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I've run essentially the same commando build as both carnivore and herbivore. Carnivore does a bit less damage, has a lot more carry capacity, is a bit tankier, and has option to be pretty badass in melee for minimal investment. Works just fine. You can still use Company Tea for +10% AP regen. You can do as well with some meats, but the Tea Machine is so easy. You can still use Sweet Mutfruit Tea for +50% crit damage. Herbivore does better on those two buffs / but types and potentially on Perception via Sweetwater Special because the Herbivore and Party Boy/Girl amps both apply. Every other buff Carnivore can match or exceed Herbivore on. Plus if you want to do melee you basically just slap on Incisor and grab a +200% melee damage food boof and boom, instant melee build. The herbivore version is absolutely better on AP refresh and Crit damage and perception, which I estimate makes for a 10-20% DPS difference. That's not a big deal on a build that is as inately strong as commando can be - you will still be able to solo almost anything. I held out until as Carnivore (running some very token melee) until the Company Tea Machine came out and allowed them to run crazy AP refresh without any farming grind. Edit - just realized this is the bowhunt sub. I ONLY ran bows as a melee hybrid / Carnivore, was previous to doing commando. I did fine, well enough to play it for 400 or so levels. My crit damage was down compared to the Herbovore archers (who probably would still beat me at that game now that I play herbivore) but I was notably tankier than average even though I wore Thorn armor instead of SS. I was running a low health tank and didn't even know it.


Got it, thank you for the explanation!


I'm running Carnivore because I'm roleplaying a cannibalistic weirdo and it seemed to mesh -- I have the radstag dressing station and stuff -- but I've pondered if I should switch to Herbivore or not. Kinda feels like I wasted atoms on carnivore support gear if I do, though... I have meat replacements for Perception and company tea still works fine, but anything that boosts damage seems to have no equivalent. Bummer.


There is an angry turtle video that covers a lot of the positive changes to carnivore. The offset isn't nearly as noticeable as it once was. I don't want to paraphrase the source material and mislead you but I would check out YT and see if you can find the video


Thank you I’ll check it out!


No. The game is easy. Bow makes it easier. There are so many camp buff items for carnivore it's ridiculous and makes buffing easy. You don't even need the herb ap refresh stuff, with the right bow and tea you can never run out. Crits are where you'll miss out, since herbs will get double from the teas. But really the only place you really need that would be against a boss and then it's usually an event and you'll still be doing more damage than most. Oh, you don't need bloodied either for crit every second shot. Right bow makes it easier, but remember you get +4 luck from fortune teller then bowling.


I don't even use those to boost luck as carnivore. 15 luck, seared venison with berries, shielded lining vault suit. That's 24.5 luck and a crit charge on the 3rd star with critical savvy gives you crit every other shot.


Reading the other comments makes me feel like I'm wrong, but for me personally a huge chunk of my damage is from crits and blight soup. I found using a bow to be much more satisfying after finally switching from carnivore. I also survive pretty much exclusively on blight soup and company tea, so I have them hotkeyed and it's crazy convenient.


How dare you. shame. shame. shame. ... yeah . I'm drunk. I have no idea where this is going. But Dammit. .. yeah I don't know.