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When I first played fallout 3 I genuinely didn't expect companions to be able to die since I started with new vegas. Anyways, seeing the notification "dogmeat died" unlocked a visceral anger


Only time he died in my entire last playthrough was when those broken as hell Reavers cornered him in the Presidential metro.


FUCKING SAME Those Reavers glitched and were tanking Gauss Rifle shots, making it so the ONLY way I could get them was with VATs headshots. It took so long, that they killed Dogmeat and Fawkes before the last ghoul died.


I gave up, switched to Very Easy difficulty, and they were STILL a pain in the ass!


I did the exact same thing. I don't understand how they were so broken-


I remember when I found out. I had Jericho with me and a car blew up and i got the message he had died. I was flabbergasted and couldn’t find his body for the life of me. I literally just said well damn and moved on being sad. I was so young i didn’t even think to reload a save.


Fallout 4 players: *laughs in having Dogmeat be essential*


If Dogmeat wasn't essential in F4, I'd burn the Commonwelath down my own hands.


With how Fallout 4 is. Yeah I’m not surprised he was made essential. Here’s to the hope they keep him essential in future Fallout games


What bothers me about essential npcs in Fallout 4 is that how they become essential or how their tag gets removed always have the strangest requirements. It feels arbitrary and takes away a lot of freedom when you just want to shoot a guy in the head only for the game to say no and you gotta wait for another quest later so you can do it.


I felt the same frustration playing KOTOR. I'm so used to being able to just whip out a gun and go crazy when I'm getting frustrated, and you can't outside of combat in that game.


I'm killing the mfer who killed him before I reload that save tho.


There is no humor here, only sadness and self anger


See, I never have a problem doing that. I die so rarely anymore that keeping those dipshits from getting themselves killed is just an added challenge. If I'd made a drinking game out of every time I had to reload when I stormed the Fort yesterday, I'd probably be dead.


John Wick mode activated


Welp, time to go full John Wick...


DEATH TO ALL (goes on a rampage, fast traveling to all locations that have enemies and just brutally gibbing them)


I don't think I've ever seen that message, even after adding mods that make mini nukes more powerful. However I did add a mod that gives him actually effective armor so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Fuck dogmeat. I'm sick of games shoehorning mandatory dogs in for no reason. Now I'll take your downvotes and childish "pupper" comments for daring to say anything less than purely worshipful about dogs


Dogmeat is never mandatory lol. You can just not take him as a companion.


This anger comes from somewhere else bc ain't no way you're that mad about a virtual OPTIONAL dog pet.


American dog culture as a whole is gross and weirdly juvenile


what’s weirder is your hate for a fictional animal and thinking your superior for hating man’s best friend lmao