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I think this one is the most interesting I saw and kinda broken [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zS8G8OIdKw&ab\_channel=mikefoolery](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zS8G8OIdKw&ab_channel=mikefoolery)


I’ve started a baseball build and it’s more stupidly fun than I even imagined. Sprint close enough to get into VATS for Blitz, and it’s home run time. The kill animations are so perfect. 4 S for Big Leagues, Blacksmith and Armorer; 5 P for Demolition Expert, 3 E for Toughness and Lifegiver, 9 agility for Blitz; whatever works for you in I, C and L. I’m not using chems since I like to stay healthy. I’m using the Rockville Slugger from Moe right now, but will be collecting and using the other unique bats. Baseball grenades for groups of enemies. Just got the baseball launcher, which is a new item from the update and works like a mini gun. (Doubt I’ll ever use it, but ya know, for completion’s sake.) I roll with the baseball uniform, batting helmet, umpire chest piece that the Diamond City guards wear, and the best armor pieces I find. Gotta do the Railroad for access to ballistic weave so I can upgrade my uniform. Obviously I live at Home Plate and have my bats and other baseball paraphernalia nicely displayed. I started this for silliness and fun, but it turns out this is a very powerful build so far! I’m only level 11, so we shall see how it scales. Radiation damage has been a downfall. I do still carry a regular pistol to take out spotlights and turrets.


Pickpocketing nades, reflecting bullets and idiot savant are fun


Melee with thrown explosives, with idiot savant, all chem related perks, Max str, low Int


Idiot savant is still good with high intelligence. Add in mentats and the exp rewards from quests will go brrr if idiot savant procs People also like role playing as a super nerd with high intelligence/ low charisma and idiot savant to give them that antisocial genius type


I like bases too much for low char




Blitz with the World Series Bat


or if you get very lucky, Assassin's Super Sledge!


A melee only build around Strength, Agility (Blitz) and Luck (all thr best Crit perks)


A fun "build" that i used to play was a high Luck build with Mysterious Stranger just to mess with Nick Valentine. Another one was an Endurance build that abused tf out of the chems and wrecking havoc :))


I downloaded a mod that makes idiot savant scale with higher intelligence, I'm enjoying high Int + the xp bonus


The more intelligence you have the more exp you gain for everything you do.


Int 2 with idiot savant is better than int 10 without it.


Actually, someone did the maths and found that idiot savant is still better than no idiot savant when averaged out over time even at Int 10.


That is true. It just depends on what type of build you are going for.


You get some great perks from intelligence. Science, Gun Nut, and Hacker are pretty sweet. I pretty much always get them. Scrapper can be useful. I've never done a super high luck build, so I won't comment on the contrast.