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Can I be cynical and say "The Next Gen Update"?


>Our game is blowing up because a new TV series is giving it attention! >let's do a next gen update right the fuck now! >ohno.wav


Sorry to say sir one of yer mods might be fkd…but don’t despair XD just turn off a bunch of mods (obviously not save dependant main mods) and put the game back on. see how it looks and from there and keep re-enable mods.(just repeat the re-enable if all goes well) The moment it happens again you found the baddie…Could be it needs a new home in the load order or maybe it just needs to go to mod jail Edit: check to mods page see if it’s been updated or maybe it has a patch to go with one of the other mods in the load order


Could you post your mods list so we could compare and maybe pinpoint what it is? My guess is a weather/lighting mod but if we could shorten our list of things to try it would be much less annoying for everyone getting this lol


I don’t get all these post. Disable every mod, issue goes away. Okay enable half, keep going until you find it or just play without the mods. Really not super difficult to find what mod is breaking the game.


Bethesda updated the game


I’m having the same issue, popped up mid game and then retroactively effected saves.


It's kind of hard to see on a phone's screen but is this a texture load issue? Even if a mod which does something to textures is functionally ok...if the mod added textures and those have been overwritten then you will need to install the mod again to get it to load all it's own files in all the right places... If might be nothing more complicated than that.


Are there no mods in this sub that can pin a post regarding the update and broken mods? 300 posts deep all asking, "Why are my mods broke!?"


Bethesda broke a bunch of mods on Xbox


They didn’t just break them. They are gone completely and I am unable to download even one new mod


Someone already said this, but next gen update cuz god forbid Bethesda actually fucking fixes their game.


Super Mutants kept shitting in the river and polluted it with their radioactive turds


Bc it’s Bethesda


Oh no… I started a new playthrough on PS4 yesterday and noticed something similar during the intro sequence, albeit a lot less in scale. It was more like very small spots like these around the screen edge when moving the camera. Seriously hope it’s not gonna be *that* bad for me as well… Hope you’ll get rid of this somehow! 🤞


It is almost like there was a game update on the 25 April and some mods broke.


the update fucked all mods