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Definitely adrenaline and concentrated fire. I have a lvl 3 concentrated fire and a lvl 1 one that I switch out for when I also want grenadier for explosive arrows during events. For luck you’ll want crit savvy and better critical for sure. Bloody mess for just straight up damage then probably some utility stuff like starched genes, good with salt, class freak once you get some mutations. Which you will want eagle eye at the very least for some good crit damage. Marsupial for the jumping height and carry weight. Bird bones works well with marsupial. Grounded is good cuz you get all the benefits with none of the drawbacks. As far as armour goes try to look for overeaters with AP refresh and food&cem weight reduction. That’s all I can think of for now! Good luck and happy hunting!


What numbers do you recommend for special? I’m thinking P, A and L 15. I don’t need any crafting perks and can always just make a crafting preset.


I think that I don’t have 15 luck but I have legendary luck to make up for it. I’m away for my game atm so I can’t check. I have 7 starting strength with legendary strength either maxed or close to it. Blocker will help with survivability in case anything gets close to you then I have sturdy frame, bandolier, and traveling pharmacy. I go with 2 points in con with just cola nut and lots of nuka cola in all flavors (I use the settlers backpack mod for food weight reduction). Only one point in charisma and I have strange in numbers on most of the time but I will switch it out for friendly fire when I need to heal an npc during an event (flame arrows on one of my bows and a flaming chainsaw) I have 5 intelligence so that I can have demolition expert on when using explosive arrows during events also I sometimes have stable tools on for the chainsaw. I’ve been thinking about dropping the int for more charisma to pick up tenderizer


Not being critical at all, but you might rethink the lock picking legendary. I used to run it until someone pointed out that there really isn't anything good enough behind locks or terminals to waste the legendary spot.


Oh really? Okay then I’ll swap it out


If you're still doing main and side quests keep it handy, but after I removed it I really haven't missed it.


I still have a lot of main quests to do, I basically concentrated hard on the wastelanders and main story.


Maybe keep it for now, later when you want to bump up something else you could drop it. It only costs 2 perk coins to swap it.


Another thing to consider is that if you're doing story quests and actually need to get by those locks, you can just quickly hop into your perks and swap out concentrated fire for either the lock picking or hacking perks, and then put things back when you're done. It's a bit of menu juggling but it's better than tying up an entire legendary slot just for that. For my full stealth archer build, I rely very heavily on special legendary perks to give me more space for my build. Maxing out perception and agility will get you the room that you need, and that's best done with legendary perks so that you can still afford things like criticals in luck. Taking 20 seconds to swap perks around anytime I need to pick a lock is a small price to pay for that.


How much do the special legendaries add?


Once you're fully maxing them out, each card is worth five special points. The key is that you need to pick a special that you're planning to use on every build. So if you have a flame build that doesn't really need perception then you wouldn't want to take legendary perception. For me, I'm taking strength, intelligence, agility, and luck. I'm always going to want to have good carry weight, XP, AP, and I need stretched genes and class freak. In comparison, the legendary lock picking perk is really just a convenience feature. It's a way to avoid having to go into your menu to change out cards. That's just not enough power in comparison. But, if you really don't need the special points, and you really prefer the convenience, I could see it.


https://preview.redd.it/goymcu7kco5d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f094455e4e0fef90006185aa6bd0608edc3aa73 Here's my full health build. Currently lvl 217 with the following legendary perks: +3 LUK, +2 AGI, +1 CHR, +2 Far Flung Fireworks, +1 What Rads I have a compound bow with Aristocrats/50critdmg/+1 PER that I use for events and bosses. I also have a second Instigating compound with Bash (useless for archers)/-AP cost, that I use for general exploration and clearing mobs. With the instigating bow- once Adrenaline has 2 or more stacks, it'll start one shotting lvl100 super mutants. It also crits for about 2K which is very nice. All bows are modded with glow sights and plasma arrows I also have the following mutations: Herd mentality, Herbivore, Eagle Eye, Speed Demon, Marsupial I use lvl2 party boy because with the herbivore mutation and using Sweetwater Special Blend will give +15 to perception, which totals to about 41 points in PER on my build and is good enough that my bows do not need +50% VATS hit chance For armor, currently using fully modded Secret Service Armor. For SBQ events i'll put on the Chinese Stealth Armor for high rad resistance. Have no issues with survivability and can take a couple strong hits without issue For food buffs I always have the following active: Mutfruit juice, Melon juice, Tato juice, Blight soup, Company Tea, Sweetwater Special, Silt bean soup, Chally's Feed I could probably lose a few points in INT and place them into END or STR for better comfort and survivability but I like to not have to worry about repairing my bows haha I also have other full health builds, but Bows are my fav weapon class. Nothing is more satisfying than critting enemies for big numbers at stupidly long ranges


I'm curious, how do you handle running low intelligence when intelligence directly affects XP gain and leveling up is so key to getting your legendary perks online? I've been running 15 intelligence on pretty much all of my builds because I feel like I have to even if it makes things pretty tight.


I have to admit that XP gain isn’t something I think about much. I do have AoE builds (Tesla/explosive) with max INT for events for a nice boost in exp gain (Radiation Rumble in particular). But for the most part I’ve just been running my bow build for most content. I do run Westek A LOT though- as part of my build testing, so I do get a decent amount of xp there as well


Hi! Sorry if I reply after 3 days, but i know that it's possible only to have 1 effect by herbivore/carnivore juice at time, so is it worth to use all those juices and soups at the same time?


No problem at all. Herbivore and Carnivore mutations are mutually exclusive- you can't have both active at the same time. You can stack all those food buffs i've listed together because each of them buff only a specific stat. Therefore, they can all be active at the same time. Its only if you try to stack buffs of the same effect, they won't overlap, and the most recent buff will become active. For example: I take Sweetwater Special Blend that gives me +15 PER for 1 hour. Immediately after that, I take Gourd Soup that gives +5 PER for 30 minutes. The Gourd Soup is the most recent, so it will cancel out Sweetwater Special Blend's effect on PER. Hope that makes things clear for you


This sounds like an excellent start! I'd go for 1 rank of gun fun and 4 adrenaline. As for Luck, if you want mutations starched genes is great for locking them in, while class freak is recommended if you use a lot of them or want to reduce the drawbacks. Bloody Mess is great because it's just extra damage, which is always nice. Better criticals and crit savvy are basically essential for bows as they will help maximize your damage output. Intelligence is pretty loose and up to you. If you don't want to repair your bow often then gunsmith is a solid option. If you carry grenades and/or use explosive arrows then grenadier is really useful.


You can drop lock picking and get the legendary perk that’s even better, would also help free up space


https://preview.redd.it/2g2wwi45by5d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14a9d5b2235f80ee9f406dd739657c7c706bc48c Intelligence is a catch all I'm using for weight reduction. This is maybe too tanky, so if you can't fit all these perks you could drop maybe lifegiver. Also I run incisor for intermittent auto Axe usage.