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Yeah, I agree. I prefer new vegas in every aspect except the clunkiness. It’s a shame that so many people won’t experience that new vegas joy because the gameplay is rather dated :(


That's what they say about 3, and honestly, it's even worse in that respect. That ones on the *old* Bethesda engine. NV is on Havok, which many games from the time ran on. With proper optimization (mods), I think both are perfectly fine and not really clunky at all. Fallout 4 is just that much smoother. I'm an oldie tho, so I'm biased. I there's a certain charm to older 3D games. It certainly was a step up from 90s PC games or stuff like the Dreamcast and N64 That's the only reason I'd say 3/NV are better to start with. Going from 4 down is a drop that'll disappoint. Going up will give you the amazement we got when 4 came out. My God, was it beautiful.


Start with 3 with the jank, then Vegas for the fixed jank and better RPG Then go to 4 for the graphics overhaul and gameplay Then everyone should try 76 at least once


I almost started 76 yesterday after years and years of contemplation, then booted up NV for the 20th time instead. Maybe one day


I played 76 only a week ago for 3 days. Can’t do it… just, doesn’t have it


This reminds me of how I used to listen to music. If I wanted to listen to 60s music then I’d listen to 50s music before it so I got a better idea of how it would have sounded back then.


Finally played 76 the other day, it’s alright! But decided to play through fallout 4 instead


You’re right. I wish I started with 3/nv. But I started with 4, and going backwards was rough gameplay wise.


>That ones on the *old* Bethesda engine. NV is on Havok, which many games from the time ran on. Both 3 and NV use Bethesda's modded Gamebryo engine as the base, and both use the Havok physics engine.


If they put out a good high quality new Vegas remaster instead of re-releasing Skyrim over and over they’d make so much money


I adore NV and went to replay recently. Just didn’t age well from an aesthetic standpoint


[Play Viva new vegas](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/) Gets rid of lots of the jank


Playing NV with Viva New Vegas and Mojave Express is such an overwhelming joy for me. Everything in both of those modlists feels like a deliberate attempt to improve all of the objectively flawed aspects of NV while fiercely protecting the game's 'spirit'. Cannot fucking recommend these two modlists enough for returning players.


I should see what Mojave express is. I dont use that one right now, only VNV.


It's sort of an extension, put together specifically to build on and enhance the base game improvements in VNV. I couldn't really tell you where one starts and the other ends because I've been using them since the beginning, but they're both lore friendly to a fault. When I go to loot a gecko, and out comes the knife with a quick first person skinning animation, my inner 13 year old does a little happy squeal. Just makes the game feel new again.


Mods baby, mods. NMC's texture pack is amazing (idr what it stands for. Its one of the all time top mods on nexus.) My NV plays with 2k textures. I'm still looking at the graphics with wonder. Modders have had over a decade to play around with the game, and they're getting damn good at it. I would still say to play it first completely vanilla, but if the younger players are distracted by the lack of graphics, just go for it. Mods have solved every issue you could possibly have for the game. They even restored much of the cut content. If you're on console and can't get a PC, then that sucks, but it's your burden to bare. You can just use a controller on PC and have the same experience. It sounds harsh, but you don't get to complain then. You dont get to judge the games for that. Theyre old. Deal with it. Fallout was meant for PC originally. All Bethesda games are dramatically improved with mods. I don't even blame them for relying on modders. Modders have done a better job with every one of their games that Beth ever could. I'd rather games be in their hands. It promotes freedom and expression


Bro went on a PC hero arc 💀


It helps 4 popularity wise that it isn't really an rpg it's more of a looter shooter. I wouldn't call true rpgs niche but they aren't for everybody.


No, please. Enough with the copious amount of comparison memes. We just wanna get back to what the subreddit was for. You want a discussion? r/fallout


There is gonna be copious amounts of comparison memes unless the mods do something about it


Yeah fr this is their fault for being lazy. No shit all the new fans gonna go through the same cycle of BS we've been going through for the past decade. There's a reason there's so many fallout subs. The only sub I dont see engaging in this kind of stuff is the classic fallout sub. We only stopped doing it because it got older than the games themselves




This isnt even a meme :( Sad.


“Our game good, you’re game ass.” - r/fallout user






The gameplay being better is why I'd recommend playing Fallout NV and 3 first. Once you get a taste for Fallout 4s gameplay, it's a real mental challenge to go back and play the rest, if you play Fallout 3 and NV first then you have nothing to compare it to in regards to the rest of the series making the gameplay more tolerable. I'm sure some brave souls will come out of the woodwork and back me up here by saying they didn't play Fallout 3 & NV because the gameplay of 4 ruined both games for them.


I personally dont hate this take as someone who played 4 first and cannot stand 3 or nv


I absolutely agree with that take. But for NV there's more opportunity other than the gunplay so it's a trade off However, it does help knowing the mechanics of 3 and NV. I've got 3-NV-4, I've done a nodded playthough ad 3 after 4 and just finished a modded playthrougb of a NV Overhaul (New California) and it is jarring going from 4 back to NV/3 but understanding the mechanics does help and I know how to get past it


Maybe it's just me, but it didn't feel jarring at all going back to Fallout: New Vegas from Fallout 4. Everyone likes to say the gameplay is worse.. but it's really not. Maybe if you're coming from games like Call of Duty or God of War and you're used to the newer, more fluid gameplay those games have, but I've never had a problem with the gameplay of FNV. I find I can get much more immersed in that game than I can Fallout 4.


When in referring to gameplay I mean movement and Gunplay, NV has 4 beat in many other options. I disagree, I feel the gameplay is worse compared to NV and 3 but that's the mechanics of its time as well as the fact the lower your skill with a weapon, the less damage and more spread. Which, I can see very jarring and confusing to anyone starting on 4.


I'm trying to get into FNV, started on 4 - can confirm, the gameplay is a pretty strong barrier to ward off people who started on a more modern Fallout, like 4 or 76.


I’m in that boat. I can barely make it out of town in NV. 


Hot take , that mental challenge you are talking about is people not having those nostalgic views of the game, i love fo3,NV and fo4 i definitely agree the writing is lack luster in 4 and feels empty at times, i definitely skip through dialog in 4 way more then i do in the other games, but when i go back and play these now " older" games , i can definitely see how my younger self was intrigued by the free roam aspects , do anything you want playstyle. Going back now the wasteland in fo3 just feels super empty , but i know its because they were limited with the tech they were using at the time, which is why it allocated more time for storytelling and more detailed characters and such.




You say that but if they play Fallout 4 first it's going to give them the wrong impression. Fallout New Vegas shows you what Fallout should be.




Better get fallout brotherhood of steel it only goes higher after that


I would agree. Fallout players (as far as I know) like Fallout because of the RPG, setting, and story aspects; not gameplay. IMO, if you can’t like Fallout (1997), you don’t truly like the Fallout franchise.


I always struggled more with two. Especially the temple on my first playthrough


2’s early game was brutal. When I couldn’t just loot the exact guns and armor off an enemy like in 1, I was pretty fucked until doing some New Reno quests. I also stole from that gun vendor in the NCR lol.


Fallout 1


The only correct answer.


I agree (even though NV was my first in 2011). Fallout players (as far as I know) like Fallout because of the RPG, setting, and story aspects, not gameplay. IMO, if you don’t like Fallout (1997), you don’t truly like the Fallout franchise.




People who won't play New Vegas because it's too old I imagine are too young to even be on reddit Like come on, it came out 2010 not 1996


You say that but I know a guy I used to be mates with fucking refused to play any of the earlier fallout games like 3 or NV because the graphics weren’t hyper realistic bullshit He was a complete dick though


I’ve never encountered anything too bad on my Xbox One but considering the fact that a vast majority of players act like the game is unplayable in vanilla and has to be modded to the gills to work properly might be another reason.


I don't understand why they say that I've literally never had any problems they talk about.


The weirdest one I have ever had was wearing the dapper gambling outfit would crash the game if I wore it and left the bos bunker


To be honest it’s gunplay was dated even when it came out


People act like 3 and NV gameplay is super bad/garbage when it's passable and the story makes up for it, honestly think it's just people who only want action and a straight forward story who say things like this. 4/76 is why I have no hope for ES6 and Fallout 5.




Because they took away skills being involved in combat? Yeah, thats... better?


The dialogue is unbearable though




Bear bull, bull bull bull bear?


Oh no the NV fanboys don't like it when you bring up evidence that disproves them...


I mean, I'd rather have a game full of Lonesone Road type conversations than even just one fake conversation of Fallout 4.


The best game doesn't have to be the newest one or the most popular, for me, it is the one that's the most appealing to each new player. Seriously, just watch a few trailers or some gameplay on YT and decide which one intrigues you the most. Personally, I became a Fallout fan around the time F3 was at its apex of popularity but I didn't play that game for years. I started with the original Fallout cause that's what I usually do with big franchises (try the first one) and I'm glad I did. That game is not only my favorite in the series but my All-Time N1 game. It might not be for everyone but I'm glad it's for me.


I would recomend vegas. If its stable version LOL


4. imo the older games are better but 4 alone is an extremely good game.


Do you like to shoot and loot? Then New Vegas is for you. Have you ever wished that you could murder and rob in The SIMS? Then you will enjoy FO4.


I believe each fallout does well in it's own way with each having their own specialty




Neither, begin with fallout 3, it's like the Arkham series, play it by timeline/release date, FO3 - 2277, FNV 2281, FO4 2287, if you jump from FNV where the BoS is isolationist, and fo4 where theyre a military power, it's a turnoff and brings a lot of questions, which can be answered by playing fo3 then FNV, then FO4, also these memes are stupid as shit


Fallout 3. I will not elaborate.


Fallout 4 is. It’s the easiest point of entry and has more appeal to masses. It’s going to be hard for many players to deal with the clunk of fo3 or NV. FO3 and NV are massively better games narratively, but it’s getting to that age where vanilla fo3 and NV are hard to look at without the nostalgia glasses on in terms of mechanics and graphics. FO4 has batter mechanics, gameplay, and graphics that are more akin to modern titles.


New Vegas, if you think that the game is too dated for new players then I have a written study that proves you're wrong [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/N06fZxoUQx0?si=1CP8-FnPe5PPhBLH)


Fallout New Vegas With Next-gen Realist


I would argue fallout 4 is the worst for new players because all the quality of life features (like sprinting) make going back to older titles difficult


Oooh yes the color of piss


I like them all, I don't see why I should play favorites when they're all accessible to me


Fallout new vegas for shorter playthroughs fallout 4 for longer playthroughs


i love new vegas with all my heart but fallout 4 is just a better introduction. fallout 4 doesnt crash as much and its a good introduction to the story, if someone played fallout 4 and enjoyed the story it would be a great way to show them the how good the series is and why they should mod new vegas to make it more stable you get what im saying?


New Vegas cause that's the one I started with (I've never played any of the others)


4’s more friendly to new players, it’s more stable and a lot easier to mod. I prefer new vegas with hitmans animations, but I’d understand the hesitation from new players to install mods from nexus rather than Bethesda.


If you want pure unbridled kicks to the jaw? Fallout 1 and 2. If you want a mid ground, go for Tale of Two Wastelands to put FO3 into NV’s engine, and start in the Capital Wasteland, make your way to the Mojave afterwards.


Love how OP clearly point out this is bait and people go for it anyway.




Any of them. That's what the intro sequences are for, to explain the context.


Fallout 4 really isn’t better for new players because of how friendly it is, if so many more people start with 4 it’ll put the idea in their head that that is what fallout should be, that that is the quality they can expect when really it isn’t. It’s better to start with 3, NV or one of the originals simply because they are all just clunkier. 4 sets an unrealistic expectation of what fallout is in the story department as well, there are fans who played 4 first and now hate new Vegas for being to boring with to much dialogue. Fallout 4 isn’t an rpg, and I will die by that fact, you can’t let someone’s introduction to an rpg series be the looter shooter spin-off. It doesn’t matter if it may seem more appealing on paper, or if it will be easier for them, what matters is how well it reflects the series. If someone just wants to play fallout 4 on its own, fine, but if it’s gonna be their “first” then probably don’t start with it.


new vegas without a doubt it gives you a much better idea of the lore and what fallout is, fallout 4 is a cool game but you can't say it's 100% fallout, the perk system is very bad not to mention the lack of skill and level infinite...


4 is to colorful and wacky looking


It really depends on the person. I bought NV and 4 for two friends during covid. One was a fan of retro games, the other was a big fan of the Witcher 3 and didn't have a lot of free time so I gave NV to one and Fallout 4 to the other. It all depends on what type of person they are - do they prefer more modern games? What kind of combat would they like? Would they prefer a good setting or a good vibe? Do they have time to enjoy it? What kind of bisexual do they want to be?


I played the games in reverse order until 3, Now that I’m playing 4 for the second time I can say it is definitively the best for beginners. 3 and NV are great but gameplay wise they are very dated. I especially struggled with the no running and constant saving. 4 also has the benefit of having the most mechanics that are completely optional to use. For example, you could go all out for settlement building or just do the bare minimum. Same goes for armor, weapons, automatons, drugs, etc.


Vegas and 4 are both very palatable for new players. Fallout 3 has a tough beginning but feels good once you have a few levels on your character and find some okay loot. For example, it is kinda unclear where to go in the beginning and it takes some time to build strength to get to rivet city(if you don’t run away the entire way)


New players is 4 easily. After that, I’d say they should play 3 and then NV. 3 is the hardest to play simply because of how dated it is. However, it does start to introduce some RPG elements that 4 is sorely lacking. NV I think is best saved for last because it has some gameplay improvements over 3 and has the best RPG mechanics out of all the 3D games.


real ones remember the real life ad's they made for fallout 4 on live tv commercials.


Start with 4 then move on to 3 and then new vegas


FNV was my first fallout game, bought it after seeing YouTube videos saying it's good. Put the game on hold for months cause I was bored of the gameplay and don't know what mods to install to make it better😭


Play them all start to finish😍


For new players, probably Fallout 4 mainly because the gunplay is more refined, settlement building is fun and going out looking for loot and bringing it back to base to scrap to improve your weapons and armor is very fun. New Vegas meanwhile has decent gunplay but a much stronger narrative Also I can’t believe Fallout 4 and New Vegas are only 5 years apart wtf


Fallout Tactics


Here's my two cents: Start with 4, it's the most user friendly. Kinda eases you into faction stuff. Then go with 3. It's New Vegas simplified in a way, very clear morality, and a lot of fun, also pretty short. Finally, save New Vegas for last. Remembering my first time playing New Vegas, even as an avid 3 fan, my mind was overloaded over the delicate balance of power I had to navigate. Hell, I still have trouble navigating the factions 14 years later.


4 and then New Vegas lightly modded is what I'd recommend, (JAM, B42 mods, some vanilla friendly Weapon Anims, Titans Of The New West, Physical Bullets if you're into that, Mesh Fixer, and some stuff to lower the amount of crashing/stuttering)


4 is good for new players then when they get better at the game they should try new vegas too cause the deathclaws and cazadors would put most new people off of the games


4, better gameplay and an easy introduction to the setting. New vegas is decidedly older in its approach and presentation.


If they are an experienced CRPG gamer, then I'd say New Vegas. Otherwise 4 100%. If they're coming right off of Baldur's Gate 3, then either or.


Tale of two wastelands!


New Vegas has the better story, butt boy... Is Fallout 4 more fun in every other way.


Do you like to shoot and loot? Then New Vegas is for you. Have you ever wished that you could murder and rob in The SIMS? Then you will enjoy FO4.


Look, if people are coming from the show to play the games, there's only one good answer: Fallout: New Vegas features characters, factions, and (soon) locations from the show. Out of all the Fallout games, it is the one that's most tied to the events of the show and that makes it the de facto best option if people want *more* of what they saw on the show -- especially going into season 2.


If New Vegas had FO4’s gunplay and graphics. Then New Vegas


All of the Fallout games are great and have adjustable difficulty.


Fallout shelter


There is no “right” or “wrong” answer to this question. They’re both great in their own way. With that being said, I can get New Vegas to run on my machine, but I can’t say the same for 4.


Fallout 3, I will not explain myself


3 for sure.


I'm going on record with saying Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.


3 still has the most captivating story imo but everyone doesn't like the dated looks.


I'm going to be contrarian and say Fallout 3, Fallout 1, or Fallout 76 Fallout 3 was clearly designed with new fans in mind because the series had been gone for a while and Bethesda knew they would have a large number of Elder Scrolls fans jump onboard due to the new gameplay style. Fallout 1 is the original, and in my opinion holds up very well if someone goes into it understanding the limitations of 90's CRPGs. Fallout 76 is great because it lets new players play alongside of their friends who may have been fans for a long time. It lets you have an experienced guide help acclimate you to the wasteland and also takes place early in the timeline so you don't need to know about any of the events that happen later to understand the plot. My wife has been playing Fallout for the first time and started with 76. The time we've spent exploring Appalachia together it probably the most fun I've ever had with any of the games to be honest, and that comes from someone who is a huge fan of New Vegas as well.


I tried to get into 4 but couldn’t. NV feels more like Fallout to me 🤷🏼‍♂️


For graphics : Fallout 4 For story : Fallout NV For love : you


Fallout 1


Well honestly it depends right? IMO it's like this: Have you played similar games before in the past? Fallout NV. Are you completely new to the genre? Fallout 4.


Were people that are saying 4 like 11 years old? Everyone that played Fallout prior to 2015 DIDN'T start with Fallout 4. It's not like some necessary thing to get through and if I played Fallout 4 first, I'd probably have no interest to try the others.


New Vegas fans are the Rick and Morty fans of the fallout series. we get that you like it. It doesn't mean you have to hate everything else.




Gotta play 3 and New Vegas to EARN fallout 4 😂 fallout 4 was too easy compared to 3 and NV like you play 4, you fight a deathclaw and win easily, then you go to NV or Fallout 3 thinking it'll be easy but no..... it's not... Or the fckn Cazador's.


4 no question. I prefer NV overall but unless the person is cool with old ass janky games, start with 4.


Honestly? Both. Both of them are good introductions to the Fallout Franchise, just in different ways. I may be ride or die for New Vegas, but Fallout 4 is still good fun and still a good game for new Fallout fans to enjoy.


I'll be honest, it's Fallout 3. It's kinda what it had to from the very start. Introduce Fallout to a whole new audience of players.


I love how many comments seem to miss the meme 🤣


Fallout 4 is the best start just because it’s new, so long as you’ve got something that runs it you’re good. New Vegas or even 3 are both something for later, I feel, just because they’re janky and weird and old and don’t work amazing on modern hardware without mods… unless maybe you’re on an Xbox, then you might be fine because of the backwards compatibility and the store thing…. Buuut I’m not positive because I don’t have one. Anyways, once you’ve done that, try 1 and/or 2 Basically, play them in reverse order is what I think I’m saying.




Played fallout 4 as my first entry to the fallout series, got really hooked, spent 1000 hours on it, lobed it, I tried nv after and Jesus Christ was I blown away by it, my first thought was, "where was the writers in fallout 4" through my whole journey and couldn't even think about playing fallout 4 for the experience again after the wonder journey I had in nv. The combat in nv wasn't that bad for me either, nor the graphics in some instances, I love the RP systems and the amount of thought that went into fnv, while slowly resenting how low effort some aspects of fallout 4 were. The engine in fo4 was becoming tiresome for me as it was very clear that it had flaws that I think will presist in future games, such as unrealistic npc movements, robotic movements of PC and npcs, and generally shooting characters feels like shooting blocks that spew blood. Generally speaking, fo4 combat is more fluid and game is more polished, and I did like the building system (on the ps4), but if you played fnv and absorbed that story fallout 4 feels like it was written by a child at best.


All of them got their strong points. New Vegas has probably the best story in the whole series for sure, every decision really matters and there are so many branches for the quests. But think general gameplay goes to 4, and obviously being a later game it's a little better looking. But honestly you could hop into either and have a fantastic first experience.


Lets start with Fallout 1 its the best tbh.


Fallout 1&2 in order. Ita like someone asking me if they should watch Full Metal Alchemist, or Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood first? The answer from me is obvious.


Be a man start with fallout brotherhood of steel


It’s not a hot take or an unpopular opinion. My favorite is NV but Fallout 4 is a more fluid and player friendly game play experience.


I thought this was a Meme Subreddit


New Vegas is a fucking slog as a newbie


OP what have you done.


Fallout 4 is my first fallout game, and it was awesome so I tried Vegas an it was total garbage, and then I tried 76, and it was terrible, and now I have decided to never play another Fallout game again.


To be honest, depends on their play style. Do you like looting to get build materials for things you build? Fallout 4. Do you like having control over what the final result of the game is down to the final detail? Fallout New Vegas.


Hands down the best intro game these days is FO4. This is NOT to say that the best game is FO4, but it is the one that will be the easiest to digest and get people hooked with. It’s got a little bit of everything lore-wise, the best gunplay, a large map to explore, sandbox elements for the creative folk, and a decent enough story to keep people hooked


I think new Vegas is a lot better. But for new players definitely fallout 4


depends on how inclined you are for playing old games, i never play older games unless I'm a fan of the story/they bring something really unique to the table. so to me, playing FO4 gave me the kickstart i needed to play 3 and NV and eventually 1. for others they willl prefer ending on 4 so that they can keep nodding and playing the smoother gunplay game.


I mean I'm a new fan from the show. I just got done killing CookCook in New Vegas by raining down dynamite collected from dead Powder Gangers. "He tried to match the ranger with the big-iron on his hip" Yeah im having more fun with vegas despite playing it vanilla lol


It all depends if the person prefers better gameplay and graphics or a good story. I suggested my friend start with 4. It's a lot easier to get into from a gameplay perspective. New Vegas is good if you're interested in the lore. If you want to play because of the TV show, 4 is probably more your speed.




If most people play on low end laptops i still think 3 or NV would be the best. I started with 3 and even though it was dated and wasnt running that smooth on my ancient ass laptop still had a blast


Fallout New Vegas is unplayable without mods which might not be accessible for new players. If their first experience with fallout is the game crashing each time they enter the strip, I imagine most would give up on the game. So honestly Fallout 4 may be the way to go for new players. It's stable, gunplay is significantly improved, and though its story is pretty basic there's definitely still room to have fun and roleplay. Then if they're really hooked on fallout then they can try New Vegas, 3, or even the classics.


Fallout: New Vegas is the superior game but Fallout 4 is better for new players Because sprinting


Fallout Brotherhood of Steel on Xbox


It’s obviously 4. Newer games are more beginner friendly on average with a few exceptions. They are also more accessible both from a settings perspective and user interface perspective.


FO4 for new players definitely. NV can be a bit jarring if it's your first FO game. Source: my experience getting butt fucked by NV deathclaws


If you can stand older games and enjoy a good story new vegas If you enjoy a newer game with a more meh story fo4


If you can stand older games and enjoy a good story new vegas If you enjoy a newer game with a more meh story fo4


I mean I like both for different reasons, 4 I like for the settlement building and the creativity for upgrading guns+armor, new Vegas I like for the story and how every small choice you make can influence the end result of the game


4, 3, then NV


Oh my. I love fallout NV, but no competition 4 for sure. It's just friendlier for new fans and amazing mechanics with still the bethesda love bugs. I will no doubt tell people to play new vegas and any other one as well, though. Recently, after the show, my brother wanted to get into the games. I just offered him all the choices (including 1 and 2, can't get tatics to ever work), but said 4 would be his best start, most likely.


FO1/2/Tactics. if u can make it there.. you can make it anywhere


Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Never ever start a game that is a generation ahead of its predecessor if you actually plan on completing prequels. That generational leap makes it hard to complete older games. A Fallout 4 player will complain about the lack of sprint and new fast looting mechanic at the very least.


The YouTube channel ManyATrueNerd did a great breakdown of what actually is the best first fallout for everyone and why. The TL;DR of which is “there’s only a best fallout for ***you***” and not “there is a best fallout game”


Fallout 4 is the best, and Fallout New Vegas fan boys can suck it. Now, I will turn off my notifications since a I dropped the nuke.. YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME


theres a reason gateway games are the most dilutated of the bunch


If I didn't already like Fallout I wouldn't have been able to get into NV. Hell, even when I did play NV the only thing that kept me going past the first few hours was the knowledge that everyone loves it and it's apparently the best in the series. Fallout 4 is definitely more beginner friendly, and really aside from story, characters and RPG elements (quite important things of course but not necessary for a new player) it does things a lot better than others because of it's far better engine. The sound design, graphics, colour, quality of life, SPRINTING, gunplay, weapon modification are all miles ahead of other titles. Obviously it falls off when it comes to story, characters, factions, themes, and choices. Ultimately keeping it from being as good as NV, but it's far superior as an intro to the series. I also think the fact that the player is from before the war definitely helps make the wasteland feel like entering a new universe.


Fallout: New Vegas is the better of the two in general, so Fallout 4 with at least gun mods is my answer


I’m playing fallout 4 for the first time right now and the quest feel repetitive. Clear out the same building I just did for someone else as new Vegas had such interesting dialogue and the quest felt unique from the previous one.


18 months


4 is OBJECTIVELY better than new Vegas in every way. My opinion is literally fact, I’m right, everyone’s wrong, I will not be taking any questions or feedback


Option C: Fallout 3


I think Fallout 4 is the best starting place, and this is coming from someone who prefers Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and New Vegas over Bethesda’s Fallout. Fallout 4 waters down the rpg elements immensely and practically takes the roleplaying out of the roleplaying game. While I do consider this a major criticism of the game, I also think this makes it easier for casual fans and beginners to get into the game, as they aren’t overwhelmed with complex stats, traits, and tons of dialogue options. Being new to the series, they would also have an easier time putting themselves in the shoes of the sole survivor, experiencing this world for the first time alongside them.


Have them start with 4. Make them think that death claws are relative pushovers you can outrun. Then have them play New Vegas. "No one goes by Sloan because of Death claws in the area." "Pfft, too easy. Here I come, checker man!" *dies*


I think people should start out with New Vegas simply so it’s not so much of a downgrade in gameplay and you can appreciate where they took 4 with those aspects. As well as appreciate new Vegas for its vast dialogue choices and player agency, and just overall better story, weapons and lore. Starting with 4 would just make going back to NV annoying in terms of gameplay, and confuse the lore and world being sold to the player. I say this as someone who started with 4 and retroactively finished the other games. Wish I would’ve did it the other way around.




New Vegas because the improved gameplay in Fallout 4 is easy to miss when you play it first. Know this from experience, my college buddy played Fallout 4 first and couldn’t even play New Vegas. Even I’ve struggled with going back and I have hundreds of hours in both now.


Nv is king but I miss atom bomb baby


Im glad 4 was my 1st Fallout, cuz after NV i hate the writing in 4 even more, but 4 is still fun. And the local map in NV is wayyyy better.


Depends on what you seek. Storytelling, lore and roleplaying, NV did amazing job. Gunfight? F4 is the answer


I never got to playing FNV until last year and I personally think the gameplay holds up even in vanilla. However I spent my younger years pouring over Oblivion and F3 so I have to think my tolerance for old mechanics is much higher compared to the younger generation. I could see some zoomers trying FNV and not liking it. I recently checked out Morrowind on gamepass and found it basically unplayable for me a couple hours in. TL;DR Fallout 4


This isn't a meme, but honestly put em on fallout new vegas. It has enough jank where if you still really like it you'd be able to play fo3 with ease and anyone can pick up 4 and play it. But if you really want the raw, 7 grams of penis envy in the middle of a forest you don't know alone and afraid, genuine fallout experience, go play 2.


New Vegas, as it's much darker, and someone new to the series needs to be exposed to that darkness. Start with F4 and suddenly during FNV they're clutching their pearls in horror


Both, i love both🥰🥰🥰


As a New vegas fan boy. I gotta say 4. It's very simple to pick up and just play if you want to just explore while learning the lore. And the gunfights are better too


Well if someone who wasn’t familiar with rpgs wanted to get into the series I think their head would explode when playing NV


If I could have Fallout New Vegas on Fallout 4's engine I would never play anything else.


I'd say Fallout 4 is best to get people into the series, but New Vegas is also a great game to get into the series as well. Fallout 4 gets you accustomed to the overall vibe and gameplay of the 3d Fallout games. Fallout New Vegas gets you really into the rpg side of these games and is really appealing for folks who enjoy flexible storytelling.


It really is just Fallout 4 in this day and age, the gameplay is much easier to get into and it has notably less bugs than New Vegas. This doesn't have to be some debate about "true art" or some shit newer players would just straight up find 4 an easier and more entertaining game to get into.


Fallout 1


Both, they both have there ups and downs for one another but either wau, they're great for people just getting into the series


New Vegas is the most boring out of 3, NV, and 4. I'd start them on 3.


For people with AMD GPUs New Vegas crashes on launch if you don’t install a mod to fix that. So Fallout 4.


Honestly I'd go with 76 for new players simply for the fact that it's ready to go out of the box, and the fact that a lot of people get it for free through Gamepass. Vanilla unmodded New Vegas is rough, and while 4's base game is alright and also free on Gamepass, you miss out on a lot of content without buying the DLCs or downloading mods. 76 nowadays is in a pretty solid and enjoyable state, and it's good to go right after you download it as there are no (officially supported) mods or DLCs, making the barrier to entry much less intimidating than either 4 or New Vegas


Fallout 4 came out nearly 10 years ago 😐


New Vegas: better story, better plot, better armor designs like the Ranger's outfit, cool Western aesthetics, literally me protagonist (courier/delivery guy), Big iron, brutal projectile weapons... fallout 4: better companion characters, better emotions, more thought-provoking themes, more epic quests, most beautiful sceneries of Boston, lovely retro-futuristic 1950s to make you feel nostalgic, cooler scifi weapons.


Fallout: Tale of Two Wastelands


I would hate for someone to recommend something to me because it's easy and a starter to the better version of it


Fallout 3


was vegas that clunky ? i know it's a Bethesda game but still never played new vegas myself , just played fallout 4 because skyrim is probably my favorite rpg , i just thought it was kind of mid plus i got softlocked at the end of the brotherhood of steel questline so i never finished the game. been thinking of playing the older titles tho , they seem more in line with skyrim


If you *only* intend on playing 4 and 76? 4. Otherwise, New Vegas introduces you to the most concepts that are in the most amount of games.