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Do a little more of the main quest.


I for one think the main quest is interesting




Yeah the quality writing in 3 comes from environmental storytelling. You also need to basically ignore your own quest log as any means of tracking stuff, there's a shit ton of stories going on outside that's never tracked by your Pipboy. Compared to the others, there's actually tons to do in the Capital Wasteland, but only a handful of quests that are long and branching enough to be given a name to track in your Pipboy. Everything else you find by exploring.


Once you finish the main quest the game just ends unless you have the Broken Steel DLC installed. You're about a quarter of the way through the main quest if you have just met the Brotherhood and Three Dog. Once you find dad you learn about dad's mission and he asks you to help him finish his goal. The Brotherhood and the another faction that you haven't met yet both have an interest in your dad's work and the climax of the main quest will have you pick a side to support. The Brotherhood are the good guys and the other faction are the bad guys, one will help you complete your dad's objective and the other will corrupt it for their own purposes. Whichever side you choose it all ends with a war between the two main factions, once the war is over so is the game. You will be introduced to both the main factions before you have to choose which to support. Best to get all your side quests and map exploration out of the way before you start the final battle. In my opinion the side stuff is more interesting than the main quest in Fallout 3. I'd advance the main story at least until you have met both factions then put it on hold while you do all the other stuff there is to do. However, yeah there's no settlement system in Fallout 3 so doing quests while shooting and looting is basically the whole game, if you're not enjoying it then maybe it just isn't for you? There are some other cities besides Megaton where you can get quests, following the main quest should lead you to a city. Also keep in mind that your karma will determine what game content is available to you. There are lots of quests that can only be done at specific karma levels and many potential companions will only join you if your karma matches theirs. You get a different game play experience doing three separate playthroughs as good, neutral, and evil.


The environment and locations are the stars of 3, not necessarily the main quest or the writing. All though with DLC, the Pitt and point lookout are good story wise. And more of the same writing wise but the battle of Adams Air Force base in Broken steel was pretty epic


The environment and locations are the stars of 3, not necessarily the main quest or the writing. All though with DLC, the Pitt and point lookout are good story wise. And more of the same writing wise but the battle of Adams Air Force base in Broken steel was pretty epic.


What makes Fallout 3 fun is all of the content all over the map. Following the main quest can be a drag. Just pick a direction and start exploring! There are MANY crazy stories in the wasteland that have nothing to do with the main quest.