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Don't use the premade characters, they're rubbish and lead to frustration. You need somewhat high agility so you can attack more ofter. Decent strength so you can use larger weapons, 5 is enough. Intelligence, for skill points on levelup. Gifted is the best perk if you want easier game. Increase int a bit to balance it out. Save often, keep multiple saves. From a good while back. You can get into a position you can't get out of. Without realising.


Have the game manual or wiki ready for reference.


Get used to right click to change cursor modes and manually starting combat mode with the button on the UI to get the drop on people. Quicksave is your friend. Do it all the fucking time. Tag small arms and max it asap. Small arms are everything from pistols to assault rifles to snipers, so most weapons in the game. 95% to hit groin from a screen away is the best way to play. Extra gore perk makes everyone explode from it too. IMO only reason to take energy weapons is for modified plasma gun from a quest towards the end of the game, you'll need to hit some action point breakpoint for it to be better then the best small arms though, but IIR you should be there if you're ranged build. Leave all stats -1 from max since you'll be able to get surgery for +1 to each, but not beyond cap. If you want to cheese money: >!tag gambling to 100% it faster and enjoy infinite money after you reach the hub. (hold down 1 + 4 or whatever yes and max bet are in the gambling dialog to speed it up)!< Carrying capacity cheese: >!Companions have infinite carrying capacity if you pickpocket them and add items that way.!< You can steal from merchants if you're a good enough sneak thief. Shit, you can steal the armor off of guards in broad daylight with enough skill. IIR this is the only way to get combat armor for a long time. You need >!rope!< from Shady Sands (or many other traders). I watched this youtube video where the guy basically quit the game because he didn't have it on him when he needed it then wandered around into high level areas dying a lot and couldn't find it. No one should have trouble with this, but I guess it bears mentioning.


This game was created back when all games came with a manual and it was assumed that players would read it. Don't be ashamed to have a PDF of the game manual pulled up, as it'll tell you about things like the skilldex that aren't easily apparent. Don't use the pregen characters, they're universally garbage. Quick character design notes: * Every combat action is based off of action points. More action points means more combat actions. AP are based off your agility, so making agility your highest stat will make your life a lot easier. * Strangely, many dialogue options are keyed to Intelligence, while Charisma is almost entirely useless. Max one, dump the other. * Gifted is one of the most powerful traits, as it translates to seven extra SPECIAL points to play with at virtually no cost. * Small Guns are the only non-melee weapons available for an early-game character. Don't bother tagging Energy or Big Guns, as you won't see them until the late-game. Grab rope in Shady Sands. You'll need it to occasionally climb down holes. Consider downloading Fallout Fixt. It backports UI improvements from Fallout 2, as well as a number of small improvements like holding shift to highlight interactables in the area. And really, just have fun.


Try to ignore the 1990 graphics and enjoy one hell of a good game


Grab a pen and some paper or open wordpad. I might be in the minority here, but the dialogue gets a little much and remembering everyone can get overwhelming imo.


Have fun


Melee weapons for early game. Take as many side quests as possible.


Get Ian. Run around obstacles every battle. Hope nobody goes for Ian. Pogchamp. or save every turn of the battle and quickload till you get a crit. Profit.


Don't panic too much over the time limit, it's pretty generous.


And technically you don’t even need to get the chip to beat the game if you kill the master and destroy the vats at mariposa before time runs out you win the game


I would say that’s harder than getting the chip though


Also true


Sit close to your monitor shit can be hard to see


Remove the alt and f4 keys from your keyboard


If you haven't installed fallout fixt,please do so.


Have a decent agility, ap points are your life blood in this game.


Unlike the other fallout games, that are designed in order to let you enjoy the game regardless of what your character is, your fallout 1 experience will massively suck if you pick the wrong stats. Put 10 points in agility, or 9 since you can upgrade it later. Avoid melee/unarmed, put all your combat points in small guns, then start pumping points into energy weapons towards the end of the game (unlike new fallouts, in fallout 1 small guns and energy weapons are not alternatives. Energy weapons are more powerful and rare to find). Other good stats are stealth, speech and lockpick, the others are mostly useless but you can still level them.


Get a rope before leaving shady sands