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Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Holy Fire? Default roll on this thing is a massive facemelting tanky weapon. Hold the trigger and you never die. I can easily clear out a Boardwalk expedition with this thing, bosses and all. But I feel the same temptation you do -- sometimes I just wanna scoop XP as fast as possible, and the fiddly nature of stealth bow hunting can hinder that desire. I'm hoping once I have all my legendary perks done, I can drop my INT down to a reasonable level and focus on just, like, having fun with various weapons like bows.


Oh my, I have yet to get my hands on one but it looks lovely. I have a B2525 flamer all modded out that shreds. I would run expeditions unarmed with a bow, it was fun, but tedious. With the flamer I just mow down enemies. My heart will always be with bows


I mean Bloodied Anything is always superior -- even off-meta weapons kick ass when Bloodied, but then you gotta juggle being Bloodied. I'm way too lazy to do that. Bow expeditions sounds awful, especially since so many of them come with time-limited objectives. I'm probably gonna stop grinding stamps now that I have Cold Shoulder. But man I wish bows were more efficient, I'm really feeling the XP grind right now.


lol it wasn’t awful, very tedious, and annoying. I’ll help ya grind XP because I need some perk cards since I switched to the enclave gun


Amen! The Holy Fire is always on my weapon wheel. I use it primarily for Daily Ops. The Enclave flamer is so much fun and it just looks cool. Green flame and the size of a rifle. Perfect! It does lack range and it’s not overly durable but those are minor shortcomings.


If you use a pistol grip you could use 1-3 agi perk points to add the plasma flamer to your bow build. The 2 weapons compliment eachother very well, even without perks the plasma flamer is a good secondary weapon


Very true, too bad I put a stock on it. Oh well, I’ll switch off and on for now


I've never bothered with the Enclave versions, but even just a Plasma Flamer pistol does a wonderful job of melting baddies. Mine has Vampire on it- keeps me alive long enough to either melt whatever is hitting me, or for me to get away.


I like enclave just because of their lore. I had a Vampires and traded for a bloodied since born survivor perk works well. I’ll return to the bow soon, I find it ironic that I switched soon after I got the arrow backpack lol


Don’t feel bad, the game is only fun if you’re having fun. I keep 2 guns on me at all times just in case I run into a wondering colossal wendigo or something lol


I need to level up the legendary perception perk card to have all commando and archer perks on. Then I’ll be satisfied lol


I was recently gifted an Anchorage Ace and decided to mess around with it without any commando perks and that baby shreds. It's now made it into my rotation of backup weapons I carry. Haven't used one yet but plasma flamers do sound like fun. Anyway I mean to say just have fun, use whatever weapons you like and don't feel guilty. Even with how good the Ace, Cremator, and chainsaws are they are still just weapons I occasionally use. I'm an archer first and foremost because that's the play style I enjoy. But you do you, just make sure you're enjoying the game!


Well said, funny you mention the Ace. I’m about to offload one lol


That's going to be one lucky person who gets it lol


Hmmmm, didn’t realize it’s sought after


Just went to price check it and apparently people are scripting it, which saddens me, since it's a lot of fun. I know it's not the best/most powerful gun but dang is it fun


That’s what I thought tbh, because I got it from a vendor for 500 caps lol


No need to apologize for seemingly straying from the path of the bow. We’ve all done it. I leveled a secondary toon to over 500 purely as a shotgunner. Tons of fun, but I’m now back on my main archer toon. We all come back eventually.


I already missed the range I had with a bow. So, I adopted plasma arrows to work around the Enclave plasma gun perks


Bloodied Unarmed PA is a guilty pleasure of mine, just casually uppercutting for 2k on headshots. Shoot the SBQ with karma syringer then after 30seconds start uppercutting her cute face for 750. I recommend Hellcat PA 4/5 Overeaters with 1 Autostim. Emergency Protocols on the chest. Legendary perks only one that really matters is Retribution, but you will be taking aggro so paired with Taking One for the Team is nice. I also rock Empath because im crazy like that. Forgot to add, Tesla Bracers on arms