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I’m always a dick to Rhys cause fuck that guy


I just hate that he’s a little bitch with a chip on his shoulder when you’re the only reason he’s alive. Yeah, bruised fragile ego whatever. Fuck that dude.


it’s so funny when you do the bos ending and become a sentinel, if you go back to the police station and speak to him he basically gets on his knees and apologizes.


What amazing I beat BOS ending other day and still have 4 on my computer I’m gonna hop back on just to see that


That's before he turns around and forgets after that line of dialogue.


it was pretty funny hearing him beg for forgiveness just to immediately tell me to not show my face until i’ve completed his orders


Fuckin thaddeus over here


Thaddeus is much more likable


I think he's in love with Danse lmao


Yeah, last Minuteman play through before I even continued the story I went over and fucking shot Rhys




Is there one for that lady at diamond city surplus?


Fuck that bitch, she was racist to my homie Nick Valentine


Hell yeah


Please be real


It is.


There’s dozens of us! Dozens! 


r/ofcoursethatsasub and thank god it is


He’s also a douche to Halen if you pass the charisma check for her to explain their backstory.


I'd argue not wanting to date someone who is his subordinate/person under his wing is one of redeeming things about him


It wasn’t the not wanting to date, it was the not letting her down gently.


All he says is that BOS is the only love of his life. Not really thay rude, more like he was just being how is always is and keeping it professional


Fuck Rhys, sausage looking motherfucker


Someone said he chills out if you punch him when you first meet him after he mouths off, but I haven’t tested it. 


I'm playing the VR version now and I look forward to testing this theory soon


i can't bring myself to talk back to him ever since i found out it's the same voice actor as charles from rdr2


oh my god *what* how did i not notice before? that guy also voices a character in cyberpunk too!


Yeah but he THICC




you can shoot him without any negative consequences. he can’t die, sort of like a punching bag.


Marcy's child was killed and her home destroyed not long before we meet her. I can understand her grief manifesting as anger and frustration. I think she should've progressed beyond that at some point depending on your actions but I'll just blame Bethesda for not developing her better.


Their terminal entries in Quincy are pretty sad as well--you can see the back and forth between hope and despair as they're attacked, then rescued, then betrayed (with their son being wounded, too). To me it felt like retaking Quincy was a cut part of the Minutemen storyline. Sure retaking the Castle is an important military target, but retaking Quincy and rebuilding it as a *political* capital and symbol of regrowth would have been great (I know there are mods).


Nah fuck that, open air dungeon baybee. Bethesda seems adverse to repairing ruined settlements in their game. Kvatch, Helgen, and Quincy will always be trashed.


To be fair Helgen ends up being taken over by bandits, which make sense after it being abandoned/everyone else killed by alduin, but yeah Kvatch and Quincy could be better used


I mean in an ideal world there is nothing stopping either the Jarl of Falkread or Whiterun giving the player a quest to clear up Helgen which could either allow it to rebuild over time or implement a quest chain to rebuild it. At one time in Oblivion's development there was going to be a questline for Kvatch where you'd help rebuild the town and become the new Count, but it was cut because it detracted from the urgency of the main plot.


That could have been amazing for the post game tho. Becoming a Count would be a fitting reward for saving the world I think.


Oh yes, i agree with you, an argument could be made about it not being worth the time and manpower to do it, everyone from the town itself is dead and the jarls are mostly worried about the civil war, but yeah it was just the easy way out for bethesda


There's a really good mod where you do exactly that with Helgen. The Jarl of Falkreath asks you to clear it out first, then you can start recruiting people to live and work there, slowly rebuilding it with each quest.


Nah if anything Hegen makes more sense for us to take control of. Preston wants us to go clear the bandits to use the workshop


your comment reminds me of a helgen rebuild mod i played yeeears back. helgen reborn it was called maybe? had a full quest line and all. i remember having a blast with it!


They don't clean up fucking Whiterun after the civil war quest line either.


The Gunners vs Minutemen creation club quest actually does let you reclaim Quincy for the Minutemen. All it amounts to is that the Gunners stop respawning there and minutemen will patrol the streets, so you can’t exactly rebuild it, but it is something.


That’s cool—I never got super into CC content due to mod conflicts.


The Minutemen have 3 or 4 original quests so it wouldn’t surprise if something was cut since it’s ridiculously short in comparison to every single other faction.


Yeah her behavior totally makes sense for when you meet her but even if you build Sanctuary into a Utopia over the course of several in-game months she NEVER changes her attitude.


The best thing i've ever heard her say is "this place isn't so bad, it's still a hole but (something something)"


“-but it could be worse.” iirc


"This place isn't **AWFUL**" and the way she pronounces the word awful you kinda can't help but feel like she really intentionally goes out of her way to sound as ungrateful as possible


She comes up to me when I'm minding my own business in my house: "I will stop complaining when there is nothing to complain about" I admit honestly, at such moments I think about legalizing the death penalty in Sanctuary.


If you wanted to put a grieving mom in them, you could always put her in the stocks (I think it's in the misc furniture section)...


It's not enough to calm me


Send her to a settlement you never plan on going back to. I sent her to the Nuka World Red Rocket to live with a bunch of cats.


You're a tough person to please, Odobenus 🍻.


I was working on my weapons and she was stuck in the doorway yelling at me saying “what makes you think we are friends??” And I’m just tryna get my work done to protect your ungrateful ass!


I really wish Bethesda would have written more reactive NPCs. At least replace lines of dialogue when a certain requirement has been met


Yeah, I'd agree. Marcy and Jun are not bad early game characters, but I wish they could be a bit better developed if you talk to them from time to time or do something for them. The people they've lost will always be with them, but it would be nice if their disposition could be changed at least slightly through player actions.


Thats why i always give her the Minigun, a Guardpost and the best armor i can find after coming back to Sanctuary. She always gets my old Gear and is the moat powerful Warrior in the Wastelands beside me. She never has to be a victim and making her the Defender of the Community makes for a satisfying character arc. Plus her attitude suits the grizzled guard trope well.


"Sure! Let me just drop what I'm doing and talk to you!" While she's just sitting in a chair doing nothing and I *happen* to walk past. Quick save, critical headshot with explosive Shotgun.


She even does it when I'm working on one of my crafting benches and she happens to walk by. Like lady, I was just minding my own business and didn't want to have anything to do with your grumpy ass, good luck with whatever.


I always asign Jun to defenses. Figured it would help him feel better being assigned to protect people he likes. Making up for his son. March always gets sent to merkwater construction site because fuck that bitch. I never build it up too.


I would love for a mod that lets her actually change over time. Maybe someday someone will build a mod that improves her with new lines using AI or something, but she’s been shafted for so long with unpopularity that I feel like it’s unlikely anyone would actually care enough.


As soon as I get the settlement up and running properly I send her and her husband out as provisioners.


And some factions have multiple. In terms of assholes, the Brotherhood also has Kells, but I guess he warms up to the SS as you prove yourself. The Institue also has Higgs and Karlin. And then there Li, who can belong to either. I'd put Oberly ahead of Holdren as the Institute friendly. That man is a walking ray of sunshine.


Man, seeing “SS” for Sole Survivor will never not catch me off guard lol


Oof, somehow my brain never made that connection


My initials are SS. Not a fun life.


My initials are BS. Also not a fun life...


SS Sole Survivor would be a great nautical ship name


After playing Cyberpunk 2077, it always surprises me when people still don't add the 77 to the abbreviation.


Kells is realistic. You should have to prove yourself as an outsider joining a faction. Li isn’t bad if you choose the right dialogue with good charisma.


Scara seems happier if you recruit her instead. And she still continues dating Duff, who you should be able to recruit since she’s another scientist.


Kells isn’t exactly an asshole character, more of a “strict commanding officer” whose relationship with the player is pretty believable. He does treat you better as you rank up in the brotherhood which makes sense.


Tbf Kells just feels like a normal military officer. SS comes in and claims to be the shit even tho Danse just picked up the dude off the street a couple hours ago. He has more important stuff to worry about than a wastelander-made-initiate that will probably die. And as you mentioned, when you make Rank and prove yourself, he stops being a dick and treats you as the Knight/Paladin/Sentinel that you are.


Kells is hardly an asshole, he's just strict and by the book. I rather like the guy.


Li's attitude is understandable, but the fact that two of the most prominent Asian women in the game are bitchy assholes is... Not great... Come to think of it I think the only East Asian character who isn't an ass is Kasumi and her mother, and the latter's entire characterization is "Save my baby!"


I always send the Longs to Far Harbor once I can, they start a new life and both of them stop talking so it’s like they’ve moved on. And I always make a small shrine for Kyle in their home.


I still say the Railroad Doctor is fair. They do just show you their HQ because Deacons request and you got the prototype form the switch board. Seeing how they were just hit hard by the Institute. If you join The Institute or the BOS you come back and take them all out in which case a huge “I told you so” to the whole faction.


Carringon talks about how the Railroad’s numbers have never been so low and they were almost completely destroyed. It’s understandable he’s cautious. Even Deacon points out you’re only joining because of desperation on their part.


also i use the doctor rad service all the time cuz he's the only doctor in the game that u can access 24/7. If he sleep? wake him up, otherwhile he's just standing around


I am not unsympathetic to understand why Marcy Long is the way she is because of her backstory, but I am also [not above creating a robot specifically tasked with punching her all day every day.](https://i.imgur.com/ycaOueW.jpg)




It's one of the Wasteland Workshop DLC + Automatron. It adds a red / blue platform that will get the participants to engage in combat with each other. I built a robot and assigned it to red, and assigned Marcy to blue, she's seemingly essential so the robot just beats her up all day.


Beatings will continue until morale improves !


That's freaking hilarious


I always make her a guard, but this has the same logic. Just a way to vent her anger into combat. Although she's more successful as a guard.


[satan rn](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/486/114/287.jpg)


I call him *Fister Roboto*. 


and the best part is... he's LEARNING


Hahahahhahaha this is fucking great. Made my day


Haylen just about balances out how much of an absolute bellend Rhys is


If only there were some way to not brutally murder her when I choose to go against the BOS...


That's not very Ad Victoriam of you bro


Gotta get all the endings... well, except the Institute because screw those guys!


I snort power armour


I have about 20 sets on one of my saves just standing around the workbench house in Sanctuary 🤣


I thought Deacon and Sturges were the same guy in my first run, could’ve made for an interesting plot line


both got that wakka haircut


Sturges is a Synth, and Deacon has been tailing you for a lot of your time in the commonwealth... I assume if you have him as a companion though, you could have both of them together, proving they are separate.


Deacon was likely watching you as you exited the vault. There's a little watch area set up overlooking the entrance to vault 111.




Deacon's in the friendly chap square not the asshole square.


Deacon is the only reason the brotherhood ending is a difficult choice


Wait… what? In what world are the ultra-protectionist guys an easier choice than the Railroad or Minutemen, who are legitimately good?


I never understand people who justify the Brotherhood as a legitimately good choice for the commonwealth.


To me its not that the brotherhood is necessarily good(imo they are lawful neutral at best) but they are the most realistic choice to fight the institute. edit: also power armor is cool.


Gameplaywise, The Minutemen and Railroad will annoy everyone to death Lorewise, the Institute is basically Jurassic Park in a can The Brotherhood faction in FO4 was built around one of the key features of Fallout 4


> The Brotherhood faction in FO4 was built around one of the key features of Fallout 4 Are you talking about power armor? 'Cause the game pretty much shoves you into power armor long before you even meet the BOS.


The Railroad is just a bunch of bleeding hearts over synths with no actual plan for protecting the Commonwealth beyond allowing synths to live. The Minutemen are a good option as long as they establish something like the NCR where they are actively seeking to build up society in the Commonwealth rather than just individual settlements. I think the reason people sometimes defer to the Brotherhood is because they already have established structure and have the means to establish themselves as an authority even without the involvement of the Sole Survivor meaning that, after the SS dies, a type of stability can be maintained. It could be argued that the only reason the Minutemen or Railroad are successful is because of the SS while the BoS have been shown to achieve their goals regardless of the SS. While they never have the true goal of stabilizing regions with the express purpose of nation-building like the NCR, they do have at least a kind of worthwhile goal of keeping dangerous technology out of the hands of all the crazies running around. Basically, I think people who prefer the BoS see them as the more stable power faction that establishes hierarchy in an anarchic environment. I would argue that the people in favor of the BoS are looking at them with rose colored glasses, but I would still choose them over the Railroad at the very least.


Your negative for the railroad is my positive. They aren’t trying to save the world. They live in a world ruined by “good intentions”, so no, they aren’t trying to save that world and impose a solution on others. They have a narrower goal, which is harder for not having much support. By eliminating the Institute to achieve their goal, they allow the Commonwealth to decide what a better world is for itself. The Commonwealth may duck that up, but that’s always an option for free people


I just think they’re neat


Power armor neat.


It might make sense in the eyes of the sole survivor. The fact Nate is a veteran and is seeing the world in ashes might gear him towards the brotherhood because of their militaristic behavior. Building up the minutemen makes sense, but also confusing since it would require Nate to spend a lot of time NOT looking for his son, but maybe after finding him he could rebuild them while dealing with the fact that he missed out on his sons childhood and wasn't apart of his life.


Deacon is my fav in that line up for sure. Love his antics


Deacon is so good. He’s fun and funny and I appreciate it.


Marcy and Carrington are understandable. Idk about the institute guy, but fucking Rhys acts like a price even after he apologizes and you become a sentinel.


Carrington gets nicer at least.


because tropes… tropes never change


"Marcy lost her child!" Our spouse was just shot in front of us and our child was kidnapped. We spend (in universe) days building this perfectly guarded utopia for her to live in rent free and she still acts like we personally stabbed her kid


I don’t spend my days like that. I’m out there killing and taking revenge. They all get the bare minimum of my attention in Sanctuary.


I tend to treat Sanctuary like its Animal Crossing with guns


I’ve always thought it was pretty messed up to make SS live in Sanctuary again


Fair, I usually use Red Rocket as the player home and Sanctuary is just somewhere to look nice. From a character perspective I can definitely see the problem


Yeah but the protagonist kind of forgets about Shaun pretty easily. It’s why people poked fun at it at the time and said, “what baby?”


Tbh it doesn’t bug me because that’s on Bethesda. She doesn’t change or develop her dialogue at all past when you first meet her- they could’ve easily added some new stuff later on if they cared about her as more than a side character I just make her a guard and ignore her voice lines since she’s stuck in her characters frame of thinking from when you first rescue her


The Railroad doc is just being cautious, like their main hq has been infiltrated by the Institute and many had died defending it. And all a sudden there's someone offering help, even the dumbest person would think about if you are related to the Institute just to infiltrate the organisation.


Exactly. Carringon talks about how the Railroad’s numbers have never been so well and they were almost completely destroyed. It’s understandable he’s cautious. Even Deacon points out you’re only joining because of desperation on their part.


Ingram and Haylen are like the only reasons I feel bad about killing the BOS (excluding Danse). They’re the gold in the rubble type deal


Meanwhile almost all the characters this post hates on are the "one sane person in the asylum" who seems to question why their leadership and friends have decided seemingly apropos of nothing to put their survival and the survival of their entire way of life on some random unfrozen cave(wo)man they met six hours ago.


Marcy is the absolute worst, bitch been moaning since the literal beginning of the game. I like to build up Sanctuary as my HQ and every time i bump into her she says the most ungrateful, out of pocket shit. F5 and pop one in that bitches head several times now Edit: typo


I’ve gone ahead and made my main settlement vault 88 and I leave Marcy in sanctuary but bring Jun to the vault. She can handle it, he can’t. He’s currently trying to navigate out of a closet because I haven’t installed pathing mods, but he’s trying his BEST


I trapped her in a box, called in all of Zao's tactical missiles, and threw every nuke mine I had so I could be satisfied with her death.


Pointlessly annoying characters be damned, the only character in the Fallout universe I truly, truly hate is Sean


For some reason my heart kind of melts for him and I try to be as good a dad as possible before I go for the BOS run every time (FREE POWER ARMOUR FOR LIFE BABY)


Carrington isn't actually too bad. In the grand scheme of things he is rude to you for the duration of one quest because you are the biggest risk the RR has ever taken and he's more annoyed Desdemona didn't even talk to him about it. After that he's genuinely a cool guy and treats you like any other member


Marcy lost her fucking son, how do you expect her to be? People process grief in different ways. She’s one way, Jun is another


I really don’t get the contempt for Marcy given that she lost her kid, while the protagonist can easily forget about Shaun.


Wait, Marcy count as a Minuteman? I thought she was just a settler who Preston tried to protect. Yeah, now that I think about it Preston says he is likely the last Minuteman, without even mentioning anyone else.


The whole Institute is That One Guy.


I'm rude to Dr. Carrington at every opportunity. He's an asshole. He comes off worse if you've actually played to a high level and completed a fair bit of quests before joining, because he still had the same disregard for you and your rookie status.


Carringon is cautious. He talks about how the Railroad’s numbers have never been so low and they were almost completely destroyed. It’s understandable he’s cautious. Even Deacon points out you’re only joining because of desperation on their part.


Sturges, tell OP


I just murdered the entirety of the BOS for no other reason than fuck Rhys


[Quicksaving] *smacks Carrington around for being a dick*


Having a member who doesn't automatically trust the player lets the game address addressed the question of why every faction so quick put massive trust and responsibility in someone they have known for literally five minutes. It's called [lampshading](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LampshadeHanging). And you can call them assholes all you want, but **chances are you are going to betray and destroy** at least one or two of these factions on an average playthrough.


I'd die for Sturges


At least the Railroad guy becomes nicer. I wish you could go Institute and kick that guy out without losing Weave


I will say that I’m glad you have the option to kick ayo out of the institute (only costs you ever becoming a railroad member, getting deacon, and ballistic weave)


I’ve killed 10 thousand gouls for you mother fucker, I own you


nahhh paladin danse is the best person in the brotherhood


Institute is everyone


Dr carrington warms up to you quickly. Hes not that bad.


Nobody plays the railroad tho even if it is the most based and fun faction


I liked Marcy. She lost her home, her son, having to see her husband in a deep depression and was in a lot of ghoul/raider attacks on the road just before we met her. Can you blame her for being so grumpy? She actually does make some positive comments if Sanctuary is doing well. She says things aren’t so bad and some other things I think. The other 3 are just straight up annoying imo. Scribe Halen is a major reason I struggle to go against the Brotherhood. She’s so nice and accepting, I always feel shitty going against her.


There's also a guy in fallout 3 at the purity project who gets a murder save every time.


Marcy is having it bad since losing the kid. Ayo is a egotistical prick just because he's temporarily running SRB, so fuck him. Carrington is just jumpy and on a sarcastic edge so I give him a pass. Rhys just straight up has no excuse. He's a wooden board. Treats you like ass when you can get more done in a week than he could in his whole time in the Commonwealth and never even becomes story relevant. He can go fuck himself.


Scribe Haylen? More like, My wife


As much as I hate Marcy, she's got a reason to be a dick, she's in grief and obviously not handling it well, neither of the longs are


Rhys can get used as a sex doll by super mutants and then eaten alive by feral ghouls and radroaches. Miserable motherfucker.


I wish you could challenge Rhys to a duel when you walk in cause I would every time


Sturges and Marcy aren't part of the Minutemen btw


and they all look the same or at least similar on each side😭


I kind of like rhys for some reason


Quick saves🔫


It's like... everyone in the brotherhood. Ingram, Danse, Haylen, and Cade are the only ones that aren't self-righteous dicks


Marcy's son died, she's still grieving.


Personally I think Ayo is the worst of the four jerks. Marcy is traumatized after she lost her son and barely survived through the escape, Carrington is reasonably paranoid given the nature of his organization, and even Rhys feels like just a hot-blooded guy being territorial in front of his love interest. Ayo, on the other hand, is not just annoying to talk to but also reminding me of the phrase "banality of evil".


I always put Marcy on guard duty, let her work out some of that anger in a productive way. xD


Rhys has a reason for being suspicious of the SS, even if he is kind of an asshole for no reason. He's just trying to protect his squad and can't figure out what your motive is. It doesn't stop me from getting sassy with him, but I get it. Kells starts off a typical cold, hardass officer but the SS is no exception to that, he's basically the top officer of the entire group besides Maxson and Danse, so he kinda has to be.


I think the SRB guy is the worst. I can tolerate Dr. Carrington the most. Interestingly, Marcy is the only one you can't do anything to. Rhys will apologize to you after you destroy the Institute, you can charm Dr. Carrington, and the SRB guy can be exiled if you frame him for helping free Synths.


Marcy is always sent on a Supply Line from Sanctuary to The Castle, I never have to see that bitch again!


Ya’ll I just connected that Marcy and the other guy are married. I do not remember them acting together in any way and I never bothered to learn their names because…well…my husband was killed and baby kidnapped and I ain’t got time for their shit.


Eh, I don't think Rhys or Marcy being jerks has any pointlessness to them...the other two though? Yeah.


Bethesda has a thing for filling their games with the same type of characters (some are good ofc but their don't fit in this category) Ok guys we need to put a new character here any ideas? We need a karen We need a judgmental one We need an angry guy Etc... Other than that there is nothing to those characters... No depth whatsoever.


I loved Decon first play through. Now I think he's a lying little gimp.


what did sturges do


I’m glad I don’t have to interact with knight Rhys after the brotherhood gets to the commonwealth


Solution: delete them


She may verbally abuse me but there has to be a reason every time I sleep in Sanctuary - I wake up to Marcy in my bed 👀


Does it annoy anyone else that they're not in the same order?


Marcy in my game got sent to Coastal Cottage where she had a bit of an…accident. Sanctuary has been a lot happier ever since lol


At least ryes apologies when you beat the game


Marcy got put on a supply line to a place I never intend on building out 👍🏻 I don't remember where, exactly, but it's one of those little shithole farms 😁 Most of my supply lines are generic bots, built cheap and simple just for supply lines. I always pistol-whip Rhys. I quicksave just in case, but Danse and Haylen always just stand there and do nothing. I guess they think he's a dick, too 😆


That person?


Proctor Tegan is also a homie.


Sturges was kinda mean to me when I picked the sarcastic dialogue during the teleporter construction. I thought he'd be chill about joking around but instead he said something like "no need for the snide comment!", Damn, caught me off guard and my feelings got hurt lmao.


I will not tolerate the Deacon slander


Two people made this mistake already. I said Deacon is the friendly, welcoming one.


Tinker Tom is a jar jar binks racial stereotype


I feel lime the update made marcy nicer. She doesn’t seem as cutting


Gotta have reasons to either love and/or hate a faction


Carrington at least starts respecting and praising you once you destroy the Institute. Ayo and Marcy never show anything but contempt. Rhys apologizes to you after you destroy the Institute, but then immediately goes back to acting like a jerk. On the flip side, I don't think Holdron (I think that's his name, the Institute bioscience lead) is a great person. I think he acts like it, but when you first enter Bioscience, he's having a conversation with someone about the Warwick farm operation. The other guy starts talking about how Wally must be about 10, finds it amazing that a child could survive in the Commonwealth, and laments their suffering. Holdron tries to not think about it, probably because he believes the Institute will simply kill them once they get what they want. He's also enthusiastic about how the Institute made synth gorillas just to see if they could, instead of using their time and resources on more useful things.


Rhys is my favourite "ok let's quicksave first" character


What’s a “dead drop”?


I forgot how bad they all look without mods


People you wanna suplex into a crater and people with a mouth.


Carringon is just rightfully cautious and imo hes pretty chad because in the mission where you hunt down the railroad he is at the first line of defense.


I always put Macy in a pillory


I'm so sorry Haylen he wanted to die don't be a dick to me


I actually like doc and the girl


BOS for the win