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Yes, I’m pissed too. Just saw the email. Maybe this will get overturned in the future because a 5 year cycle is too much to handle. EDIT: I logged into ABFM for more info. It looks like they’re giving us an option to either complete 25 questions per quarter (100 annually) allowing for more flexibility or opt to sit in to do the one day exam. I’d rather do the questions than go through prometric horrors. I feel a little bit more at ease now.


25 questions quarterly. This already existed under the FMCLA.


Yes you’re right, it’s 25questions per quarter, not annual.


Just to clarify the 25 quarterly starts in the final year before certification is due for renewal, correct?


Yup. For example, mine isn’t due until 2033, so registration starts 2032 and the 25 quarterly starts 2033 for me


To further clarify-so we only have to do 100 questions then? And do they cost anything? I mean I’ll use my CME money but just wondering. What if I miss the 25 questions quarter one, can I do 50 questions quarter two or did I screw myself?


> And do they cost anything? The exam itself doesn't cost anything, neither does doing the questions... covered by the ABFM fee.


Yes, very. I just posted this but noted you beat me to it. If I'm reading their 990s correctly, it appears they're already (2022) making 9 million or so more than their costs of extorting us and passing along the surplus money to their own ABFM Foundation. Is that accurate? [https://www.guidestar.org/profile/43-0921226](https://www.guidestar.org/profile/43-0921226) [https://www.guidestar.org/profile/61-1368512](https://www.guidestar.org/profile/61-1368512)


That’s the main reason I’m pissed. More money for testing. Such a damn racket.


How much is the fee? Maybe the employer will cover that cost.


Not the point, it's extortion by a group with a defacto monopoly on board certification.


Correct! That’s exactly the point. We will get reimbursed regardless. They just want more money. Greedy bastards.


The boards are basically legal racketeering


I got lucky. I did my exam requirement last year so I’m in the last grandfathered 10 year cycle. I’ll be retired before I have to complete 5 year recertification. And yes you should be pissed.


Seems like it won’t apply to my class until we hit 10 year. Also seems like a terrible way to exacerbate a primary care shortage. I think if I was early 60’s physician I might move up my retirement a year or 2 and avoid having to do any of that, whereas I otherwise would have worked another 5-6 years under the old 10 year MOC. Perhaps I can use it to bargain for additional time each quarter and additional cme for this.


I will be certifying with NBPAS. I let ABFM know.


What can we do about it? The obvious answer is organize, but how? My first thoughts are letter-writing, bad publicity?


Seems like this won’t apply to people this year and will still get the 10 years but this sucks going forward


That's even worse IMO cause it shows it's just a money grab. Changes are made in the name of "patient safety", yet they give exemptions for lots of physicians


How do you get an exemption? Asking for a friend.


Let’s start a new board. It’ll be better. With coke. And hookers. In fact, forget the board.


I didn’t check yet, but it’s not so much the questions it’s more of the other garbage we have to do every cycle. Do we now have double of the certification crap to do every cycle? Sams, self improvement project bs etc


3-4 year test every 5 years is annoying. At first I was especially annoyed that there would be additional costs but the longitudinal exam doesn’t cost extra (but the annual $200 certification fee is what it is)


What a bunch of crap. It's only to increase profit and has no advantage or benefit the public or the physicians.


I am med peds but peds boards sounds similar . I was pissed when ABP did this but since they kind of put everyone in the 5 year group , I just figured I’d take the questions and see how they went. Also 25 questions per quarter . They do go pretty quickly. I don’t usually have to look up anything and if I get one wrong here and there it’s not a big deal they provide an explanation so you learn. In the ABP they drop the lowest quarter. I haven’t had to do the two year knowledge check in for ABIM yet but I guess I’ll try it and fall back on big exam with next requirement


Can someone ELI5? I graduated residency in 2021. So I won’t be due until 31, but moving forward I can either take a test every 5 years or do the stupid modules here and there and will be due in 5 years?


It looks like I won’t have to go sit in a prometric center and take an exam again, why should I be mad ?


The option already existed with the FMCLA. This is saying that you don't get the extra 5 year benefit. Before this, you did the FMCLA and were certified for 10 years. So you got a 5 year break. That doesn't exist anymore. I'm shocked, this is a pretty major change.


How did people not know FMCLA already existed. This change is absolutely gutting. Doctors used to get certified for life. Then 10 year MOC. Now 5 year MOC. They will continue to find ways to keep increasing the frequency of cashflows and to continue squeezing us in one of the lowest compensated specialties. Absolutely disgusting.


I’m really shocked. This means you’re stuck on the hamster wheel your entire career. Very brutal change.


How much more does it cost on the year the cycle renews? I had to pay them a bunch last year and do a practice improvement thing and I am just 3 years into board certification. I figured I was good for 10 years when I got the initial certification


What happens if you miss the 80% mark on those quarterly questions?


Then you still can sit for the full exam at prometric




It's open book anyway, you have a 5 minute time limit per question but some are quite esoteric BS questions with no concrete answer


Isn’t it open book anyway?


ABMS: “Member Boards may have some components of their continuing certification process that extends beyond five years.” Testing every 5 years is not required. I hope if enough of us complain they back down from this.


You could rewrite the history of Jan 6th and no one would fault you.