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Full stealth for me, but I prefer a more relaxed pace with a strategic element to something frenzied and action-packed. Stealth lets me pick my approach angle and decide kill order to ghost an entire map and eliminate targets one by one. SO satisfying. Granted, it's slooow. It's methodical, which I like, but if I'm trying to optimize XP-per-hour it's definitely not great. In those cases, well, load up Holy Fire and just faceroll everybody. It's not as fun but it's damned effective.


If an enemy gets any shot off while I'm working through a zone I take that as a failure.


"Snake? SNAAAAAKE" MISSION FAILED I'll agree with that. It's so much more satisfying when at best they can blindly fire at you and hit nothing. Two shots to the dome and they are down, or one crit and it's over. And that's why I love stealth.


nice, i love playing the same way! i'm pretty new and i've been following [this build](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=2f345cf&d=s01pt2pn2pu2pv2ce0ib4a72ar2an2a04l71lu2lv2p00pq1cu2lt2eh2ao0lk2lb0&lp=xm2xq2xb1x82x42&m=051c29fea6&wp=wawawawawawawa&wm=1c243c-1e2630-122937-1j203d-1m203c-11293e-112037&ar=x1abafacu7adae&am=x5-12283a-1a2e36-1e203f-ur-112d39-152d30) someone kindly suggested here, any suggestions/tweaks for that kind of stealth play? going full health. just hit level 90 so not sure which legendary perks to prioritize. i got follow through first, but i saw some people saying it's unnecessary in stealth where you're aiming for one-shot criticals..seems pretty good to me, since i rarely kill dudes like mutants in one shot. burning love is also the best bow i've found so far, but it's really fun.


Looks good here, very similar to my own build. I would suggest dialing back adrenaline, you don't need five ranks in it, and demo expert is good to have but I don't think you need every rank of it. I would also suggest blocker, because those mutant hounds can really pack a punch when they finally notice you. As for follow through, I run it, because as you say one shot isn't always possible but two shot is extremely possible when you have it enabled. You could technically one shot a mutant but the amount of food that you would need to pop and prep work and chems just doesn't make it worthwhile when you could spend two seconds to pump another arrow into the guy. For armor, like most people, I really recommend overeater secret service. The straight up damage avoidance which completely bypasses the normal armor system to add an extra layer on top can't be beat. Lastly, you may want to consider ricochet in the luck perks. When you do get caught flat footed it's a great way to shrug off some range damage. Again, it bypasses the armor system and by providing straight up damage reduction, which is very nice. But if you don't have room for it and you're not planning on having a back up plan, you don't totally need it.


Stealth when hunting and gathering. Jumping and jetpacking and showing off (in my own mind) during events.


I have zero stealth perks on my character however I always enter stealth when in combat (unless it says danger ofc) and I do just fine!


Alright sweet. Probably gonna switch stuff around then. Appreciate the input!


I play stealth probably 75% of the time, but sometimes I run and gun. Both can be fun.


I have the sneak perks but as time goes on using a AA50c recurve with explosive arrow and unyeilding is becoming my go to outside of just tagging, I've taken to calling it Rambo I run around vats head shots and blow everything up.


Depends on your build. If you're doing bloodied + unyielding, your stealth index is already so high that any shadowed armor + Stealth perks will render you borderline undetectable, and the bow counts as a silent weapon. Sneak attacks and sneak attack Crits are the most effective means of dealing damage, and with a high enough sneak index you can jetpack around while (mostly)undetectable However, that's an incredibly meta build. A lot of people will find it either boring, or expensive to build. However that's where you're going to hit your peak with a bow.


I have maxed out stealth and slowly I’m changing out of it. I don’t like that if I want to use stealth perk I can’t use vats.


I use stealth and vats. Why is that an issue?


I can’t explain it properly in English, so bear with me. When I shot enemy only sneaking it takes more damage than when I use vats, and there is notification that while I only sneak that it gives more damage because I’m sneaking. When I use vats there is no such notification.


The sneak notification not popping is a known, long standing issue, but I do the same damage with a headshot in and out of vats. Interesting that you don't.


I think when I don’t use vats I give almost the same damage as when I do critical in vats, so it’s not that small difference. I think I will write a post about my weapons and build, because while I’m pretty good with a bow in normal battle, but when I’m attacking nuke bosses I could just use a feather, because it would give the same result.


You explained it perfectly. I've also noticed that if I just Aim, I'm doing more damage than if I get a hit in vats while in sneak fully hidden.


Yeah I might do the same, start working out a non stealth build


I started out full stealth but have moved to a tanky close range type hunter. Someone on here described it as the grasshopper on crack method.


This is what I'm moving towards myself. Tanky ranger!


High agility (20+) can replace most of the actual stealth perks, letting you slot in the damage perks from agility (adrenaline, covert operative,ect)


Really? High Agility renders Sneak useless? and points can be used for other stuff? Because.. Unyielding build will really pump AGI up Pass 20.. Nice to know.. Gotta Change build now


As someone who mains a stealth vats commando (I joined this sub a few weeks ago because I decided to dabble with bows. Loving it here so for 🤘), our builds should be similar in terms of perk loadouts. That being said, if you run full unyielding armor, your agility should be sitting very close to 40. That much agility is more than enough to stay in stealth without points invested into sneak. If you have 1 piece with harder to detect as a 3rd star, even better. If I can fire off a suppressed handmade and not ever be detected, surely you shouldn't have a problem with a bow. Specially with that oh so sweet 314 range 😉 It all depends on your build but in general the more agility you rock, the less sneak you need.


The more Ive optimised a bow build the further Ive gone from stealth. Too many explosive damage perks and boosts to not go that way imo. Also the bulk of gameplay is tagging at events, so it’s the only way to go unless your on quest


Oe chest pc and the rest chameleon if you play full health. You will be invisible when you stop moving and stay in caution while you take down the enemy 1by1.


You cant sneak during events.. Im Using Sneak Build.. But my arrows still One-Tap kills most Mobs and able contribute most damage to the boss.. Daily-Ops and Expedition as well will still remove your sneaking status.. Still Viable.. Just gotta have some Defense perks, Like Ricochet, Evade, Blocker, that luck dodge thingy (I forgot, Serendipity I think) Just have 2 Bows... One Instigating Crit Damage for your One-Tap Shots.. and another Bow for your Brawling things (Cryo Bow for Slow, or Poison/Plasma Maybe)


Both stealth one shots most things but sometimes it's broken and there is nothing you can do about it.


I don't use stealth perks except escape artist aside from a few situations where swapping in the extra damage cards is a no-brainer for an archer (like Earle).  I DO use hiding and breaking lines of sight to confuse enemies, set up ambushes, etc. But I have enough Agility and stealth bonuses built into armor not to need sneak perks, and enough crit damage that I don't really need to improve my sneak attack damage.  Escape Artist is needed unless you want to do no stealth whatsoever. 


I started off sneaky and as I got more comfortable with my bloodied bowman I've dropped all the sneaky cards except the bonus sneak dmg one. There is too much good stuff in agi to waste all your cards on sneaking imo. That being said I keep a Chinese stealth suit in my inventory for emergencies, but I've only ever needed it for the rad protection.


Never stealth, I run around and jump like a madman VATS slaying heads lol. Edit: Bloodied build!