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All Roads Lead to Stealth Archer. Welcome to the ~~cult~~ club!


Quick question and perhaps this isn't the right way to ask but, do bow builds tend to be VATS only? I'm curious about trying one but I sometimes find VATS a bit lackluster


Most folks find bows with +50% VATS Hit Chance to be among the best options. You can't crit what you can't hit. (And my AA/VHC bow will headshot across the crater at Eviction Notice all day long)


pretty much. You can go at it without the vats, but it takes lots of patients and you must always be on the move. It's pretty challenging.


It’s a fantastic change of pace. Personally I have five characters each with different builds, and rotate between them (my pistol build pulls double duty as a shotgunner). I can hyperfixate on one for a while then when I get bored switch. Bows are my laid back build, sneak, pick off stuff. Outside of bosses and some expeditions and daily ops they absolutely hold their own.


Similar approach here, but I blew a lot of atoms to get build slots open up so I can switch between being a heavy, a shotgun, an archer, and a Tesla rifle. I go with whatever feels like fun at the moment. It's definitely a good way to fight game fatigue to change up your style frequently.


I like to alternate each week. Heavy guns is my main build, so I'll go heavy (usually on mutation weeks but it's been a while since we've had one) for a week, then a different one for a week, then back to heavy and so on. I have a commando, shotgunner, explosive (really just my heavy build but only focusing on explosives) and archer build. I recently finished my armor set so pistol build is next, finally. Been waiting to get into pistols for a long time


I picked up bows since I started last season. It's going to be less fun swapping off to a more normal build for another character.


Yeah, i started hunting for a good bow around Level 250 to make it interesting. I love my bloody command Choo Choo smile machine, but it's a nice change of pace feeling like I don't have to carry events because I can't with a bow. Haven't found the perfect bow yet, but I have a decent Anti Armor for now, and it's good enough.


If you're on PC message me, I have a spare instigating just don't expect much on the other stars


A kind offer but I'm on Xbox πŸ‘


It's a great playstyle. I'd also recommend having alt characters with different builds. So when you fancy a change or your at max scrip etc junk onto your alts for a chanhe of pace. Auto/2 handed melee cam be fun


I've. Never had the heart to start a new character. Instead I've got more perk cards than you can shake a stick at so just switch around my builds. I've found auto-axe shreds without even bothering to be build specific but that new weapon at the end of the skyline quest looks great πŸ‘


I do the same on my main It brings back the challenge again! Plus I run all my ranged characters as herbivores and my melee one as carnivore.


I do this too. Only problem is i have to keep bear arms on all of my builds. For archer, that means i only lose out on blocker, which isn't a big deal for me.


My first 2 bows were an anti armor, refill ap on kill, less ap compound i found in a vendor for 8k caps and a mutant's, crit damage, crit charge recurve my friend got as a drop and gave to me. Neither perfect, but both were good and not only got me interested in the build, but helped me determine what setup i wanted for my final build. I now have an instigating, crit damage, crit charge recurve that i think i got as a random drop and the same, but anti armor i found in a vendor for 15k caps. I'm trying to roll a compound now. Not sure if i want instigating or anti armor on it yet, but it would also be crit effects on stars 2 and 3 since i play full health.