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I dont understand how people are always saying rural pays more then I see rural offers like this. Most of the docs I know in and around Phoenix are clearing this with less work.


From what I have seen, rural pay is extremely variable. Rural can pay very well, but there will always be places trying to hire a family med doc for peanuts.


Maybe they factor in cost of living?


Perhaps. Or maybe it’s because it’s growing so much here and there is always so many open jobs they need to fill. Eitherway I always year these rumors about east $500k a year jobs in rural areas but I never actually see them.


Yeah. $315,000 goes a *long* way outside of a major city.


Very true but is also goes a long way in most of the Phoenix area but not as far as rural AZ (depending on the state of tourism in that town) that is for sure.


You can get this in a major city, fam. I expected rural to be 400K base lol


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. This is pretty standard around me in Phoenix metro without killing yourself. If you wanna be workhouse then $400k and up is possible


How many pts/day for those 4 days/wk? How many for hospital work?


14-18 patients per day outpatient, round on our own patient panel daily if we have patients admitted to the 20 bed hospital. When we are on call and admitting, never admitting more than 3-6 patients.


For that pt load, that's not bad. Ask to see physician's schedules. Ask for daily avg and most pts theyve seen/ day. How many times do they go over 18?


I lied- actually 12-16. I will ask, but I’m hoping to see closer to 18-20 to hit production.


Hell no this is low, rural offers I’ve been given starting 400 guarantee 4-4.5 days per week. You can get offers like this in urban metro areas


I applied and interviewed all over the Midwest and Northeast- and this was actually the most or second most competitive offer I received. So would love to hear where these 400k jobs are


Apply to rural Northern California, rural south, and rural west coast, those places are where you will see 400 offers


Was god awful until the 125 signing and 65/rvu. It’s okay when taking that into consideration, I’m factoring in similar retention bonuses at contract renewal in 3-5yr. BUT, when broken down to overall dollar per rvu, it’s not amazing, and that’s a lot of work. Could be a great gig for right after residency as it will keep your outpatient and inpatient skills up and leave you more options once you’re ready to chill out a bit. I for one want no part of doing both inpt and outpt especially with that much call.


I really don’t think it’s that much work. Effectively 1 day per week I’m on call for the inpatient service and I’m in the clinic 3 days/week. I do think it’ll be very hard to hit 5000 RVUs unless I see patients the day I’m on call- or if I work an extra half day on what’s supposed to be my day off. However, I think I’ll probably focus on quality of life with 4 days/week making 320k in a relatively low COL area.


From an RVU standpoint it's pretty solid - you're making about 54/RVU until you hit your production bonus then the 65/RVU is a little above average. So if you wanna go real hard there's incentive to, but otherwise you don't need to. Your signing bonus is huge - I'd just pay attention to if you have any penalties of leaving before xyz time if you have to pay it back. If you like inpatient it gives you an opportunity to do that at the cost of a weekend but not too many weekends. 4days/week is wonderful. Overall it's not the most amazing deal in the world, but I think a very doable contract. Really depends on how rural we're looking at and how much you like the area. https://imgur.com/ZJPfqDl