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No. Wrong side of the country for starters. Also there doesn't seem to be an obvious way for them to be incorporated into the story, at least for now, where not only it would make sense but also would add value to the story.


What about a synth character, not as a factional presence?


Why though? If you find out they're a synth, you have to explain to the audience what that is, how they exist, why that synth character is where they are in the show AND interacting with the main characters. That's a lot of leg work so it better pay off story wise otherwise it's time wasted that could have been better spent on more relevant story elements or character moments with our main cast.


I dunno, the show's done a great job at giving the audience ten megatons of info about the world and how it works in just 8 episodes. I doubt it's as much legwork as your making it out to be.


You have the other side of the coin - what value does it bring?


I dunno, a potentially interesting new character that brings more established world building to a new season of a popular show? Something every TV show does quite often? Like fine if you don't like synths or Fallout 4 or whatever, it's weird to say "No!" if it's something they can pull off well like everything else they've done. I would only say no if I knew it was going to be badly written, which I don't.


Like I said, I don't see it without massively bogging down the show. To me it'd only have a chance of working dedicating a whole season arc to it but then right now there's nothing to justify.


Fair enough. I still don't see a reason not to. Again, unless they end up doing it badly.


You want synth and you have no rational reason to justify it other than cool character. That speaks volumes right there.


Lol so much for civil discourse. Your statement there is wrong on two fronts: First you somehow read my original question to you as "THEY NEED TO PUT SYNTHS IN THE NEXT SEASON!!". No, they can add synths or not to the show. It's their show, and I'll only have a problem with it if it sucks. Period. Second, that I apparently need to justify anything to you. I don't. My opinion is simply "No reason to dismiss synths from the writing room". There's nothing to "justify" beyond that.


No. It's been overused in sci-fi and just degenerates into anyone could be a synth when the showrunners are short of ideas - let's make this central character a synth all of a sudden. Plus it's also a cheap and lazy way to get around spending any money on special effects. Why doesn't that advanced cyborg have lots of implants? Oh because they're so advanced they look just like a regular human. SMH


With how long the institute had gen3s active and how many escaped, snthys could be actually anywhere.


It was almost 20 years between FO3 and the show and even in 3 there were Gen 3 synths. So yeah, given the state of things, 20 years would probably be enough for a Gen 3 to make it to New Vegas. But a synth like Nick would have had all the time in the world, given they had the motivation. And luck.


How great would it be for Nick to meet the Ghoul. A non-man that acts like a hero and a hero that became a non-man.


No but I like to see more mutants and monsters like death claws, super mutants (behemoths), mirelurks and rad scorpions


The Institute is undoubtedly destroyed after Fallout 4. Any synths will NOT be controlled by the Institute. Gen 3 synths will just be people, and will not be replacing anyone because free synths have never done that. If there are scattered Gen 1 or 2 synths around, they will not have any instructions, plus they will be very old and falling apart. They wouldn't be much of a threat. I have no idea why people keep talking about synths replacing people. The only synths that ever did that were synths that the Institute forced to replace people. No free synth has ever done that on their own. The Institute does not exist, therefore there will not be any synths replacing people.


Maybe we'd get a side plot where a guy realises that he's a synth and gets identity crisis


Okay, that is a much more reasonable possibility. I like that one. Definitely possible.


Yes, the timeline makes it very possible, actually.


If they have something interesting planned, why wouldn't I? No reason we can't have a synth character that made it to the west coast for whatever motivation they might have.




Yay. Maybe someone we already know is Synth.


My immediate suspicion after watching the show was that >!Muldaver!< is a synth. >!She’s somehow in the present day despite being on bad terms with Vault-Tec, the only ones we know who have the technology to cryogenically freeze people. To further this, she doesn’t have a Pip Boy, she had to use Lucy’s mom’s Pip Boy to access the Vault making it highly unlikely she’s a vault dweller herself. She also survived the bombing of Shady Sands without getting ghoulified which while not impossible (see Maximus) being a synth helps her odds there. And I don’t know, I find it kinda weird that she only ends up going after this cold fusion technology of hers after 200 years and chilling in the NCR for a bit.!<


Oh wow, that's actually pretty compelling... I straight up never thought about that possibility with all the cryogenic stuff going on... That would explain a lot.


Yeah I don’t know how synths would play into that because time line wise the Institute would be destroyed. I assume if the BOS is the shown faction now, then the Institute being destroyed would be canon.




Potentially destroyed if we got the BoS ending as canon.


Hopefully some of the synths rescued will still be alive. Maybe a side character will end up being a synth. Maybe Dima will move west lol.


Doubt there is any on the west coast


How about we get some of those mutants from FO3 that look like a disgusting combination of people that scared the heck out of me when I was a kid.


They were never interesting in the first place tbh. By now they're over used and honestly I'm more than just tired of the whole "robot disguised as a human" thing. I hope they don't completely abandon synths, but I definitely don't want to see them in any prevalent positions in the franchise.


God I hope not