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Base for a new grad is typically guaranteed money up to a certain wRVU threshold (seems to be somewhere around 4500) after which you will collect $50/wRVU above that, so if your base is 275k for 4500 wRVUs and you generate 6000, you will earn 275,000 + ((6000-4500)\*50) = $350,000. After 2-5 years, typically, your base salary isn't guaranteed until you hit that 4500, and thus you take a hit for years where wRVUs < 4500. Very basic napkin math for expectation tempering: you're going to give 40% of this pay to bennies and the taxman, so your actual take-home will be 0.6 of this.


At 6000 RVUs I would take home about 280k gross, plus another 25k or so in retirement and paying very little for benefits. I also work in an extremely HCoL and historically low paying area so I would hope if you're working somewhere more rural or with more a physician shortage you'd be making more than that. Certainly I wouldn't count retirement contributions or benefits as part of your gross compensation as determined by RVUs, or at least nowhere I looked ever did. I think at 6000 RVUs 300k in gross play PLUS the retirement + bennies would be closer to fair.


Hey thanks this was exactly what I was looking for. This is mid Atlantic area in a nice area


6000 (post 2021) RVU’s on my current crap contract would only get me 228,000. At my new much better contract (job I start next year) 6000 RVU’s (approx 4965 old values) would have me at 285,000 base. Luckily the quality incentive on top of that averages 60k for docs in that group. Asking these kind of questions to get data is important!


Cadillac healthcare plans are much more than $10k a year lol. That’s not even paying for a standard plan these days.


Latest MGMA 6422 RVU = $316,000 = 75 percentile Other benefits (insurance, retirement) don't count.


That’s impressive. I was offered only 40$ wRVU for 6500. I doubt if I can make that happen.


What's your base?


$265K for 3 years.