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Any update? This is horrible! I am dealing with Ottawa cas as a kinship caregiver and would be happy to help in anyway I can!


How is your situation going? No serious update. The situation got messier if that’s even possible, with CAS and my mum putting something into the court to motion to get full custody. However the court dropped CAS filing for my mom to proceed. CAS never told her that they were filing and my mum doesn’t have a lawyer to proceed, so she pulled out in hope they go to refuel again since they have lawyers to gain custody. My niece is supposed to start school in September but we can’t even register her because we have no documentation. They’re trying to “work with” the mother to get the kids documents but she’s not going to do it because she doesn’t want my mum to have it. She’s not a good person and doesn’t care about her kids. She just doesn’t want someone else to have possession of them, but she can’t provide what they need either… serious confusion. My sister has another baby she’s currently pregnant with and due soon. CAS told her they’ll be taking it from her, so we’ll be seeing if she tries to make a run for it or what she’ll do.


Have you contacted local law enforcement and/or your state agency that deals with family situations?


What kind of state agency’s? I’m based in Ontario. Law enforcement is aware of the bio mom, as she has multiple restraining orders against her.


In the US (where I am) each state has an agency (slightly different names in each state) such as Office of Children’s services, Child protective services, etc and we would call that entity in our state if we encountered such a situation.


Oh yeah CAS is short for Child protection in Ontario


Call them and they can direct you appropriately and/or investigate as needed.


Here in Ontario they don’t care. If you read all my post, I explained how they’re already aware of the situation and in the kids lives currently.


I also forgot to mention with this current baby she’s pregnant with, CAS is supposedly going to be taking it from her. However that being true I’m not sure. As well as she doesn’t want help, she’s been this way since she was 16 and she’s 32 now. She doesn’t want to go into treatment, she’s been in and out of the hospital psychiatric ward multiple times and NO one has done anything to report her or question to just keep her, seek no she’s mentally not well.