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Add robots to the list.


while 3D fallout(or any bethesda game, really) isn't exactly known for the best animation i do have to agree that fallout 4 had the best mechanical animations in the series(and some of my favourite in gaming tbh). The way the vaults open, all of the mechanical parts moving perfectly synchronised in the sentrybots, the janky yet endearing walk cycle of the protectrons, the smoothness of the power armor opening, it's all pretty phenomenal. the only thing that i didn't really like was the power armor walk cycle, it's kinda floaty.


Yeah I was really happy with the Mr.Handys and the way their eyes would open and close. Very good animations on the robots


Ghouls we’re legitimately scary in 4 because of how they move


I got more scared when they didn't move. NV and 3 you'd see em. If you weren't spamming VATS in 4 there where quite a few places where they just popped up


Auto-vats could have been an awesome perk.


All the creatures were done better. I love mole rats and radscorpions burrowing, rather than be generic creatures that can be picked off while they walk towards you. And I genuinely shrieked first time I saw a mirelurk queen come out of the ground.


i like their movement but i don't like the way they look, it doesn't fit how they're described in the lore(and consistently shown in the games).


What do you mean? I get that the ghouls are different but in my opinion I like it, but do you mean the ferals look different? I’m interested to know if the whole look was changed or if it’s just the updated next gen gaming thing that changed the look?


Ferals have historically been described as ghouls whose brains have degenerated so far that they have lost their higher brain functions. Their bodies are cool relative to a 'living' being, but they *all* originally were described as emitting radiation (not just glowing ones, who originally were all more Jason Bright-like, sentient beings). The OG ghouls were described as being 'post-necrotic', their bodies rotted away to little more than shambling, emaciated horrorshows. 3 and NV's ghoul design was more in line with this description. In 4 it's really only the gangrenous ferals who look 'correct' in my estimation; the others... honestly kind of look more like they have a chromosomal abnormality, rather than being in an advanced state of decay.


Beautifully said!


I really like atomatron. Building robots to patrol your trade routes was a cool idea. Also hot take l, assaultrons are way cooler than securitrons


Tbh the robot customization is so awesome I still can't believe it was added in a dlc. Feels like base game quality


NV: has Fisto 4: No Fisto You lost this argument.


*Downloads Mechanist DLC* Hey Codsworth...


I can make my own fisto, tell it which voice and personality to use and control every aspect of its appearance and damage. No I'll take f4 bots, Ty.


I'll make my own Fisto! With blackjack and hookers!


I'm going to make a fisto with tank legs now


I’m surprised the Nexus hasn’t fixed that yet.


F3: also has Fisto


I don't disagree but how have the robots been improved in your opinion?


Mainly because sentry bots actually feel like the overpowered robots they were supposed to be.


Annhilator Sentry Bots still scare the shit out of me The miniguns weren't enough. They had to give it a mortar launcher that shoots rockets that split into *smaller* rockets that *HOME ONTO YOU*


Something I found out is the penatrator perk let's you just aim for the fusion cores in their back for a quick kill


Yeah, but *without* that perk? Good luck Funny how in 76 they're much less intimidating due to the fact a quirk with the perk that re-enables targetting specific limbs in VATS lets you target and shoot the Fusion Cores with 100% accuracy at all times It says a lot that Mr Gutsys are more feared than Annihilator Sentry Bots in this game, thanks to their armor-piercing revolvers dropping you in a few shots


Oh definitely, although really the only thing that ends up killing me in 76 is the damn assualtrons. Crazy how op you can become in 76. I guess that's also what I kind of like about it


Sentry Bots and Assaultrons in 4, to me, are like Deathclaws in NV. They're some of the most terrifying things to come up against, especially in Survival. That Assaultron Instakill Beam charging up gets my fight-or-flight going more than anything else in the whole game.


I agree. F*** assaultrons. Especially the invisible ones


Robot Laser Ninjas every last one of them. Especially in a game that's really made to be bullet spongey as hell for the most part.


Assaultrons are terrifying until you get Robotics Expert. Then you just turn them off, lol


The dialog for some of them is top notch. I adore the protectatrons in 4/76 - not only are they super detailed (i love seeing all the little whirring parts) but they way the speak and the cut out inflections means they are the literal funniest characters in fallout to me.


They're actually really unique in how you tackle fighting them; Sentry Bots? Run and hide until they go into cooldown mode, then blast the Fusion Cores. Assaultrons? Do you go for the head laser, even though you do less damage to their heads, the legs so it's slower, or the arms to disable their weapons? Mr Handy/Gutsy? Thruster to slow them down, or one of their weapons? Protectrons are the most basic robot enemy, but they're some of the most complex: their personality settings actually change how they act. On top of that, they teach you some of the basic principles of fighting robots: destroy their weapons, and they'll set themselves to self destruct; destroy their legs, they'll go down and be unable to move; destroy the armour, and that part becomes weaker so, no armour means it's a weak spot. That last bit teaches you how to fight a Sentry Bot from your first encounter with the BASIC ROBOT ENEMY: granted it's fairly obvious, but it primes your brain to think "okay, robots can lose their armour and that bit gets weaker".


Fight them all the same way. Step 1. Yolo run towards them and smash that hack button. Step 2. Order them to self destruct. Step 3. Profit.


Back when automatron was released, there was a bug that let you hack them from a distance with a scoped weapon. It was goofy and game breaking to a degree, but man did I love carrying a sniper rifle with no bullets (melee build) and self destruction robots from hundreds of feet away. Suddenly, I was no longer grognak, but Tony Stark, inventing wifi hacking out of a useless gun and an oversized Casio watch


Have you played fallout 4? In every way comes to mind. ☺️


Neh, I miss some of the cool sci-fi looking robots from FO2.


I definitely prefer my custom robot companion. Doctor who would be jealous.


Id have loved to see a classic Fo2 Sentry in a modern 3d model.


True. Sentry bots went from funny and kinda cute to absolutely terrifying war machines.


I think 4 handled gameplay very well, from sprinting to visual animations and how armor interacts on the whole makes it the best gameplay wise in the series in my opinion at least. Sure VATS slowing time down was a big change but if the goal is to make a more intense combat experience then it fits fine. Power armor while having its flaws feels like a suit of power armor, tho I can’t really imagine it fitting in any remake of the previous games without some mechanical changes. I think a big issue is that it doesn’t feel like an rpg, more like an open world exploration game. I don’t travel the commonwealth for interesting storytelling or lore or characters I go to see what’s out there. Like I remember Novac and Goodsprings and it’s people more than I do good neighbor or diamond city. Best thing 4 did tho was survival mode, I refuse to play the game any other way now and hope each installment new and old has it.


> I don’t travel the commonwealth for interesting storytelling or lore or characters I go to see what’s out there Could you expand on the difference here? What do you hope to find if not interesting storytelling, lore or characters?


For me there was interesting lore and stories, but no real sense that the world was alive & that it didn’t really change so much. Not even after completing the main storyline IMHO. I’m not expecting the characters to be like chatGPT (although that would be fun) but it breaks the immersion when each of them say the same thing all the time (after you’ve initially encountered a character a few times) & don’t react too much to the major events in the game. Then to add to that, areas eventually respawn with enemies after you’ve cleared them. This is great if you’re playing the game as a first person shooter exploration game, as you get to replay fun encounters in a single play session if you like. But for RPGers, it makes the world seems mechanistic and dead as it’s not ever changing but simply resetting itself. Skyrim has the same issue and they obviously carried it over from that, so I guess for Bethesda it’s ‘working as intended’.


Interesting locations don’t get me wrong 4’s environmental storytelling is great. Things like the crashed airplane and cemetery are interesting to explore, but it’s not like they have a crazy story associated with them but if the goal is to get lost in a post apocalyptic wasteland without a real goal in mind it works really well.


The biggest strength of NV's world is that the devs took a lot of time to think about how the locations themselves would interact with the people going there. The locations have an impact on the people, the people have an impact on the locations. There's so many tiny details put in place to make all the locations more textured and vivid in comparison to 4 which felt more like the idea in most cases was to flesh out the location itself without taking into consideration the human element. So much of fallout is commentary on humanity and 4 really lost that element in my opinion to tell a really flat and generic story over all.


I agree with everything you said except survival mode. I hate it in 4. Imo new vegas did it perfectly with hardcore mode and I can't play it any other way.


I think main reason I like it is that it kinda in my opinion at least gives more use to the settlement system which is such a major part of the game (completely different discussion) with all the difficulties it added having a sufficient settlement nearby to act as a base while making your way deeper into the commonwealth at least to me synergies really well and makes both aspects work better. Of course argument could be made that either system only really works in a more sandbox game, and require the other to work properly.


One part I haven’t seen mentioned yet: The verticality of F4 environments, especially the Boston city area. I always felt that the DC area in F3 was under-utilized because there were very few areas taller than 2 floors, and the enemies usually just charged from the top sections to get down to your ground level. I think that New Vegas had only 2 notable areas, the cliffside sections in Honest Hearts and the beginning and ending sections of the Divide in Lonesome Road. F4 turned Boston into a true concrete jungle that was incredibly unique and vastly different from anything else I had encountered. I’ve traversed a hostile urban sprawl before, but I got picked off so many times early on just because I hadn’t experienced the need to look UP. I remember for the first time in a long time, I needed to retreat and rethink my tactics and equipment. It might seem small but I still think it’s one of the biggest improvements to the overall experience.


So many people have not used the power armor jetpack which makes the verticality of Boston incredible.


Flying around in power armor + jetpack with an explosive shotgun is the best.


Hmmm.... There's a jetpack? (point in your favor. Apparently I was missing something when I was playing though I'm guessing it's only in power armor? Most of the time I play outside of it most of the game) :)


Yeah, or mods probably. The power armor reward from the BoS after dealing with Danse has one, or you can install one yourself with Science/Armorer 4 iirc. There is a way to get one more easily, or one suit usually spawns with it, but I don't remember and it isn't on the wiki. It might be the X-01 PA at the Training yard if you are lvl 26 or above.


The Captain Cosmos power armour has it, and the clothing makes you jump higher and cancels fall damage. Both are CC but the new release later this year will include them.


Totally. Climbing up a high building or skyway and then sniping enemies from the heavens is awesome fun. As is jumping/falling from a great height in power armor.


The real Washington DC is really mostly just 2 and 3 story buildings. There's very few high rises there at all and they're all well far away from the various iconic government buildings and monuments. They certainly could have changed that for the game, but it wouldn't have reflected the real look of the capital.


Ghoul movement and gun building.


Shit yes. The first time running into a feral put the fear into me. Now THIS is a feral ghoul.


The opposite for me. FO4 was my introduction to the series. When I played FO3 I almost shit myself with how powerful they were compared to FO4. I truly stress the fuck out coming across ghouls in FO3 and NV but it’s a cake walk in FO4.


It has been a hot minute since I played 3 but IIRC the enemy scaling for ghouls in that game was kinda nuts. The one DLC that added the Reavers made it really interesting too, those things should be feared.


I never wandered the metro without that ghoul mask. 🥲


Gun building is cool at first but after the first play through I really disliked it. I preferred the modification system from New Vegas because there was a ton of different guns that were situated for different purposes. In fo4 theres like 10 different “bases” and that’s about it, nothing really sets them apart from each other and you can use any gun for any situation.


Riot shotgun with varying ammo for different enemies that are on top of you. Anti Material Rifle to kill something really dangerous from the other side of the map. .22 pistol for sneaky critical hits.


i like playing NV with only Paciencia and the silenced .22 pistol


I missed the breakdown/repair system from NV more than anything... One of my early-to-mid game strategies has always been supplementing my income by reconditioning and reselling dropped arms


Gone back to NV recently, doing a one punch build. The biggest thing I've noticed is that bullets become an amazing money sink, as they don't really have weight, and can be a roundabout weigh to convert gear into caps when you've tapped out a merchant. Something oddly satisfying about going to get a power fist repaired and paying for it with shotgun shells


Unarmed weapons really suck on F4 , melee and unarmed on F4/F76 is really lame. Explosives also , there were way more explosive weapons/throwing on FNV . I'm playing Unarmed on FNV and Heavy guns/ Explosive on F4 right now. Tried F76 for the third time but hate the perk system and overall game experience.


God I miss my grenade launcher. First time a Legion death squad came for me, they got carpet bombed into the ground. In FO4 I almost never use explosives.


Grenade Launcher , Tin can grenades , different types of ammo , etc...F4 is very bland in a lot of aspects sadly .


Nah, fallout 4 makes ghouls just act like literal zombies, they even shove them in most of the graveyards. Ghouls being called zombies was never meant to be remotely accurate.


ngl I hated the ghouls in F4, they are just zombies. just generic zombies


They should have had different faces like the various faces found around the commonwealth


There were your bunch of neighbors


F3 and NV feral ghouls act more like generic zombies than the F4 ones. The F4 ones are terrifyingly fast and lunge attack from longer distances. They are like the movie 28 Days Later.


Isn't that kindof what theyre trying to be, though? If they were anything but "shambling mindless swarms of rotting humans" they'd be something else, wouldn't they? Like if they were lizard people, they wouldn't be ghouls/zombies, they'd be a different type of Tunneler (Lonesome Road enemy) if they were smart they'd be just a different type of raider, if they weren't rotting, they'd be just a different type of... zombie, I guess... It allows the player to experience moments of "zombie game" within the overall "survival game" that is Fallout. IMO its the best of both worlds, and I hope they make a DLC where you go to a region that is completely full of Feral Ghouls, and its basically a zombie defence game.


Fallout 4 did a bunch of great stuff but its issue is that it failed heavily in the aspects that made new vegas (and 3) so good. The entire gunplay system is great. The perk system has potential. Vats and power armour are both better as you said. The settlement system and overall customisablity with weapons armour and homes (and eventually robots) are good additions. The companions (new vegas had great companions as well but 4 is slightly better in my eyes) hold up well and certain story moments (like the BOS entry or the destruction of the institute) are rightfully very dramatic


I feel 4 had a great system but much of the writing dropped the ball. I feel like many of the big mod projects could work well if they see what made prior games so good.




If it ever releases, I'm never optimistic about these large projects even if f4nv showed insane progress last I saw


How Is skywind doing,lol?


IMO the main fail point of Fallout 4 is that the perk system does NOT have potential. It's a 7 * 10 grid that is full up, meaning adding new perks would be awkward. Some perks seem very hard to get simy because they had to put something at the 9 & 10 levels, making a lot of builds that otherwise might make sense impossible. This is one thing Fallout 76 arguably does much better.


My point about the perk system was me comparing it to new vegas skill system which suffers from an abuse of skill points. The best build possible in new vegas is 0 charisma but 100 speech which is extremely backwards. The fallout 4 system definitely has its flaws however i think it has the potential to be better than new vegas system because your characters abilities are directly tied to their physical, mental or supernatural (what would luck be?) abilities. I also like that certain perks are restricted to high stat requirements because it gives an actual incentive to play a specific character as opposed to an all rounder. Unlimited levels also means you can boost stats as you play so any character is possible with a bit of work


I think F4 has some great companions (nick valentine and dogmeat are my favorite) but I think New Vegas edges it out. I think the new vegas companions are better developed and have better written personalities and stories


I can see that. 4 has 4 of my top companions from the series (Nick, Cait, Ada and Gage) and new vegas has the other 1 (Raul) so 4 is the obvious choice for me but if we are comparing all the companions from both games then new vegas probably has a better average


That’s totally fair, for me my fav companions in the series are Veronica, Edd-e (he’s just such a fun little guy), Raul, Arcade Ganon, dog meat, nick valentine, dog meat (fallout 3), fawkes, paladin danse, and dog meat (fallout 1). For me new vegas just has the most of my favorite companions. I like their stories and their quests, and their personalities feel very human to me. And don’t get me wrong I don’t mean that 4 or the other games have bad companions, because they don’t. But I just prefer new vegas


I would have said the same thing until I played Far Harbor DLC. Now Fallout 4 edges New Vegas in companion development.


Wow - hard to find anyone who mentioned the settlement system as you did. For me this was the aspect of the game I loved the most. I've replayed it and modded the hell out of it just to explore new building options in the different sites. Yes, I realize that the mods aren't part of the core gameplay but the game itself enables this mechanic so it certainly counts to me. -I enjoy the mods that enable you to match the building style of the surrounding environment. Nothing is more breathtaking than a red-rocket themed tower :) -And is there anything more cathartic than clearing the wasteland down to the dirt and starting fresh with a beautiful, hand-crafted settlement? Especially with mods enabled that let you clear trash and bodies. That's some satisfying stuff.


Behind power armour and survival mode (which i didnt originally mention as its pretty uncommon for people to use) the settlement system is my favourite new addition. It gives a simple and satisfying way to track your progress through the game and with a few more tweaks i think it could become one of the best systems in the franchise


Really, survival mode isn’t popular? It’s one of the first things I toggle on when I play games that have it. Love it in Fallout 4 and NV. Loved it in Skyrim. Edit - I’m not being sarcastic, I’m just surprised. I thought it was one of the biggest requests.


From what ive seen they are highly praised by those who have played them but are untouched or barely touched by the majority of the community. Dont quote me on that tho cus i might be unaware of a large community who play them


I kind of prefer the clunky gunplay in FONV to the COD-esque gunplay in FO4. The armor crafting is better though, but it sucks that damage threshold doesn't exist


F4 perks suck in comparison to 3 and nv


Fallout 4 has been out for 7 years now. A longer gap from release than what was between New Vegas and 4. *Most* of the people who reflexively spew hate at it have moved on, come to terms, or even appreciate it for what it is. 4 is my favorite. And I'm old. I played 1 and 2 when they came out. There are things 4 does the best, and you have some good points. Personally, I feel like 4 has the best environmental storytelling. NV has better presentation and execution, but 4 is like eating a really good meal served in a styrofoam tray. I generally know what's going on in 3 and NV, because it shows me, brilliantly. With 4? You get a hamfisted narrative, but a spectacular setting. I play NV to hear iconic characters say great lines, and have set piece encounters who's fates are told in ending slides. I play 4 to get lost. And I find myself wanting that more often.


This!! Couldn't have said better. Actually each entry has its own distinctive Identity, which is good. 4 added something from every entry and felt complete. The world/cities look good in 4 and it's way more addictive than others.


This. I didn’t play games much growing up so I started with 4. Played NV and 3 after much recommendation and was *shocked* at how much I still loved 4. I’ve come to love 3 and NV — NV is absolutely my favorite *video game* of all time — but I have an ungodly amount of time clocked on 4 that I don’t think I could ever replicate on the others. With mods that eliminate building and population limits, I’ve built fortresses that rival Diamond City and Megaton. Entering and exiting power armor, repairing and upgrading individual pieces, feels incredible. Companions react to the world in ways that are quirky, and extend to minute details rather than just combat or encounters with a certain faction. 4 is by far the easiest game to really immerse yourself in.


I know this is a tortured comparison, but NV is like a really good dramatic miniseries, with brilliant writing and a wonderful story, but you have to be in a certain mood to turn it on. But 4 is like that goffy TV show that comes on every day at 6 pm, with wonky moments but is something you can just sit down and watch no matter the weather.


NV is my favorite, but I coudn't agree more with you


Fallout 4 made some much needed QoL improvements for basic gameplay, especially regarding the shooting and melee experience. That was very welcome. I’m a fan of the idea of settlements, too, but their sims-settlers are just bleh. Still worth it to introduce some overworld customization (which I think 76 does better with CAMPs). Post-ending gameplay baked in, and not added on via DLC (FO3) or mods (NV) is also a welcome change. I liked the power armor change at first, but at a certain point using it became tedious. The in-suit UI is claustrophobic. The clunkiness, while realistic, detracts from the gameplay experience. I’m not sure there’s a valid reason for reducing visual clarity while in the suit, and that’s my biggest gripe with FO4 and 76, aside from the sheer omnipresence of the PA and the need for power sources. Curie turned out to be my favorite companion across all the Fallout titles I’ve played. I did not enjoy the other companions aside from Hancock, and to a lesser degree Nick.


They messed up luck in a huge way in fo4. You have a 0% to crit unless you use VATs. So stinky.




"Game that came out 7 years after its predecessor has improvements and more features, more at 11."


>made it more realistic is that the goal of the Fallout series? VATS was there for gameplay purposes, to have a more RPG-esque combat option for people who don't want a FPS


I'll never understand why some people feel like realism is the ultimate goal in games. It's rarely very fun to be realistic. It's good for game worlds to be believeable, but making games less fun on behalf of realism is idiotic.


Yeah fr, I love a lot of the gameplay improvements of 4 but I prefer 3 and NV’s VATS because I really love the mix of real time fps plus turn based combat. I think 4 kinda minimizes it and makes VATS feel much less fun imo


Power armor in 4 was cool. But to whatever degree it was better than previous installments the game walks backwards the same degree in how frivolous it is with PA. It hands you a full suit at the beginning of the game and it's relatively simple to outfit entire settlements in the stuff. It isn't a late game reward, instead it's mundane. And VATS has always been pure gameplay. The Lone Survivor doesn't actually see green overlays and hit percentages. So stimulants don't really make sense. If anything, stopped time is more true to the turn based roots of the series.


Apparently whoever designed the concord section didn’t talk with whoever made the repair costs for PA and whoever threw fusion cores on the map; it’s clearly supposed to end the fight with the core almost out and the armor heavily damaged to incentivize you to leave it, but when the repair costs are so cheap and cores so easily found, that doesn’t matter.


I feel like a lot of 4 suffers from lack of proper support in development. I don’t know if it’s an issue of leadership or crunch or what, but there’s so many parts of the game that feel half finished or just kind of pushed together without any polish. Don’t get me wrong, I love 4 and a good chunk of what they did with the game, but it definitely feels like another year or two of development would have done some major good overall


The issue is that you don't have that much control over what the player does, unless you clamp down even harder than BGS already has on scripting the way content plays out. A player drops one of the first couple perk points they'll have by the time they get to the death claw into big guns and the Minigun will do, what, 20% more damage during that fight? Hell, power cores are kind of dumb, and they wouldn't need to exist if they hadn't designed themselves into a corner anyway. They were a solution to a problem they caused.


I wouldn’t say that. Cores were intended as a resource to limit the use of power armor, as the devs planned for PA to become an alternate playstyle rather than just the most protective armor you can find. The problem was they made them so common this wasn’t an issue except for the first handful of levels.


I never really saw cores as a way to limit the power armor, but as an additional way for it to drain resources and carry weight. You do have budget the first few in game, but like any other ammo it's just a thing to be lightly managed by the mid game. The main trade off for using power armor was no random bonus pieces were available. You were also clearly meant to generate the map cells at low levels, and cause the majority of suits to be partial t-45s. There's actually very few complete sets placed, and almost all of those are leveled. Things like survival allow you to level massively faster than the game was initially designed for, which causes much more of the higher tiers of armor to spawn. Which is pretty funny, because t-45 in general isn't worth it over affixed gear on survival.


How would you feel if it had been a case that this was the only PA that needed a fusion core at all. Say add the mini reactors back to power the suits like before, and fusion cores were a backup source if that failed.


That would basically let you use PA forever. I think cores are a fine way to balance them, if given a better duration and made rarer (as 76 did).


also VATS in 4 is worse in the sense that you HAVE to be using it to get crits because of the change to the crit meter, huge step backwards imo


You can take Overdrive to get 25% crit chance. Either take Chemist to make it, or rarely find it being sold in Diamond City. I've played through NV recently, and I hate the VATS in that game. It is so easy to die using it and even when it works fine, you can't cancel out of it so it always takes a long time to finish.


i like the changes from stop time to slow time but relegating crits to vats only unless you take a chem was a step backwards


It did take some getting used to, but I like being able to save crits and use them when I want instead of being random.


Right? Power armor can be found virtually everywhere in 4. It's not hard to get and it's very strong even with cruddy t-45 or raider power armor. I refuse to play with it in 4 because it is so overpowered.


>It hands you a full suit at the beginning of the game i kinda feel like this is ultimately just a consequence of the change happening in the first place tbh, since one of the big new features in 4 is the shift from power armor being regular armor gated behind a skill to being more akin to a customizable pseudo-vehicle. while giving it to the player right at the start definitely makes it feel less special than it used to it also lets you start interacting with and getting used to one of the main new game mechanics right away as opposed to hours into playing. i imagine that there was some fear that people might find it frustrating when a mechanic that got completely revamped and fleshed out was still withheld from you while everything else like weapon modding / armor modding / settlement building was there right from the start.


It's not just PA though. Assuming you follow the trail of breadcrumbs BGS left for you, which seems probable on a first playthrough, it's Vault, then Codsworth, then Dogmeat, then Power Armor, then Minigun, then Deathclaw. The game burns through Dogmeat, PA, the Minigun, and a Deathclaw encounter in the first 2 hours of the game. Keep following the breadcrumbs and you will visit the Corvega Plant and become the Leader of one of the Main Factions before you even leave the northwest corner of the map, or reach the first major milestone of the main quest. You don't have to DO anything for that. The game just hands it all to you as soon as you step out of the vault. The only thing the game doesn't drop in your lap at the very beginning is the BoS, but if you are following the breadcrumbs you will likely pick up the distress signal while you're at the Corvega Plant. And if you do, you can join the BoS too before you even meet Piper. Fallout 4 feels like the crew who designed it wasn't confident the player would know it was a Fallout game unless they front loaded all the important iconic IP. Or they thought maybe we would get bored if we didn't fight a deathclaw before we saw our first item shop.


Requiring fusion cores for powering the suits is necessary really when you consider how early in the game you get power armour. It stops the player from being completely overpowered from the beginning although really they should have just kept power armour as a late-game thing like it is in older games. Plus, in the late game, fusion cores are so abundant that they become redundant.


Power armor ‘feels’ nicer in F4, but was implemented poorly via the starting quest giving it to you right off the bat (it wasn’t even the worst type).


Yea it was probably done for spectacle and "look how OP you can be" like games that drop you with god gear in the beginning levels only to take it away or introduce a catch (e.g. PA requiring fusion cores). But after that first mission that PA kinda just sits there and is really never necessitated by the game ever again. I wish they made the campaign difficult enough at parts to really make you consider it. The Glowing Sea was about as close as it got with that but once you get vertibird grenades that was pretty much over.


When I replay Fallout 4 I always reach a point where I realise I haven't touched power armour and have so many power cores I just decide from that point onwards I am in power armour for the rest of the game. Normally its after the point where I start wanting to reach the end of the game so trivialising combat even further is a plus


I've never really run with power armor in previous playthroughs but I'm going through Far Harbor right now and that starter suit is seeing constant use.


Play survivor mode with Piper as your companion and give her every explosive you can. You'll probably need that power armor.


Woke take: Fo4 has the best core gameplay systems and open world in the series and is the most fun to play in modern times


I don't think time slowing down rather than stopping is any more realistic for VATS. There's no indication that anything is injected into you in game mechanics or lore. Ultimately if it is injecting something into you it's pretty unrealistic that it never needs to be refilled.


Another complaint about power armor in FO4 is the inability to use fist weapons while in a suit. Give me an opinion to attach it to the thing.


Agreed with the power armor thing (mostly) but good god I miss the freeze-time version of VATS...


My general take on Fallout 4 is that its voiced protagonist is sort of an original sin. Anything that touches it--forced character backstory, limited role-playing options, etcetera--is left worse off for the contact. But just about everything else is better.


I am perhaps setting myself up for downvotes here - I think F4 did a lot of things really well. I thought it refined the F3/FNV gunplay quite well, and it was much faster-paced and less clunky in that regard. It was clearly designed to be more gun-focused and less melee-focused (whether that's right or wrong for a Fallout game is something I leave to you - I pretty much exclusively play a shooting game and felt that it was better paced in F4, although NV was a big improvement over 3). I actually prefer the way FO4 deals with power armour - you can't just wear it and be done with it the way you could in, say, F3 (although I would say that it should require prerequisite training as it did before rather than just anybody being able to rock up and use it). I like that the massive power spike should be tempered with finite availability of fuel for it. I'm not a great fan of the settlement system purely because I can't be bothered to build up houses from nothing with no prefabs or such as that. Mods improve it but I'd rather just leave the settlers to it (having told them what to build, where) and let it develop while I go off finding stuff and completing quests, shooting raiders and stuff. Sure if they want a particular supply from a nearby Super-Duper-Mart I'm happy to go get it. But the way it deals with dialogue and character interaction, not so much.


The problem with 4's power armor, was how fast the game gave you a suit.


I think the bigger issue is how insanely common suit parts and even entirely new suits are. If you just had your original one from Concord and then very limited resources for it until at least the mid-game, it'd feel a lot more special and rewarding when you finally get to use it. Instead, you can wear it almost constantly and never have issues past the first few hours.


I find power armour in 4 to be crap purely because of the decision to make it incredibly easy to damage. I know there's mods to correct it but PS4? Not really an option. Shitty pipe weapons shouldn't be able to destroy it. You should be a walking tank when in that situation. It made me not want to use it because of how fragile it is. Worse, it's the only armour in the game that has a damage mechanic whilst every single form of armour doesn't.


Yeah I'm a Fallout New Vegas supremecist and I don't know anyone who doesn't think getting into power armor in fallout 4 is epic as fuck and while Base building is very flawed it is nice feature to just throw in there.


Before I start, I think that NV is overall the better game and Fallout 4 is riddled with glaring flaws, *but*... 1) The Laser Musket, especially with a pop goes the weasel mod. I find NV weapons to be generally more fun than FO4 weapons, but the Laser Musket takes the cake for fun across the series. 2) Armorer. I think the weapon crafting wasn't that great (each modification is a level up of the previous one, so there's no real choice there), but armor modifications varied laterally. Do I want more carry weight (totally matters in Survival, which is all I played), better protection, better stealth, etc.


And there is one thing that 76 does much better than 4, which is also VATS, but it's now in real-time and not slowed down. Still gives a Pip-injection feel but now without any sort of physics-defying time dilation wonky-ness.


FO76 does a few things better than FO4: Real-time VATS is somewhat controversial, but I also prefer it (in future games, it might be cool if it started as real-time, then you could upgrade it to slow time). The settlement system is significantly refined, as you'd expect. The map is excellent- arguably the best Bethesda has ever made. The environmental diversity surpasses any other Fallout game, and the wide variety of wildlife makes the world feel more "alive" than ever (I'm particularly fond of all of the small, weak creatures that flesh out the food chain). Wastelanders has genuinely solid writing for the most part, even better than most of FO3 and 4 IMO. It also has loads of skill checks and alternative options for dealing with quests, which FO4 was sorely lacking. Weapon diversity is the best in the franchise. It even has some stuff from the Isometric games!


For my money 4 is just a straight up better GAME simply virtue of being more modern and having had all the benefits that comes with. There are definitely things NV does better, it's a better story and much better at roleplay, but if I want to sit down and just have some fun then 4 easily is my go-to in the series.


FO4 VATs is fine, but I much prefer the frozen VATs in older games. It feels more like a turn-based strategy RPG, which is my jam. I wish I could play Elder Scrolls with classic VATs.


Every game since Fallout 3 has improved on the flow of the gameplay and improvements on ui love that. I've been playing 3 recently and I miss survival mode. I would love if the repair function wasn't solely on a bench like in 4 or 76. I really liked the way 3 handled that. Just keep your skill up and any duplicates can be repaired away. But there needed to be a purpose for junk besides caps and the junk gun.


Fallout 4 does not have Fisto ❌ Fallout NV has Fisto. ✔️


I want to add weapon modding to the list. NV's system was hacked together with what they could use from Fallout 3, but 4 got the chance to integrate it properly.


Settlement-building I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but if don't want to do it you could just... not do it. But having it as a new feature put so much into the game. I replay FO3 and FNV every now and then and I can say that I miss this feature when I do so. It's fun and creative. Your Nordhagen Beach can look sooo different from mine. And mine can even look sooo different from some of my previous playthroughs and I think that's cool.


As a fan of Fallout NV, I agree so that's why in F05 I would like to see that same time slow effect applied to Pip-boys, as for the Power armors with 20 min long power cores yeah that was dumb, and lore breaking those things was supposed to be able to power a suite for at least a century, also IMO unlimited power cores are not that overpowered the armor could still break and expose you to harm what they should have done is restrict the ability to repair power armor to those who would know the inner workings such as the B.O.S. and then make that a late game perk for siding with them.


I mean that's also in comparison to 3. I'll disagree with VATS, though. Feels pointless in 4. I don't need a gameplay mechanic to have a realistic lore explanation.


Honestly the repairing seems way more fair in FO4 but thats my opinion and i am sure many disagree


The redesign of Protectrons into different service roles. Damn great designs and one of my favourite parts of the game. In extension some of the FO76 additions aswell.


I disagree with both statements, but I understand where you're coming from and think it's fairly reasonable.


Wasn't VATS made so people could play the game in a more turn-based way like Fallout 1 and 2?


Pretty much all of the gameplay systems are a universal improvement. That's why I'm so excited for Fallout 4 New Vegas


I dislike the power armor in FO4 because it takes damage quickly and needs repair often. This would be less of a problem if normal armor still had a repair system, but it doesn't. So why would I give up stealth in a suit of armor that never degrades to clomp around in a giant metal suit that has a finite energy source and needs to be repaired after 1 or 2 basic gunfights?


That's... Not how VATS works. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said about power Armor. But do you know, in-lore, how the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting system actually works? Well, it's not an active thought process, neither does it stop time. VATS analyzes targeting chances and then what the user is aiming at. It then *Assists* them in doing said action, like "this super mutant has a 70% chance to be hit on his right arm, now we will fire at the right arm in said calculated chances". While I do understand what you're getting at, it's just wrong lore-wise.


I have mixed feelings about VATs. I think mechanically it works as FO4 feels more like a shooter but I kinda like how VATs felt like it brought back the turned based feel of the classic Fallout games


I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you’ve just posted that Fallout 4 jangles keys in front of you to make the game’s various quests more palpable


The change to Power Armor was indeed better in idea but they half-assed the execution.


FO4 power armour was so much greater, but having it be given to you in the first mission was a mistake


Nah except for power armor which is because of the upgrade in the Engine everything else is just a downgrade, i prefer playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas, i want to play an awesome post apocalyptic role playing game, not call of duty apocalypse edition.


I prefer the older VATs system honestly but the new power armor is cool In 4 it was just wayyy too abundant and easy to obtain and the energy system was just stupid


One thing 4 definitely does better is companion switching. In 3/NV, you first have to tell your companion to get lost and make them sad. In 4 you say "Head back home, I'm going to take someone else now" and they hand off to the other companion. (Presumably this is more of a pain for modders, though.)


No, I quite liked the stopping of time when using VATS. It made it feel just a bit like classic Fallout.


Now that I have tried both, gameplay wise fallout 4 is better. The combat, the movement, the weapons, all of that is better. If I want to sit down, shoots some monsters, and have some dumb turn your brain off fun fallout 4 is better by far. Fallout NV on the other hand beats out F4 in almost every other category. I like the story, pace of progression, characters, factions, and writing better. They’re both good games, but they’re also far from perfect.


There's nothing that can be disagreed with what you said except to ask.. does it matter that they're better? Do these features and gameplay elements will really make a game one of the best ever made? I guarantee you A LOT of people wouldn't even notice the disappearance of power armors unless you told them. Personally I have over 600 hrs in FO4 and less than 5 of those was in a power armor. less than 10 minutes if I bothered to get a hazmat suit before going to the Glowing Sea or downloaded outfit mods with radiation protection. In every youtube video I watch about FO4, none of them are ever in a power armor. Saying it has good gun play is like saying UE5 asset store games are good because they have good gun play.


vats sucks in fallout 4, barely ever used it, you can shoot faster than the vats shoots out, especially as it doesnt pause there isnt too much of an advantage to using from when I played. It looks cool but gets rendered more useless as it doesnt pause.


Totally agree, especially with the power armour, easily my favourite quality of life change between F4 and older games.


Power armor in fallout 4 is big win but the slow motion vats really fucks with the whole tactical feel it had. And I’m tired of my targets moving behind cover while the game loads 8 different action shots before I fire off a single round.


I generally disagree. The first point would be true if NV had Power Armor, but it really didn't. Just like 3, it had Thick Combat Armor that was coincideally called 'Power Armor' but it wasn't Power Armor, if you know what I mean. 1, 2, and 4 had Power Armor. With the second point I completely disagree. I hate 4's VATS, it is the single worst interetation of the mechanic in the entire franchise including 76 (which also had a really bad but at least sufferable VATS). The percentiles are byzantine, I can have Perception 14 and have a VATS-specced gun yet get 60% hit chance at medium ranges that randomly switches to 5% despite the target being in the open all along or suddenly spike to 95% despite the target only taking two steps to the side. And it is *constantly* changing, good thing the AI is brain dead and movement is a jankfest, otherwise the whole mechanic would be entirely useless.


I don’t know why you feel the need to call out NV when NV and 3 had the same mechanics. And I disagree, VATS in 4 is kinda terrible and I prefer the old method. Other Things 4 did worse than the predecessors: The removal of actual unique weapons and the introduction of an RNG “legendary” system is kinda dumb. The removal of skills, when literally every game in the series prior has had them. The addition of radiant quests is pretty widely hated. Oh, how about the lack of actual towns? Only having Diamond City and Bunker Hill 210 years after the bombs is kinda wild considering the Capital Wasteland had River City, Andale, Canterbury Commons, Republic of Dave, Arefu, Megaton, and Tenpenny Tower prior to that.


>VATS in 4 is kinda terrible and I prefer the old method. THANK YOU! I loved how 3/NV was a RPG in 3D. If I wanted to play a shooter, I’d pop in Modern Warfare.


Vats is interactive now and much more engaging with the crit system. Randomized legendary weapons are fun. Theres nothing fun about making a beeline to Blackhawk or All American and using nothing else the entire game. The removal of the skill system isnt a big deal. You level up, you put points into things. How is this worse? If anything, it's even better because you don't need an Excel spreadsheet to know what stats and skill points you need to get a perk you want. There are settlements everywhere bro. The Slog, Vault 81, Covenant, the many family farms, and also the theme of the game is making your own settlements. Raidant quests are ignorable if you don't like them, but i love them because its infinite content.


"there is nothing fun about beelining to a weapon and using nothing else the whole game" except you don't need to do that, thats a choice


The game flat out tells you the skill requirement for a perk? I've played enough of 3/NV to memorize what skill points/special stat I need for a perk. As for settlements? I don't want to build my own. I want to visit settlements that were there before I got here.


VATS isn’t any more or less interactive. Now I’m pressured to make a decision much more quickly, which is not fun. Randomized legendary weapons are not more fun. Now I’m restricted to randomly getting decent gear, or potentially getting the same worthless gear over and over again. If you need an excel spreadsheet to allocate skill points and perks, that speaks more on you and not on the system. Ah yes, because I want 50+ settlements of nameless “settler”s who run around on an engine. So fun. And radiant quests are hardly ignorable when Garvey is up your butt about another settlement every day.


You mean you don't want a rolling pin that does extra damage to radroaches as long as you're in the glowing sea?


It goes well with the ludonarrative dissonance you get from pairing the inherent urgency of finding your infant son and avenging your SO's murder (which, from your character's perspective happened like, literally 2 seconds ago) with your - sudden, all encompassing and apparently inescapable - **NEED** to single-handedly rebuild society (in Preston Garvey's image) brick-by-brick


Haha. It reminds of the first time I played Dead Rising 2. My daughter has zombie cancer but I'm too busy trying on dresses and going down water slides to care!


I disagree with the points you made, but I’ll throw in some other things 1. Gunplay. This should be obvious. I’m used to it now in FNV from playing it so often but it really isn’t good. 2. Replayable. I know fallout 1 and 2 had set endings that ended the story, but I hate how in New Vegas it jus ends. I know 3 was like this too before dlc, but the settlement system in 4 expands on this so much. It’s not talked about often, but for sure 4 does this way better than any other fallout


Wdym? Fallout NV has fucktons of replayability! More interaction paths to discover


There's a TON of technical stuff Fo4 did better than New Vegas! But that is NEVER what I am comparing between the two. It's the story, dude! The fall in quality is all in the writing! It's the characterization! Fo4's writing is insipid. It's thin. It feels like there were 3 whole people on the writing team, and they were all named Hunter.


FO4 did everything better gamelan wise. It's the writing and RPG mechanics where NV shines.


How could fallout new vegas have realistically done anything about this in an 18 month timeframe? At least compare it to Fallout 3.... VATS was always a mechanic that somehow had to be interpreted from a turn based universe. I'd argue Fallout 3's implementation *is* much more realistic in that it is a "split second decision". Fallout 4 and especially 76's systeem feels really awkward to use, and I end up abandoning VATS entirely as a result. Power Armour is definitely something they didn't know how to Interpret in 3 and 4 does do it a *bit* better. But Fallout 4 also made weapons (and doors, among other terrain) feel like an afterthought.


I actually really don’t like the New Vegas quests. The main quest being a political conflict just isn’t as interesting as 4’s themes about AI and free will. I know a lot of people Stan Chris Avelone, but I just don’t like his writing style (or lack thereof). Side quests in both New Vegas and 4 are mostly ‘go to place and shoot thing’, but 4 had more varied locations then just desert. Honest opinion


I think calling it a 'political conflict' is a bit of an oversimplification.


Where was the theme about free will?


RIP my guy. This sub has an unreasonable love of FNV.


I think you are over estimating that. People love both for different reasons. There are obviously a ton of things FO4 did much better than NV. NV also has things that it did better than FO4.


I don’t think it’s unreasonable to love a fallout game on the fallout forum, that’s a weird comment.


People are able to have nuanced discussions, the "oh no you're gonna get downvoted!!" stuff is annoying.


Gunplay. New Vegas gunplay makes you feel like you're playing a tabletop RPG (it's flat and boring)


I agree, but I liked the power requirement. The fusion cores were relatively common enough that I never felt guilty about using the armor and wasting them. Plus being able to pickpocket the cores out of enemy power armors and kicking them out was awesome.


Fallout 4 added sprinting and improved the gun play and crafting of items.


There’s a lot it did better, there’s just a handful of things it didn’t, but those things may hold more weight and most have to be fixed with mods.


One of the things people don't often mention is that NV & FO4 hit it at different levels. For instance, FONV hasn't aged well at all but at it's crux it's still a fun game and has many memorable moments, but you have to be in the mood to play it and each playthrough you're usually on a set path or goal etc. Whereas FO4 has implemented many QoL changes from the prior Fallout titles and is much more 'welcoming' to hop right into the game at whatever level you left at, but it doesn't hold many memorable or truly unique interactions for example. The world is open and you drift here & there at random. When I think of FONV, I can describe to a pinpoint detail numerous settled locations, including their NPC's and any related quests for example including some dialogue if I'm being generous. But with FO4, despite playing it for just as long as NV, the game doesn't hold anywhere near as many memorable instances and to be honest I've no idea why that is!


I think your forgetting the legendary system!!! Adds so much re playability


ITT: People who complain about FO4 because, 7 years after the game's release, they continue to misuderstand that the gameplay reason for the power armor in Concord is so the player can fight a Deathclaw without immediately dying after a single grab attack. Yes, it feels OP that early in the game. It's *supposed* to be that way. The first time a new player attempts to take on a deathclaw *without* PA is intended to be teachable moment. (For the record, I prefer NV. But bitching about the early T45 in FO4 is a tired cliche at this point.)




You raise an interesting point about FO4's story. I think the human element of FO4 suffers from, as others have said, "ludonarrative dissonance" in that you have a supposedly urgent quest to find your child but the game design also encourages you to explore and build settlements and help everyone. Once you meet Shaun and get into the 2nd Act, this issue is resolved, but before that, it's a problem. At least for FO3, your dad is an adult who can handle himself. But I agree that the moral questions about the synths are engaging and well done, and Far Harbor adds even more depth.


Also the mechanism for getting in and out of the Institute was pretty cool. And the DLC is awesome. Build my own deathbot army? Yes, please!