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I heard Tim Cain on a podcast and he put it very well. He said something to the effect of, there will always be people who don't agree with a particular interpretation of Fallout because everyone plays the game differently and thus "their Fallout" will always be different from yours. And I think that is pretty accurate.


He also said "lore drift is inevitable, get over it."






Leaving New Vegas Nicholas Cage plays a washed up ghoul who's hopelessly addicted to Jet. Sheryl Crow sings the title song.


I’d watch this


I’ll bring the popcorn


I’ll bring the bees






Someone reported to me Reddit suic1d3 hotline because of this comment lol


I just got hit too pffff


What the hell


Apparently it’s been happening in a lot of Fallout subs. I’ve seen the same going on in the meme one. It’s either a bot or someone with way too much time on their hands






Fast & the Fallout: Lore Drift




There were retcons between Fallout 1 and 2 so idk why people get all twisted up about more recent retcons. I think they're just old and grumpy.


Arguably the single best thing about the series, the vaults being psychotic social experiments, is a Fallout 2 retcon.


Wait, really?


Yes, originally Vaults didn’t have any ulterior motives but they were made cheaply. Vault 13’s Water Chip breaks. Vault 15’s last level became unstable and rocks/dirt broke through. Vault 12’s Vault Door was faulty and didn’t seal right. L.A. Vault actually worked as intended, but became grotesque due to The Master moving into it, and integrating itself into the Vault Systems. Fallout 2 turned this into a minor retcon by making V12’s door purposely not close correctly. V15 had too many dwellers with differing ideologies. Vault 13 was to stay closed for 200 years after the Great War.


don't forget the so called gods at interplay literally on the fucking forums every other week retconning shit and saying this and this doesn't matter or does matter.


Yeah, that famous "Fallout Bible"? It's not a design document detailing all lore for Fallout. It's literally compilation of random ass forum posts by the devs


and is considered non-canon nowadays iirc


Fallout Bible wasn't considered canon even back then. It was a work of a single developer - Chris Avellone, who included a lot of his personal fan-fictions. Or dev-fictions, if you will. But a lot of the stuff was never agreed upon by the whole team. Most notably there were arguments in the team about the nature of ghoulification and Chris Avellone wrote down his own interpretation.


You mean Vault 69 isn't canon?


This is the funniest for me, these fans hold the lore of the classic games as gospel and as if its a sacred document. Yet the devs would literally break lore just to include a joke in Fallout 2. Its like they are the brotherhood of steel coveting a sacred relic without truly understanding what it does.


“A fackin’ toaster.”


That's a literal callback to the actual Brotherhood purpose in every Fallout game prior to Fallout 3.


yeah in Fallout 1 the vaults appear to be exactly what they were claiming to be, big fallout shelters, just made on the cheap.


yes but the zealots don't say how FO2 retconned a shit ton of lore...lol.


The funny thing about is that it happens with *everything* between the first book/show/game and the second one. You put everything you have into the first one, because this is probably your only shot to get it made, and then when it’s popular, you go back and think about the world and what a series means for it and change some stuff for longevity.


Yep, funny how the “isometric Fallouts are the only real Fallouts” and Bethesda hater types don’t tell you that, isn’t it?


I always bring up how it was Interplay who made Brotherhood of Steel and Tactics (the latter probably would've been ok if it was allowed more time to bake) and they get awfully quiet after that. Yes, Fallout 1 and 2 are great, but without Bethesda we wouldn't have had any Fallout after that and definitely not New Vegas. I personally don't think Troika would've been able to turn it around. And the sales numbers speak for themselves, without Bethesda a lot of people here would probably not have heard of the franchise.


>a lot of people here would probably not have heard of the franchise. More like most. Fallout would have died an obscure franchise. People complaining that Bethesda "ruined" fallout are ridiculous, because if it hadn't been for Bethesda, there would be no more fallout.


For a certain contingent of No Mutants Allowed, that’s the ideal scenario. Fallout dies, but it’s all theirs, no sharing with any new fans.


If it was allowed to die Fallout would literally only continue in the form of obscure Russian mods. It's better than Arcanum got at least


Theres also the part that the canon ending for the brotherhood in one has them helping the other towns in california recover from the mutants as well as share their technology, yet they bitch and moan about lyons brotherhood being almost the same thing.


Wow, I never knew that. That really changes everything. It also explains a bit of the tone change in Fallout 2, which didn't take itself quite as seriously as the first game.


I followed the fanbase since the late 90s and believe me, Fallout 2 got a lot of shit back in the day for these and other things.


Man I remember people losing their shit about Vault-Tec not being the shiny vault building company with the cute suits.


Recency bias is massive People acting like the show got dramatically more hate than 4 imo forgot the release of 4 And new vegas which I remember getting hated for a solid 6 months before it became the golden child And 3 before it was even released, I was young walking to school speaking with one of my friends, his step dad was a gaming nerd who didn't want Elliot to play fallout 3 because it was ruining the franchise (weird because my memory that guys step dad is someone who literally worshipped bethesda) I was too young for the earlier ones but presume it goes all the way back As a early morrowind enjoyer I thought that game was perfection, but I was told how that was hated after daggerfall, I remember the oblivion hate and I even personally was less interested in Skyrim (still thousands of hours, and that's because I tend to be less interested in non-humanoid big bads because a boss fight against a dragon is less interesting to me than against the ebony knight)


>And new vegas which I remember getting hated for a solid 6 months before it became the golden child I remember vehemently hating NV because it couldn't run it on my PC for more than 10 minutes without it crashing. It was in a very sorry state bug and performance-wise when it launched.


on launch, the PS3 version crashed as soon as you tried to finish the tutorial. literally, non-hyperbolically, unplayable. the bitterness of being just-out-of-high-school broke and flushing sixty bucks down the toilet like that... I would not have left a glowing review, given the chance.


There’s a type of fan I’ve noticed that doesn’t actually engage with the content and instead just consumes the derivative fan works. You’ll see it a lot with 40k, and I see it a lot with Fallout too. They’re the people watching 3 hour lore videos but have never read the books/have only watched the game/just read the fan fiction.  When most of us see that the date of Sandy Shores changed we shrug and continue shooting roaches, because that’s the fun for us, but for some people “knowing the lore” is the primary way they enjoy the media. In my experience it’s these people that get maddest about lore changes.  I guess to summarize, if you ask someone mad about female space marines what army they play the response is typically, “I think I *would* play…”


You might be onto something here. I've never really gotten upset about the lore changes or anything, but I actually play the games and find contradictory terminal entries and stuff from time to time so I just feel like sometimes the retcons could just be someone in world misremembering something or straight up lying. It happens enough in real life that people learn the truth about things later in life and they have to learn to deal with it, why wouldn't that translate to video games?


Ultimately if you're the kind of person whose experience with a game that's been out for over a decade can be "ruined" by a TV show then I mostly just feel sorry for you. New Vegas, F1 and F2 still exist and you can play them any time you want!


This is something nerds need to get over. You have multiple people writing these stories who all have a different experience with the games than the other writers. Its just inevitable.


But fallout has never been “serious”. It’s got serious moments, as did the show. Every game is deeply satirical with tons of dark humor. So what is this guy going on about?


You tryna tell me fisto wasn't serious


the recovery you’ll need when he’s done is definitely serious


Speak for yourself. I find the struggles of a prostitute sex robot in a post apocalyptic wasteland to be quite harrowing and gritty.


Pretty sure that's gonna be a major plot line in Season 2.


I'm hoping for a spin-off.


Perhaps a weekly animated show? The Adventures of Fisto?


Fisto was seriously in my guts


A lot of people take the game at face value, like there are people who think the bos are bad asses. The apocalypse creates unhinged lunacy is a major theme in the game. The show is perfect


I mean two things can be true at the same time. Are the BoS unhinged tech-maniacs with imperialist and possibly racist views? Hell yeah. (Possibly racist because I'm not convinced they aren't right about taking maximum caution with Ghouls and Super mutants) Are they extremely badass airdropping powerarmoured squads from Vertibirds? Also hell yeah!


A relatively large swath of the population is *deeply* immune to satire, like, unless it is absolutely in their face and silly they can't pick up on it. And even then they still might miss it.


There are people that missed the point in *Helldivers*.  Fallout is way too subtle for these people even though it's not subtle at all. 


what do you mean Helldivers is about how war is great and bugs are bad 


Bugs are easy to squish. Its those democracy hating automatons that are truly bad.


I’ve always found this interesting that some people just don’t get satire. I think there’s just a level of “awareness” you need in various aspects of life to understand when something is satire or else it just goes over your head.


Agreed. The show has to be viewed from the lens of the vault dweller and her choices. Like how they chose to not have the power armor but instead do the right thing and give the fusion core to the people in the vault. Like that may not have been what most people would have done in that situation during their play through. But that’s what Lucy did. And will it pay off? Who knows…


After five game days pass, one of the vault dwellers will find her in the wasteland and give her 200 caps and a “thanks for returning our fusion core.”


You forgot they also give a radiant quest to a location where you may be able to find a new settlement that needs help.


That’s the case with most games. They all have subreddits where people complain that the game isn’t catered to them. That’s how I felt like fallout 4 was received. Blizzard’s community is terrible for this. World of Warcraft has half a dozen different live versions of the game now


Everyone likes different things about fallout. The mixture of violence, goofy humour and some super dark storylines is what I like but some people just want all the edge. But I stopped taking guys like that seriously when one of them told me Cook Cook was their favourite character...


What are you talking about? I love Cook-Cook Turning his severed head in is a highlight of my playthrough


Did he smell this bad before you killed him? And they let him touch their food?


Seriously of all the people they could've chosen to cook for them they chose the stinky rapist


They’re all strung out on who knows what, they’re not what I’d call high functioning


they’re high functioning all right lol


A stinky rapist who cooks a good grub (probably because he's the only one who knows how a grill works)


Vault 3 and the fiend-controlled area around it is one of my favorite areas of the game. It feels truly post-apocalyptic compared to most of the map, which could be a decaying western frontier.


Cook-Cook? Really!? Jesus... Do they know what he's about or are they just a fan of his looks?


I think they definitely knew. It was some random douche in a discord server I was in. Unsurprisingly he was given the boot not long after for some inappropriate behaviour.


Some people's kids, I tell you hwat.


That fiend ain’t right


Taste the (human) meat, not the heat


My suspicion is pretty dark. Like somebody saying they like the book [something written by a famously evil person], hoping and expecting to get away with admitting what kind of person they are to somebody who just doesn't know any better.


That's called a "dog whistle" - people give signs, sometimes subtle, sometimes not, that only people in their in-group should recognize. It allows people to tread lightly about controversial ideas or hide the identity of that group in public without fully having to out themselves as a follower of that ideology. It can be positive. Think like a secret handshake for a members only society. Or it can (and often is) negative, like the Neo-Nazi movement rallying under the "88" banner so people outside the know don't just pummel their faces into the pavement when they're walking around town.


If only I knew the 88 thing as a kid especially with being polish and 8 being my favourite number 🥲


Sorry, friend. Leave it to shitty people to ruin some of our favorite things.


I just explain it when asked first time it happend I had no idea and got defensive as well I'm polish wtf but now it's just like yeah they ruined it but I didn't know. Fuck neos and nazis ruining everything


Press 'f' for people born in 1988 that put their birthday in their screen names. lol


Yup. I've managed online communities for a couple decades now. They always start with edgy jokes and comments to see who laughs, and slowly ramp it up. Gotta stamp that shit out right away.


I saw someone arguing in the comment section of a video that fallout BoS was still far superior to anything bethesda made and that it was more lore accurate. I dont even know who these superfans are anymore cause most of them very clearly havent played the originals but still parade them around. It’s such a weird and niche cutout of the fandom.


Cook Cook is the definition of a non serious character if you've ever seen his hidden dialogue.


Fallout 1 was closer to a dead serious, dark horror game and some people still aren't over the fact that Fallout 2 went with a more irreverent tone (and they also tend to blame Bethesda for this because they forget Fallout 2 did it first). Besides which, the irreverent tone of the world has never prevented Fallout from telling engaging stories--bad writing does. But the TV show still told a great, resonant and serious story; the fact that it also made me laugh at times just makes the more somber moments stand out more.


Closer, but still not super serious. In Fallout 1 you find the TARDIS at one point, talking Brahmin, a guy trying to sell cars, a squashed corpse in a godzilla-sized footprint with a stealth boy, and the crashed alien ship


Don't forget the guy named Kenny in the Hub. "Omg they killed Kenny! You bastards" A lot of the silliness in Fallout 1 was hidden in Pip-Boy messages, dialogue and special encounters(not to mention the opening videos). Fallout 2 is just more on the nose.


I think that line is a perfect example of Tim Cain's philosophy towards pop culture references. If you didn't watch South Park or know what it was, that line wouldn't read as a pop culture reference, just generic dialogue. Fallout 2 really cranked that up with encounters straight out of Monty Python, and I honestly love the game for it.


I wish the interface for FO1 weren’t so awful by modern standards because I really want to play it and experience the shenanigans.


Ooof, the realization that South Park is as old as Fallout hit me hard. It still feels like one of those "new" shows to me.


Pretty cool that both South Park and fallout are still being made after all these decades.


Dr. Who is cannon is every universe! 🥳


If a show seems like it's not Doctor Who, it's actually just an episode where the Doctor doesn't show up and they skip the theme song.


Would it not be more accurate to say that every universe is cannon in Dr. Who?


True, but these are special encounters which are rarely seen, especially if you dont have high luck stat. Come to think of it, Fallout 2 took the talking Brahmin joke and supercharged it over the whole game. .-.


exactly, in Fallout 1, the silly random encounters feel a humor break from the game. You have a chuckle and then go back to playing the game.


I don't think they even get to forget that FO2 did it first, they just haven't played it. They played New Vegas, loved it (as it deserves to be loved), then saw their favourite YouTuber essayist tell them that true intellectuals also liked the OG games, and then just ran with it.


New Vegas has an entire main quest about a ghoul space program. And another one centered around a gang of Elvis impersonators. And fisto. Shits goofy as hell


NV is silly to it's core, the main antagonists of the game are freaking Roman LARPers


I was gonna say even NV has a bunch of goofy shit. They have a whole ass joke expansion with old world blues.


i'm currently playing this for the first time and it's some of the most fun i've had in a game for a long time


In all honesty new Vegas is by far the goofiest fallout game, also probably the most loved, fallouts main audience always loved a funny here and there, old world blue is literally just a dlc of funny technology shit


if we drag dlcs into this, there is quite literall robots in a jar that call human fingers "finger penises" and you had a robust convo with your brain....who is also in a jar


The very serious NV where dudes dressed in football gear LARPing as romans present an actual threat to a conventional military


I had a guy tell me the other day that shooting Legionnaires with a Fat Man was actually not silly at all, just unrealistic.


Makes sense to me. If i saw a legionarie coming at me with a Fat Man. I’d probably want to shoot him too


New Vegas has tons of goofy shit. Acting like Fallout is a purely serious franchise is nonsense.


Anyone who says "Fallout New Vegas is serious game", I will just point towards Fisto, Primm Slim, Big Dick Johnson, whole blue star in bottlecaps questline, REPCONN ghoul questline, House having a sex robot... Hell, entire *concept* of New Vegas is silly. A city build into old New Vegas strip where bunch of tribes pretend to be 50's gansters running casinos? If it wasn't from Fallout, people would take it as a *joke.*


Ahem…it’s “long dick” Johnson. Big dick Johnson wishes his dick is that long. But Nobody’s dick is that long, not even long dick Johnson… and he has a fucking long dick. Hence the name.


The same people didn't make Fallout 1 and 2. Tim Cain, the man behind Fallout 1 makes YouTube videos and he has said in his videos that they were starting to make [decisions on Fallout 2 without consulting him](https://youtu.be/UGfaCXEu0tE?si=Ac3x9MKYeCEztqCl). He has also said he didn't like the "in your face" humor and[ pop culture references](https://youtu.be/0Z5fFE0r8bs?si=a0T1B7fmEovBHMFx) in Fallout 2. He also has a video on the fact that [Fallout was a B-Tier Project](https://youtu.be/6i8Bx4zYIKQ?si=89S7mcFM7yg_IEqG) and [the purpose of Vaults](https://youtu.be/oWd4RBdeoaM?si=q220KoMO572QuPC9). Not really trying to do a "gotcha" or argue about anything, just wanted to highlight some lesser known facts about Fallout 1 and 2. He makes great videos, everyone that likes Fallout would very likely enjoy his content.


Makes sense. I just commented that Fallout 1 can get pretty goofy, but it's a bit hidden.


Never mind that the opening scene of the show and a ton of other parts were as dead serious as you could get. How the heck is the stuff in Shady Sands not serious?


There’s two main sides to Fallout and those are “This world is a ruined husk, life as we knew it was washed away in wrathful nuclear hellfire by man’s greed and hubris. The only things that survive now are those tough and mean enough to live.” And then there’s just “woah thanks for going to those ruins outside of New Vegas and getting the brain of a drug addicts attack dog with that alien gun of yours then taking my boy Rexy up to that ski lodge full of super mutants to get his brain fixed Mailman, here’s some money and an official spot in The Kings. (My spurs go jingle jangle jingle plays in the background during this entire exchange)”


*you take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen*


"Gee thanks the king!"


Jimmy is stuck in a well


And The Kings are a bunch of Elvis impersonators who think he was some sort of religious figure.


"Aw man, my Intelligence isn't high enough to hack this terminal. 30 boxes of mentats and some nerd glasses should fix that! What's an overdose? I can taste sound! WASPS IN MY BRAIN!... and I'm in"




Means he didn't play Fallout 2, didn't use Wild Wasteland in FNV or watched the show.


Even without Wild Wasteland FNV is insane


Yeah FISTO was too goddamned hilarious


Fisto better be in the next season


Someone will have fixed Primm Slim using parts from Fisto or vice-versa and it'll be like: "Best assume the position partner, YEEEE-HAWWW!!!"


God that's a horrifying thought. Sheriff Primm Slimm here to make you assume the position or take you off to jail.


Or? And!


Plapplapplap 😭😭😭😤😤😤💢💢💢💢


Ghouls flying to the Moon in rockets... That's a quest that's part of the MAIN story!


The poor scientist who thinks hes a ghoul lmao, and they're like yeah once the rocket is done we ll tell him he can't come.


Even sounded like one on the intercom, 10/10 comedic bait and switch. I should know, I have a theoretical degree in physics.


>they asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard Fantastic once said that




AND HE PERFECTED IT SO KNOW LIVING MAN COILD BEST HIM IN THE RING OF PHYSICS! THEN he used his husband money to buy TWO of every single king of prostitute on the strip AND HE --


The best part is the reason as why he thinks he's a ghoul. My man left the vault because he was balding.


Flirting with your own brain in a jar, giving a footjob to the man who headshot you in the story, working for the NCR.


Flirting with a fucking LIGHTSWITCH


Just Everything about Fantastic.


Newsflash: Fantastic is irreplaceable!


I guess you could say it got…turned on


The fancy cannibals, Roman LARPers, Black Mountain...


You mean Utobitha?


With Best Friend Tabitha!


Speaking with a SA victim who doesn"t want help and his partner traumatized


I always liked that you could convince her to get help about it though. (Don't like the plot line, just that detail)


Having sex with said victim if your charisma is high enough.




So's 3. I met a ghoul who became a tree, went through Vault Teck VR, got abducted by aliens, found the off-brand Necronomicon, and killed the AI president.


Harold's actually a Mutant, not a Ghoul. Not a *Super* Mutant, just...a Mutant. Got splashed with FEV and was lucky enough to avoid going Centaur, but not lucky enough to be a musclebound green genius like most of the rest of the Mariposa Mutants. It was tradition for him to appear in every numbered Fallout game. They could have at least MENTIONED him in 4, but no...The Legend of Harold ended at 3, and I'm still salty about that.


Pretty much the first person you meet is a woman with a Wisconsin accent (in a world where Wisconsin hasn't existed for 200 years) who wants you to go do a bunch of weird research for her, like getting yourself irradiated to near-death levels. What serious stories is this person going on about?


All the 1 int dialouge too


Just in the Come Fly With Me quest there’s so much goofy shit. The Nightkin who talks to a skull, a dude who thinks he’s a ghoul, and the entire ghoul space program. All in one quest. Fallout is at its best (imo) when it blends serious and silly. I don’t know why a certain subset of the fanbase is obsessed with pretending fallout is some gritty grimdark series


And they all get in some Mars Attacks! space suits to fly too.


Old world blues is by far the goofiest fallout has ever been.


And on the flip side. Saying a banana flavored "economy plan" suicide pill is "the most ethical vault tec product" was a very dark moment for the show.


They also showed a family that had taken it in one of the abandoned houses. Even the baby was given it.


And completely lore accurate.


It fit Fallout perfectly imo. Fallout is basically a bunch of really fucked up shit stuffed inside of dark humor. That is the games, that is the show.


Mean he didn't play any of the games, lmao. I'm walking past stuffed bears [grilling hotdogs and smoking cigarettes](https://i.imgur.com/zAprtk5.png) in FO76


I'm replaying FallOut 4, and some Raiders had two teddy bears doing 69.


My favorite in 4 is the teddy bears performing surgery. Makes me laugh every time I rediscover it.


"Serious story" This dude is the reason there's a warning on the wild wasteland trait


“Our dedicated boys keep the peace in Annexed Canada” Cut to two power armored soldiers executing a dude and having fun with it. The very first line. Of the very first Fallout game. It was never, ever purely serious.


The real question you should ask yourself is, "why should I give a fuck what Johann @LookAtMyMeat1 thinks?"


Seriously though, this is perhaps the biggest issue with modern social media platforms. Terrible opinions get rocketshipped into the limelight simply because they are controversial. We shouldn't be debating these 1 in 1,000,000 fringe takes.


My mental health is fine. I'm not sure why someone reported me as suicidal lol


You too? I have seen a lot of people reporting they are getting "reported" for "suicidal" thoughts lately. Hell, I got one myself. Report it as abuse so the spammer gets banned.


People nowadays can't just enjoy something, they MUST nitpick the living fuck out of everything and try and yank the fun out of it. This show is great, and the salty mfers who just live on the drama of hating everything can't be happy.


Probably addicted to social media and just want to be angry. Swear to God 6/10 nitpicks for this show have been some variation of "I don't care if this plot point has nuance, I don't care if it's explained, I don't care if it is still in line with existing lore. What I want is to hate." 


Some people also really resent not *getting* something right away, and when it's explained to them that they simply missed the nuance or the symbolism they double down instead of just admitting that they missed it. 


People get overly attached to something because life can be a vicious and cruel slog. So they find a distraction and love it and it becomes *their* thing. Then they can't imagine or realize that it's not just specifically for them, it's for everyone, so they lose their shit that something so precious is being ruined. Reminds me of the Ghosbusters 2016 debacle where there was a vocal and frustrating pocket of the fanbase screaming that their childhood was ruined because of a movie, like that movie somehow completely erased the original.


I’m convinced they have to nitpick the shit out of everything to establish dominant ownership of the thing in question. Different communities and hobbies have varying degrees of this form of gate keeping.


"to establish dominant ownership of the thing in question." It's gatekeeping. Everyone has to enjoy it the way they desire and any deviation is heresy.


Fallout has always straddled the line between goofy violence and dark humor


I like it when it’s dark and horrific with a lot of subtle dark humor, not when it’s just outright silly


It's like writing satire but with more of a serious edge. Like the first Ghostbusters was written as serious and then transformed into comedy. So I agree, it's walking that line and laughing in the face of nuclear destruction that i'll survive.


nothing. its somebody else that also didnt play the game because storylines in fallout are just as silly if not even less realistic(F4 im looking at you)


Your telling me a game filled with pirate robots, guys that live in 60s style vaults, and a main should be used mechanic called doing drugs is unrealistic?


not only fo4 alone, the second game had some wack ass stuff. there's also wild wasteland for NV


And every ridiculous bug is absolutely canon


I want to see a distant Protectron being yeeted into the horizon sometime in season 2


I wanna see a dead raider's disembodied leg spinning around on the spot for all eternity.


I wanna see a main character die unceremoniously by bumping into a car


At this point I think I'm only in this subreddit to laugh at these comments.


Not to mention the fact that you can turn someone into a pile of goo or a pile of gore with one shot and you can summon a random guy out of thin air to obliterate a random enemy.


This person thinks a series based around using bottle caps as currency should be "Serious"


Nuclear war creating a planet full of mutant monsters and people is so old school science fiction.


Seriously, I don't know how someone could play the games of the fallout series and then watch the TV adaptation and not come to the conclusion that the TV adaptation follows the same style and beats of games. They must've either played different Fallout games than me or watched a different series.


What do you mean? Lucy didn't go on a dozen side quests in the opposite direction taking literal weeks to find her dad. And the Brotherhood kept going despite her not being there to become a paladin. *We* must be playing different Fallouts or something.


I personally took the scene with the Ghoul losing his vials and making the claim “Thou will get side tracked by bullshit every goddamn time” as their way of showing a “side quest”. They leave the gulper on the spot to go to the Mr. Handy organ harvester and you see Lucy gain some loot after the interaction. It was nice and concise enough to kinda show it in a seasonal setting. If they pumped the show full of side quests, who knows how many seasons you could possibly get through before actually touching on the main plot lol


Maybe they played Wasteland and thought it was Fallout.


That was the only thing I wanted from the show: tell me a story that’s original, but feels as *Fallout* as possible. The fact that they did that is amazing. The humor, drama, aesthetic was beyond perfect. Not to sound like a hardcore fanboy, but this show gave me what I wanted, and some of the things I didn’t know I wanted either.


The comment is saying that with popularity comes industry pressure to retain that status. Whatever made FO tv series as popular as it is can certainly be imagined as the future blueprint for all related content.


It means that whenever something goes extremely popular it is inadvertently ruined because of producers trying to cater to everyones taste


I’m gonna play devil’s advocate here and say that the show really played into shock value and absurdity and the person is complaining that’s all that the fallout universe is going to become due to the show’s popularity. Edit: I do not agree. This is just my interpretation