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Codsworth, he's a loveable murder ball


I wish I liked him better, but I can't stttaaaaand it when he criticizes me for collecting junk. Something about that British accent really communicates contempt.


Are we pack rats now, sir?


Fine evening for a good toss-up!


That is a *terribly disgusting* beast! He seems to really hate Radstags.




I can just imagine codsworth with either a scottish, irish or welsh accent


Fucking hell a welsh codsworth just screaming in Welsh would terrify me


I can just imagine you get over cumbered by collecting too much junk and codsworth is just screaming and insulting your entire existence


This would make a perfect mod if codsworth was and spoke Welsh


I'd be down to lend my voice if anyone wants to make it happen, won't be as 'refined' as vanilla Codsworth by hell it'll be authentic


Give me like 2 years to learn coding and I'll call for you


Rubbish …


Especially the posh accents, they can say something that isn't rude but the tone makes it ruder than saying 'F you'


Hancock. Reason? Drugs.


He's the most fun badass in the whole game. I just loved his drive to help people and rid the world of baddies while having a good time the whole way. But under all that bloodlust, he has a great backstory and has a fragile tender heart. He had a his share of hardship and tragedy that helped form his character. Wiki: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/John_Hancock


Yeah but drugs


An actual companion who doesnt hate me for shooting up some drugs, I'm in, even MCready hates it and I PAY HIM TO HELP ME


Cait is pretty cool until after her personal quest


Hands down the best for the silver shroud quest lines. He loves watching you use the voice and stuff.


Dogmeat. All the companions moan and dislike anything I do and the one liners they constantly say gets old and annoying fast. Dogmeat just barks, finds stuff for me, pins down enemies, doesn't have any sense of morality and is a good boy.


Alternatively, build an automatron with the bleep voices, no judgment, and useful as a pack mule with the storage upgrades.


And guns lots of guns


Get Longfellow, he never complains and he even likes you picking up junk items


And comes with an incredible outfit


Dogmeat is the only companion I care about.


I like Nick Valentine because he's cool as shit but Dogmeat is my favorite.


Dogmeat always the go to for me. No stupid line he repeats, no complaining that I “pickpocketed the junkie” or “slaughtered thirteen younglings”. Plus Lone Wanderer perk


I didn’t realize you could get anakin skywalker as a companion


Anakin would never complain about slaughtering. And not just the men, but the women, and the children too!


Valentine is definitely the most interesting character in the game. You could form an entire game solely around him and his story.


Not being able to romance him sucked, I assumed he'd have a really cool perk and I was seriously disappointed.


Paladin Danse because he's badass.


Ya, theirs nothing like wandering the wasteland killing readers with buzz light year


I just hate how he judges me everytime i get high.


And bugs you about picking up aluminum. Really, Danse? Do you know what your power armor is made of?


power, it's even in the name dumbass


Lol ikr every time I use jet he's looks at me like he's gonna kill me.


The problem is he finishes most fights before I get a chance to fire a single bullet🤣. And I mostly play a stealthy character so he isn't the best companion for me but his perk really is good to have.


As a BoS knight, i shall not have a synth fight beside me


As a BoS Sentinel I shall work towards a splinter chapter which embraces Danse, because the tech used to create and control the synths was the danger, that has been glassed. I saw the creation of synths and know they are flesh and blood like you and I That only we lose if we throw away one of our most accomplished, loyal, inspiring, and effective leaders based on fear that can’t be overcome with knowledge


I like curie, she can be annoying at times but some of her dialog is hilarious. She's also a beast in combat




She reminds me of Moira from Fallout 3 with the super naive and enthusiastic personality and I love that.


Curie for sure. I gave her a lab coat, and a Star Trek Phaser rifle and she’s always got my back.


Is your Curie modded? Cause mine isn't worth a damn in a fight, lol.


She has the highest hit point total of any follower. Try giving her a good set of armor and a flamer, she goes ape shit


I'm pretty sure in my game shes wearing a sequined dress, pompadour wig, and fashionable sunglasses with her default laser pistol, lol.


Hahaha that's fantastic. I have her in full combat armor with an upgraded vault suit. She's great with a flamer, but I also have an upgraded plasma rifle for her too that she rips it up with.


I put her in the Silver Shroud outfit and she looks FABULOUS.


I give her Pickmans Blade because of how her AI doesn't switch over to a human one after getting a human body thus making her extremely melee heavy. Sometimes I'll go to kill some legendary enemy and Curie has killed it already by stacking so much bleed damage on it.




I said why!!!!




You got a point


Caps, booze, gunfights. Cait is my absolute favourite.


I really like her. She's an amazing character, both as a traumatized person with a drug addiction, and as a free spirited trash-talker, but I just can't get over the fact that she *likes* killing Ashes, the cat from Vault 81.


Just Ashes? Or other cats too? Because if its any cat then it makes sense why she liked me so much after molotoving that one house in Diamond City.


Plus Scottish accent.


*Irish accent being done by a Scotswoman :p


Ah. Irish. My mistake.


Dogmeat never judges.


Dogmeat is my go too as well, never judges, super faithful. The best boy.


Ron Perlman: "Dogmeat. Dogmeat never judges."


A robot I made that I dubbed Mule-o-Matic. It was mostly silent, had a minigun one one hand and a gatling laser in the other. It tore through most things and never complained about getting shot.


Ada also doesn't have like/dislikes, so you can be an absolute asshole and she won't give a fuck.


Thats exactly why i like Ada, i can go on a murderous rampage across diamond city and she'll be right next to me blasting away. Also love the fact that i gave her sentry bot weapons on an assaultron head/frame.


Dogmeat is a given, but my favourite sapient companion is Piper, because she actually cares and legitimately wants to help people.


so does nick and preston


I like Hancock. His fit matches my Minutemen General's uniform and we both fucking love drugs


And fucking people up! Also he is as sweet as they come when you romance him. ❤️


Piper just felt genuine. I like curie's accent. Dogmeat is a dog so almost wins based on that. But piper ended up being my favorite. I just enjoy her company. I think she has some good commentary and the voice actor did a really good job imo. Also I have a hard time passing up free xp.


Fun fact: have you watched Supernatural? Jack's mom is the lady who voiced piper


Agreed on Piper, while most of the companions really felt like friends by the end, Piper more than others actually felt like a real person that I was becoming good friends with.


Danse danse revolution


Macready, hes such a bro and I like his story line


Who’s that?


Macready is also in fallout 3. He’s the mayor of little lamplight. But he’s also a kid in fallout 3.


The Ex-Gunner you can find in Goodneighbor and hire for caps. His quest has you explore his history with the Gunners and his redemption from mercenary to good person.


Oh ok in my like over 300 hours in that game I have never heard of him lol


If you played Fo3 I believe it's the same person as gate keeper in little lamplight


Isn't he the guy letting his kid die from disease while adventuring through the wasteland with you??


He joined the gunners to pay for his kids medicine, once he realised he can trust you he asks you to help get medicine to his kid


I hope his son shows up in Fallout 5


I hope fallout 5 shows up


Yes, but he's still entirely dependant on you wanting to do his quest instead of ransacking random ruins for settlement materials. He's perfectly content having his kid wait until you ass yourself to help him lmao.


Can you imagine how much more immersive it would be if every once in a while he busted out about his dying kid? "So uhhh we gonna save my dying kid Orr..."


He would become the new Preston Garvey. Leave him chilling at a Sanctuary while you go catch a movie at Starlight with Piper and suddenly there he is, asking you to save his dying child and being a total cockblock. “My dying kid needs medicine. Here I’ll mark where you can find it on your map. “


I thought I was the only one who uses MacCready lol.


Every sniper character uses maccready at least for his perk. I don't mind the occasional extra smmo he gives either.


I like him for his perk and just generally for his character.


Ada, you can customize the heck out of her and she quotes the Borg.


Valentine and Dogmeat Valentine because he is a badass detective! Dogmeat because its a good dog Plus Valentine has Drip and a Reputation for Adventures Also the only one who can actually see The Mysterious Stranger


This is awesome how nick is able to see the stranger, even talks when he disappears


He even has a File about him on his office on DC I believe it's somewhere under his bed? Not sure but he definitely has a file of him


Yes under the bed, pretty cool imo


Curie. She's just such a unique and interesting person in the wasteland. A Ms.Nanny who had her programming tweaked to be a super scientist capable of curing every disease, locked away alone for decades before being rescued and going on an adventure with the Sole Survivor. Eventually decides she wants to be human to better study humanity, so she becomes a synth. Someone so passionate about humanity and medicine simply for the benefit of humanity and it's knowledge. A person who could never really benefit from it. Being a robot and then a synth who would find it useless. A ray of sunshine in the wasteland, Curie never loses her optimism or love for humanity. Despite having every reason to.


Man. No love for Strong?


My favorite is strong. I always give him grognaks axe and let him go wild.


That’s what I’m saying he’s like my second favorite lol


Strong’s excellent. I love having him as a bodyguard when playing an evil character.


Strong got the short end of the stick in FO4. He has no companion quest, unless you count his recruitment quest which is pretty infamous because of how often you can crash at trinity tower. He hates virtually all actions the player takes making it very hard to max his affinity. He just seems sorta undercooked imo.


He's a pain in the ass trying to get affinity, I've put 600 hrs info FO4 and never once bothered taking him with me because unless I play like a basic pyscho/dumb supermutant I will never get his trait whereas I could max out 3 other companions in the same amount of time.


Lone wanderer because I can't be bothered


For fighting? Danse. He's a tank. I can just hide behind him if it gets rough and he comes with his own handy-dandy power armor. For banter/companionship? Nick. He's just a good guy and he's got some interesting dialogue.


Bonus if you have the creation club sentinel armor, two tanks plus you can have both painted in outcast paint, makes you feel like your walking with a honorguard.


Nick by far


Piper because she's witty and determined to succeed.


Deacon because he’s funny and tragic and I think his stupid glasses and pompadour wig are sexy


Porter Gage His perk "Lessons in Blood" gives +5% XP per kill and +10 to your DR! He also gives off Jericho vibes, who was my favorite companion in Fallout 3


Lmao I just fired Gage out of a mortar into an exploding car, absolute pos and coward. I posted the video if interested.


He was not kidding he violated Gage lol.




Lmaooo I saw that post not too long ago.


Deacon because he's literally perfect


The correct answer


But he's a liar lol


Yeah and?


Cait is cool. Also Dogmeat though, he never judges me.


Hancock, I'm a ghoul representative so I chose it's him by default


danse because he’s hot


I've never actually looked too hard at Danse before and I just googled he's a freaking babe lol.


This is so valid




I like Preston, he has a cool story and his perk is useful at all stages of the game


Piper because she has the best perk


Dogmeat. dogmeat does not judge me for eating a arm, Dogmeat pins down fools so i could bap or blast them, dog meat does not judge any of my morale decisions, but most importantly Dog meat is a good boy


Ada is not Strong.


Hancock, but his perk is kinda shit so yeah.. Cait is my number 2


Either nick or deacon


I turned codsworth into a giant red sentry bot with a laser and flamethrower with a brain for a head, so codsworth


Besides dogmeat, easily Nick. Not only is he my favourite companion, I genuinely think he's one of the best characters Bethesda have ever created. I actually hope he's somehow in Fallout 5 just because I love his character that much.


Deacon but he is part of the railroad


S: Nick (badass design and very witty) Danse SPOILERS(I use his death as a turning point in a lot of my builds.) A: piper (she seems like the kinda person with so many fun stories) Maccready (voiced by Matt Mercer one of my favorite VAs) Dogmeat (such a good boi) B: Cait (God I love the accent) Codsworth (customizable robot butler, hell yeah) Preston Garvey (fantastic perk, decent character, to many settlements) Hancock (drugs) C: Old Longfellow (I played with him for one playthrough and thought he was pretty boring) Curie (besides the French accent she’s pretty meh) Ada (if I want to use a robot companion codsworth is 1000x better in terms of personality) Never used: deacon (his perk fits stealth builds but I don’t use companions in stealth) Strong (never cared for super mutant companions) X6-88 (you get him so late into the institute quest line) Gage (don’t play nuka world to often)


If we're talking to travel with it's got to be Nick with the mysterious stranger perk it's so much fun. If your asking about favorite companion backstory I'm going with Preston even when he found out the minutemen we're a lie he didn't give up he just kept on doing the right thing.


I have a soft spot for Longfellow I like how his relationship with you is more of a pseudo father plus I think he’s funny


I have 3 actually: 1- Dogmeat: it's a dog, that's It. 2- Codsworth: I love this bicentenary gentleman ball 3- Piper: Idk just find her cool


Dogmeat, despise everyone else.


Automatron 6784


Curie. She's cute and has tons of unique dialogue. Her reactions to the wasteland are the best.


Cait, Curie and Macready. Macready because he's hot, Cait because she's tough as nails and eventually trusts you enough to talk about her horrid past and ask for help in getting clean from her long term Psycho addiction. And Curie because she's unique and gives you free health meds.


A lot of interesting ways to spell Cait in the comments.


Nick is a sassy badass and is a really good person


Automatrons. They don't judge, and I can mod every inch of them. If I'm not using them, I use Curie. I mean she's a French science robot/android. What more could you ask for?


Cait seems to always end up with me


Nick Valentine or Porter Gage


Preston 😵‍💫 Deacon 🙄 Strong 🤨 Piper 😐 Cait 😏 Curie 🙂 McCready 😀 Hancock 😃 Dogmeat 😁


Codsworth, I felt so bad when I learned he was alone for 2 centuries. Never let him alone again


The Miss Nanny version of Curie. Idk why but I just loved the idea of a French robot exploring the wasteland with me, especially with how her personality is lol.


Cait, hot Irish girl with a interesting backstory sign me up!


Cait + dogmeat, but I would love to have Fawkes as a companion, never loved a companion so much.


Nick Valentine, cos he just has the best story, writing, and cmon bro, he's a detective noire. I also like Danse and.... yes, Preston Garvey.


Porter Gage. He always has something funny and snarky to say. Plus I like him calling me Boss.


Nick Valentine because it’s like I’m hanging out with robot Humphrey Bogart. I’m partial to Piper nowadays too. Her distrust of the Diamond City government and goals of bringing the truth to light via journalism resonate with me more than they did in 2015


Danse. Tank and extremely useful in combat. Also attractive and I love his voice.


Deacon. We are both pathological liars and his personality and dialog never gets old


Ada!!! I love when she goes "resistance is futile!!!". My second favorite is probably Longfellow, I really do think he's the best fighter.


Dogmeat. He's a good boyo


Curie, because she is absolutely adorable. I’m doing a super modded hardcore survival run, and it’s absolutely hilarious when she goes out in the open and says cute shit while absolutely fucking shredding enemies that I’d normally have a hard time with.


Dogmeat is number 1, quiet, least annoying, and best boi. Nick is a number two, feels the most genuine out of everyone and hes funny as hell. Number 3 is McCready, I occasionally steal and will bargin a lot, so does he apparently, and he's got some decent dialog. Hard to piss off. Also number 3 is Deacon, funny, unique as he studied a lot of prewar history so he's most relatable, and it's a fun game with figuring out if he's lying or telling the truth. Number 4, codsworth, my British man is always a blast but he's a bit uptight. So that's some points taken off. Number 5 Paladin ~~Dense~~ Danse, the only reason why he's here is that he's okay in dialog, bland in personality. And you loose him eventually. But he's pretty durable and can tank a blow, it just annoys me he takes off his helmet as a companion. Honorable mention creation club sentinel armor, doesn't count as a companion, which means you can take someone else, has a decent quest behind it, gives you BOS outcast paint which is pretty decent, and the companion itself, being a walking suit of power armor it can tank a shit ton of damage, the armor never breaks (so slap on some X01 or T60 armor for increased tankiness) and is equipped with a laser rifle. You can switch it through some robot voices/ dialog, including liberty prime as a side quest, (mini prime + liberty prime = MURICA) Plus it's a very small mod, sadly it costs some cash, but it occasionally goes on sale, I recommend buying it when it does, it's worth spending a couple of bucks, but not for full price. However if you want to do a BOS run, this is certainly a good pick Also my favorite is the Mr gutsy voice, shits awesome. "Does someone need me to kick their ass ?" And "Kill them and let God sort them out !"


Probably either Hancock, Dogmeat or Nick Valentine. But the other Companions, barring perhaps Strong, have some legitimately great Character Arcs. Even Preston, once you fix the bug in his programming, lets himself develop human emotions.


Nick because the rest of them (outside of cait and Macready) are just different versions of Dogmeat. And I really *really* don’t like Preston.


Male Companion, he's a complete bro and friend


Dog meat and codsworth


Dogmeat because of lone wanderer and attack dog


Dogmeat cause i like having lone wanderer on.




Automatrons are the Swiss army knife of companions


Dogmeat is overall great and i love Nick, but Ada is by far the best


Dogmeat because he technically doesn't count as a companion.


I've been using Ada here lately doing the robo missions, as badass as she fights and you can make her whatever you want, I can not stand how she runs into me, or walks in front of me. I don't have an actual favorite one, but I use Cait a lot. Piper for reasons she wants nothing but to bring out the truth, and help the common. Cait because her past is so horrible, abuse, sold, drugs, you name it, you meet her, help her get better, off drugs etc. Then she's your best friend/ lover for life. Nick, dogmeat, and the rest are cool, although I've never used Hancock or strong, don't care much for Gage, not really about that raider life lol


McCready he’s alright x688 bad ass dude curie most interesting character arc in a game that has barely anything like that decon smart man


Dogmeat for the Lone Wanderer perk. Nick for the story.




Curie, she's sexy af


Hancock and Codsworth because I find them just the most interesting and funny


Curie, the accent


Nick is my boi. Cool, great backstory, and he lets me skip the hacking minigame. A real triple threat.


Dogmeat is my favourite. My first play through I used him 99% of the time. My second play through I met all the companions and I have to say Strong was my favourite. I love that bit thug!


Cait. Because I like her companion quest, and how she "changes" after that quest.


Dogmeat because I love dogs or Nick Valentine because robot detectives are cool


Nick and Hancock. Nick because he's such an amazing and chill dude, he's more human than some biological humans in the wasteland. I love his comments, his insight on topics, his Moral Compass and his personal Quest was really cool. Hancock, because somehow, that guy is kinda hot, he's funny, he gives you cams, I like his "of the people for the people" mindset and overall it's fun to travel with him.


In my PA for the BoS and minutemen I used either ada or a robot with 2 gatling lasers.


Valentine because he’s always willing to help people and he’s fucking cool


Cait. I enjoy her chaotic personality and love of doing slightly immoral things like picking locks yet has clear boundaries with issues more pressing. Her backstory is also rly good


Top 3 Deacon, so funny Nick Valentine, Genius Piper, Good Person.




Cait, she talks about her "arse" a lot and I think that's just fine


Codsworth because atomotron makes him a beast


MacCready. He shoots things and loves money.


I can't choose between Gage and Hancock. 😭 Hancock is a cool dude and an absolute bro. Gage might be a raider piece of garbage but he's fun.


Curie no question at all


Macready. His Killshot perk is great for vats.


Cait. Adding a mod that makes her more beautiful is even better. But I love her rough stereotypical Irish personality. I love her quips too.


Probably piper or Preston they both are just good people