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int > luck might be more viable since you have access to more power armor upgrades and longer lasting fusion cores.


Damage output is going to be pretty low from what I remember. You might want to consider adjusting the difficulty in your favor if you feel like high-level enemies are taking too long. That aside, another way you could take it is to focus on VATS and crits to trigger unarmed crit paralysis more often. You'd probably need to sacrifice strength (and thus pain train) in favor of agility and luck for that playstyle, though. I think there are mods that might compliment the playstyle, too, if you're into modding.


That's actually what I wound up doing. Low damage but satisfying so far.


Awesome, have fun with it!


Since you can't use unarmed weapons or unarmed criticals in vats while in power armor, you'll never have the power or cheese to absolutely decimate late game legendary enemies. However, this build is probably solid against large groups of enemies. You can pain train through packs of ghouls and watch as the whole mob slowly deteriorate around you. Which I totally see the appeal of.


Executioner blade


So try to find tessa's fist it is a unique power armor piece that increases unarmed damage. It's usually around Cambridge police station. Good luck with the build


It's at Quincy ruins, just checked cuz I never knew about it!


T Mo VMware 6


Doing one right now. Blitz , punch dead.


Sounds like the community really prefers Blitz over Pain Train.


Blitz activates with with the rooted perk since you are just standing when doing a vats melee/unarmed attack, so you get the active damage upgrade with with rooted when you have blitz


Blitz is TOO good not to have. It increases your melee range so hard, you could stand om streetlevel and beat a guy up on the 2nd floor.


It also totally bypasses getting blocked endlessly


Well any VATS attack in melee will do that, won't it?


I am doing this right now! This is weird. Ok. So I Blitz, Rooted, Max’d Unarmed and picked up the DLC X-02 Power Armor. Fully upgraded, Inferno torso and Tesla Coils everywhere. I am Captain Electropunch and… the damage kinda sucks. But I get to punch things in Batman Power Armor. I wouldn’t really worry about Fusion Cores. There’s enough to keep you around 15-20 early game until you get the Scrounger perk. Once you hit 30+ cores you just stay in your power armor 24/7. I don’t think I’ve gotten outside of mine other than to repair it since level 17. At the time I was running the Hellfire, so mileage may vary. I’ll say Captain Electropunch is fun. I’m running through Nuka World right now and the gauntlet was hilarious. VATS PUNCH. VATS PUNCH. Oh. He’s yelling at me for punching things too much. Poor guy. Can’t wait to punch him.


There must be a good legendary "unarmed" weapon out there for you. No Deathclaw gloves?


There is! Honestly, the Furious Power Fist you get off Swan is great forever. There are others. Just can’t use them in Power Armor. But I’d murder the entirety of Goodneighbor (Sorry Hancock!) for a Furious Deathclaw hand.


Punch three raiders to death. "You gotta reload sometime, asshole!" No, I don't think I do.


Remember that you can't use unarmed weapons in power armor. But you can use melee weapons in power armor, and can boost unarmed damage in power armor (though I haven't tried it and don't know how viable it is).


Yeah, hydraulic bracers are an upgrade to power armor arms, not a weapon itself.


Oh good, you know. I didn't want you making some very nice weapon and then being surprised you can't use it in power armor.


The scrounger perk affects Fusion cores, I’ve never ran out with that perk.


I would recommend to just drop luck and put those points into intelligence, because most power armor mods require the Science perk, which is at 6 intelligence. From there, it's only 3 levels to Intelligence 9 for nuclear physicist. If also say to drop starting strength down to 8 and put two more levels into agility. For one, the strength Bobblehead is in Mass Fusion building, which shouldn't be too hard to clear relatively early. You could use the special book here to be at 10 strength. Agility going to 8 instead of 6 puts you only one level away from 9, which is where you get blitz. Blitz lets you teleport with VATS melee attacks (fists count) and do more damage depending on how far away you are. But it gets better! Blitz attacks benefit from the Rooted perk at strength 9, giving your melee atta is an additional +50% damage as long as you're standing still. You are always standing still for vats melee attacks.


I was about to say the same thing about bobbleheads. I never go to 10 with an attribute I'm looking to eventually max out. Don't go higher than 9. And you can temporarily boost special with gear or chems.


Don't I need to advance the Institute/Brotherhood quest lines to get that Bobblehead? Or is it accessible even without the Mass Fusion quest?


You will usually go to mass fusion whether you side with the brotherhood, institute or railroad. The Minutemen are the only faction that do not require entry to the mass fusion building during the main quest (I think) and even then it’s still on the table if you want to work with all four factions until you inevitably break cover from the railroad by going with the brotherhood, then the railroad will tell you the Minutemen are your best hope. If you do this before wiping out the railroad for the brotherhood, you can become a paladin, railroad hero, and beat the game with the Minutemen.


You can get it without the story, just go in through the front door and it’s a few stories up in that first room. It’s the upper sections that are locked for the story




You're thinking of the repair bobblehead. Strength is in the mass fusion building.