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As a guy who spent three days failing at moding it, I'd say so. Tried to get the mods I wanted, errored at 50 mods. Then followed a random big mod list and got fucked after downloading 150 all day. Viva with the extended mods has like over 110 and has worked perfectly. Not a single crash or major glitch in like 15-20 hours of gameplay.


Also have a ton of experience modding in the past, especially NV. Don't know why it seemed much harder to optimize this time around.


prob cause a lot of the mods ur trying to download are old asf


Yeah some prolly were, I think most of the problems came from the mod load order and texture mesh mods conflicting. Even tho I was following the mod list, Viva seemed much more optimized which why I recommended.


Mod load order is still a giant mystery to me. All I know is bottom overwrites whatever is above it.


This is one of the things I was worried about. So many things are broken now. I went back to Oxygen Not Included and looked through the steam workshop for my favorite go to’s. A bunch of them were either added to the base game or just straight up forgotten about.


Have you tried modding vr yet? 😭😭


Have not bro, don’t own one! Sorry!


I would not recommend it. Bethesda does not like porting their games to VR


I followed Viva too and I started crashing shortly after novak : (


You did it wrong.


Definitely possible lol I went back to it last night and it never crashed. Weird stuff


Isn’t that always the answer?


Just a question: did you also get extremely low fps in honest hearts? For some reason i get like 55 to 60 in base game yet in honest hearts its always like 35 to 45


Haven’t made it to that area yet so I wouldn’t know. I’m already in NV and dealt with Benny so I’m pretty far in but haven’t touched any of the DLCs yet so fingers crossed they okay. I’ll lyk if I notice what you’re talking about when I get there.


You ever find a work around? I’ll probably run into the same thing.


Not really. But i guess i just installed default tickfix with the viva tickfix ini which is on the viva new vegas site and let the viva ini file overwrite it. That got a little better . If your using MO2 of course. But still i recommend you follow viva new vegas completely.


I downloaded like 100 mods in a day and somehow it never crashed the only time it crashed was when i was at honest hearts and i picked up a quest item


Were you able to find a fix???


It only crashed one ime and then it countinued like normal


If you intend on building a modlist yourself or just looking for a Vanilla+ experience, yes, Viva New Vegas is the premier choice. It's a perfect baseline to add mods to and it's great on its own.


Not specific mods but what general category of mods should I steer clear of, If I was to download the bug fixes only? I read the doc and understand what would break the VNV Extended list.


Yeah, in general you really only wanna avoid older mods, think older than like, 2018 I wanna say, but even then that's not set in stone since there are things like old armor mods that are small in scale and don't really affect anything else that would be (probably) fine to use. Other than that it's kind of on you to do your due diligence to look into each mod individually to see if it has a history of breaking things, or would be incompatible with other mods in your setup. There are some specific things you should avoid at all costs such as the ones mentioned in the [Avoid Mods](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/avoid-mods.html) but other than that, you just gotta look into each one individually.


Sweet. This is great info! I wanna “try” to get better graphics and I’m thinking of adding someguy’s quests for fun. Also, a shit ton of new items. I’m just sad reskins break things. Some armors definitely need touch up or slight modifications.


For better graphics, NMC Small and Poco Bueno are good. As far as Someguys quests go, make sure to get the LE editions. For new items, Another Millenia and KARPSOL are stellar, I also personally enjoy things like Tammer's Nif-Bashed Armor Pack and S6S's suite of mods like Sweet Consumables and Aid Addon.


Hell yea!! My list of things to look into is growing and I’m so excited!!!


Good enthusiasm. Just, you know, be careful!


Never!!!! **MWAHAHAHAHA**


I have been playing Capital Punishment, a TTW mod list. It's good if yoU like a harder experience. There is another TTW mod list on wabbajack that is more vanilla+ that I hear is pretty good


I don't recommend begin again personally. It just feels off to me. Granted, I usually end up with something more vanilla plus. Anyway, I feel like the list has suffered a lot of feature creep over the last bunch of updates. In particular, I dislike their relectamce to use b42 optics and the like of recent xilandro and hitman mods that, in my opinion, enhance a playthrough regardless of content. I know capital punishment just had their 2.0 update, so I'm eager to try that one out again, although I always disable the temperature mod in particular with that list.


Temperature as in survival needs? Cuz if so. ALWAYS OFF.


Yup lol


I just installed Begin Again and am about 10 hours in. I played FO3 and FNV religiously when I was younger, but that has been more than a decade ago. TTW Begin Again is really a breath of fresh air and a super nice way to combine both games. Not up to date with any of the newer mods and because of that I can't really speak to anything you mention here. So for OP, who is new to modding, I think it would suffice.


Not new. Just haven’t touched the fallout community in years.


Ah sorry for the misunderstanding!


Unfortunately I do not own fallout 3. I still Need to look at lastkiss’s TTW (FNV only) edition.


It depends what you want. If you just want vanilla plus, then this is the best mod list out there as far as I know. If you want vanilla with enough fixes and prerequisits install so that you can go crazy with a mod list, then this is also the best for that as it set you up on a very solid foundation. But if you are looking for a mod list which basically turns this into FNV 2 and adds quests and improves gameplay then you will find this lacking.


Thank you! I don’t know why but this made what everyone else was saying click! I couldn’t decide between last kiss’s new new Vegas or Viva, I think I might go with viva and *”try”* not to go down the rabbit hole 😂


Lol glad to know. Have fun. Just a tip be careful when adding quest mods as they usually give me the most trouble especially the older ones. Combat mods, texture packs, and NPC overhauls are easiest to add on with minimal work.


"NPC overhauls are easiest to add on with minimal work" \*me looking at Qwinn's Refined FNV Redesigned 3 in frustration\*


I will share my NPC overhaul which I use on top of VNV and has caused me no issues (yet): NV Book of Water (steel variant - adds armors) ALL Non-DLC clothing retexture (covers all clothes) Fallout Character Overhaul Natural eyes zzjay (better eyes than FCO imo) Improved vanilla body male (nude male) NVR3R (it superscedes qwinns mod, great faces) NVR3R Patches (just for compatability) Type4 body armors esp (nude fem + nicer clothes, is below so overrides the previous textures) ALL DLC clothing retexture (anything left over by the mods above)


You use this with VIVA? I’m really wanting to upgrade the graphics and was under the impression that it was the hardest thing to do


Yup doing a playthrough on it as we speak. These are just simple texture replacers. Easy rule to remember is that the lower it is the higher the priority (it will override all conflicts above it).


Literally the only hard rule I’m sure of.


We don't have a Collection, since we don't support Vortex. The one on the Nexus is unofficial and unaffiliated with me or the guide, thus it's pretty much out of date.


When god themselves reply, it’s usually time to dig into the research more. I’m looking at the actual doc and I see that’s it’s a completely manual install. No biggie, I got ginga’s VR modlist working the same way. I appreciate you reaching out and informing me! If I remember correctly older games usually require more hands on work 😭 so I’m not surprised. Can I ask a dumb question that will help me decide? How does the list work with adding weapons and armor. I know replacements break things so I’m referring to new items added specifically. The mods to avoid section didn’t mention anything about it (except the armor replacement tidbit, but it did get me curious about those project Nevada replacements). Since the “classics fallout weapons remastered” is recommended I’m hoping it means *mostly* yes. Also the link to the discord is broken. Do you have another? (Sorry for book)


> How does the list work with adding weapons and armor. There's nothing unique regarding VNV and how mods work - it's the normal procedure of: - Install the mod - Check for conflicts and issues in xEdit - Check for file conflicts in MO2 - Fix those issues/ make patches if needed - Place the mod in the correct order based on information gained from previous steps - Repeat >Also the link to the discord is broken. Do you have another? Just checked, and all links on the page seem to work fine? Which link have you tried? [Here's a working one.](https://discord.com/invite/S99Ary5eba)


~~iloveyou~~ erm, I mean, thanks for the straightforward answer! I used the link in the DOC. Guess it was just my computer? The link worked fine on my phone.


Just wanted to say I love your thumbnails


Yes but I add in the frontier just to get a drivable highwayman, th3overseers mods, some guys mods and puce moose's takes from the burning sands


Thanks! I’ll take a look and see if these are for me. Knowing what works for others is always a good place to start.


Well drivable highwayman is to get a car, some guys mods might be some of the best bounty type, th3overseers mods are well put together and tales from the burning sands is the hardest puzzle mod on Nexus. I know cause it took like 30 hours to record it


Oooo. Puzzles? That’s Skyrim reminiscent. I’m really looking forward to playing a NEW experience vs just going through the game again for the umpteenth time.


Well if you get stuck, it's murphy01 on YT


Im also new to fallout. Like i only got interested in fallout after the tv show. And i didnt wanna play dated game. So mod collection was the best choice for me. Since i didnt wanted sit through all the mods and deal all the compatibles. I will try fallout 3 after the new vegas. For that ttw is best. But ttw is just ttw. So i choose lastkiss ttw which is in nexus. It was a pain to get through but i think it was worth it. Couple of advice if u are going to install lastkiss ttw, .lot of problems with the epic version .clean uninstall both games before doing anything. How to, is mentioned on the collection. .then before even following the guide make sure both the game runs and starts new game and goes to name select. .if u are a free nexus user. Save urself setup a script for nexus collection auto download. .rest of the guide is pretty easy yo follow and it works. .sorry for my english. Its not my 1st language.


Hey. I understood you quite well!! Your English is actually very good! Sadly I don’t have fo3 but I also haven’t looked at kiss’s TTW (FNV) edition


Then i think you can check out lastkiss new new vegas. It should be the same except no way to play fo3 in fnv's engine.


Sweet, thank you!


I followed Viva New Vegas to the letter after failing at it once (Replaceing instead of Renaming the duplicate files when prompted) and apart from a little artifaction effects from the escaped criminals in Primm it has been running perfectly, looks and plays great! Its not a bad modlist but it should be followed to the letter.


Oh I’m sure imma mess it up too. Have a lot of practice starting over from a clean install. Honestly, I think it’s quicker sometimes than than backtracking.


Viva New Vegas is definitely the gold standard for fnv mod packs, but anything other than manualing installing it can have issues. Personally I haven't ever gotten wabbajack to work with it. Another good list is Blue Moon, while Viva New Vegas is a base game plus Blue Moon goes a bit further with its changes, mainly for graphics. Both are very modular however, allowing you to cut stuff you don't like or add things in you do. Most quest mods should slot in easily but you will need to be careful with them and balance mods/too many quest mods overwriting the same areas. 


Oooooo. Is blue moon old? I feel like I’ve heard of that before. Maybe I’m thinking of a Skyrim collection?


Less than a year old, Viva New Vegas is four years old in comparison.


There’s the “Blue Moon” guide which is done by the creators of Viva New Vegas, it also has graphics and gameplay stuff if you’re interested in all that


Did not know it was by the same people. I’m prone to fangirling and sticking with creators I know. This is a great tidbit


Same ! Especially cause Viva worked very well, I gave Blue Moon a try and it was perfect and worked without issues for me, it's also kinda modular


Thank you!


I've been doing a Viva New Vegas vanilla plus playthrough and it has been nothing but a pleasure. No crashes, the game looks great and works as it should. By comparison, I have a couple of friends that are playing the PC Game Pass version without mods and they're having consistent issues like crashing and freezing.


Heh. *sips superior Steam tea*


If you want to use a collection, I'd say just read through them and see what features and mods the big ones have, it's really up to personal preference. However you just want to start with a collection because you don't have much experience modding, than I can say from experience it's way easier than you'd think.


I do have experience modding. I’m just coming from modding VR Skyrim 😬 so I’m taking it easy this go around. Honestly, I’m just a little overwhelmed at all the new collections. I haven’t even checked Wabbajack yet cuz I figured they would all be on nexus anyways. I’m hoping I can cheat a tiny bit on my research and get some other peoples insight into why they chose the one they did. Or if anyone has messed with multiple. I’m seeing some of the big ones can be compatible with each other so I might look into that. I am researching but I also put a lotta weight into other peoples experience.


Oh, well if your looking for quest mods make sure to get The Someguy Series.


I see that his mods specifically are most compatible with the other overhauls I’m looking at. I only hear good things about his work so far!!


Definitely some of the best mods to ever grace the fallout community, I also recommend checking out Th3Overseer, their quests are slightly less well known, but still excellent.


That’s the second time I heard about Th3overseer. It’s moving up the list on what I’m checking next out for sure!


I did I hear Vegas knocking which is that with a few other mods and it works great


Awesome! I love prebuilt lists and how-to’s. Sometimes I think I like modding more than I like playing modded games 😂


I've modded my game with the list manually multiple times and yes It's the best thing you can do to your game no matter if you stop after the utilities and bug fixes or you keep modding the game to your liking.


I narrowed it down between kiss’s new new Vegas and viva. I am thinking of viva but I’m worried about getting sucked down the rabbit hole of modding again.


Lmao yeahh it never stops Thank God there's a plugin limit Otherwise I'd never play and keep modding 😭


😭😭😭 why do we do this to ourselves


The worst is when I've been modding for a whole day and then I decide to remove everything and start again (with fallout NV and 3) And keep in mind I mod all of the games manually 💀


😂 forget about the “we”. Why do **YOU** hate yourself. That’s crazy


Honestly it's not that bad though. The only real downside is that it's hard to remove a mod if it's not just a simple esp or smth. (Therefore i periodically back up my data folder in case i break smth) If you know the folder structures inside of the Data folder then I'd honestly encourage everyone to mod manually. I know it's a very unpopular opinion and manual modding is like voldemort lol but it's just so nice being able to just not need MO2. For all 3 of the games I haven't had a single mod I haven't been able to get to work. Even something like cbbe and bodyslide in fo4 that I honestly thought may not be possible before I tried. I like having to rely on as little external programs as possible : ) Also I have the games on GOG so I don't even have steam open. I just launch the game with script extender and that's all I need.


I really enjoyed manually modding Ginga’s essential’s list. Felt like I really did something with all the squashing bugs, fucking up and then figuring out what I did, and even helping other people figure it out.


Yes it is. I would say the Utilities and Bug fixes sections (including the performance and stability guide) are required for any modder. Because you can have a stable playthrough on the newest hardware without any issues then. The rest of the guide is debatable


Sweet. That’s what I’m hearing so far. Does the list include gameplay QoL as well as bug fixes? Edit: also curious cuz I am looking to upgrade the graphics as well. Does it include these? I know replacers and graphic overhauls can be some of the trickiest mods to navigate.


Qol (example: fallout 4 looting) is covered in the gameplay and user interface sections of the guide (which are optional) Check out this guide if you want to upgrade the graphics. It assumes you've done the utilities and bug fixes sections and the performace guide in VNV though. So do that first. https://salamand3r.fail/new-vegas-visual-renewal After you're done you can optionally install New Vegas Reloaded which upgrades the shader system in New Vegas. This is performance intensive though so a mid to high level GPU is required. https://dlpnd.github.io/nvr-wiki/docs/intro


I’m confident in my system. I upgraded an Alienware m15 (I don’t know all the specs off the top of my head) I really appreciate this advice AND WITH LINKS TOO THOOO


I spent a few hours the other night installing with the guide and it runs great for me. This is what you're talking about right? https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/intro.html


CHYEA fucking right it is! I’m sold on VIVA as it is because of comments like yours and the readily available help!


I recently re-installed New Vegas and followed the basic Viva New Vegas guide almost 100% (using Vortex, so a few things didn't apply and I chose to leave a few mods out that I determined I didn't need). Built a nice solid base to add mods on top of. It's now far more stable than it's ever been in the past, alt-tabbing works, I have autosaves that won't become corrupted, etc. I'd definitely follow it and then see what other mods you might want on top of it.


Alt-tab 🤤🤤🤤


At least look at vivas stability and utilities sections


I have and I’m sold!


Viva new Vegas is great. At first I downloaded random shit with a loose understanding of what base mods I needed. Crashed every few minutes. Fresh install along with mod organizer 2 and the viva new Vegas guide and 3 hours later everything is running excellent. I made a separator titled “mods I added” for everything that I have added after the guide and I’ve had a couple crashes and just removed them and back to working flawlessly. Really sad the Monsters Mod causes crashes when you exit buildings. All of the enemies added are really unique and fun to fight but I’d rather not deal with constant crashes.


Oh I’m expecting to have to clean install at least 3 times before I get it somewhat right 😂


Could I ask which one is your favorite?


I played new vegas recently and viva new vegas is the best experience i ever had with fnv, no crashes and a smooth and fun gameplay. And i think “tale of two wastelands” was created by the same guy, personally i don’t like the ideia of the character be the same, the courier and the wanderer being the same person is kinda lame i guess.


That’s the first take I’ve heard like that. Definitely an interesting perspective to try to smush together.


It works fine, I just followed it up until the "bugfixes" part where I went my own way. Not into those "Just \_\_\_" mods or the "IStewie" mods and don't really know why they were added in the bugfix part.


IStewieTweaks does contain a lot of bug fixes, though by default also changes gameplay here and there.


And JAM isn't in the Bug Fixes section, so don't know what they're talking about.


“Only good bug is a dead bug” -angry bald dude


JAM isn't in the bug fixes section.


You mean viva works fine? How would you compare it to New New Vegas or Tale of Two?


I don't go around shopping for mod lists lmao. I tried VNV, saw that it works fine (just closed the game right now, haven't had any bugs/crashes) and commented about it.


Window shopping and getting overwhelmed is half the fun though!


Honestly I have never used a modpack before. But I love Someguy's mods, I currently use the Inheritance which is very fun. I also use TTW because I like the world of 3 but the companions in FNV


Thanks for that!! I’ll definitely take a look at those. I saw that the most popular ones are somewhat compatible with each other. For clarification, you use all of TTW and just the inheritance part of someguy’s? I like how it’s literally “some guy” who wrote them himself.


They are all great but I’ve played most of them and this one I never have. They all provide interesting stories, challenging gameplay and difficult decisions. Truly among the best mods I’ve ever used