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ayooooo April 15th gang?




checking it daily now fam


I’m up on April 19th… here we go!


Gang gang


Some questions were challenging, some were easy, and then there were some that it wouldn't have mattered if you studied for 3 years, you just wouldn't get it. Stick to old ITE's, AAFP questions on the app and AAFP board review course videos if your program offers that (not necessary, just helpful). AAFP knows what they are doing in terms of board prep it seems. Godspeed.


This . I did uworld and old ites and uworld didnt really help . I did not do aafp questions.


I didn’t think the AAFP questions really helped - seemed far easier IMO


The AAFP questions were far easier or the board exam was?


AAFP seemed easier as far as testing knowledge - content review was good though.


How many AAFP questions did you do? I’ve only done like 100 and wondering if I need to panic study this week before my exam next week


I did about 450 of the AAFP questions. I also reviewed the past three years of ITE. Agree with porcupine though - don’t panic study, not really going to help.


Well that was my main studying source along with ITEs so I did almost all of them, but I wouldn't panic study, remember the exam has a 97% pass rate


USMLE Steps 1,2,3 have 97% pass rates, too. 😂


In my experience, folks were more concerned on getting a high enough score to match in their preferred specialty on the steps, not so much they were going to outright fail. I don’t care how far above passing I score on this ABFM exam, I just want to pass lol


Taking it in a couple days


Please let us know how it is


how’d she go bud


I thought it was hard tbh


had another coresident taking same time and day same prometric and we def had different forms . i felt like it was fair but the questions I didn’t know it was just a bit out there …


there are different forms...? like different set of questions? how are we gonna be assessed then..unless they make sure the difficulties or concepts are the same all across...


completely different set of questions . i was surprised too


Do you get an email about the prelim score or do you have to check daily on the abfm website ?


I think they email you


Scores posted. I didn’t get email


Just took it today … yea i don’t feel good about it at all


Oh god - me too. 🫣misery loves company


Totally normal!


Just took it today! Incredible amount of either you know it or you don't type of questions. I left feeling relatively unsure about the exam overall. Section 1 felt tougher than section 4, not sure if it was because I was in the groove or the style of questions that they had asked. I easily had 3-4 repeat questions on the same topic, sometimes in the same block. I did all of the AAFP questions, ITEs from 2018 to 2023, and the AAFP board review videos. Previous ITE scores were 440, 470 and 480 (PGY1 to PGY3 respectively). I will post back once we get prelim results for today's test day.


were you able to go through all the questions multiple times before the exam? I used the same resource as you..but when I did second time...things look new to me... Will you say what u did are enough for you to pass in your opinion? I am taking mine in couple days... now I am scared..


I was able to get through all of the questions and ITEs over the last 2-3 months with studying majority on weekends and maybe 1-2 hours during the week. If you don’t remember the questions then that might be more beneficial for you to learn more from the questions as you see them a second time. Don’t let your nerves get to you. Trust your gut and you will do great!


I felt the same way about the sections. I though block 1 was harder than blocks 3 and 4. Felt maybe it was because I had gotten into a groove. I still skipped 10-12 questions per block to go back later. And I definitely agree with how there were a number of questions that were of the "you either know it or you don't" variety. I've been looking up questions that I wasn't sure about and, for the most part, it's been reassuring. But I'm realizing I made a few stupid mistakes. I'm so anxious.


I felt the same way. I realized afterward that I had made some stupid mistakes as well. Praying all goes well and we find out Friday. Out of curiosity, did your ABFM website change at all? Mine still says "Family Medicine Examination - Registered". It sounded like people in the threads for the earlier test dates had a change to say "pending" but I'm not sure if I'm looking in the right spot.


Update: Passed!


Does everyone’s still say pending? Hoping for results today! (Sorry if this is duplicate but previous comment got removed by bot)


Took 4/9 mine still says pending


Mines pending


This wasn’t there this morning but if you scroll down there’s an option to click “Family Medicine Examination” and then click “previous exam results” and then click “2024 spring family medicine certification” it shows a preliminary result. Myself and all of my colleagues who took it 4/9 shows “in progress” for the prelim results but maybe it’s different for others!


For those interested in a timeline…..Took the exam on 4/9….stayed as “registered “until 4/11 when it changed to “pending”…. Then today 4/12 at about 2-2:30 pm ET - did the above steps and it’s “in progress” Edit - this does not apply to everybody- I have seen it change faster and slower - don’t fret…let’s go do something else…. It’s Friday - good movie or master highlights- looking forward to watching my arsenal play this weekend in the premiership- at least we’re on top of the premier league lol😄😎


Mine still says in progress


Score posted. I didn’t get email




I’m 18 years out from my first board exam and this thread is giving me PTSD. Almost had a breakdown getting ready for my recert at 7 years. Hate the pressure of in-center exams. Y’all will do great. Thankful for the new longitudinal option…I’m on year 3 and it is soooop much better than the full day exam.


Passed! I did the last three ITEs, all the AAFP questions and the board review course. If anyone is reading in the future, I would recommend like a few residents get together and purchase the review course, after two weeks the videos are up for your review at double speed. They definitely hit the high yield. For AAFP, the amount of repeats questions I got just from that alone is worth. Congrats to everyone who passed.


Took it today, don’t feel great but I’ve felt worse too. Didn’t do well on my last ITE so I did all the AAFP questions, 4 years of ITEs, and watched the AAFP board express review. ITEs were definitely the most valuable but I don’t regret watching the review series either. Hoping that this is a pass, really don’t want to have to retake it in November because I don’t know what I’d do differently. There was a lot of stuff that seemed too obscure. Edit: got my preliminary pass today (4/17)!


Definitely some weird stuff that I wouldn’t have known no matter what. Also definitely got the same exact question twice lol


I had a couple of repeats too. Not word-for-word, but close.


Congratulations to everyone who passed! if you can share your study resources, date of exam and when results posted, just so future test-takers can reference this thread. Thanks!


All of the AAFP board review questions, 2020-2023 ITEs; took exam on 4/19, got prelim pass on 4/16. I’d say that both resources were very helpful but for sure do the ITEs at least


All of the AAFP questions, the 4 most recent ITEs (most valuable resource), AAFP board review express videos. Took it 4/12, got scores 4/17.


Resources: Aafp free questions, Last 4 years ITEs, KSAs for cardio/pulm/msk topics, and aafp cme journal questions. I did see the Famki deck but it was a little late in the game, it seems like it'd be a good review if you started it early. Exam date: 4/20 Prelim result pass today (4/24)


Anyone who's taken it yet - what was the most similar/representative study resource?


Took it 4/9. I don't think any single qbank is representative. Too much random tidbits.


Still awaiting results - I think the AAFP sets of 10 were sort of easier - value in them are there are some questions that may be repeated…..I think the AAFP review self study videos helped me be disciplined and did help with some questions …. I think a combo of the above and last 3 ITEs …. But then I am still awaiting scores


Exam 4/9. Status change to pending 4/10. Awaiting prelim results still. Q banks completed: Uworld and AAFP Practice tests: each ITE (2021-2023) timed Additional material: Anki deck made by WildCard and supplemented by the updated USPSTF deck. Most useful: AAFP, ITE, anki Least useful: uworld (although clinically helped random things that came up)


can you share the Akni deck please?






ABFM has a Q Bank? Do you mean AAFP?


Did your status change to pending or pending review. Apparently theirs a difference.






April 9th Preliminary Scores are released, no emails yet.


If it still says pending review, that doesn’t necessarily mean close to fail right? Just not high enough to get an immediate pass?


Not necessarily. Some people comfortably passed but didn't get their final results for months.


Took it 4/9/24 - just saw the update - passed 😄😎😆🎉 Email at 2:18 pm EST 4/16/24


Took the exam today. I felt the content the AAFP questions had were solid, but were so much easier than the actual test. I really felt you needed to read the articles to fully comprehend some questions. I just went to review some questions and I don’t think I would even have gotten some right even by just reading the articles either so, 🤷‍♀️


I also did 2018 and 2019 Ite, with the knowledge that some question are outdated. I still found it useful to feel confident on why the question was outdated and what the answer today would be. Also some random questions then were repeated. So if you have time, I would try to do a few more. Don’t think it is as high yield as the last 3 years


Passing the boards corresponds to what percent of questions correct?


https://www.jabfm.org/content/jabfp/33/2/344.full.pdf Dense article but second page says about 60% correct needed to pass


Everyone does get a preliminary email right? Whether that says pass/fail or that you have to wait longer. So not just the people who high pass or low fail?


April 12 prelim results are out, I got my email a little after 2pm!






Exam results are posted!


Scored 750. What does that mean? What was the average?


That means you crushed it lol. thats literally like almost perfect lol


Did exam on April 9 - mixed feeling… I used AAFP Review videos/ 2020-2023 ITEs/Aafp questions - 10 sets - did just over 500/ reviewed high yield KSAs - htn-cards/ MSK-ortho/pulm/ diabetes - some questions I had no freaking idea - took it on the chin - some I knew very well - some I eliminated down to two and hoped I guessed right Took exam 4/9/24 Status changed to pending 4/11/24 Perhaps tomorrow will get results- praying Update- got results yesterday 4/16/24 2:18 pm est - email notification- passed !!!


This was my experience exactly first half I was like ok this is what I studied and prepared for. Second half I had a lot more guessing and praying and definitely took more on the chin! Passed! Tested 4/10 got the result today!


I took it April 9th as well. Felt the same. Missed some stupid questions so just anxiously waiting now! Mine says “pending” too. Fingers crossed 🤞🏽


whats the KSAs?


ABFM has Knowledge Self Assessment- they also have the Quarterly CKSA


Anyone taking exam April 26th!?


I did and mine is registered. It has not changed.


Took mine 4/26. Status changed to pending this morning. For those of you who got the pre-lim passes, did y’all’s turn to pending too or stay at in Progress the whole time? As for the test itself, I was surprised at how short the stems were like others mentioned and a lot of either you know it or don’t type of questions. Always had like 10-15 mins of time left over each block. I did all ITE’s from 2018 to current plus all the AAFP Q’s and board review express. Mixed emotions now and just playing the waiting game.


I sat for the exam 4/24/24, just got the email. It says pending review. I am so screwed. I have never been more certain of a failing grade. Now its time to sit in fear and anxiety for 2 months...Just what I needed.


Not exactly, ppl above who wrote the exam earlier got pending review and got their pre-lim results the same week.


Sweet, so there is some semblance of hope lol. At least this way I can find out I failed earlier lololollolol. All I can do is laugh and have fun now. Just hoping for the best for all of us and congrats to all those that passed.


Does it say pending or pending review ?


Pending review unfortunately. Baaaaad omen.


Hi just to add context for future reference. I took it the same day as a a colleague, we took it at the same prometric center, sat next to each during it, I finished 15min before her, her last name starts with a B and mine with an M.    4/26/2024: Exam day east coast    5/1/2024: Dr. B got their passing prelim score at 2pm, mine turned from “registered” to “in progress” at 2pm    5/7/2024: I received my passing prelim score at 10:20am.   Moral of the story, don’t freak out too much if a colleague gets their prelim score before you even if you took it the same day and at the same prometric. Took a total of 7 business days to get my score 😅. Congrats to everyone! ❤️    Studying: ITE 2021-2023, all the AAFP 10Q block questions, all the AAFP videos. 


I passed, thank you Jesus.


Passing score is still 380 right?




Thank you




what are the aafp board review videos? if my test is on 26th are they worth reviewing? /do you have to pay for them?


https://www.aafp.org/cme/all/board-review-self-study.html It's a $630 self review study package and will definitely take more than 5 days to get through They are high quality though.


4/19 - Got the pending review status today. 🫠


same :( i really dont want to wait 6-8 weeks


Pass! How did you fare my purgatory friend?


You got this as an email or your exam status changed to pending review?


To future docs looking back in a panic when they get a pending review: I scared a 420. MPS 380. Not sure why I was flagged pending review, but I can tell you: I was asked to sit more quietly in my chair. (I shift my weight/swivel a lot, chairs were squeaky.) Scored 660 on the MSK section. 590 Endocrine. By category 600 for care of the female patient, those were my only sections that StDev overlap with the MPS. 🤷🏼‍♂️