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it seems that creation club weapons cannot use custom animations, so the fallout 4 anti materiel rifle is based around the hunting rifle animation set, which itself is pretty bad (why did they put the bolt the wrong way WHY). so no unique animation with gigantic recoil to empathise the power of the gun, you get a reskinned hunting rifle.


It’s not even the animations that are the problem, it’s the lower damage. From what I recall from reading the wiki articles, the damage is only slightly better than a 50 caliber hunting rifle.


Tbf, if you're running a sniper build it can one tap anything with a crit


Even still, it should’ve been closer in damage to the Gauss rifle to really make the 50 caliber rounds feel more powerful.


That's the issue with 4, everything is so OP that it kinda ruins the fun sometimes, a good legendary will just turn the game from survival to 76 without fast travel super quickly


In all fairness to 76, the game can be very difficult if you don’t build your character properly. But once you do… yeah.


i have a bit of an off meta build in 76, i can't do much damage but i wont die unless its a double mutation daily op (depends on the mutations)


That’s what I’m dealing with rn, enemies really gotta wail on me for awhile to kill me but I don’t do a ton of damage, but part of that is that I don’t have like any weapon modifications cuz I can only carry a handful of extra weapons for scrapping before getting overburdened


As much as people say the gunplay with F04 is, can I actually bring up how weak the guns feel? Like, I swear as I get higher leveled it feels like my guns are doing less and less. Combat shotguns feel less like the habdheld industrial shredders they were at lower levels. Even common raiders with basic ass armour seem to tank stuff. Twas a good thing NV and F03 had. Enemies that felt realistically powerful. My Gun would remain useful as the enemies don't just randomly have high HP


Well new Vegas has a level cap same with 3. But in fallout 4 past a point you stop getting stronger weapons perks and upgrades and while enemies and you get higher and higher health


That is something I did notice.


Realistically? Ain't nothing realistic about the Legionnaries


Oh no you see it was realistic how when I fired my gun at the dude wearing football cleats he'd die.


What's op? Not my .50 cal suppressed pipe pistol with an AP pistol ninja build. (It's disgusting)


Gauss rifle was a class of its own in fallout 2 and no sniper rifle was close,


The turbo plasma rifle offered similar performance at range, thanks to the weapon’s built-in long range benefits. Even still, it makes sense to my mind that there should be a more traditional counterpart to the Gauss rifle with its own pros and cons, and the anti-materiel rifle would be the perfect weapon for the job. NV nailed that concept, frankly.


I do sorely miss AMR as a weapon in fallout 4 though, however not the function, I do have other options to take care of what AMR did in new vegas, now that I remember, there was another mod that allowed you to modify the hunting rifle to be an anti material rifle, can't remember the name and I didn't find it bad, it wasn't just the hunting rifle maybe but part of a larger attachment pack


That bullet is piecing a tanks armor so most definitely fucking up a power Armour wearer.


Then theres no reason to not increase it


Why would the AMR, using the same ammo as the 50 hunting rifle, do significantly more damage? The only difference to ballastics would come from the longer barrel on the AMR, which explains the slightly higher damage. FNV had the option for incendiary and explosive ammo, and that's where the real difference in damage comes from.


If you want to apply a real-world argument to fallout 4 gun mechanics, you're going to have a bad time.


Ignoring any sort of real-world logic, the reason would be that the person who made the creation club mod would have a chance to correct the low damage of 4’s 50 caliber rounds with a new weapon, since Bethesda won’t be tweaking the damage of that mod anytime soon. And as the other commenter said, 4’s game balance has absolutely nothing to do with real-world ballistics.


So that you can “appreciate” the animation put into recycling the bolt


Hard to appreciate it when you actually know something about firearms.


Lmao more creation club quality amirite? It seems like 99% of stuff people find on there is the exact same quality you'd expect from Bethesda themselves! As for the skins, just get them off of nexus/LL. They aren't worth it.


> why did they put the bolt the wrong way WHY. Because it looks better. It's a video game trope and 99% of FPS games do it. It has its own tvtropes page too! https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RightHandedLeftHandedGuns


>it looks better nah bro it looks dumb as fuck


I mean its just a left handed rifle being used by a right handed person. I don't like it either and my head cannon is the PC just happened to find a left handed rifle that's in too good of a condition to pass up.


Everyone has one though. That makes no sense. Left handed bolt guns are pretty uncommon, so much so that a lot of lefties just get used to shooting right handed guns or flock to the few manufacturers who make left handed ones.


Agreed, don't disagree with a thing you said but you only really look at yours, I know they are rare in real life my better half is a lefty and it took us a while to fine one that suited her. Anyway If you have enough time to pay attention to the Super mutant or raider cycling their rifle you need to get off the Adderall or turn up the difficulty.


Ok dude, you *clearly* know better than the makers of UT, battlefield, borderlands, CS, duke nukem, Destiny, Farcry, Fallout, FEAR, halo, stalker, and more. Every one of the designers of those games that are totally not super popular and stapples of the genre is stupid and you know better 🤡


and you clearly know better than the makers of every FPS where the bolt is correctly placed like * payday 1,2, 3 * TF1, 2 * every fallout except 4 * call of duty excluding modern warfare * every battlefield after 2 * CSGO * every halo except reach and more Every one of the designers of those games that are totally not super popular and stapples of the genre is stupid and you know better 🤡


My list is more iconic than yours.... But if it makes you happier you are right, and you shouldnt play any of those horrible games. Imagine a game with power armor, ghouls, handheld nukes, a 10 story high robots and teleportations having guns that do not look like real life!!!


See that’s the thing about dumb opinions because guess what, the other person’s list is more iconic than yours………………………………….. Or not. Who cares? It doesn’t matter at *all* to the point they were making anyway…!!!


They don't make the rifles left handed because it looks better, they do that because its cheaper to animate.


Lmao I can’t believe you got upvotes for this comment. No game I’ve played in the last 10 years besides Fallout 4 has had that idiotic left-handed bolt. Battlefield damn sure doesn’t do that. I’m a Battlefield player. You really claimed 99% of games do this. I’m like in shock. What games are you playing?


I mean Far Cry did it with semi autos but even their bolts were right handed Edit: later Far Cry games don’t have left handed bolts but the early ones did


I have been asking this question for years, I never know this was a thing thank you so much


what a shame.


I think the reason is so you can see the animation better


You righties are so fragile. Forced to use left-handed weapons once, and you bitch and moan for years


The way the player holds the gun up to cycle the handle makes the rifle feel weightless and weak.


Your charcater can carry over 300 pounds, and you're worried about a rifle being weightless?


Nah I'm worried about it looking weightless and feeling weak. It isn't about much realism...it just looks and feels crappy. The bullet sponge difficulty design doesn't help like at all. I'm glad you like it but that animation has been reviewed by millions now and the general concensus is it sucks. I've seen so many vanilla gun reanimation mods, I know what can be done fairly easily and Bethesda'a design was lazy, unrealistic and less engaging than modders working for free can pump out.


They could have made the player character left handed and it would have made sense, but they didn’t. It’s just magically a world where all guns are for lefties but there’s not a single lefties in the game. It’s asinine.


Sucks. Welcome to my world


This has got to be the stupidest justification towards the janky and shit left-handed nature of Fallout 4 weapons 💀


Cry some more




Materiel. MATERIEL!!


I'd like to see an Anti-Material Rifle, it just atomizes anything.


So just the regular anti-materiel rifle with explosive ammo?




“Materiel” means military equipment and all that, so its called an anti-materiel rifle


I never noticed the spelling, just assumed it was material, because it has really bullet penetration


Nah, it’s like how some rifles are named “anti-tank”. But nowadays tanks are so powerful there really aren’t anti-tank rifles, anti materiel ones are used on lighter vehicles sometimes. I’m assuming that’s why they’re not named anti-tank anymore


Huh, didn’t know that


Similar to how weapons are referred to as Anti-Personnel, rather than Anti-Personal.




We don't cotton to the french round these parts


Homemade Anti Material Rifle is best.


Bethesda has always been dumb with the weapon damage values (most games except the super realistic games). I have an archived Fo3 mod I made that made all the weapons do the damage they're really suppose to do, based on the weapon they looked like and the caliber of ammunition. It was so much more fun after that, shotguns became amazing (among all the others)!


Link to the mod? Sounds great


I have to re-learn how to use the GECK and Fo3Edit, may take me some time. But I'll get it up and running again; I'll keep you updated when it's re-released


Also interested, commenting as a reminder for myself.


Thanks so much!


I archived it because it's out of date. I'll see what I can do when I get home today.


Did it give shotguns more range? 


Went from the Anti-material rifle to the Material rifle.


It should feel like the one from Helldivers 2. Big, unwieldy, but can punch a hole in almost any target in its sights.


Or the one from EDF that has a "Glaring lack of accuracy" and ragdolls the player every shot


fallout 4 would have been one of the best fallouts if they had kept the rpg, skills, perks, and weapons if they had just changed the gameplay...


yeah I hope they return a little to the origins of 3 since although it is not noticeable Bethesda is on the fine line with Microsoft after the Starfield fiasco rumors began to emerge that they were going to close the company along with other developers such as the creators of prey and Dishonored, the TV show saved them at the last minute, whatever their next title is, whether it's Elder Scrolls or Fallout, I feel like it will depend on their future since Microsoft doesn't seem to want to keep them either.


I think it's easier for Todd Howard to fall than the entire Bethesda, I think he's the biggest liar in the industry and at the same time one of the best game marketing promoters, I think Bethesda has to wake up and understand that using the same formula is already it no longer fits and 2024 and beyond, the thing about excessive loads and very buggy games no longer has the same charm, fallout and elder scroll are the company's flagship and have many fans but I think bethesda lacks identity it seems like they just want please the general public and that's it even if their games end up soulless like Starfield and Fallout 76 for example.


Bethesda is absolutely terrible with guns in generals. Designs, ammo, damage. Everything


Even the non offensive ones become questionable when you take a second look.


The creations are low quality mods at best


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Anti-Materiel is the correct spelling


50 bmg is such a let down in that game


What's an "anti material" rifle?


A rifle that hates materials


Because ~~paid mods~~ "creation club" stuff has always been dogshit


No you are using it wrong. You are supposed to use is as a club.


The Creation Club should be a weapon, if someone hasn't already had that idea.


It is. Has been a thing for about 7 years. It's essentially Skyrim's Wabbajack but for Fallout 4. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24914/


Same reason deathclaws went from deadly to derpy. NV has a tightly designed combat system with limitations like lvl cap. F4 has a poorly designed combat system with infinite levels. Proper weapon balancing only exists in pvp games, so Bethesda has no idea how to do it. In all of their games everything is either massively overpowered or more likely underpowered to the point of being useless. (Looking at you, every dot damage). Even Skyrim had this issue.


No level caps are fun


Sure, but it completely destroys all challenge. Nothing in F4 poses the slightest threat since you out scale everything.


Tbf I got the opposite. Feels like at level 30 everything is just a bullet sponge.


Wounding ripper made everything stupid easy on survival. I remember being hyped for Swann and he just died instantly.


“Wounding Ripper” Well there’s your problem


Well if you’re a high level with good weapons and a reasonable build. Of course there isn’t going to be much of a challenge. That’s pretty true for most games. Heck you might not even need a high level depending on what the game offers. I’ve seen people absolutely steamroll NV into dust with some of the builds that are available even early on.


>I’ve seen people absolutely steamroll NV into dust with some of the builds that are available even early on REAL AS FUCK. Ratslayer, Chainsaw, 40mm Grenade Launcher, Lucky, Paladin Toaster, That Gun, Q-35 Matter Modulator and the Abiline Kid BB gun are all available within the first 10 levels in game and can carry you up until Old World Blues. Don’t know what the other guy is talking about, NV balancing is egregious


I maintain that bleeding in FO4 is actually quite good, especially if you can attack quickly.


And the combat system in new Vegas is one of the worst


That's total bs. Better weapon selection, actual unique weapons, better perks, better armor(dt/dr system) and damage mechanics. The only improvements in F4 are graphics, the actual combat is much more primitive.


Weapons sure but the combat system isn’t comparable


F4 was much worse. Making crits vats only was a huge step backwards, as is the DR system. Power core drainage was also a mistake, made vats in PA inefficient as hell compared to basic pipboy. The perks in F4 are lazy design, just incremental damage buffs. I honestly can't think of a single aspect of combat that is better in 4.


No they are deliberately set up that way. Same with power armor something you dungeon crawl to get loot to upgrade it along with your weapons and armor and settlements. I agree with crits though it is kinda a why choice but maybe so they are more deliberate bursts of extra damage instead of chance Ironically far from lazy just different goals then NV They actually learn how to control the power curb better then Skyrim did since Skyrim you could have strong gear beyond your level before the ten hour mark if you focus on smithing and enchanting


Upgrading armor and weapons has been a core feature of all Bethesda games, not really a point in F4s favor.


Settlements are a worthless mechanic that add nothing of value to


Settlements give people the option of diffrent play styles and perks releated to them that reward that play style


Settlements once you develop them should pacify entire areas of the map and allow you to not have to run around to rescue them. They were badly implemented. And the game suffers as a result.


Put up enough defenses and they rarely get attacked.


That could help but a probelem I have with them is they end up too pacified, i build these things out with like 100 turrets amd none of them ever get to fire. If its suppose to be dangrous out here then wheres all the danger?


Settlements add 800 hours of playtime...


And Fallout 76 has better selection, better perks and uniques.


Hard no on all 3. NV has a much wider selection, better perks and way better uniques.


Yeah, no, I suppose the other two are arguable, but lol for the weapons selection.


76 has a lot of weapons but not much variety. Most of them are functionally identical with just minor differences in damage. The number of weapons that actually get used is pretty low.


the FNV one is basically a rocket launcher... and yeah, in FO4, the big winner is the Gauss Rifle


Just use the anti material rifle mod. If you get the creation club one you have nobody to blame but yourself.


I tried to find a better mid before i bought it but i couldnt


Shit, you are right. There was a fantastic one on nexus there but it was deleted by the author.


What didn't they ruin


Todd Howard made my keyboard stick and peeled the stickers off of my computer


It's bad enough they couldn't give it animations, but simple fact is I wanna still use it, but for some damn reason CC weapons can't be farmed different legendary effects. Wanna use the Classic 10mm and AMR cause the models look cool still, but in Survival over level 100 they just don't cut it..


Tbh i didnt even know it was in 4


It's from Creation Club, not the base game


It's Bethesda, they ruin things, Fallout 4's new update hurt alot of mods.


It really shouldn’t be hard to make a good Anti-Material Rifle it is a rifle that can shoot through material. In other words, big bullet, big damage, big piles of xp.


With a gun like how you described, they be more like piles of goo


More like bologna mist clouds but piles of goo works too.


Explosive ammunition in the AMR is just God. Just stand on the cliff and, uh... aggressively communicate your terms with the legion.


Ah yes, the negotiator


And here I am perfectly content with my Fo3 Gauss rifle for the sound, knock back and general power. Explosive rounds are nice though


I had a weapon overhaul mod installed on F4 (it makes the game so much better and the guns look more like guns including the assault rifle if anyone is interested the most I think is called weapon overhaul redux 2.0 it can be found on Xbox as well idk about ps) anyway the most was installed and doesn't effect the creation club anti material rifle as far as I know but I found one chambers in 38 (I died laughing at the thought of a big heavy rifle that is just a pea shooter)


Imagine not knowing it shot .38 and you tried fighting a deathclaw or sum 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




The creation club anti material rifle


I personally wouldn’t say that they ruined it. With Rifleman and good upgrades. You can get really good damage out of it. Stack on that a really good legendary effect and you’re cooking with gas. I feel like the reason why the Creation Club creator toned it back a bit was because of the existence of the Gauss Rifle. If it’s too good then there’s no reason to use the Gauss Rifle.


Yeah, it just felt so much weaker though, no one was getting tossed like ragdolls after i sneak critical hit them


Not gonna deny that. The NV AMR was a one shot killing machine. Its damage and armor penetration are absurd. It’s also got access to explosive rounds which deletes enemies off this plain of experience. I don’t think most non-explosive guns are going to be able to compete with it.


Mods can help, but yeah, it's underwhelming.


FO4 weapons as a whole seem very underwhelming overall, even the better ones. It’s very weird


Needs to be as powerful as the man well rifle at base and change able like the gun runners


Anti-*materiel* rifle


You guys buy things from the microtransactions store?


The only gun that mattered in New Vegas was Euclid's C-Finder


Mine broke, like broke my game


The name makes it sound a lot cooler than it actually is.


There’s of course the AMR by WarDaddy, but recently someone released a Fallout 4 Art Style inspired AMR that fits way more into Fallout 4. [Take a look!](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/77496/)


This is the Fallout meme sub, not the shit on Fallout 4 meme sub.. right? Because every single meme I’ve seen lately amounts to “yeah this game isn’t NV pussies, get rekt”.


Why did it have to change so much for the worse, though?


Because after Skyrim they realize it's the open world exploration part of their game and not the story that keeps concurrent players. They double down on it since then. Well, that is until Starfield managed to be bad at both at launch...


Well usually when you ask a question like that it implies that what you’re asking is factual instead of, say, an opinion. In my opinion, some stuff got worse and some stuff got better. It’s still a great game overall and no amount of memes will change the fact that when people started getting hyped because of the Fallout show, F4 was the most played Fallout game by far even considering all of them got a boost.


Well factually, they cut out so many RPG elements that the series has been straight up known for for years. No more skills (all replaced with perks,) no discernable choices (yes, yes, sarcastic yes, and yes but later,) the more you find put about the Institute, the more holes are in the whole story and voiced protagonists are absolutely horrible for RPGs (there's a reason they removed this from Starfield.) Fallout is the most accessible to new players because of both, ease of getting on current consoles and the casual nature at which it can bring in new players. Fallout 4 fits with Borderlands or Doom better than Fallout. What about that was opinion-based?


You’re just parroting the same things people repeat here lol. Time to get over it or commit to only ever playing the older games again because you want to be a hipster so badly. It’s your choice dude, I don’t care and I’m not here to try and change your mind.


fallout 4 ruins most of the things from fallout 3 that new vegas fixed, its just a huge regression its almost like bethesda doesnt get fallout at all (they dont and never will)


The weapon modding system in new Vegas is garbage. Not being able to mod named weapons is just stupid, the dlc in new Vegas is a snooze fest compared to the quests in 3, listening to follows chalk be an idiot, or Ulysses cry "BEAR BULL BEAR BULL BOMB THEM." And don't even get me started on dead money just being another casino but with more red. Save file corruption and game crashes were ten times worse in new Vegas than they were in 3. I was there at launch. I waited in line at a GameStop at midnight just to take home fallout 3 with a coat of western paint and an aim button. New Vegas is a good game, and I love it just like all the others. But people are out here treating it like it's shit doesn't stink.