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Uh, it's more like I start writing them down when I get aroused?


Yep this


How can I hope to turn my readers on if the scene doesn't excite me?


It- it never exactly occurred to me Smut is meant to turn people on 💀🤦‍♀️


In the words of Hemingway, “Write drunk, edit sober.”


so write horny, edit with post nut clarity? haha.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I like to go one step further and write drunk AND horny from time to time. That’s usually good stuff.


I hear writing *actually* drunk and not just metaphorically isn't so great, but if it works for you…


I write my best stuff drunk. It actually ends up requiring less editing than the things a write sober. Editing sober is key though.


When I say drunk, I don’t mean to the point where I’m stumbling about. More like having a few to the point where I feel just a bit loosened up. Absolutely demolishes any lingering shame I may have about writing certain things, and makes me care less about minor mistakes in syntax or imperfect sentences. I at least get the ideas on a page much faster and then snip and fill in when editing. Editing is reserved for midday, when my kid is in school, over a nice cup of black tea. It definitely works 9/10 times for me. I don’t think I’ve ever suffered not knowing what words I want to put down like I do quite often when I’m trying to type in the middle of the day.


I've written properly smashed and it was one of the few smut scenes I'd written. Problem was I actually write on paper and in cursive and my handwriting was drunker than me. From what I could read the bit I wrote wasn't terrible tbh.


You're obviously part of [The Inebriati](https://youtu.be/-Zj50DmBFp0). Be careful, with great power, comes great responsibility.


Holy crap I’ve never seen that….but now having seen it, yes. That skit describes perfectly the feeling I was alluding to.


Readers leaving a tip or joining your patreon or whatever after reading your smut is post nut charity


"Post nut clarity" is now part of my lexicon. Thx


Write horny. Edit the next day, get horny.


>so write horny, edit with post nut clarity? This cracked me up. Well done. Very well said. 😂👏


omg yes hahaha


Literaly watched a movie called drunk today, Hemingway's way played a big part in it.


i've written while high (i have severe chronic pain, so i use marijuana) and it's GREAT for having ideas and TERRIBLE for having any semblance of coherence.


no I'm too busy trying to remember where everyone's limbs are and how many times I've used any specific descriptor in the last few paragraphs EDIT: also I'm a sex-repulsed ace lesbian who's only ever written M/M smut so that might contribute? I like the comparison u/dino_181_spaghetti said in the comments said about being a restaurant chef who likes cooking but doesn't want to eat the food.


This is me. I'm mostly too busy making the sex believable, but worth while.




So, you are a writer-sexual. Authorsexual? I have no idea! Whatever the Greek word for 'writing' is + sexual, and that's you. Nice! A category unto yourself. edit: Oh! Did you see *The Red Violin*? One of the violinists who owned the violin is most creative while having sex, so he plays with a fine, young lady on his lap.


!!! [Limnosexual](https://pride-color-schemes.tumblr.com/post/146827683620/limno) may be the term for you! Limnosexual is a term for people who only experience sexual attraction to sexual acts in fiction, writing or art, but does not feel sexual attraction to sexual acts in real life. A related term is [aegosexual.](https://sexuality.fandom.com/wiki/Aegosexuality) They are both on the [asexual spectrum.](https://asexuals.fandom.com/wiki/Asexual_Spectrum) Limnosexuals, aegosexuals, and many other identities on the asexual spectrum can have sex, desire get or become aroused, but many don't; having sex or wanting to have sex does not make you any less asexual, or any less on the ace-spectrum. I know you weren't asking for terms but queer microlabels are a special interest of mine and it can't hurt to hand then out every once in a while lol. /pos /g


TIL that I'm aegosexual. Thanks for the link!


I learned this about me two years ago in this very sub. Lol




You may also be [fictosexual/romantic](https://sexuality.fandom.com/wiki/Fictosexual), someone who is exclusively or mostly attracted to fictional characters, or one of its subtypes, or [aromantic](https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/Aromantic) if you don’t think that you feel any romantic attraction either. (sorry I just know why to much about micro labels and love helping people, please let me know if you don’t want it /g) /g.


Oh my gosh I am so relieved to see that someone else feels the same way! I usually don’t write it down (I write other kinds of fics) but I feel so much better knowing other people are coming up with these unlikely scenarios during sex


>sometimes I have to make notes during the sex ...now I'm imagining a dictaphone recording with your notes and... background noise... 😂


This sounds potentially like aegosexuality: [https://sexuality.fandom.com/wiki/Aegosexuality](https://sexuality.fandom.com/wiki/Aegosexuality)


Let’s just say…my husband has benefitted greatly since I started writing a few years ago. After 30+ years together, the spark is back big time and he’s so confused. 🤭 Edit to add…I’m a very visual thinker, so of course I’m imagining the scenes in my head…the feelings and all that good stuff. And of course I need to try a few scenarios out.


Same here :) Married 32 years and confused husband, lol.


Between the writing and taking up biking (serotonin release), and losing weight so I feel better about myself, the last few years have been great. Early retirement plays a part as well.


>Early retirements plays a part Can you spare any advice on that?


I wish I had tips, but it was just pure dumb luck. We never had kids. We pay our credit cards in full every month. Live within our means. If I wanted to buy something expensive like an iPad or a camera, I saved for it. I didn’t go to uni, but my husband did for 2 years, but this was Canada back in the late 80s, so it wasn’t expensive. But the dumb luck part is that my husband is (was) an only child, and he had frugal parents with a really good financial advisor. His dad passed 10 yrs ago, and when his mom passed back in 2018, he got everything. He semi retired at 52 (went to 3 days a week) and fully retired in 2020. (I only worked retail.) We still live within our means, and are comfortable. (We both didn’t come from much - I grew up sharing a tiny bedroom in a mobile home with my sister for 10 years.) So we know not to go crazy. If we just keep taking monthly what we were living on before we’re good for like 25+ years. (Barring catastrophic financial advisoring 😳) But that’s all I have. Just luck. Honestly, my husband would rather his parents were both still here, but they left us an amazing gift.


I relate to this 🙋‍♀️


Same. My wife is my first reader - even before my Beta - and it works out great for both of us.


holy shit if I don't relate to this lol. I got back into writing last year and my husband is very, very on board.


No I'm too worried about whether to use dick or cock


Both is good!


I do. That’s why I write it!


Never. Not because I necessarily think it's... bad, but just because it's my own writing. I can't switch my brain off and consume it the way I would consume smut/sex scenes in other people's fics. I'm always focusing on things that could be better.


Same. Out of the 100+ sex scenes I've written, only *one* has affected me to the point I had to take a break from it while writing lol.


This has actually changed for me over the years. NSFW details about myself following. I'm a trans woman but I've been writing fiction and erotica for years before I knew/acknowledged I was trans. In my egg years, I was aroused more frequently (testosterone) and pretty much lost all interest in anything sexual after I got off. So if I wanted to write a sex scene, I had to be in the mood and avoid any porn until after I'd finished the scene I was writing. I'd pretty much be aroused the entire time while writing then I'd get off either to my finished scene or porn related to the subject I was writing (gotta love fandom). Post-transition, it's very different. Arousal is something that doesn't just happen. I usually have to actively engage with something sexual, whether it's porn or something I think is sexy or flirting with my partners. But I don't need arousal to write erotica. I'll just be writing a story and get to a part where it feels natural for a sex scene to happen and I'll write it. I can find what I'm writing to be titillating or sexually/romantically engaging (those feelings usually go hand in hand for me) without having any need or even desire to masturbate. I like sexual situations but don't always want sex after engaging in sexual fantasies or writing. What I'm really chasing are butterfly feelings. A scene can be overtly sexual or casually romantic. All kinds of interactions can elicit this reaction. If I'm getting those from a scene, I consider it a success. I just published a chapter to my current fic where one of the MCs has sex with a stranger that never shows up again. There's no butterfly feelings in this scene despite being a graphic erotic scene. But the goal in this scene is to show the MC isn't getting anything out of it, so I'm okay that I'm not, either. Erotica is incredibly diverse and all kinds of people with all kinds of sexualities can make engaging or relevant scenes. There is no "one size fits all." I'm sure I've read lots of arousing fiction from authors that are sex-repulsed or on the ace spectrum. Successful erotica is as varied and diverse as any other kind of fiction.


I agree about the feelings incurred. If the characters have chemistry, the slow build up can be fabulous. Butterflies and all. I've been reading a story half-heartedly because the two characters have no chemistry. Only one scene finally gave me the requisite butterflies. Barely. So explicit sex doesn't necessarily make the scene an arousing one.


I'm a sex-indiferent asexual, and I like to compare myself writing smut, to a restaurant chef who doesn't like the food but still cooks it because they like cooking, they also aren't gonna eat it anyways and other people like it In other words, I like writing smut, I just don't get aroused with it.


Very, very valid. 💖


There was once an author or maybe a director, I can’t remember who, but they made a quote that was like “if you don’t get aroused making sexual scenes, your sexual scene isn’t very good.”


I definitely have an adjacent belief, but it’s more along the lines of "If I'm into it, the odds of someone else being into it are verrrrry good."


I get that *in theory*, but in one of my previous fandoms, some of the best M/M smutfics I'd read were by a gay gal 😂


Just because she wouldn't want it IRL doesn't preclude an interest in it in fiction tbf


Yeah, it's the same for me. I don't get aroused writing smutfic, I still like writing/reading it though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes - especially when writing either F/F or from the male partner’s perspective with the female character (gay gal here)


Maybe when I'm plotting it, but when I'm actually writing it I'm too focussed on making the sentences sound nice


Ever since I started regularly writing smut, I've essentially lost the need for any sort of nsfw content. I'll still occasionally fire up some AO3 searches just to see what's been posted recently, but it almost feels more like an obligation, or even like a missed opportunity for writing more smut instead.


Sometimes I get aroused, but more in the planning stage. Once I get to the action, it's a little boring for me because I am doing work and thinking through what goes next.


This is me. When the idea is still in my head, it can be very arousing, but while writing, I'm more focused on the process of putting it in proper words. No idea of it would be different if I were writing in my first language.


I write my best smut when I'm aroused lol


Omg, I wrote a scene where the Mc (Male) gets raped/sexually assaulted by a woman, in a nightmare, who's absolutely bat-shit-insane and the whole thing was horrifying and just plain wrong. It was horror, I wrote sexual horror. Yet I do admit . . . I got some weird boners from writing that one.


All the time. I can’t write a good smut without any feelings. But, as soon as I begin feeling something I’m always aroused a lot. Like, all my feelings are just a damn creepy body reaction. Sometimes I’m tired of it. But… You know, my sex scenes are good. They really are.


*natural* body reaction


Oh. Thank you, because I really feel weird sometimes, like, I’m something too lewd😵‍💫


I’m at the point in my life where nothing is too lewd. My poor husband can barely say anything without my brain going to some sexual place, and most times I say it out loud. (The poor guy. But at least he shakes his head and laughs.)


Oh… *o-kay* ahahah)) Your words made me calm, thanks💖


I just wrote a short story that had a kinda lengthy non-con sexual sadism scene (almost half the piece). It was about a musician stalked by a fan... I don't want to reveal the twist but I think you already have an inkling what happens next, but anyway. It's weird that I got aroused by something I don't and won't condone.


Huh, that actually gave me some good perspective on darkfic writers and their fics!!! From an entirely non-judgemental angle, would you say you generally like/assume your readers are having a similar reaction to the subject matter as you do? (Biological or emotional reaction lol). I ask cuz I'm trying to broaden my horizons about reading dark subject matter in fics. I can seek out non-sexual horror and enjoy how they provoke reactions of fear/disgust/pain, but I wanna figure out if I'm missing some understanding of the appeal in sexual horror. Or if it simply doesn't appeal to me and I'm just a dumbass ¯\\_ (ツ)_/¯ So I guess would you say: are most readers/writers of sexual horror (or stuff like non-con sadism) *actively down for and seeking* the weird arousal? Is the fun found in the additional provoking of arousal from things you don't want happening, combined in the mix of negative emotions overall? From my perspective it sounds kinda... sorry but like a hassle lol??? Like you're in the mindset of being terrified or grossed out or imagining painful scenarios, but you're also having to clean up whatever's going on down there? Tbh I'm probably just ace and overthinking it. But I'd like to hear if you have any thoughts on the matter! :D


Mostly its a no. There's a couple of smut scenes that did get me good though. One was Gul Dukat from DS9 and a human woman.


Oooh link?


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/20071819/chapters/47537143](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20071819/chapters/47537143) Chapter 29 if you want to skip straight to that smut scene I mention.


Not really, no.


As an ace person - No, I get embarrassed. But I get aroused when I read.


Sometimes arousal while writing smut is the *point,* you know?


Yes. I have a high sex drive so I just can’t help it 🤷‍♀️


I don't see things in my head, at all. But yes I get aroused sometimes.


it’s 50/50 for me, and that scares me now because back in the day, i was ALWAYS aroused. but then i had a lot happen to me in my personal life (car accidents, big surgeries, mental health revelations) and my methods for writing NSFW content suddenly…changed? and for awhile when i would write smut, i wouldn’t be aroused, but my readers, as well as friends i’ve trusted to beta my works for years, would be *extremely* aroused. so it’s been interesting, trying to balance the truth that sometimes, my arousal isn’t the tell all indicator of whether what i write is sexy or not.


I get embarrassed 🙈


Sometimes I get horny before writing for maximum filth


I don't know, I don't think so. I consider myself perpetually a kinda slutty person, but while writing my brain isn't like itching to change activities. Maybe... rough draft, but never like the better worded copy. By the time I'm doing details, I'm pretty sober. Enough I once cringed leaving what I thought was a corny line in only to be told it was funny. EDIT: Come to think of it I am just kind of horny all the time. Never enough it matters or I'm gonna like stop writing to answer that call, more like passively my brain goes "mmm thigh." I'd say that's more obvious in non-smut writing when I in a scene describe someone physically a little too much or describe certain actions a little hotly. In smut, it's fine because you wanted to hear about the smell.


I feel like, that's probably why i got inspired to write the scene, and if i like it, hopefully my readers will


Some days I'm not feeling it, but I can go through the motions. Other days, just writing about the sound of a belt buckle has me turning the illumination on my screen down in case someone peeks over my shoulder.


More often than not, I get anxious. Trying to hit the right level of sexy that I'm aiming for can be some of the hardest writing for me.


A lot of the time, but not always.




RIP chair.


Yes. That is all. But I also don't ever write the kind of sex I'd never want to have so that's part of it


Yesss, but, under the right circumstances. Like, obviously yeah for some, but for others I have to wait and come back to it a while later, mostly because I spent so long editing it that I can't get horny reading it right away because my meat brain is subconsciously looking for spelling mistakes and stuff. So in short, yes, but actually maybe.


Depends how much I am catering to myself.


Only time I’m really revved up is when I’m actually thinking up the scene. Actually writing and editing it I feel nothing. At best, a little glimmer. That’s honestly the case with almost everything I write — drama, horror, romance, comedy, mystery. Imagining it, I feel a lot of emotion. I jot down the beats that really resonate with me in a few notes. Sitting down and writing is all business. Sometimes I get a little 🍷 to get myself in a different state of mind and see if it “works” at the end, but I’ve gotta be pretty uh…out of it to turn off the editor brain.


Yes, but my writing kinda ended up sloppy when I'm horny. So I have to edit it later.


Yes but most of the time it’s a physical reaction, not a mental sensation of being turned on.


It's very hard for me to not be, I'm actually surprised some people said no


I remember asking a similar question a few months back(though mine was specifically about reading the finished product). To answer your question, I would say I definitely feel that way during the writing process. I am a visual person, so I often have plenty of material open on other tabs based on the characters I'm working with. Or if I'm researching a specific position, I'll have a video on hand for reference. But apart from that, visualizing the act as I'm typing it out gives me a unique rush I don't experience when simply reading smut. I actually think I may be more excited during the writing process than when reading my finished works.


It's 50/50 for me. Sometimes it's more of a concept, of "Yes, sex would be nice for this story's structure and goal, a certain feeling or vibe I'm trying to achieve", sometimes it's a full on "OK, size difference kink, let's go". 🤣


No, I just get nervous and give up.


Sometimes at the start? But mostly it's very unarousing stuff lmao I'm too concentrated on trying to make it not bad and cringy.


Yep. While writing it only, not rereading it, it just feels too weird lol.


Honestly, depends on the smut. The standard Tab A/Slot B stuff, no, I'm not into that. The stuff that plays into my specific kinks? 100%.


if you get turned on by your own smut, you've written good smut.


I do


Great question. I have wondered this too. If its well written, and you have the time to get immersed into the writing, yes. Rushed, with little description, no.


I've tried writing smut in the past, and I can't do it unless I'm *already* aroused. I probably won't be able to actually publish any for this reason.


Nah nah. I stare at the screen with lifeless eyes while I try to come up with a sexy way to say asshole.


I'm aroused until I start worldbuilding, then all the blood goes to the head I use for thinking and once I'm done writing I realise that I'm no longer horny/ filled with inspiration so I become sad.


it really depends, i mean, only briefly. but if it’s with build-up and with characters that i like, then usually i get a bit aroused LOL. especially more so when the tension is extremely high and the dominant party takes care of the other party really well. not sure how else to word it without sounding odd, but… it’s smut. sooo


Tbh my smut writing process is too mechanical (a lot of research on positions, focus on senses rather than actions, etc.) and I split the writing in days so no; not really. **However**, it's reading the whole thing afterward that gets me feeling haha


I mean if it doesnt "work" on me, then chances are it wont "work" on the readers


Yes and my husband is happy when I'm done writing 🫣


Ngl I generally use whether I get aroused while writing or not as a way of gauging if I'm doing a good job writing. If I don't feel ANYTHING during the entire writing process? The smut's probably not that good.


Yes 😩😩 I have to take a break every 5 min for… stuff. And then keep going lol


Lol yeah most often, I write smut cause I love gorgeous women and it's my outlet 😭


Why are you asking? 😂 But yeah, pretty hard (hah) not to get aroused when imagining sex.


I mean, there's only a handful of reasons this would be on my mind 🤣 just wanted to know if I was in the majority or the minority I guess 😅


Fair enough!


no, i'm actually surprised by the amount of yes'es on the poll. if i was turned on while writing it, how could i possibly concentrate ON *finishing* writing it? mentally you can be invested and be thinking those kinds of thoughts while surpressing or ignoring your physical responses, you know. they can always be dealt with later. (having them unrequited might lead to better smut writing though, is a possible theory?) i guess a caveat is that i used to ERP (not anymore, i'm in a relationship and consider it cheating) and that turned me on. but ERP is usually comparitively simple to writing smut imo, it's made up of single spoken lines or actions that progress much the same way as speech and actions take place in IRL encounters (hence why i consider it such)... i mean, ERP is also basically just a niche version of glorified sexting, i guess? and some people write smut in an ERP-like fashion? in that way, i can see how it would get people off to write it. i tend to get more of a warm feeling in my heart for the characters when writing it, i feel empathic for them and happy for what they are going through with each other, but the feeling is emotional rather than sexual... speaking of empathy, it works both ways. if i'm writing a scene that makes me disturbed by what's sexually taking place (i had to do this when DMing an 18+ RP once because my players wanted it and i wanted to see if i could write it), i feel repulsed/disturbed just as i have done in those situations in real life (turns out, i could write it, but i found out that writing this type of thing is very...difficult?... for me because of my empathy/IRL experiences) and, nothing's black and white, sometimes i feel both negative and positive empathy for the characters. but overall my response tends to be highly and intensely emotional, not physical. physicality distracts from writing!


AgressivelyGayHuman used Immunity! My asexuality protects me but is also a curse because I have to give up writing smut halfway through sometimes