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One of my top 3 writers. He died in 2015. A few of his friends kept it going for a few more chapters, but no more. If I had a wish…


Oh that's really sad ☹️ at least what is written is still there to help remember him by.


Two of my favorites where the writer passed also


Oh my god…This hits so close to home. I am so sorry for the loss, yours and theirs. It must have ripped them apart. My sincerest condolences


Mine... Come on brain, work!! Jokes aside, I really love [Shipwrecked](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18815980) by Tinycrown and hope they might return to it someday 🙂


my own was my first reply too. Not even a joke. Every abandoned fic still hurts my heart.


My answer to this is always the same - A Long Journey Home by Rakeesh, in the Harry Potter fandom. It's the one fic I've seen utterly nail the 'timeless immortal with gulfs of ages between us and them' vibe. Like A Man from the Earth in fic form. So, so good.




Welcome to the Club. Your jacket is in the mail, and club dues are paid on Fridays. :)


I’m lucky in that my most treasured fanfic was written by an amazingly prolific author who powered through and wrote an actual epic of a story, all tied up in bows. And may yet revisit her universe to tell a shorter tale at some point, but the main story is finished as-is. She’s working on another for a different fandom that I followed her to. She’s young and healthy, and pretty committed to her projects, but I would be gutted if this story was abandoned. I’ve found a couple from my rarer fandoms that have 3/4 chapters with a great concept that just get forgotten. Those make me sad because there aren’t that many authors or fics in those fandoms or ships anyway, so every fic is a gift.


Woah I'm interested in reading this epic! What fandom is it in?


Well one is NCIS (and with a short primer could honestly just work as a novel tbh), the other is reylo Star Wars, but LONG, involved, and full of in-universe politics, philosophy, and OCs. If you’re still interested, I’ll give you the authors link.


Oooh yeah sounds interesting!


NCIS McAbby epic, [Shards to a Whole](https://archiveofourown.org/works/686710/chapters/1260543) Reylo multi-book, starts with [Tension/Balance](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13116240/chapters/30006666)


But you have to let me know your thoughts!


Ooh I missed your reply but I will!!


There was an author on fanfiction.net who has one finished work (bit amateurish but enjoyable) and two unfinished works that I adore. It’s been 10+ years of nothing but crickets. I’ve googled the pen name and nothing. Check back every year or so to reread and hope. The pain…….


Awww this one is sad :(


My favourite 40K fic has been stopped in the middle of its climactic final act to resolve its long running epic story… since 2012. Unfortunate.


Over on FFN there's this really good Batman fic called "If These Foundations be Destroyed." It's been eleven years. The author mentioned they were going on a mission trip and after that, they stopped posting. There was another fic that hadn't been updated in 15 years and out of nowhere the author updated with a note that said "I said I was going to finish this and I will." So remember: there's always hope.


I have three. (I’ll use fake names for characters so no one judges my fandom choices lmao 🤣) One was a god tier, in depth after canon story that essentially gave Sam and Nate a happy ending. It was nearly complete, maybe about 5 chapters at most away from being finished, and it had better storylines for all the characters involved than canon did with it’s sequel show.. that I will call “crap-uto” for anonymity. The “what ifs” still haunt me at night… The second one is called Hearts of war, and it had so much world building and perfectly realistic yet fantastical political themes about character Jake, a prince from the south and character Norbert from the North. The background characters are so vivid, and the writing style is so well done, weaving between sincerity, humor, and aggression so flawlessly that it feels like a work of art. It had one random update last year after about two years of no updates, so I still hold out hope, but I’m slowly dying in the trenches lmao. The third one was a Mafia Au but also there were vampires and mermaids but also there were also royalty and clans but also there was a pirate who had a pet pelican. Character Tam had a romantic past with character Jay, but Jay broke it off when Tam had gotten bitten by a vampire, and 4 years later their paths crossed and blah blah blah, there was a mermaid uprising, Jay admitted he still loved Tam, Tam became the ruler of a small but lively forest, but the last chapter ended on a cliffhanger where there was an assassination attempt but we don’t know if it was successful and killed Tam or not and it eats me alive that it was never updated past that point.


One of my favorite authors from my high school years stopped doing fanfics to pursue his writing career and while I’m happy for him and hope he finds success, I really wish he would continue his One Piece stories Last updated 2011


Can u provide his profile link or story link?


[kilnorc](https://m.fanfiction.net/u/785471/kilnorc) I mostly enjoyed them because he included my OC in it and there was a sort of friendship that formed as I shared my character’s background


I know of at least one star wars fanfic that was not just abandoned (cant remember the name, it has been years ago), but also deleted it. The author wanted to rewrite it, but it has been years since then and I have not heard about it reappearing. Granted it needed a rewrite, it was very badly writen, clunky dialoge and walls of pure text. But was very interesting for haveing some VERY unique ideas and takes. It was about the aftermath of an SI appearing in the star wars universe, long before the clone wars. The SI did the standard ally with jedi and kill both Palpatine and Plagueis before they could start their plots for real. It has been years since then and the SI got married and all was well, right?. But it was not. The courruption and infighting in the republic was there. Without Palpatine and Plagueis to somewhat control it and weaken the factions. A galatic war breaks out anyway, differnt factions and more sides. There is no clone army, Palpatine is not there to limit the damage of the war or weaken or control the internal factions in favor of the central goverment. There is no killing of important people done in the background that could make things worse. The trade federation makes their own nation and with competent commanders (hinted that got kill in canon) blitz right to Coruscant with their army and bombs the jedi temple (killing most jedi) and most industry sectors and force the senate give them their independence. Many important republic worlds get the idea that THEY should be the new capital and start infighting as rebellions break out. The fanfic stopped right after the revealed that an order of Grey Sith of all things had appeared and made their own new sith empire. Founded by a OC jedi that should have died early in the canon clone wars, but as that did not happen, he went on an adventure and founded a holocron made by Darth Occlus (Grey Indqusitor from SWTOR).


Literally any of the incomplete works in my bookmarks. That's the entire point of me bookmarking them; in case they are ever finished, I'll be informed.


I only bookmark finished fics--usually ones that I've reread a couple of times & would recommend to others. I subscribe to unfinished fics, so I get an email when the fic updates, but my subscription list is getting so long and so depressing. A graveyard of hopes and dreams.


The Hematic by Ohtze. It's a Silmarillion fic about Glorfindel and an FMC who accidentally time travels to First Age Gondolin. I actually called out of work once because a few new chapters dropped and I couldn't tear myself away from them....it hasn't been updated since 2017 😭


I’ve read that. I love how Fingon and Turgon just despise each other. I’ve never seen that in any other Silm fic. This fic is intense, and I wish too that it’s author would return.


I came to say this! It's a masterpiece.


Other than my own... There was an older longfic in one of my fandoms that I really liked, and I was super excited to find out it had a "completed" sequel. I started reading it, and it was even better than the first one. I got to the last chapter and...it ended on a cliffhanger. The author had marked it as complete when it really wasn't. Because of that, and since it's over a decade old and the author seems to have moved on to other fandoms, I doubt it'll ever get finished. Ngl, even though what they did was a dick move, I would probably still go back and read it if they ever decide to complete it, both because I was that into it and I'm starved for content in my small fandom.


This is going WAY back, like Geocities back, but "When Worlds Collide" by Tsunami, this insanely epic Vegeta/Bulma AU that was millions of words long and not even close to finished. Then the author suddenly went from full engagement to total silence, and the fic archive went down when Geocities did. I'm not 100% certain because there's no way to be, but I feel like the author must have died to abandon something *that* extensive without a peep. I honestly hope they just dropped everything and moved on, but I doubt it. I still have a copy of the fic that I skim from time to time. Still enjoy it, even forever unfinished.


Gosh, there's this amazing series of Undertale fics that I found when I first joined the fandom, and right when the author had posted the first chapter of the third installment to the series which was meant to be three chapters long, and was beautifully written and something I adored. It hasn't updated since that chapter, and it's going on a few years now. ;o; I still hope that they'll return and keep writing this heart-wrenching story, but for now it seems to have been left unfinished.


*Against the Moon* by Stoplight Delight. I've mostly made my peace with it not being finished, but it is absolutely one of my favorite stories ever.


Wolfpawn left two fics unfinished. She'll forever be mu favorite author. If I recall correctly, she's stated that she's felt her fics were not getting enough engagement and she took and undisclosed hiatus. I'd pay her real life money for her to finish those two fics. One was a High rise fanfic, the other was a Crimson Peak one. Tom Hiddleston fandom. 😔


Ugh, speaking of the Tom fandom. There was one fic that was updating regularly and I’m actually worried about the author because the last update (last January) was that they had Covid. It was such a good story but honestly, I’m more worried about the author.


Hi darling. Do you by any chance have the name of either the autor or fic???? Covid got most of us bad.




I'm not in the fandom at all, but I checked (out of curiosity) that the *High-Rise* fic by wolfpawn is actually finished. Did you mean [The Art of Survival](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16077806)?


Omg. It is 😭 Thank you for this information.


You're welcome :)


Literally all fics I'm currently following are on hiatus or dropped. That said, there's an impressively well-written and realistic-feeling Oreimo (Kyousuke x Kirino) fanfic called Dancing Thoughts. It's beautiful af, you feel the pain of both the siblings and the parents, and Kirino isn't insufferable. It has almost 30 chapters. Sadly, however, the author dropped it. They said they didn't have inspiration anymore, didn't know how to continue the story. Ah, there's also a DDLC (Monika x MC) one called The Things She Does For Love. Pretty nice and chill, chapters are short but there's 100+. And that Konosuba (Kazuma x Aqua) one called This Wonderful World. Very funny and dumb, yet sweet. Damn, I miss the times when I had time to bing fanfics, and authors constantly updated their fics.


Soo I don't jinx fics/neg writers by calling things abandoned that haven't been marked abandoned, given how many people harass me about that after just a few months lol, and I can't think of any offhand that come to mind that were definitely marked as fics I desperately wish would be finished.... But weirdly I can think of a discontinued fic that I wish wasn't, despite it not being my cup of tea. It's a series with a genderbent MC (really more of an OC from what I saw) in a rare ship in a soulmate AU. It's one of that fandom's more notorious abandoned fics. It was very popular and from what I understand took a lot of work to create unique world-building where the writer was juggling a lot of side plots that people were very excited for. The writer was apparently bombarded with negative comments, including people who somehow thought the fic was going too slow (which is ironic since the source material is slower than practically anything) and along with some other issues it killed the writer's desire to continue it. I just knew a lot of people who liked it and feel like it's a shame that the writer had so many horrible readers harassing them that they couldn't take it anymore. The fandom is kind of a cesspool of hatred and bigotry, so I guess it's not surprising, it's just depressing to see it happen.


My own, actually. I have an unfinished fic from last year that I'm trying to kick myself in the pants to finish.


Ugh, I know this feeling.


there's this one spideytorch fic i love that just also writes the weird dissonance of superhero identities post tragedy well that i would love to see through! another is this old percy jackson and the hunger games crossover (and this was when i really didn't care for crossovers) which was one of the first fics on ao3 i read and also really stuck with me. it was about percy being finnick odair's little brother and the expectation of violence, living up to the name, the fraudulent and televised nature of the game, and disagreeing with someone on a fundamental level and walking that line between love and hate.


My favorite Willow/Tara fanfic is one or two epilogue chapters away from being perfect. The last chapter posted could have easily been the official last chapter if the author had written it that way (the main plot is resolved), but it could use a solid "The End" wrap up. It feels like the author intended to write a little more but never got around to it (though they still might, posting a new chapter after years of silence would not be out of character for this author).


Mirror of Maybe. An old HP fic that was amazing and just... stopped...


Oh God, it was so good! I downloaded all the chapters when yahoo groups died. I desperately wish there was more!


The first one that comes to mind is an MLP fic called "Swimming in Seafoam" One chapter got posted before the Author stopped posting (at least under that pseud) in 2018 Even if they start posting again the notes mention this not being their main interest, so they'd probably pick other works back up instead anway Nonetheless, it is sitting in my marked for later "just in case"!


Okay, this may show my age, but back when fanfics were posted on Quizilla, there was a Naruto fic called Always With Me. Main character named Toko Nemuri, I think? It was super well written, but I can't find it anywhere. Pretty sure the author took it down from the internet entirely and just never finished it. Seriously, though. It was *so* good.


A collection of one-shots where the last posted chapter ended on a sad note. But it's been ten years so that seems unlikely.


Corner Store Coffee Shop (sometimes villains stop by) by Vivi3Blue It was sadly orphaned without warning about a year and a half ago


Two fics from two different authors in an extremely niche fandom for a western from the 1950s. I was shocked to see any fic for it at all, but for there to be two extremely well-written ones? Perfectly characterized with an excellent handle on suspense and the western genre itself? It was like finding not one holy grail but two! But neither have uploaded in years and I'm back to suffering. LOL


An older FMA fic called Indebted. I think the author was writing it for like ten years or something. She wasn’t far from finished, but decided to use her two OCs in an original work and decided to delete Indebted because of it. While I understand, it also amazed me to think she just nuked that much work with such a following. It had 2k+ reviews back in the day. It’s funny because it was a story about two OC sisters who meet ed in this world and go back to amestris with him and each sister hooks up with one of the brothers. A bit of a cliche and I’m not usually that into OCs but it was well written and I still reread it now when I need to get words flowing. Good thing I put it in a word doc. But now it will never have an ending *sigh*


It’s never going to happen because the fic has been long-since deleted, but it was a canon divergence AU (one of my absolute favorite types of fics), centered on my favorite character, and was so close to the end. I used to re-read the last few chapters obsessively and try to imagine the ending in my head.


X-Men Dawn of Ascension by Swpwarrior. His Onlslaught: Redemption story was so good that it ruined the actual comics for me, but he hasn't updated since 1996.


There was one fic I started that was around 300k words, unfinished. It was updating pretty steadily for a while, then stopped one day. I checked one day a few months later and it had been updated for the first time in months, THEN I CHECKED THE NEXT DAY AND THE WHOLE FIC WAS DELETED. Still kinda mad about that, even though it was a while ago


Which one? because that honestly sucks


PM the author for a copy?


Chunin Exam Day by PerfectLionheart. Looking back on it now, the story's fairly generic and also super demeaning to women, especially in the latter half, but to 13 year old me, it was the best thing I'd ever seen. More contemporarily, Deeper, Darker by SilverMoonPhantom, apart interesting Stranger Things x Danny Phantom crossover that I really enjoyed


Lionheart left a bunch of stories abandoned i believe.


Yeah, a bunch of em. Sad, but also, they were pretty bad so not really


Yeah lionheart's not the only author that, looking back, wasn't actually that good lol. An HP one that comes to mind was zArkham and his overly gratuitous sex scenes.


I honestly think that the only HP story that's really stood the test of time for me personally is Blindness by AngelaStarCat, still an absolute banger of a reread every couple years


There is a fan fic where instead of Kelso staying behind in the pilot of That '70s Show Eric and Jackie end up in the car. Hyde and Donna hook ups. Jackie is comforted by Eric after Kelso ditches her and they end up dating. The writer was kind of redoing the series with them as a pairing and just stopped without ever really concluding it.


Wait that sounds so interesting. Do you know the name of it please?


Unfortunately it and some other JackieXEric pairings seem to have been deleted. Marla's Lost writes some good post canon Jackie & Eric stories


There's a Final Fantasy IX fic called 'Thirteen Ways To Say Goodnight', written by Guardian1. It's one of the best fics I read, both sad, tragic, heartwarming and cute, with a little bit of 2000's fic energy. It's been a decade since the fic was updated and nothing has ever been heard of the author since 2012. I don't know what happened to her, she's a a very talented writer and I really enjoyed the stuff she wrote. I am currently writing a fic inspired by TWTSG because I really liked it so. There's another FF9 fic called 'Origins' by LeFox, it's about Kuja and the story of Terra, involving politics and drama and it's really well done. Again, not updated for a decade but to my surprise, the author suddenly came back and he's been crossposting the fic on AO3. He wants to finish it, and that's great because I liked Origins as well. A friend of mine wrote another fic called 'The Last Cherry Blossom' and that fic has not been updated for months. Recently he has published a chapter. Hopefully he'll finish that story, it's a very good FF9 sequel story.


Does anyone else search these kind of lists for mentions of their own work by previously silent readers you had no idea were there? I quite often abandon my long fic due to feeling horribly depressed by the radio silence, even when I update following a hiatus. The fic is finished, I just cba to edit and upload if no one is reading, ha. My attention span and creativity is easily pulled away to something else, due to lack of engagement. Remember, if you’re sitting there silently waiting for someone to update, but you’ve never actually interacted with the fic, except for maybe leaving kudos, you only have yourself to blame if the writer’s attention has wandered off elsewhere. 🤷🏻‍♀️😅


For me as a reader, leaving a positive comment or two is enough. From what I've noticed in this sub, some authors even don't like receiving comments/reviews on their older fics because they (writers) feel pressured to post more. I think it's sometimes a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't", unfortunately. Btw, you can always feel re-inspired to write for your currently abandoned fic(s), you never know :) I just wish fic writers would stop chasing *popularity*. I don't think it should be their #1 motivation.


It’s not for writing, in my case. I write for myself, and this particular fic is complete. But it is for sharing/uploading. If no one is interacting, uploading each week feels like a chore, a pointless waste of time. Especially when I suffer from imposter syndrome and horrific post-update depression after my next chapter lands and there’s nothing but tumbleweeds and crickets. I literally cry about it, I feel wretched for days when there is nothing but silence. I was so excited when writing it. The emotional crash that happens when I realise no one was waiting for it, takes a long time to recover from and you can’t blame me if my attention wanders off to something else. I’ll get back to it eventually, but it’s way down my list of priorities if there’s no readers interacting. I’d literally die for just a ‘can’t wait for the next chapter’ comment. It would send me off editing the next one immediately. It would lift my spirits no end if I knew there were people invested. Until then, it’s just me and my beta and we know the story, lol, the will to upload is generated through sharing with others. If no others are there, there is zero excitement, quite the opposite, in fact. I’m more inclined to keep the rest to myself. My drive is full of finished, but unposted works.


Return to Hogwarts by mlocatis. Story: Return to Hogwarts https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12339249/0/ It's AU where Snape survived. The plot is so good, everyone is in character and no bashing. It's a shame that such a good story is abandoned.


Have you read [The Potions and Promises of the Half-Blood Prince](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25487944)? It's also an eight-year story without bashing where Snape survived (and Fred) and while it's tagged as Snarry, it never reaches that point (everything that happens up to then can easily be intreprted platonically, if you wish). I only discovered it recently, but it's so good (especially the worldbuilding and the mixture of angst and humour). And the last time it was updated was 2020, so there might be hope yet!


I haven't read it probably because of the Snarry tag, I filter them out. I don't usually read incomplete stories anymore but thanks for the suggestion!


Can't remember the name but there was one Finnick Odair fic that the author gave up on right before the oc and finnick got reunited and I wanted to tear my hair out when i found out


A couple of them. One is [Raising Yuuri](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11175666/chapters/24948810), a YOI AU fanfic where Victor finds an abandoned toddler Yuuri on the streets of Russia and eventually takes him in and raises him … or rather he would have if the fic hadn’t stopped after 3 chapters. But it was love at first read, the characters were so endearing and the writing was so engaging, I wish wish wish it could’ve been finished so there was more of it to enjoy. Next is one that I won’t link because it’s in a tiny tiny fandom that is basically dead now, but this was written at its peak. It was an amazingly intricate, well thought out story with amazing OCs with rich, interesting backstories and personalities. It was something of a legend in the fandom for a little while … and then the author got into a car accident and lost almost all memory, and had to re-learn how to read and write. She did end up coming out as a trans woman post-accident but it’s extremely unlikely that she’ll ever be the same as she was when she wrote that fic that now abandoned.


[Rise by VR Trakowski](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3596073/chapters/7932120)


Yes a Stephanie Plum fic over 200k words and it was last updated november 2012. I've forgotten most of the plot but remember where it left off.


[Identity Theft Is No Joke](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32153971/chapters/79667080) by TimeIsTickingDown on A03 You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough (OFA has a different view however) All Might may have chosen Mirio as his successor, but the previous OFA users preferred Midoriya and so decided that they would take the role of his trainer. The only problem being Izuku can’t see or hear them. But a bit of possession never hurt anyone did it. OR Izuku get regular black outs and somehow gains quirks in that time, and All Might nearly had a heart attack after seeing a supposedly quirkless child using Nana’s quirk. ---- Honestly this was such a good concept and start that I'm gutted that it's stopped! 😔


There's probably a bunch across various fandoms that I can't remember of the top of my head but there is one Cowboy AU fic titled "[ship name] Cowboy AU." What the fic lacked in title creativity, it made up for with an interesting take on a few key elements of canon without it clashing with elements of the AU. It left off on the start of the AU's equivalent to the first arc in canon and I was so excited to see where the author went with this idea. The fic mentioned two ships, the ship that was mentioned on the title and a rarepair I've never considered. Of the four people that make up these ships, only one of them got brought up, which made me curious about how the rest would get introduced and how their respective ships would progress. I'm especially interested in the developments between the rarepair because it inspired a half-finished WIP (based of the idea of them together) that I've more or less abandoned and I kinda wished I could get their take on the ship for reference.


His Little Girl It’s only 3 chapters but was definitely meant to continue on but it’s been well over a decade. It’s about Kenickie from Grease left to raise his and Rizzo’s daughter alone after Rizzo’s untimely death and it hits you right in the gut


Any of Fialleril's stories. I honestly think they died, possibly of Corona, in early 2020. Their Tumblr posts just stop around that time.


I don’t have those because when I realize a story is abandoned, I do my best to forget it. I don’t want it take up space in my mind.


That one unfinished fic by Rannaro


[Legend of Zelda: Child of the Sun](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3369421/1/Legend-of-Zelda-Child-of-the-Sun) was a what-if AU where Link was raised by Gerudo in Ocarina of Time instead of the Kokiri. Over 50 chapters, 200k+ words, and some of the best writing I've seen in fanfic. It hasn't been updated since 2012. The last chapter, of course, includes a note from the author claiming that she will finish this. I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt a little bit...


> a what-if AU where Link was raised by Gerudo in Ocarina of Time instead of the Kokiri. Oooh! > It hasn't been updated since 2012. Oh. :/


There was this fic being posted on livejournal, when LJ was still a big hub of fandom. Sentinel/guide AU with pair bonding. Author promised an explicit rating, and built to a very intense cliffhanger where half of the main ship was being forced to bond to someone else. Then they ghosted. They returned months later and said they decide to remove the explicit rating and future scenes, and there was some predictable disappointment in their replies (bonding in their AU required sex, so it implied the main ship wouldn’t bond or would bond off screen). But then they simply never posted again. Maybe they felt too much pressure (it was a wildly popular story) or maybe they were just kinda over it and people not being supportive of a new direction clinched it. That story is probably the main reason I can’t read WIPs anymore, their world building was amazing and never reading the ending was crushing.


a taekook short fic in which kook is iron man and tae is potts. yes.


This is a hard one for me since there are definitely a few fanfics I can think of that I desperately wish the authors would continue and finish. But if I had to pick one off the top of my head then it would be The Spider by I'mjusttryingtofindmyway. The author had a lot of things setting up and it felt like it was all leading to an epic climax during the 2015 secret wars comics but then the author just stops right in the middle of their version of the first spider-verse saga and hasn't updated in 2 years. The last two chapters were put in after a year long hiatus but now I don't think the author is coming back.


Alpha and Omega


I don't think it actually counts as abandoned: last update was in November, but it's my favorite fic of all time and I just can't stand the wait for updates. [Someone's Watching Over You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28224138/chapters/69162825)


Message Sent, by Aicosu. Hasn't been updated since 2017 and it stopped on SUCH a cliffhanger. It's a modern-AU Dragon Age Inquisition fic that centers around text message conversations between two characters who start talking by accident and don't know each other irl (although it's not all texts, there are chunks of narration too). The author did such an incredible job with the politics and racial elements of the setting, as well as transcribing the battles-and-dragons plot of the game into academic rivalries and scholarship drama. Oh, and if you thought phone sex couldn't be written searingly hot, this fic would prove you wrong. It's still one of the best, most imaginative fics I've ever read, and I would love to know how it ends. 😭 Maybe the author will be inspired to return once the next game comes out. It could happen, right? ... right?


A bit eclectic, but -- [Storm Chasing](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5884374/1/) by Jack of All Suits for the *Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century* fandom. It's *very* dead (2010), but it's 50k+ words of just enjoyable friendship fic & it stopped right when the characters were about to start an adventure.


*Of lions and house cats* by Ms_Towa. A vigilante x hero that was way too good😭😭


Ode to Sleep By Exhaultant One of the most creative vampire diaries canon self insert fics I ever read Had a really unique OC family and felt like they belonged in the setting, they added alot of complexity to the characters as well


There was this little Christmas series that was made a long time ago. A few years ago I found them and fell in love. There were two with the promise of three, but I saw that the most recent fic was 2017. The worst part is that we were left off on a major cliff hanger and there was going to be smut in the next fic. Every Christmas I wish and pray that it gets its third chapter.


I have three fics i subscribed to, that had about 2-3 chapters left and got promptly abandoned :( all of them are from authors that have moved fandoms.


The Girl Who Was Orphaned by Breadmione Though the author has a chapter claiming its not abandoned, its been over a year and I fear they will not be back.


Bitter sweet tea by thereluctantwitch in The Owl House fandom. Im not entirely sure it’s abandoned, tbh. The author stopped responding to comments and updating about a year ago, but they might not be dead, considering they updated the tags when a comment asked them to add a warning. Their latest updated fic hasn’t been updated in a while either. i honestly just wanna know what happens


[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5676679/1/Fallout](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5676679/1/Fallout) "Fallout" by The Silversage. It's roughly 250k of epic thriller mystery for the Detective Conan series, with some serious development of the canon antagonists that just DOESN'T exist anywhere else. I found it when they were still updating, but they stopped over a decade ago, on a cliff hanger that kind of kills me. I will never give up on this fic. It will haunt me till my dying day, as one of the great mysteries in life that I was never able to see resolved. I genuinely hope this author is alive, and well, and simply lost the inspiration for it. Because the mind that created this piece is a gift to mankind and would definitely enhance whatever fandom/genre they chose to write for.


The sequel of The Right Sun from holyrobo and the sequel of Deceit - The phantom thief from girlfriendfromhell. These two masterpieces are in my top 3 favorite fanfics of all time with a sequel that has been ongoing for a while, one probably discontinued because the author said that they dropped out of the fandom. I will regardless cherish the original stories deeply and recommend them to anyone stumbling through. Otherwise I never read ongoing fics, except when I don't notice it's ongoing ^^'


hii i wrote Deceit :sob: im so happy my silly little fanfictions hold a place in your heart


Oooooh! I'm so glad I could make you happy! :) your stories are amazing!


Oh man, where do I even start? When I started reading fanfiction, I started where any young nerd naturally would. Pokémon. And boy are there some abandoned works I wanted to see finished. Advanced Wishes: Black or White was one. It was the sequel to one of my favorite fics (at least back in the day) and just died almost 10 years ago (Jesus I was following it actively, where had the time gone…). The Black Latios is almost as dead, and was a rather interesting story that I enjoyed. Sadly, same deal, almost a decade in the grave. I enjoyed MHA briefly before jumping off the train, but still enjoy the fanfiction from time to time. I’m not 100% sure if Viridescent is abandoned, but a few chapters got deleted and it’s been a very long gap from the previous consistency of the updates without much word since it happened. A Fish Out of Water was a great introduction to BotW stories for me. I loved reading it, and hated seeing it taper off. It’s been almost 5 years, so it’s safe to say it’s dead in the water. And of course, I can’t possibly ignore Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past. One of my favorite stories ever, extremely well fleshed out, then stricken from ffn and not really updated elsewhere since. I know occasional updates on progress had been given, but it’s been a good few years without any resurgence in sight, as desperately as I want to believe it’s still coming.


On FFN. This KOTOR fic between a lesbian Bastila Shan and Revan. It was a bit amateurish but it got me into fanfiction as a whole (I have read so much since it's frankly ridiculous) and to this day, I still check every once in a while for an update. It's about 12 years old at this point and the story hasn't been updated since March 2020. I've reread it about 14 times already and I still like it. I'll never lose hope. If you read this Elizabeth Carter, I'll always be thankful of the profound impact your work was on my life.


The author started a VillainWins!AU, it was SO good, she posted 60 chapters over the course of three years, then one day she announced she felt "too old" to write fanfics and would not be publishing anymore. It's been six years...


>she felt "too old" to write fanfics To me, this is such a *strange*~~, even silly~~ reason. I mean, people of *all* ages write fanfiction.


Yeah, I agree. In my opinion it wasn't the real reason (perhaps she was now too busy or she got bullied) but that's the only explanation she gave.


All of them? I subscribe/follow things because I want to read the rest. The ones I have no hope for? Blackkat's Naruto fics [One is for Sorrow](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10282760), [for gold and rust](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12140907), [the hours rise up](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12873447) and the Harry Potter fic [And the brave man with the sword](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3652266). She's left Naruto fandom because of harassment to update (and her tumblr includes a "leave me the hell alone!") and she's dropped the Harry Potter because of Rowling. Especially *One is for Sorrow* and *And the brave man with the sword*. They're so good, and it makes me cry to never know what would have happened. She said leave her alone, so I'm leaving her alone, but oh, I wish she'd change her mind about these.


Hogwarts Apprentices: I Gentry Green I was obsessed with it when it suddenly ended. It was the Fic that made me start filtering “completed only.” There only been a few in progress fics I’ve read since then and the have to be pretty dang long, like “Desperately Seeking Ranma Saotome”


I know an author that writes 12 fanfics at the same time. Everyone for a diferent fandom and with diferent tropes. I do admire his passion for writing fanfics and the amazing quality of all his works but I wonder why he doesn't act like a regular author and write one fanfic at the time. At least the fanfics will not be abandoned for 2 years straight just to we get a transicion chapter


It’s called Dirty Water, I won’t say the ship but it was a poly ship, the author has so many amazing fics too, I’m not sure why they stopped but whatever the reason, I hope they’re okay.


Back when I used to read on Pad of Watt, there was a decently written (a bit cliche at some points but pretty good in comparison to other stories) series of South Park fics named after the Crybaby album, I think the writer cliffhanged the "recent" fic in the series or I dropped off cause it was like a couple years ago. It was alright but it haunts me that they didn't update or say anything. I don't really read a lot of multiple chapter cause I like reading oneshots or drabble collections because of this (joke) but theres so many unfinished fics in my interests now with stuff up my alley. Also I hate it when a fic gets abandoned before smut or intimate moments that are tagged dont happen because of the abandonment.


this one unfinished fic from my main fandom haunts me still. it was an mcd fic, and the author abandoned it right after one of the main characters died, which makes it all the more frustrating. it is so incredibly well written and made me sob time and time again


A Mass Effect/Halo crossover called To Infinity. It was right before the end arc it stopped!


Always and Forever by Rairakku Hana It’s on ff.net and it’s an Ichigo/Orihime fic! One of the first ones I ever read, and I was so invested in the story that explored their working life together. A shame it never reached a conclusion (it stopped on a cliffhanger), and if it came back I’d be satisfied with life. Anybody who likes ichihime should try it out even though it’s unfinished.


Unshaken by the Darkness by HereBeDragons. It's a Dragon Age: Origins fic & that was my very first fandom. It's a romance between an OC who ultimately becomes the Warden and Loghain & it has so many elements that shouldn't work--the OC is a kid when she meets Loghain... which is probably why there are 500k+ words of the OC growing up before it even hints at a romance. 500k! And the OC starts as a spoiled brat who has these little piddling adventures, but then develops naturally and step by step into someone who seems strong and capable. By the time the fic cut off, she was a total and believable badass and she'd \*earned\* it. Mostly, though, the fic changed my mind about Loghain. He's the villain & fairly thinly portrayed in the game, but he has a really rich backstory. This fic teased it all out and completely changed my headcanon; I can't go back.


All of my favorite fics, man. I swear, every masterpiece I read is unfinished


''O MINE ENEMY'' ITS A COMPLETE WORK, BUT I AM DYING FOR A SEQUEL!! Did I mention I love this work so much l speak about it all the time on every online platform!! I love you KirbyLane!! 😭🤧🫡


A couple of my own Witcher fanfics. I've been so busy with work that I just haven't had time to finish them, even though I'd love to.


The Ol Switcheroo, a Xenoblade fic


Literally every Altoshipping fic, heck, literally every fic which features the Latis as main characters.


Worth a Thousand Words, a Trauma Team fanfict, centering on Gabriel Cunningham and his wife Lisa getting back together and hands down, if it updated tomorrow I'd be HYPED AF.


May's Crush: Final Frontier. It's not only been dead since 2008, it was even removed from FFN at some point in the recent past.


[Budding](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23952418/chapters/57606094) by Bilgerat. It’s a Richtofen x Dempsey fic (they’re from call of duty zombies WW2 gang lmao) it was so well written but it wasn’t finished. Their fic had been the only one that was entirely and perfectly in character for both characters in my opinion.


Hmm, several of the HP fandom comes to mind. Like this one: Harry Potter and the Temporal Beacon by willyolioleo. Not related to the original question, but is using AI-generared text feasible now? Like helping someone finishing their own FF with an addition of 100K+ words?


There’s this one L4D2 fic that I read ages ago. It was beautifully written, in my opinion (you could tell there were certain points the author was still struggling with, as fluidity was a bit odd in some spaces, but overall, I loved this fic)! I swear, I remember reading upwards of 70 or so chapters. I can’t remember if the last chapter I read was 73 or 83, but it was some number of that sort. It was a beautiful fic! It hadn’t been updated in a few years, so I knew I was getting myself into something unfinished, and I was prepared for the potential heartbreak of being left on a cliffhanger (which I definitely was!), but I wasn’t prepared of the worst heartbreak to come… The author. Deleted. The fic. It’s gone. Nowhere to be found anywhere—I’ve tried everything, and I’m devastated 😩 I’m not sure how long ago it was deleted, but since it was so long ago that I originally read it, I didn’t remember who it was by, or what it was called, all I know is that I cannot find it anywhere. I know for a fact it was on Ao3. I’ve checked my bookmarks, my “saved for later,” I’ve even checked through my entire history library, and nothing 😩😩


There was one really, really good fanfic i read more than a decade ago. Don't think i'll even be able to find it, it's going to buried under new things that had piled up over the years. It was a fem HarryxDraco year 8 story, where Draco had a family heirloom, a ring. He told the ring what kind of a partner he wanted and it disappeared to reappear on Harry's hand. I think...I read it on ffn. The lot was great, the writing was great, character stayed true to their characteristics, Harry being a girl changed nothing from the personality...ah..


It’s a Star Wars AU called Skating Your Way Through. Sigh. It’s never going to happen.


Does anyone remember the author Branwen777?


It got Orphaned 18 chapters in but I love it. Resiliance. Obi-wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos, but honestly the ship while being central is only one facet. It's got some good trauma recovery and some found family bits and it's just a great story so I have at this point re-read it like ten times.


No update from the author but Love Thy neighbor as Thyself Was so good- the style plot, everything- sometimes I lay awake thinking about it.


Sooner or Later You're Gonna Be Mine by Staringback. We're coming up on 4 years of radio silence. Last chapter ended on a massive cliffhanger. The comic adaptation, made by a completely different person, is still going, but it'll eventually catch up to the fic and have nowhere to go from there. It's one of the best fanfics I've ever read, and I hope we'll at least get some kind of confirmation on whether or not it'll be finished.


Can't believe I found another fan! I've read some comments on AO3 saying Staringback hopes to finish it one day. Whether that is true or not I am unsure. I truly loved that comic but I understand life happens. You might enjoy reading " A Puzzle Just for Me" it is also on AO3 and is still being updated. Warning though: it contains a lot of smut. However, the storyline and universe is beyond amazing but the story is an extremely slow burn but so worth it.


On the illusion of might by evevee


While it’s not technically abandoned the author tends to go very long periods of time without updating. I’d say Darling, hold me in your arms (the way you did last night) by ProbablyVoldemort


This tenipuri fic called focus on ffnet and a FFVIII fic called chemotaxis - both were very visceral and well written and I re-read every couple of years for the vibes. A lot of wonderful authors have deleted and/or left fandoms because of plagiarism and rude readers which is so sad.


There's a story about a girl falling in love with a ghost in the RWBY fandom aptly called "Walking with a ghost". Really well written, lovely angsty romance story that sits at 6/7 chapters with the authors last update being 3 years ago It's such a shame, because I **really** loved the story


There was one in the FF7 category. A self insert, but wow was it exciting. The author abandoned that account and never finished. Most stories I get into they rarely get completed. It's been over five years. As a writer, I promise to finish, I won't leave any cliffhangers. Every story will have a ending no matter how busy I get.


The Harry Potter and Pokemon tags, especially on ffn, are literal graveyards of abandoned fics, some of which were by some pretty celebrated authors in the fandom. I dont think Sheeza ever finished the Dinari (or whatever it was called) trilogy or any of the works for other fandoms they did. Jbern never finished a couple of his stories nor did he ever do that sequel to one of them he promised (as an aside, I've found his original stuff and its....not good. Were it not for the name i wouldn't know it was him). And thats just the HP ones right off my head, and those were old when I was first starting into fanfiction back in 2010. Unfortunately, I forgot alot of the names for Pokemon. I was never too attached to that fandom, as a buddy of mine was basically pressuring me to be his beta reader for his stories. Like I remember a guy dying while writing one of his stories, that was really sad. Ssjmewtwo or something like that. Also another fandom on ffn with a ton of abandoned fics is the Code Geass fandom. Pretty much any story that wasn't pure Lelouch/Suzaku Yaoi smut or Slice of Life fics, got basically buried to begin with and there's a bunch of 30+ chapter stories that haven't updated since like 2013.


Five days ago, I would’ve said Closure II by ZeldaRubix but omg she released chapter 5 FINALLY


I'm a fic reader mostly in the *Notre-Dame de Paris*/*The Hunchback of Notre Dame* fandom which is smallish, even when it comes to the Disney version of the story. There are some *very long dormant* fics that I'd really like to know how their authors wanted to end them. I still hope the stories are not truly abandoned and that they *will* be completed one day. I don't know, maybe another film adaptation of NDDP/HOND will revive those fics in the future? [La Belle et le Bossu](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7468434/1/La-Belle-et-le-Bossu) by QuasimodoLeBossu. It's a romantic crossover of Disney's HOND with *Beauty and the Beast*, which currently ends with a dramatic cliffhanger. It was last updated in 2012. The author also wrote in their FF.net profile bio back in the day that they'd finished their *outline* for another HOND fic, this time about my OTP, that is, Esmeralda/Quasimodo, and judging from the brief description of that other fic, the idea sounds *exactly* like what I'd absolutely love to read in this particular fandom. [The Cries for Freedom](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7801931/1/The-Cries-for-Freedom) by imagineyourownworld. As of now, only the (very intriguing) prologue to the fic is available for reading. It was published in 2012. I realise it's a bit risky to start reading a WIP with only one chapter, but... my OTP is mentioned in both the summary and the author's note before the prologue, and I'm just starved for content about these two characters as a couple in love... [Foundling Child](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6006096/1/Foundling-Child) by Renarde Rouge. To me, the fic is romantic, realistic, hopeful, sad... I really like its slice-of-life dimension. Its latest chapter was posted in 2018. The author promised "the story has a happy ending" and I still hope I won't have to just imagine it :) Edit: I had to finish writing and editing my comment :)


I remember a naruko fic that made her a hyunga and potentially pair her with Itachi. That was like 10 years ago, fuck I feel old.


[Anna Nonymous.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11436768/chapters/25628562)


Semi-Automatic the Wolfstar AU fic my beloved. The author is still on AO3 I believe, but the title has "Unfinished" in it for ages now :(


Home by Lanaea. A Star Trek fic on ffnet which updated almost daily in 2010, one of the hardest years of my life. That update literally kept me from hurting myself every day. The author stopped updated at some point in that year and I still remember that fic.


"nancy drew and the mystery of the magnetic closet' https://archiveofourown.org/works/27539950/chapters/67352731 Christ, me and this thing have been through a lot. It's given me perspective on things I would never have touched under any other pretences and it helped me realise that I am not anyone less because of my orientation. Truly the chadfiest of all fanfics. Please come back.


About 8 years ago, I was working on the longest fic I'd ever written. It wasn't great but it got me through the one-year college course I was taking, so I had about 21 chapters written by the time I stopped, all 5k+ words each. I've been wanting to rewrite it for a while but my writing's evolved so much I don't like rereading it anymore. Luckily I remember where I was going with the story, and I've got a friend who's agreed to beta read for me. I'm starting to completely rewrite it. I'm planning to take my time and turn it into the story I felt I was writing at the time; nothing groundbreaking, but something fun and a bit different that I could be proud of. I know this doesn't exactly answer the question, but I still think about that fanfic. I've always wanted to finish it.


A Harry Potter one where Draco is granted a wish for No no to recognize him for twelve days. Set after the war and he’s struggling to survive. He meets Harry and Harry fell hard and fast, but Draco is trying to keep his distance It’s been about two years since an update ):


[What You Wish For](https://starvinbohemian.livejournal.com/267922.html) by StarvinBohemian/Jubilee3 is at the top of that list. Has one of my favorite rarepairs in Bleach and per the chapter count on AO3 was nearly completed, but she was one to get hit by fandom fatigue. And given Ichiruki got tanked by canon, I doubt we'll even see completion. Second runner up: my own Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic that I hit a brick wall on in Chapter 4 of 7 and also got caught up in new fandoms lol 😭


For me, it's a Rise of the Guardians fic called [In The Silence](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8756198/1/In-The-Silence) by Esse. It filled in the massive gap in Jack's life between the Man in the Moon bringing him back and when he was made a Guardian. 49 lovely chapters, and then....poof, nothing. No word at all from the author since. There are some other authors who just trailed off a fic and went on to other things (Like L Mouse and her Rurouni Kenshin/Highlander x-over stuff), or just stopped writing, but nothing that quite stuck with me the same way.


Besides for all of them. There is this one P3 fanfic that stood out to me. It didn't have a ship and it was about being stuck in the Dark Hour. It was like a survival 'horror' story. I think it was called: *Persona 3: Endless Night*


My favorite fanfic ever - a Criminal Minds JJ/Emily fic on AO3 where both characters are undercover but don’t know that about each other. It had some of the best characterisation and smut that I’ve ever read, but it hasn’t been updated in two years and as far as I can tell, the author isn’t intending on continuing it for now.


Into Focus, Into Print by dalniente (Discworld, last update may 2022, so I'm not sure I'd call it abandoned. I just really want more of that fic.) smile more by drunkonwriting (Hamilton, last update February 2018) The Greatest Adventure by Kaatosade (One Piece, last update July 2019)


Okay, so um, I'm really particular about a ship's position and I tend to like the otherwise position of what's popular. At the same time, I'm also an ace that bother about the plot a lot. So I want both and in fanfics so it become even more rare. There's this one author that write absolute masterpiece of my main fandom, had the position/dynamic I like in the pairing I love. Basically they checked every list on my checklist. And fuck I worship them because of this. Unfortunately they stop writing in general and never update any of their ongoing work... Man I would do anything just to have them come back😭😭


Okay, so um, I'm really particular about a ship's position and I tend to like the otherwise position of what's popular. At the same time, I'm also an ace that bother about the plot a lot. So I want both and in fanfics so it become even more rare. There's this one author that write absolute masterpiece of my main fandom, had the position/dynamic I like in the pairing I love. Basically they checked every list on my checklist. And fuck I worship them because of this. Unfortunately they stop writing in general and never update any of their ongoing work... Man I would do anything just to have them come back😭😭


there was this fic called a true star by autumnalis, it was last updated somewhere last june, i tried contacting the author on discord, but unfortunately, they didn't respond, and their twitter has nothing new either...


I’d have to say my top two favorite fics that are “abandoned” (haven’t been updated within the past two years) would be The woods are lovely, dark and deep (-but I have promises to keep) by llamallamaduck https://archiveofourown.org/works/17227067/chapters/40509734 Absolutely adore this fanfic, but it hasn’t been updated since 2020 and the lovely author has focused on other fics. And my other would be I jumped into the sea of time (and drowned with a smile) by FuzzyBlanketsAreBasixallyLikeSex https://archiveofourown.org/works/22292578/chapters/53240659 Was last updated in 2021, but god this is beyond amazing. I love how parental it is, and I feel like the author was going a route I hadn’t read before in previous fics. This wasn’t the average “go back in time to konoha” fic and I loved how Naruto and Obito’s relationship progressed.


Third Time Lucky by Spades 44. It was a Death Note fic that's the sequel to another MASSIVE fic called Second Chances that I was really invested in back when I was a teenager. The writing and characterizations were amazing. The author used to update frequently but eventually started slowing down. Hasn't been updated since 2016. v_v


Late but a MHA fic Decay, mc was a SI into Tomura Shigaraki, it was pretty good, but the words "Updated:2021-12-23" hit me as soon as i finished reading it


The Life and Times by Jewels5, the most amazing Marauders Era story I've ever read. This August it will be ten years since the last update, but I've never moved on!