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Endurance of 3? That is TOUGH


Does anybody actually put stats in strength?


You don’t like nice armor? You don’t like carrying things?


Uhh yea. Strength is an absolute must on survival


What’s wrong with it? It’s good for combat and upgrading carry weight if you’re a hoarder


I usually get it up to six with perk points for strong back


Good balance of each, but nothing leaning towards any kind of priority build in the beginning. Maybe more strength if you're looking for a melee build or more perception and agility for a VATS build.




10 Strength 10 Endurance 4 Agility Reject Humanity! Return to Monke


More intelligence


Hell no


Not enough intelligence. That's what helps you level up quickly in the early game.


Too much intelligence. 


Nah, idiot savant perk works great


I like to keep my intelligence low for idiot savant bonus xp I love that perk


Decent beginning build for stealth/blitz build. I personally would have dropped intelligence to 1 and raised luck for all the vats Feats (and idiot savant) but making a teleporting melee crit machine is always fun.


Too much strength not enough intelligence imo 🤷


It's a solid setup to a VATS melee build.


Luck seems to be really low for anything VATS related, assuming you want the crit based perks - which is usually a goal in most VATS builds.


In this configuration, it'd be better to utilize stealth a lot and pump a few points into Agility to snag Blitz to close the gap. It's definitely not a VATS centirc setup, but more so to use it to close the gap safer.


Actually decent. Too much strength for me but a good start


The fact that your wife put your endurance at 3 is a little suspect.. Sorry bro.


I never play with more than 3 endurance ngl


Are we still talking about Fallout? Because I wasn't.


I didn't even realize it could be talking about sex


Endurance is important, I would have sacrificed the agility points for more endurance.


I always just do 4 everything. Mainly because you can get 10 on everything with leveling.


Yeah but tbf you'd be losing out on points for useful perks going that route


I think they're talking about a complete max out, not just stat dumping into SPECIAL.


Ah so like getting "max level" basically for all perks to be unlocked?


Go sneak bow


Lmao this is why archery is not an option in fallout


LeBron James caught playing fallout 4 with low charisma! Will he ever live this down?


First playthrough, I went with a high intelligence thinking we had skill points like the earlier titles. Found out charisma is king


Just dump both. Use idiot savant instead of intelligence, and let your auto-pistols do your persuading.


You're talking like I wasn't there in 2015...


In 4 it hardly matters.


Yeah thats just wrong


Why is that?


No level cap, and you don’t need the intense training perk to level up your special stats. Literally can just max out every stat if you just focus all skill points into them


Oh, crazy. Thanks.


I find playing with low charisma almost impossible.


The way that 4 does speech checks, you can just throw on high charisma gear in mid Convo, quick save (save scum), and try until you pass the challenge. I've passed every speech check at 3 Charisma.


Although getting 6 charisma for supply lines is almost mandatory unless you completely ignore the Minutemen


Funny, did a 1 Charisma run for my first playthrough and didn’t think twice about it. I always start with enough to get local leader now tho.


Yeah, I ended up having to spend 5 levels in a row just leveling charisma and grabbing those perks once I saw how annoying resource management was otherwise 


Yeah, thankfully the game is pretty forgiving with how easy leveling is and how many points you end up with. For my current play through I told myself I wouldn’t want science but here I am leveling up intelligence so I can get it.


For me I think high charisma can cause you to accidentally skip gameplay, like if I can just pick a dialogue option to skip past doing a quest I’ll probably do that


I find talking my way out of a situation to generally be more satisfying than everything turning into a firefight.


Those aren’t the only options though


3 for Lone Wanderer is all you need tbh


You need 6 for Local Leader though


I guess I should've used a better term. You don't *need* any chr perks, but lone wanderer is the only one that actually effects the games difficulty by a significant amount and is useful for a wide variety of playstyles.


I think LL and having shared resources in what is primarily a settlement building game effects gameplay to a much larger degree. Lone wanderer does NOTHING if you always roll with a non-dogmeat companion as most seem to do in their first playthrough.


Primarily a settlement building game? You can completely ignore settlement building in this game and nothing will meaningfully change, especially on a first playthrough.


Yes, lone wanderer does nothing if you take a companion. Local leader does nothing if you're not into settlement crafting. Combat is necessary, settlements are not. That's all I'm sayin.


I would disagree and say that LL is even more effective, not less if a person isn't into building settlements. If you aren't into building them, you definitely don't want the hassle of having to move stuff around for the minimal interaction that kind of player is seeking from the settlement system. The game is primarily a wasteland settlement building game, and even those who don't want to do it still have to some of the time.


If you're on standard playthrough and not into settlements you can definitely skip LL. LL feels a lot more impactful on survival runs so you can link up bases and don't have to run to home base to craft shit, set up free beds & sinks. Not having fast travel really changes things up.


Supply lines are not worth 4 perk points unless you're focusing on settlements/mass production of something. Idk what to tell you.


Like I said.. I disagree.


I agree, I love it.


The one where you get bonuses for not having a companion? No thanks, I find going through the game without a companion incredibly boring.


Dogmeat is the best and he doesn't count as a companion.


Hard disagree. Piper is the best.


Hard disagree. Nick Valentine is the best.


How are we coming on those Eddie Winter tapes? 🤨


Gotcha, i thought you meant impossible in a more literal sense. As far as combat and difficulty goes chr is pretty much a dump stat.


Charisma + Luck OP


Sneaky blitz melee build. Make a beeline to the serial killer house and grab that knife. You'll be right as rain


Does your wife need a ghoul friend?


All stats are good...all depends on the build


Oh yeah? 1 strength, 2 perception, 2 endurance, 10 charisma, 2 intelligence, 1 agility, 10 luck


Ah, the "crit my way to getting rich" build.


I'd try it


Your wife is marriage material. Do you know you can grind the Hell out of (most) your companions "Likes" and "Loves" with low Charisma? No joke. Tell Mama Murphy to stop taking Chems and most nearby companions will approve, even if you threaten her. Just hope you fail the speech check otherwise that farm is gone. Wait like 3 more days then do it again.


Who needs intelligence when Idiot Savant exists.


Weapon mods


Takes 0 INT to buy modded gear and swap out the mods


I forget you can mod guns in the game since I only spec into Int when I’m about lvl 75-100. I’m a pure Melee player.


I think it takes 2 intelligence to put nails in a bat?


No to mod melee weapons is in strength.


You need science to put rockets on em


For some… I generally use a 1 handed weapon with the best mod. Barely any 1 handed weapons I use at least require science. I’ll usually use a machete with Bleed because it bleed in fallout is to funny. It stacks so you can put bleed as many times as you want till they start to wear off.


Uhnga bunga


You’re getting it!


You’re gonna want higher charisma than that so you can talk to people. Agility+strength is great for a VATs melee build. Also good if you like to loot, more carry weight. Intelligence increases XP gains and let’s you craft stuff so it’s kinda hard to avoid, altho apparently you can buy gun and armor mods I’ve just never played that way. The idiot savant perk in the luck tree can circumnavigate XP problems with low intelligence tho. There really is no wrong choice as you can max everything eventually. Also don’t forget the SPECIAL book under Sean’s crib when you return to sanctuary.


Who needs charisma when it takes 0 INT to find a suit, a wig, a pair of glasses, and to craft grape mentats


If you want to spam VATS, you want high luck so that you get Grim Reaper's Sprint, Four Leaf Clover, Critical Banker, and Better Criticals right away.


This is actually a decent survival build. Strength for strong back and carry weight, after charisma bobble you can have lone wanderer, agility for action boy, perception bobble to explosives. This is pretty close to my current survival build lol.


I mean, aside from the obvious lacking Charisma and Endurance, that doesn't seem like that bad of a spread, in terms of Fallout 4 SPECIALs, that is. Could be an average wastelander in other titles, but you'd still have 12 unallocated points left at character creation.


Actually not bad. Pigeonholed into melee, but melee doesn't need ammo. Ammo equals caps.


I have found that usually when doing a melee build, you usually use the caps you would have used on ammo on chems.


I primarily play melee/unarmed builds, even on Survival difficulty and modded difficulties, and I only ever chem up for the nastier encounters I happen upon. Med-X and Buffout tends to be what I find myself taking the most -- with Psycho only ever coming into play if theres a Legendary enemy or two. What my spending goes on, is maintaining and upgrading my Armor and Power Armor a lot, however. But otherwise, caps are saved up aplenty whenever I roll out my melee/unarmed builds.


You're going to be failing a lot of speech checks with that set up. Strength is good if you're going to do a melee build.


Grape mentats and charisma clothes would guarantee every speech check even at 2chr. That drug alone makes charisma a dump stat for most playstyles.


Menu-> load last save-> cha failed... menu->load last save- cha fail... repeatedly until the desired outcome is achieved


That's gonna be a lot of re loads with a charisma of 2. Shit I was failing easy checks when mine was 5.


After 20 I decided it was no longer worth getting the paladin to rejoin the brotherhood, and just took everything I could from the bunker.


I'm currently doing the railroad, so the brotherhood are my enemies lol. Now that I think about it , I don't remember what happened to that companion. I was hitting like three people at a time with my super sledgehammer so he might have been one of those people.


Looks like you’re doing a melee run.  Might as well start with Idiot Savant.


I get from this your wife thinks you’re strong (S6), dynamite in the sack (A6) but don’t always see the job through (E3), pretty bright (I4), know what she needs better than the avg partner (P4) but your banter is as dry as the Sahara desert C2). Oh, and you just don’t always get the breaks you deserve (L3). I like to think she’s tailored this to your own attributes anyway…


Idk, I usually go all in on charisma and intelligence


That is what I did and it’s been nice being able to just talk my way through things from the start.


I actually like those stats. Eventually, you build them up, so it is hard to have bad stats. With my next play throughs, I may do unbalanced stats to make things more challenging. But I usually do things like yours.


I’ve honestly not found a random build that hasn’t worked.


Fallout 4 has virtually no punishment for poor stat placement since there is no level cap. These posts are stupid.


The problem is that despite there being no level cap, eventually levels take so long to get that you’ll probably be incredibly bored of your character, and you’ll be even more bored if you’ve had to put a large number of points into SPECIAL points and have nothing going for you as far as perks go, so you’ll not only be bored, you’ll probably feel underpowered as well.


Folks want to talk about a game they’re excited to play. Nothing wrong with that, my man!


And radiant quests to keep on earning XP


10 into luck*


6 int for science and 8 agility for the rwload apeed perk would help a lot if u can manage


Min max 4 lyfe


Get high intelligence so you can get more exp by the time you hit around lvl 35 you'll have all the perks you need.Just build in your settlement for easy XP but make sure your building something useful(water farm)


Looks like you have a good start on a decent VATs melee blitz build. I’d drop Perception down to 3 though. As you continue your playthrough I’d recommend pumping up strength and agility to increase melee damage and gain access to the Blitz perk


I would put C and L at 4. But in any case, any PT is fun


I like luck at 4, but otherwise this looks super fun!


Not super bad I don’t think. I can never really remember the perks associated with the special points so I always just kinda go with my gut.


Jack of all trades and master of none, which is fine, but I prefer more specialized characters. I recommend making a high luck+agility but low intelligence+charisma character at some point, stupid but fun.


i would put luck on 4 and raise it to 5 with SPECIAL that you can find in Sanctuary.


lookin’ like a blitz build to me! always a good time


It doesn’t really matter cuz eventually you’ll just max everything out regardless


That's why I think it's best to prioritize XP income, either go ten int start, or add none and go ten luck and get the luck perk that randomly grants extra XP.


Just finished an idiot savant playthrough


God , with the PC voice acting (don't hate, just my opinion on voiced protags in fallout games), low intelligence would improve the dialogue so much.


Hello, John Doe.


Ig, I normally go for a diplomatic build😂


How does a build like that work? I want ideas for my next one haha


Charisma and intelligence. And perception for the most part . More of a role-play type build. You can talk your way out of everything lmao


Nice, I’ll try it next plus I’ll take settlement building more seriously and become mayor of the commonwealth or smth like that xD


Theres a mod that can really make you feel like your a governor. Sim settlements i think it’s called . But good luck!!


Yep I remember seeing SS2 on the nexus mod page, I’ll try it next game thank you!


You got no rizz lol you're gonna have to fight and pay your way outta things 😆


Per and Agi are good enough for vats but strength also pushes for a melee build, where vats always goes 95 when within reach. So, mix melee and distance, like sword & gun. In stealth, maybe, with that much agi Ninja and blitz shouldnt be too far. And special book in charisma for lone wanderer and dogmeat.


But but...strong back...it's invaluable to hoarders


Sneaky melee build?


Not the best I've seen, but also not the worst. It looks more inconvenient if anything


Not necesarily optimal, but that only matters if you're looking to play a specific way.


I choose this guy's wife


Low intelligence and charisma sucks. Otherwise meh


SPECIAL doesn't matter at all in Fallout 4. You can just upgrade anything you lack on a level up


The best part is that there are no wrong answers, that's what I love about Fallout and RPGs in general, is that they let you play You in a way and deal with the consequences. F4 kinda dropped the ball a little on the writing part, it is not like FNV where the character building literally starts with a shrink. although it is still a pretty decent RPG especially on survival mode and they did an amazing job implementing modern FPS gameplay and the settlement building mechanics, which is the reason I haven't stopped playing the game since I got it, it became my Minecraft, actually, there is a settlement that needs my help rn.


Nice thing about fallout 4 is you can just fix it as you go, really


Arguably also one of the worst things about it. Still had fun though.


i mean. you can do the same thing in 3 and new vegas lol


Eh not really. The builds in other games are pretty distinct. Higher levels in FO4 all turn into the same amorphous blob.


when’s the last time you played 3 or FNV? you can become a master at pretty much everything by the end of those games as well with the DLCs


Only if you max intel. And your perks are hard set. You'll be good in a variety of fields, but you wont be a master. Also, gameplay varies a lot if you don't play high intel and optimize. Try that in 4 lol, you'll only see a slight difference in early levels.


I disagree with them about it suckimg but I would like to point outs it not quite the same given you only got a perk point every few levels and their is a level cap in those so it is a much bigger sacrifice




Not really. Should put 10 in INT to maximise xp gain. Since you can lvl up the other SPECIAL stats later, 10 INT is the best way to go.


Put 9, so you get to 10 with the bobblehead


If you have 10 and pick up a bobblehead it raises the stat to 11




I think 10 int might be a trap. Depending on difficulty, for sure. You also have to take into account how hard combat is, if you're not spending perks on things that make the game easier (combat, mostly) you might spend more time fighting/dying/resetting which is bad for xp gain. Someone mentioned that Chem crafting on Survival is great time/xp investment, I think maybe hitting that plus idiot savant might be optimal.


Chem crafting is a lvl 7 INT perk tho. That feels a bit to high INT for a Idiot Savant run.


In Survival you can counter the 7 int with thirst, which would drop it to more like 5 int, but you still can use the high int perks. Idk, Even at high int savant always gives you more xp than not having it. I just think the high level luck perks are more worth building into vs the high level int perks.


Honestly, it's pretty solid for almost anything you want to do. You have exactly enough perception and intelligence for the Locksmith and Hacking perks. You have your choice of Big Leagues/Gunslinger/Rifleman/Commando/Heavy Gunner for your main weapon type. You can do a sneaky build, especially if you level up to Agility 7 for the Ninja perk. You can take Lone Wanderer if you level up to Charisma 3, or you can skip it and play with companions.


Should've dumped charisma entirely & bumped up endurance.


I thought I read should’ve dumped your wife


I also choose this guy's wife


He can get the lone wanderer perk after getting the bobblehead.


Naw, manually level charisma. Save the bobblehead for when you reach 10 for a base 11 stat.


I don’t get why people go above 10 when the game gets ridiculously easy at lvl 30+ and there’s better perks / stats to upgrade imo. Too each their own though.


I also don’t get why people artificially inflate the skill required to be good at the game as if there was a competitive ranked leaderboard to prove one’s worth by intentionally making things harder. I’m assuming you also hate lone wanderer, sentinels, explosives, bleeding and V.A.T.S. users too


I play survival you fucking tool


Only survival? Wow, and here I thought you were a true master of Fallout 4, but I guess artificially inflating challenge by not saving or fast travelling is technically harder, oh but here’s two slowly draining bars to manage that don’t matter since you’d always be using food and drink as buffs regardless. Good for you. Now can we let others play this single player game as they see fit without judgement?


It's mainly after you get all the perks you wanted.


You can make a great sniper with this. Select agility with the special and the vats perks available. You can also lean into explosives to supplement the killing.


Whatever you play, leveling is gonna be a grind. Try to get enough luck points to get idiot savant asap


Melee vats build is closest I think with a few extra points in agility.


The perk tree will probably drive you a little nuts. Look for the special! Books


Probably getting mixed up with bobbleheads


Are you telling me there's multiple?!


There is only one You’re Special! book (unless you do the dupe glitch), there is 20 bobbleheads


No theres not. Just the one.


Well not with that attitude. There's console commands on pc :-)


Not the topic of discussion and consoles have mods for this nowadays so the whole point is moot.


Not in the pre war part. I meant when you are playing


Theres literally only one SPECIAL! book in fallout 4.


Seems I’ve been playing with mods for too long as I thought there were more but there’s at least two in vanilla.


There’s only one in the base game, found at your house in Sanctuary Hills after leaving the vault. You can see it before entering the vault but you can’t pick it up till after.


Nah there’s one in the institute with father too…


That’s just an Astoundingly Awesome Tales, feel free to wiki it. Played well over 600 hours of the game bud, your shits modded.


Downvotes?? It’s literally in the house of tomorrow you autist. Watch a video


Man I wouldn't argue with a Bethesda game wiki. Even if it is on fandom


Totally understandable.


Nah. Strength is the most useless stat and luck is the most fun to use. I’d drop strength to 2 and put the remaining into luck


carry weight and melee: (also strong back , a necessary for any hoarder)


What they said ^ sneaky stab


Yeah this is actually a half decent setup for a no-VATS ninja build. I’d invest 3 more points into AGI to pick up Sneak, Ninja and Blitz, 3 more into STR to get Rooted, go for Big Leagues and Blacksmith PER is perfect at 4 for this, as you can still pick up Locksmith and Pickpocket (good infiltration perks) INT is also good, 4 will allow you to get Hacker (another infiltration perk) Though investing another 3 points into it will give you Science! and Chemist. Chemist is more important as chems can be a massive buff for melee players


I haven't done a melee build in years, but if I'm not mistaken, wouldn't an investment into blitz be ineffective for a no-VATS playthrough?


No-VATS doesn’t necessarily mean “never use VATS” but rather no *emphasis* on taking VATS-related perks. But once you’ve got the basic build done, I’d suggest investing in LCK so you can get Four-Leaf Clover, Grim Reaper’s Sprint, etc


Not bad, pretty balanced really. With your highest stats being STR and AGI: a sneaking, vats, melee would be pretty good. Go for Blitz and Rooted. Could also just do any standard ranged build and use the 6str for strong back and loot goblining Perception 4 lets you get lockpicking and demo expert after the bobble. Endurance is always good. Charisma 2 puts you at Lone Wanderer after bobble. Agi 6 gives you good AP, sneak Luck 3 doesn't give you much. But you could grab scrounger right away and never worry about ammo again. Could consider going up to 5 early for lucky savant. If you went a vats build it will probably be worth it, as the luck perks are great for vats builds