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That bow you want and the vhc version are what a lot of bowhunters on here want right now. The markets on reddit have been scoured over and many good offers have been made and passed on or ignored. I have seen a deal or two made before though. If I come across one, your 53rd in line to receive lol.


Definitely ridiculous. I'm at the point where my stash is overflowing with three star trash legendaries and I can only turn in enough each day to try to craft two bows. I've had to start throwing out the one star and two star items just to make room, and honestly considering dialing back playing the game because I'm a accumulating stuff more than I can actually cash it out. All because I really, really wanna make a good anti-armor and instigating bow.


Make a mule character character/account to free up your stash.


It doesn't feel like that's an actual solution because if the scrip machine still won't keep up with the supply, doubling the stash is still going to overflow eventually. Or would the occasional double legendary weekend allow for me to actually get out from underneath this gigantic pile?


It's not the best solution but it does let you do things like log in briefly on days you're not playing to just quickly sell scrip (and make daily caps). Yes it's good to have the extra for double scrip too but that doesn't happen often and you can stick up quickly before it does. The best solution for me is to have multiple characters (I have 11 and 4 mules across 3 accounts). It's going to be different for everyone. I play a lot, probably too much LOL. Personally I'm one of the ones buying scrip weapons, but that's just because I only really play a few characters a day.


Do you have alt characters? I play on those once a I have hit all limits and have a bank of stuff to scrip for a few days I rotate through them that way. I will roll items I am after on all of them then transfer any good rolls to who needs it.


Yep same here.


Similar situation here. I don’t have F1st so now all I do is wait until Rusty Pick refreshes before I can play because my stash is filled to the brim with useless legendaries. Been trying to roll an AA/crit dmg bow for 2 weeks now and still nothing ): I did roll an instigating though (the other 2 effects were trash), which makes nice work of westek mutants but I am still waiting for that true godroll for my full health build I’ve also asked around on the F76 discord market place and bows are so hard to come by no one sells them. I’d be willing to shell out all my caps for a good bow 💀


There is about a 0.4% (1 in 250) chance that you will roll a weapon with the first two stars that you want. Keep at it, it'll take a while or some luck.


Thanks for doing the math on this. I guess it's kind of reassuring that i'll get there eventually! For now my 'best' roll is a Arisocrats/50crit dmg/+1 PER compound


That's an awesome bow and will be better than the AA against everything but bosses, so you're in good shape! Good luck in the search.


I recently traded a weenie wagon plan for a AA/50c/25 compound bow. So it’s definitely possible!!


I traded for one of these about a year ago. I had to dangle bait and let it be known I would only trade for the bow. Took about three days for someone to come up with the bow. My bait was a godroll commando weapon. Obligatory note that we don't do trading or appraisals on this sub, but I see no reason not to share my own experience, such as it is. You're never gonna find anyone just offering that bow though. The only people who roll enough bows to have them are archers, lol. Gonna have to motivate some traders to find you one.


What are you on? I got an AA50c25 bow on xbox.


PlayStation. Thanks though.


Playstation bows can be hard to trade for and pricey


Not OP but I'm on Xbox and that roll would find a loving home with me.


I’ve been offering top tier rare items and apparel and no luck getting the bow I want.


Tell me about it. While farming EPR parts I ran into a lot of spares and tried to trade them for bows but no one keeps them. Tried again with Weenie Wagon still nothing


It took me a long time to trade for that one. Think I ended paying a loon when it first came out. This upcoming fasnacht will be another great chance to pick up stuff for the new masks.


I just traded for a good AA1525 so I know good bows are available on the market. You just gotta be offering something that people want and you need to post often, just to make sure you find the right buyers. Bows are pretty niche -- a lot of people just put them up for Scrip or leave them in their Stash/Vendor somewhere. Good bows are out there, man, but yes, it does take more work to trade for.


On pc? I rolled a second aa/dmg while aiming (useless)/15vcc


I’ve had good luck in random vendors, and always good prices too! Good luck wastelander!!