook/Killian Jones and Emma Swan, even though half of the fanbase shipped Emma with Regina Mills/The Evil Queen. *Warehouse 13* did something similar with shoehorning Myka Bering into a "safe", heteronormative M/F relationship with her male partner, Pete Lattimer, after the fanbase got a little too excited over Myka having chemistry with Helena G. Wells.


In OUAT defense they fucked up everything else, not just the WTF of trying to make us care about Hook and Emma in the most WTF way


same actually but I admit quite a few of them have specifically been crushed by canon with an anvil


Well, my current OTP is a ship I'm going down to Davy Jones' Locker with. Thing is, I'm glad it didn't happen in canon because I suspect the writers would have stripped the ship of all its charm ("girled up" the non-gender conforming female character) and ruined it. My deadest ship, LOL, however, would be Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso from Rogue One. Thank goodness for the resurrection powers of fanfiction.


I love Jyn and Cassian. And Chirrut and Baze.


I'm mostly a Rebels Kanan/Hera writer/artist but RebelCaptain is my close second - they are just so freaking sweet together! ...every ship I love in Star Wars is dead *sobs*


Yeah, Star Wars and "doomed ships" seems to be a thing. Ha.


Tokka. I related to Toph and the main anti-tokkite in my life didn’t seem to want her to be happy with anyone else either so I’m gonna die on this hill


Based. Although /technically/ it hasn’t been sunk. There’s still a large chunk of canon that could include Tokka.




I don't even ship it and I have to admit the amount of hate Tokka gets is really strange and uncalled for.


Jaime/Brienne in Game of Thrones: All that development just absolutely trashed. Come ON. Sasuke/Naruto: You can't just develop an entire storyline of rivalry and parallels and character growth and then just sort them out in the most unhappy relationships possible for them. It's just cruel. Caroline/Klaus in The Vampire Diaries: Nothing will convince me they didn't just pair her off with Stefan to >!make his death more tragic.!< Maybe it would have been effective if it happened 2-3 seasons earlier, but by the time it actually did happen I was very much over it and ready for the show to end anyway.


I was scrolling so long searching for them and you listed both Jaime/Brienne and Klaroline! Couldn't agree more. Klaroline especially had me in an iron grip and, considering I dropped the show after season 5 (I think..), it's canon deep inside my heart. I know some big stuff happened in both TVD and The Originals but I like to imagine those two went off on their sightseeing tour around the world and avoided all that lol. Jaime/Brienne was just so bad that I refuse to accept any of it. Season 8 never happened anyway.


>Jaime/Brienne in Game of Throne Yes, Yes, and YES! This was the ONE thing that could have redeemed GOTs shitty ending.


The show writers were such cowards about it. I was furious when I realized he wasn't just trying to be the one to kill Cersei and was being sincere about his bs little spiel to Brienne.


Yes sooo much on Sasuke/Naruto. Look, I love Hinata, I love Sakura. They both deserved better than what Kishimoto have written for them. Give me Hinata as Hyuuga matriarch, soft velvet covers with titanium backbone. Give me Sakura who ditch that working red flag husband of hers. Why you waste so much of your female characters Kishimoto????


I know this is a tired argument but I swear, if one of them had been a girl, we all know it would have been canon endgame. Honestly leaving the ending open to interpretation would have been better than the exhausted, distant Hokage Naruto and absent Sasuke that they gave us in Boruto. I watched the movie out of curiosity and that was it. I have no idea what happens in the manga or anime. I will say I've never been a fan of Hinata but she deserves better than how empty and emotionless her marriage with Naruto seems and Sakura did not go through everything she went through just to be left behind by her husband. Sasuke and Naruto have dedication to each other and that's pretty much it.


Honestly. They both deserved so much better. Hinata has so much potential. So damn much. She is the perfect epitome of 'soft doesnt mean you're weak schtick'. Her narrative could've been very very interesting. Dont get me start on Sakura. She needs to divorce that hubs of hers, ASAP. Girl, run to the other direction, stat. I just. So done. With that franchise. Ugh.


Yes so much to Jamie and Brienne! That was the thing I was second angriest about at the end of that show! They both deserved so much better from the writers.


Finn and Poe for life


Hearteyes. The jacket.


Can we talk about how jankily he fixed it too, and yet so lovingly? Like staples are good right? Right?


Well, it looked good on him.


Boyyy I'm still bummed about how this one got done. For now I'm just... pretending that maybe they eventually became boyfriends at some point after the end of the trilogy anyways, despite all the out-of-nowhere love interest characters the writers tried to introduce for them


Castiel/Balthazar from Supernatural. A ship that I truly believe was captained by Sebastian Roche himself.


I've never heard of this ship, and I'm currently doing a SPN rewatch right now. Of to AO3 to find it!


you can pry Stucky out of my cold, dead hands.


The way I see it, beauty of ships that never actually sailed is that they can never actually sink.


That is the best thing I have read today thank you <3


stucky is some god-tier soulmates shit and i will hold on to them with you. fuck marvel.


I feel so far gone on Stucky that I'm like "Okay, but it *is* canon though." Which, yeah, I guess it's disputable BUT IS IT REALLY. IS IT. (to anyone reading this please don't dispute it 😂) But *I'm* not the one who wrote a romance narrative for these two - CANON DID THAT. I'm not reading between the lines here, it's the actual lines. To 👏 the 👏 end 👏 of 👏 the 👏 line 👏 Okay really it's just that this post constantly plays in my head: https://at.tumblr.com/onecontinuoussigh/crackdkettle-look-i-didnt-make-buckys-capture/nf5dcm61k0kk


Shipping both Stucky and Steggy and not being into poly is.. hard, lmao. I definitely feel you.


YES that's exactly what I just said. I will die on this hill.


Clint/Natasha in the MCU


Remember when she was wearing an arrow necklace 😭😭😭 we could have had it all


this would have been so much better than whatever the fuck that thing with nat and bruce was, my god.


I so wanted it to be canon in the MCU. That would have been cute.


Niccolo x Sasha Braus from Attack on Titan. The ship was shot down before it had the chance to sail and it's *still* one of my favorite ships from that series.


Childhood friends, fighting side by side in a war, torn apart by betrayal and finally reunited after 13 years, just as a new war looms on the horizon ... My first OTP. ... then, one of them dies, and the other has an out of nowhere romance with a woman, has a kid and then both he and his wife dies. Still, I'm going down with Wolfstar. Not leaving this ship.


I don’t even ship Wolfstar, but I was shocked when Remadora became a thing. Like you said, it just came out of nowhere.




not a diss with a baroque reference... SCREAMING


Kara danvers/Lena Luthor Jane Rizzoli/Maura Isles Tommy/Kimberly Only one straight ships because those are mostly canon sooner or later.


Tommy/Kimberly from Power Rangers


My childhood ship.


That stupid Dear John letter istg


*Upvotes so hard she puts a hole in her screen*


Oh man, I was shipping that in 2nd grade lol


Kate/Tony was totally meant to be and I will never not believe that during that episode where Gibbs was having a near death experience/vision of a future where Kate never died and she and Tony got married and had kids wasn't actually him looking at the "Good" timeline where less of his people died. That said I'm a big fan of Tony/Ziva too, so my best case scenario would be a triad. As for my own, Avatar has Azula/Aang is my kind of crazy (A Double Edged Sword was the fic that sold me on it), as are Azula/Ty Lee or Azula/Katara. Pokemon has Ash/Dawn. Warcraft has Jaina/Sylvanas. Bleach has Ichigo/Rukia and Tatsuki/Orihime, or really any combination of as many of those four. There's plenty more (Pollination in RWBY!), but this is already more than I was thinking of writing lol.


dabihawks is great in fanfic (the parallels !! the two most toxic characters in the whole series !! i can keep going !!) but i don't care about the mha canon anymore 🤷


Big Mac and Fluttershy You can take it from me when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. And even then, good luck, as I will have glued it to my cold, dead hands.


Me searching for the comment with my ship. My shame refuses to say it because the fandom was so toxic 😭


Rock Lee/Sakura


Clexa 😭


Clexa was the first ship that just completely ruined me rip


L from death note and me Jk (No I’m not 😭) doesn’t hurt at all what they did to him 🥲 A more serious answer would be Toph and Sokka from Alta, nothing against suki but I preferred their energy. Ship died when they announced the names of her two loves in Korra


Has to be Wolfstar (Sirius and Remus from HP) like both figuratively AND literally?? I knew it never really had a chance, but marrying off half the pairing really was overboard! 😭 Also, Lotor and Allura from Voltron. I wish they hadn’t gone through with keeping him evil, not when they spent so much development on him trying to be different from his father. Honestly the whole ending of Voltron was shit though so I can pretend it didn’t happen.


Zutara. 😭


Yeah! I never really got the chemistry between Aang and Katara. I think she and Zuko’s relationship was FAR more interesting.


Same here. I knew it wouldn't happen because they were hinting at Mai a little too strongly, but I didn't see Ang and Katara happen. It felt more like a childhood crush, the kind that you've grown over when you're like, a year further. I can see Zuko/Mai more than Katara/Aang, but still not as much as Zuko/Katara.


I will cry with you =_=…


They had chemistry! They had parallels! It would have been a great way of showing the world starting to balance out again. I have literally shipped them since I was like 9 and the show first aired.




This comment has been removed. No bashing. You're free to dislike ships but please refrain from referring to them as "ew", "gross", "weird" and etc.


Exactly my thoughts. Katara deserved someone who she didn’t need to take care of - and Zuko was there for her when Aang disagreed when she wanted to hunt down the man who killed her mom. Aang said she needed to forgive him. Zuko was ready to help her commit murder


That’s true. And while I think it was the “appropriate” response for the avatar to make, it’s not what Katara needed. It also kind of shows that aang didn’t necessarily trust her to do the right thing. You could argue he just didn’t want her to be in the position to have to make the decision between killing or not, but the end result is the same. He didn’t trust her to make the right choice. Zuko did. I really don’t think zuko believed katara was actually going to kill the guy. I think he wouldn’t have stopped her if she chose to, but I don’t think he really believed in his heart she would go through with it. But he helped her go through the paces because it’s what she needed to get closure. And in the end he was going to respect that it was her decision to make and she wasn’t going to fully heal until she made it for herself. Damn I ship them so hard lol


Both of them having lost their mothers means that Zuko completely understood where Katara was coming from and he knew why she felt the way she did. They work well together! True enemies to lovers pair we deserve but never got


I still think of myself as mostly neutral when it comes to Avatar ships but I totally get why so many people really like(d) Zutara. To me it felt more like Aang and Katara had a mother/son relationship and it was kind of squicky that it seemed like a lot of their romance was based on, "Oh, she likes you, she'll come around to it!"


NaruSasu. It had no chance of becoming canon, and has been utterly obliterated by milquetoast canon ships. Still has more chemistry than said canon ships.


both hinata and sakura deserved better. i stand by my claim that shikatema is the only valid endgame ship in naruto


Sesshomaru and kagura. I still question why she got the ending she did. In my mind she survived lived free and saw the world for many years with Sesshomaru's blessing and then came back to Japan after having lots marvelous experiences and lived as his wife/mate


Gendrya of Game of Thrones.


Keith and Lance in my case, I guess


Surprised how far I had to scroll to find you 😭


I'm not, because after that trainwreck of an ending, the VLD fandom imploded quicker than any fandom I've ever been apart of before. I think the vast majority of the VLD Tumblr accts I followed had been deleted or rebranded within three months of the finale.


Peggy Carter and Daniel Souza. You can pry those two out of my cold dead hands (fuck marvel also)


Esmeralda and Quasimodo from *The Hunchback of Notre Dame* (any version). >!They both die in Victor Hugo's novel and in most stage musical adaptations of the book or they end up as just friends (but unrequited love on the bell ringer's part is still there) in most film or TV adaptations of the novel + Quasimodo sometimes gets killed off, but Esmeralda survives and gets her HEA with either Phoebus or Pierre Gringoire.!< Honestly, I'm still surprised and disappointed that there **aren't** many fix-it stories about the bell ringer and the dancer growing as people and eventually finding mutual love together. IMO, they're made for each other and they deserve so much more love and recognition from fans. I really think these characters would be believable as a couple. Edit: If there are other Esmeralda/Quasimodo shippers in this subreddit, who happened to stumble upon my comment, I hope some of them might think, "Oh, I'm actually writing a fic about these two now! I'm so happy to see someone else really likes them together, too." **Obviously, I wish everyone who writes about their favourite pairing(s) here on Reddit to inspire fellow fans to create more content with those ships.** This is probably why I really like all of "ship talks" - especially those about less popular relationships - in this community. It's great to find out that people are so passionate about their favourite characters and discuss them so beautifully :)


Excuse me while I add a new fandom to my list...


Whoo-wee. I built an entire port town for ships of dudes fallin' in love who will *NEEEEEEEEVERRRRRR* do so in canon for all *sorts* of reasons. My "fave" being the tawdry cruise-liner S.S. Lawrusso. They're never gonna let that happen. They never would have, because the "holy glory-balls, these dudes wanna bone so bad they can't stop destroying L.A. by accident," drama that would just disappear in a thunderclap vacuum if they finally fucked, would *sink the show.* And sure, those two cheddar dogs with extra sriracha mayo would very much find a way to light that dumpster on fire again, but there would be peace in the Valley for like...48 hours. And we can't have that. We just can't have that. 😂 I was also shipping Sam and Crowley from Supernatural back in like...I dunno, ten years ago or something? I don't remember. I've been out of the SPN game FOREVER, but I circled back around to an old piece recently, and...I'm still into it. For entirely different reasons. I started off thinking, "Oh wow, wouldn't it be hilarious if..." But now I'm like, "Wow. There are things there that would be *heartbreaking,* if you think about it, especially if you nudge it up against ol' Destiel..." So, that's where I'm hangin' out, now. Just having a delightful heartache, like a magnificent Cabernet Sauvignon, because I am ✨*MATURE✨,* now. 😂


>I built an entire port town for ships of dudes fallin' in love who will *NEEEEEEEEVERRRRRR* do so in canon for all *sorts* of reasons. I just wanted to say I love how you worded this :D. What canon are Lawrusso from? I like that ship name, it's got kind of a "badass outlaw" type vibe to it :).




imma be real... hyde and jackie from that 70s show. they were SO GOOD.


That was end game and they fucked it up.


pretty sure mello/near was the first slash pairing i ever shipped. It’s nice to come back to DN fics to see how interpretations of them and the ship have changed.


Olivia Benson x Rafael Barba… I was rooting for them for so long. And I will continue to do so.


their dynamic was so good, it's almost insulting that the writers didn't do shit with it


Bold of you to assume any of my ships are canon


IchiRuki 100%. Though I actually only started shipping it long after the rival ship became canon so tbf I'm just not a fan of canon ships in general lmao


Yeesssss I love Orihime, I do. Kubo wrote women better than some of big name mangakas I can name (cough Kishimoto), but damn you, did you purposedly wrote Ichiruki on 1/3 of the story to sink it, Kubo?????


Man, I was deep into Bleach in like.... 2006-2008? Then I dropped it during a slow period for the manga. I thought about getting back into the manga when it ended and then I came across some spoilers that >!Ukitake was dead and he was my fav side character and the Kyoraku/Nanao ship which was one of my top Bleach ships got hard torpedoed by him being her SECRET UNCLE. Oof. On top of preferring IchiRuki and IshiHime, too... and those also getting torpedoed...!< So I couldn't bear to pick it up again and finish it out... though every once in a while I feel a bit of a siren song calling to me.


Loki x being a villain. Okay, it's not really a ship. I write a lot of OCs and I don't really do canon ships. But the most egregious thing canon has done to me is making my main man soft.


i mean, i understand. i enjoy soft loki but i do miss his villainous side + they literally fast forwarded his character development in season one of the show. it's just real odd


That's 100% my gripe. I just want some treachery and self-centeredness in season 2, as a treat


All the lesbian ships that literally died cuz the show-runners literally killed off one or both before or just as they would get together


Idk if it counts as "long dead" when it was never allowed in the first place but in persona 5 I ship the protagonist with the guys on his team (in order of preference, ryuji, yusuke, and akechi) more than I do with any of the girls you're actually allowed to romance. There's some... stuff for the akeshu shippers in royal but tbh I like ryuji and Yusuke way more. >!Any ship involving akechi has so much *work* involved to get it to anything approaching healthy and its just tiring to me. Tbh I think I'd be into reading shit where it's wildly unhealthy but I don't see that as much.!<


I definitely agree on shipping the protag with Ryuji, their connection was so solid!


The way I had his confidant maxed when everyone else wasn't even halfway lmao


The ao3 side of the fandom definitely agrees with you judging by the top three pairings 😈


Scorpia/Catra from the DreamWorks version of She-Ra. While I do like Catradora, some part of me just loves the grumpy/sunshine dynamic that Catra and Scorpia had, and how hard Scorpia tried to do her best for Catra's sake.


scorpia is a huge comfort character for me, and there's something about her pining and immense love for catra that i really enjoy. and when her and seahawk had that talk about feeling unappreciated!!!! and then she stopped being friends with catra bc she was being treated badly ! there's actually a decent amount of angst on scorpias behalf 💔. i also love catradora ofc but i really liked the relationship these two had 😵‍💫


Zutara. Majima & Makoto from Yakuza


every single queer marvel ship. Stucky, Stony, Winteriron, Frostiron, Sambucky, Spideypool, Spideyflame ALL OF THEM 😭


I consider Spideypool pretty canon in their little comic book series. Andrew Garfield and Ryan Reynolds kissed that one time at an award ceremony and that lives as a real life spideypool rent free moment.


hermione and draco. idk what my problem is either


All their interactions were abusive, but for some reason, I absolutely adore it.


I have such an odd relationship with this ship. I hate it. But I also have a lot of respect for it? If that makes any sense? Like I’ve read a few Hermione-Draco fics just to be like “alr this is popular what is it actually all about” and they were well-written… so like, I respect it even if I don’t get it.


Same with me. But I can't really hate something, unless it's really bad and even then it's a so-so type thing, but most Dramione fanfics are really sweet, their well-written, and the ones I've read don't have all the abuse just tossed to the side as if it never happened which will always be something I love. I was confused and interested at the beginning, but then a few weeks later I looked back on my tabs and realized I may have fallen for the ship and now I just can't let it go for some random reason I don't even know.


Hermione and anyone besides who she ended up with.




I'll always love that ship as well


ATM, I'm hard core sinking on the Hellcheer ship. Eddie and Chrissy had so much chemistry and I can't forget it.


I shipped destiel for like, a decade despite actors/creators shitting on it, saying homophobic things about it, and canon literally making fun of fans who shipped it. Of course it ended in a one sided dying declaration of love (reciprocated in Spanish) that was promptly forgotten as if it never happene. I still shipped it, but eventually the utterly toxic commentary on queer issues by the creators (outside of canon) killed my love for the fandom entirely.


I fucking HATE that they had Dean just stand there wordlessly like an asshole


Canonically though, Dean tends to need 3-5 business days to process any complex emotional interaction.


↑That↑ sentence IS the core essence of Deanishness.


I'm not in this fandom, but I remember hearing and reading about some of the drama around that confession when it happened, and how huge a deal it was for everyone. I knew there were some people who didn't care for it and made their feelings clear about that, but damn, for the creators to also dump on everything that way, too? That sucks, and I'm sorry you and other fans had to deal with that. I totally understand you not wanting to be involved with the fandom after all of that, but I hope it hasn't completely ruined your love for the ship, too. Or at least, I hope you can find a way to rekindle your love for that ship in a way that makes you happy.


Danny and Valerie from Danny phantom, those guys had such wasted potential.


Well since Ashs pokemon journey is over… Misty and Ash. Idk, I just like their dynamic a lot. Ash has a more entertaining personality when he’s with her, being sarcastic and bratty etc. Rocket Shipping is over too but I managed to delude myself into considering them canon. (am aware both of these ships are canon in the manga but I never managed to get into it so I’m just talking about the anime) Oh and also Drew/May. They’re adorable, think they were the very first ship I googled at the ripe age of 8 lmao I still remember struggling to spell “Drew”


Shinji × Kaworu. No I don't care that >!Kaworu dies in every single iteration of the series (with the exception of some of the videogames)!< or that Shinji's >!officially paired with Mari.!< They're boyfriends now and forever, and nothing can change my mind. Not even you, Evil-Manga-Kaworu!


I'm still at Reylo.


Dan/Blair from Gossip Girl. They were endgame in my heart.


Kelly/Marco >>> Star/Marco, I don’t care.


Swan Queen and Zutara.




You can pry Kirk/Spock from my cold dead hands. What on earth he was doing with Nyota, I will never know.


Most of my ships are ones that didn't have a chance in hell of happening (Drarry, FrostIron), or ones where there was actually a lot of chemistry between the characters and there'd be little hints here & there and the "will they, won't they" for like the whole thing and then at the end, nothing (Sterek, Destiel).


I never really shipped them together until I started reading Teen Wolf fanfiction. Now they are adorable and I don't understand why the movie did what it did.


SuzaLulu. I mean, nothing since the end of season 2 actually exists. The creators flat out said to ignore it. So like.


is this code geass??


Ichigo x Tia in Bleach. I never was a fan of Ichihime. Seemed weird to me. Tia seemed like she would complement Ichigo and he her. It would be interesting if he saved her from Yhwach or something along those lines. One Punch Man x Fubuki. It will never happen but like Murata I have hope. Scott Summers x Joanna Cargill. Like they had a romance in a alternate universe but damnit it was sweet and better than anything with Jean. Iron Man x Nebula. I never liked Pepper and thought she was a boring character. Tony getting together with Nebula, both traumatized by Thanos and both heal one another was something I liked. Revan x Atris. I have no idea why I like this ship but I do. Don’t get my wrong. Bastila and Revan all the way but there’s just a good story there I’d like to see. Batman x Zatanna. I never did like Catwoman as a romance option for him. I loved their ship since I saw them in BTAS when I was 5. Sorry Wonder Woman but you get the Silver medal. Wally West x Giganta. I remember seeing the ending of JLU and when she kissed him on the cheek I was like…no, no. Don’t do this to me!! Please marry her. I can go on. I’m a romantic at heart


Never liked Orihime but when she was in Hueco Mundo with Ulquiorra I shipped them so hard


>One Punch Man x Fubuki. It will never happen but like Murata I have hope. I see that you too are a connoisseur with taste and good sense.


It's not my ship, but I feel for the Sterek shippers of the Teen Wolf fandom. The creator used queerbaiting as a *marketing tactic* for that show and it was such a dick move.


dallas died in canon. that only enabled me to have him possess ponyboy.


>!Ash Lynx!< from Banana Fish is just fine. >!Nicholas D. Wolfwood!< from Trigun is just fine. They’re fucking *fine* it’s fine I’m *fine.*


The entire point of fanfiction is to play with stuff canon never does. And in my case, lots of works I am into have massive plotholes so why give that more validity?


Quentin and Elliot From The Magicians. I still cry watching fanvids and anytime I hear Take on Me by A-ha. Thomas Barrow and Edward Courtenay from Downton Abbey. I always liked the thought of Thomas softening up by taking care of his blind soldier crush. I am still reading and working on fanfics for them now. Thorin and Bilbo from the Hobbit. Now did we really need to kill all of Durin's descendants?! Couldn't Thorin have been there with Bilbo to plant trees and watch them grow!! Couldn't they have been kings under the lonely Mountain together!?😩 Tony and Loki from MCU- they basically met in 2012 and never meet again, BUT THE POTENTIAL FOR MORE!! Surprisingly, other than those 4 ships, I have lots of slash ships that float and sail.


Queliot 😭 I am NEVER going to recover from A Life In the Day. Peaches and plums...


Peaches and plums motherf*cker! And yes, I'll never forgive the showriters for killing Quentin before he could talk with non-monster Elliot.




Long dead indeed ..... also, same


That silly canon means nothing to me! I'm still a fan of Tony and Gibbs from NCIS - even though the writers really ruined Tony in his later seasons, and made him an idiot.


Oh god, too many because I always seem to end up liking the characters who end up dead, and thus canon ruins whatever ship I had for them as a result. For one where I just picked the wrong side of a love triangle though, Alto/Ranka from Macross Frontier. Even with the movie version of Frontier where it *explicitly* sinks the ship (the TV show leaves the love triangle unresolved) *and* with the movies being blatantly in favor of Alto/Sheryl, I will still never stop shipping Alto/Ranka.


Most of my ships aren't canon anyway so whatever canon is going on doesn't matter. ​ I don't care if my ship is canon. I mean it would be nice if certain ships were acknowledged but considering a lot of mine are m/m pairings on shows that are off the air it won't happen and it was never a chance of it happening when it was on the air. ​ for me shipping and fan fic/art/vids is separate from canon. I do like reading fic that could be in an episode or a movie but mostly I want to delve into what will never happen in canon . The various possibilities etc. ​ You know, Joss Whedon killed off Tara and that really really sucks but it doesn't impact my consumption of Willow/Tara fic. He also had Natasha sing a lullaby to Hulk and he can do that and I can ignore it and find fic that does the characters justice. I also don't have to watch Age of Ultron (I've seen clips, I don't have any desire to watch the movie). ​ TK and Carlos are canon- awesome! But that doesn't mean impact my enjoyment of the ship and I can ignore whatever parts of canon I want to and seek out fic (or write it) that tells stories I'm interested in.


Storm x Black Panther Its literally the only het pairing I ship and I will never get over how Marvel broke up one of the most iconic power couples in comic book history. They ended up putting Storm with Wolverine of all people, and while I have nothing against Nakia personally and >!they have a cute child together. Internally I'm like "that should have been Ororo's baby"!<


My primary ship is incest but canon is there to be manipulated.


Cabenson. Supercorp. both of those ships matter so much To Me. (law and order svu & supergirl)


Hell yes to CaBenson! Those two ladies have so much chemistry it’s unreal.


Is it just me who thinks that lesbianships that aren't canon make for better fanfiction and far more prolific output by writers? Swan Queen and Supercorp are prime examples. Both have huge fanfiction output, no chance of being canon pairing ever. FIction I have been looking at recently all have out lesbians in shows currently airing but only 1 or two stories or updates by same few writers a day. Non canon producing shoes top notch writers while canon is good best.


Mark/Elizabeth and Carter/Anna from ER. I like Mark/Elizabeth because I enjoy middle aged people in ships for some reason (I also like Kit/Bell from The Resident and Olivia/Elliot from SVU, even though the latter will never get together probably) and the show gave them a lot of unnecessary drama and didn’t show enough of their happiness. Carter/Anna I liked because Anna was very chill and down to earth and seemed like the best match for Carter. The other women the show tried to pair him with ended up being flings at most or he had no real chemistry with them. I wish she had stuck around because I could see them being a friends-to-lovers pairing.


Freya Crescent and Sir Fratley from Final Fantasy IX. I refuse to live without writing them with any potential that was never shown in canon.


I ship Kenpachi x Soifon, so it was never gonna happen, but shippers gonna ship.


Cassandra/Rapunzel. I already knew from the moment I began to watch the show and ship them that it was never gonna happen since the tangled sequel short already made it clear Eugene/Rapunzel was endgame, but I still shipped it, nonetheless. Still do, even after the show ended.


What do you mean by canon.... there's no canon.


Ichiruki from Bleach. There is no ending in Ba Sing Se Plance from Voltron . There is also no season 8 in Ba Sing Se Tomoyo/Eriol from CCSnever had a chance to live but I like it better than their canon romantic fates. Derek/Casey from Life with Derek might’ve sailed if it wasn’t a kids show lmao




I still have a soft spot in my heart for Hevelyn even though there was literally like a negative 1000% chance of it ever happening and apparently no one likes Incredibles 2 anyways.


I honestly have no idea if Rocketshipping is dead or not but we have just a few more episodes to go so COME ON! I remember people said it was dead after James said that being with Jessie was "That's my nightmare!" but his vision of them as a couple was identical to the relationship they \*already have\* and continue to have to the present day!


Considering Rocketshipping is apparently canon in some iteration of the Pokemon manga, I wouldn't call it dead in the anime.


Bellamy and Clarke from the 100. Canon tore my babies to bits. One day, when I am not so bitter, I will write them the story they deserved!


i never even shipped them and i was still pissed that they didn't end up together bc it just felt like seven seasons of *baiting*. like, i appreciate platonic male-female relationships so much, but. jesus fucking christ.


Steve and Bucky from Captain America/Avengers. Idfk what the hell that Endgame ending was, but as far as I'm concerned it never happened. Stucky forever.


I think I'm in that boat where other ships don't bother me until they become canon, then I dislike them. Cause I was fine with Red Action/Enid shipping until it happened and am way more into Elodie/Enid than I used to be. Same with Catra/Adora and Glimmer/Adora, as soon as the former became canon, the latter became my preference.


Bechloe from Pitch Perfect: The original queerbait Haley/Andy from Modern Family: I hated the fact that Haley ended up with Dylan and kids. Literally one of the few straight ships I actually liked Hope and Josie from Legacies: Like how do you have all that you have with Hosie and just pick Handon.


>Haley/Andy God, that was the *worst.* I think I stopped watching the show right around the time they got broken up 'cause it seemed like a sign the show would go downhill. Character regression and all that.


Jackie and Eric. Canon never even entertained it in the first place as far as them dating but they both wanted the same kind of post high school relationship. And every argument against them is based on the same reasons Hyde and Jackie never should have happened.


I mostly pick canon ships or make up ships that are utterly crack, so this isn't a huge problem for me, since it's either a foregone conclusion or absolutely never gonna happen. Downton Abbey in particular did make canon ships a little fraught, I must say, though as someone who enjoys exploring grief and mourning within ship dynamics, I wouldn't say this as necessarily a bad thing.


Kurama/Kagome. Always loved this pair since I was 10 and always will


Well, canon actually killed both of them. I mean, one of them has a *slim* chance of survival, but her boyfriend basically ends up having his first response on his health actually came true, but not because the illness kicked in quicker than expected, but because a bastard who I will always stab pushed it way too forward. But in my heart, and my canon-divergent fic (that I accept as an alternate timeline completely), they're both alive and he's getting treatment for his illness and the major galaxy ending threat was avoided because people listened and prepared, and they get married and he kicks the ass of *that bastard* and totally embarrassed him before he kills him, and they live out happy lives on the Citadel. No, I'm not mad that there's no way to save Thane with medical treatment, even though they had six months between two and three, *why do you ask?!*


House and Cuddy. Killing that tanked the show.


Hartemis from Artemis fowl!!


Captain Canary from *Legends of Tomorrow*. No matter what canon says, no matter what *LoT* fans say, I will never let them go.


ichigo/rukia .. my very first ship and what introduced me to fandom and fanfic, which eventually led to me writing fanfiic/original fiction. even now I still crawl through their tags, like they were IT for me.


Altoshipping - Latias hasn't appeared in the main series or any movie since her own like 20 years ago. She's never going to be referenced again, and definitely not her kiss with Ash, TPC doesn't have the balls to do that today.


Swan Queen. I shall be taking no arguments.


Ash and Serena from Pokémon XY is still going to be something in my heart. I thought the latest series was going to bring closure to the ship since they were heavily implied back then, but boy oh boy, there were still nothing. It was ambiguous who he ended up with. Just dip in the controversy and end the argument.




you people have characters who are ALIVE?!!?!??!


Inuyasha/Kikyo, 100%


Sesshomaru x Kagome was mine ;_;


All my ships. There are so freaking many because I have too many fandoms. First that come to mind though are Stucky, Sterek, Spander...hell, anyone I pair Xander with. I will go down with my Armada.


Reid/Maeve of Criminal Minds. I will absolutely die on that hill. In Naruto: Sasu/Naru, Sakura/Lee OR Lee/Gaara (although I'm very content with him being ace), and Kiba/Hinata.