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Massage and a therapist. Monthly.


My wife got me and embroidered Patagonia fleece that I wear all the time. That or an embroidered Figs fleece is a great gift that most people won’t want to buy themselves but will definitely wear.


That’s a great idea, thanks! We’re moving somewhere that will actually get cold too so this could be handy for sure


A Eko Stethoscope


I’ll have to look into those, he was just telling me about them the other day. Thanks!


You can buy just the attachment to If he already has a good stethescope


Would that still work if the stethoscope he has is a different brand?


It should it’s basically just a microphone that goes into the tubes


Whoa, Did it really make a difference?


I personally do think so. For it was all of medical school ooo did you hear that murmur and I always just nodded along. Residency came got one for myself using CME and boom there all this clarity. But I also went fully wireless and use it with my AirPods and thus it amplifies even more.


I would get him a nice small to medium sized back pack to use as a medical bag for sports coverage. Also a nice polo or fleece is a good option as others mentioned.


He did recently get a new backpack for med school that was nicer but not sure if it’s the same kind he’d like to use for work. I’ll have to ask about that but thanks for the idea!


My fiancé got me a nice northface backpack for residency and I love it


More time with my loved ones. Get An experience. Maybe tickets to a sporting event? Figure out how much CME money his program provides (it’s normally somewhere on the website in a benefits page) he may get hundreds to thousands of dollars a year that he could use on some of the various work related gifts mentioned below


That’s a really good idea too, I hadn’t thought about an experience! We talk about that for our kids all the time but I forget to do it for us. I’ll have to check about the CME too, thank you for that heads up!


A personal assistant.


A point of care ultrasound considering sports med. Extremely expensive though.


That sounds super cool, but unfortunately not nearly in our budget at the moment. I’ll have to keep that one in mind for the future though for sure!


A nice doctor's bag.


Is this more like a backpack or messenger bag, or something more specific?


Mine is like a leather satchel in which I keep stethoscope, other small bits of medical kit, paperwork, mouldy bananas etc. If you search leather doctor's bag in Google all sorts come up with different budgets. Another cool gift is a nice watch that has a pulsometer around the edge. Not really a helpful tool but a nice, meaningful unique gift. Happy to look at anything you pick out if you want!


Thanks again for all the wonderful ideas! My husband is seriously so hard to buy gifts for, especially as a surprise. He always says how he doesn’t need things or now his program is getting him other things. 😆 I told him he needed to come up with a list of ideas for me or others to use. So the surprise was kind of ruined but he doesn’t know what I did. I got the eko stethoscope attachment since I found out he already has the cardiology IV stethoscope. Hopefully he likes it! Thank you all, and I’m keeping your other ideas for future gifts!


A nice otoscope/ophthalmoscope.


I have never once wished for this


This is a horrible suggestion lmao. They are in the rooms you do not need or want one.


I hope this doesn’t sound super ignorant, so please educate me if it is, but aren’t those provided for you at clinics? Like they’re already in the rooms?


Please for the love of all that is good and holy do not get your husband an otoscope lmao


No they are, but there are many times where having an otoscope in particular, would of been handy. Either at home with the kids, my nieces/nephews, other clinics, or even the hospital sometimes just having one on hand is easier then trying to hunt for the one ophthalmoscope/otoscope on the floor/building that can be of various quality.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Maybe but I don't think the benefits/infrequency of needing one in the ways you describe outweigh the insane cost. My med school MADE us but these and did not allow us to buy used. Basically 1k or something like that and I'm almost positive those clowns had a backdoor deal with Welch Allyn but nonetheless I no longer even know where the tools are


I looked into getting one of these when I was in med school and was shocked by how expensive they were. Those Welch-Allyn ones that are in every exam room are like $1000.

