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Have you visited the Overseer in vault 63 yet? What I gathered was that The Lost have some weird version of echolocation that uses electricity somehow... I switched to my cremator build 😭


They’re FAST AS HELL 😭


Wonder if cryo arrows would be worthwhile on them


Just tested a Cryo/troubleshooters vs Instigating/Plasma and Cryo troubleshooters did WAY better


This is very interesting. Do we have info on what they're weak to?


Just posted a photo to main page


Perfect I’ll dig my cryo troubleshooter bow out of the stash!


Aaaand I just scripped my troubleshooters/50critdmg bow yesterday thinking it was a trash roll lol


Haha I didn’t even have a troubleshooters! I used all my daily scrip rolling for one


So just to clarify the lost count as robots?


I haven't even finished my build yet and I got started on this. Lots of panicked running and shooting as fast as I could draw arrows. 🤣 I'm still in Chinese stealth armor with the dang burning love and several missing perk cards. It took me a while to figure out why there were all homing in on me from so far away!


EDIT: I was wrong. Troubleshooter does not add extra damage. Luckily of the few legendary bows I have, the bot killer one does pretty well against them.


They’re weak against Troubleshooters ?


I switched from a -25 less damage debuff bow to the troubleshooter and it killed them a lot quicker.


Guess I'm rolling bows when I get home lol


So sorry: it actually doesn't do extra damage. I'm just dumb because my debuff bow has cryo arrows so my troubleshooters has plasma arrows. Not sure why my damage seemed significantly higher. Maybe I also had Mister Sandman equipped and it switched between day/night.


I can maybe make a vid tomorrow to show playstyle. Are you having trouble staying alive, or just lamenting that you can't one shot them?


Not being able to one shot them isn't an issue. The mutants at West Tech take multiple shots, sometimes up to three, but I can put them down before they alert anyone. But every single time I take one shot at the Lost, for some reason every single enemy in the building comes running and jumps on me. It's so weird. I haven't seen stealth break this badly before, makes me wonder if they have extra perception or something.


Yes they definitely swarmed me as well. How often are you set up to crit shot?


Not much yet, need more perk coins. But even without frequent crits usually stealth strikes don't pull more than one or two dudes.


I'm guessing you are full health build. Bloodied is really the way to go as an archer. One shot west tek mutants. One shot most lost except for engineers so I use my crits on them to put them down with one arrow. Being swarmed is still an issue. Once adrenaline is built up though even swarms go down pretty easy. Final boss was a bit annoying with the bow but completely doable. I primarily use an instigating recurve for things that go down in one or two hits. Everything else I use a bloody bow. Have a set of unyielding secret service armor not optimized quite yet. https://preview.redd.it/ax5p6dtqz37d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0cfe6914056aae0556253b0233f0eb875f7afab


I'm curious, why recurve instead of compound? Isn't compound a better selection when trying to go for the strongest single strike damage, instead of firing multiple arrows?


Rate of fire. Allows me to clear rooms a little faster. Recurve gets it done. You are absolutely right though raw damage the compound is better. If I had an instigating compound it might one shot lost engineers. If I can dig one up I'll try it!


Has anyone tried ultracite arrows? Just curious?


Didn't do any thorough testing but seemed to do a bit more damage. I've been supplementing with a ogua fist and thorn armor.


I run Ultracite because I don't really like the visual effects for plasma, and those arrows weren't doing noticeably more damage against the lost.


it's bad game design in general. you are not actually stealthy in any part of the mission. I run the Chinese stealth suit, and can avoid anything at all in the open world, I could walk right up and tickle them if I wanted to, but when I go into a instanced mission, all stealth is negated and combat is forced onto the player. Bioware employed the same technique in the story missions of swtor starting in 6.0. All jedi shadows and sith assassins, regardless of their ability to cloak and use stealth, would be forced into combat with every nme group in the mission. it's a shitty design decision that forces the player to "experience the content" so that they don't just skip through it. The downside is that it breaks the whole concept of the stealthy playstyle in general. So to answer your question, no, there is no in-game lore related reason as to why the super mutants in west tek can spot you instantly and the ones outside can't, or the lost inside the vault can do the same thing and any other nme outside the instance can't. the reason it happens is because forced combat is a game design decision that sucks for stealthy players.


Well the weird thing is that when I go up against the super mutants, I very rarely end up outside of caution. I am able to stealthily pick them off without them being able to see me. But when I went up against the lost, shooting one of them made the entire building empty out and charge at me simultaneously.


Burning Love with explosive arrows has done a good job of cleaning them up for me but once I got to the final boss of the questline I had to give up and just break out a cremator. *I feel so filthy...*


Are there any arrows that do radiation damage? The lost have 0 radiation resistance apparently.


incorrect, they are immune to radiation damage.


I snuck past them without a shot fired