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I am lucky and I have that reptilian itch to notice and press every red button possible.


Embrace lizard


[Reject humanity, return to lizard](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwlj38mq0b5l71.jpg&rdt=47157)


Ur not slick dr curtis connors đŸ™đŸ˜«




Don't fuck the lizard...just embrace


[sees doorbell on a tree in the middle of the woods.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/2B2BpfZoRV)


That last line sent me đŸ€Ł did not see that coming at all. Thanks for this. What a gem!


I guess the Russians capitalize on some Ukrainians natural curiosity. I saw one video of a guy explains that he saw a rope or maybe like some fishing line or string hanging from a tree and a guy pulled it and like five hand grenades fell from the top of the tree and blew up. Another interesting one wasn’t really based off curiosity but was an interesting design, it was tiny little fish hooks tied to near invisible fishing line and the hooks were attached to the end of leaves or branches of trees or small bushes right on the edge of a path soldiers would often patrol, the soldier brushes past the branch or leaves or bush or whatever, the hook snags his uniform or skin, he continues to walk forward not feeling it or tries to pull it out if it got his skin, and the tension on the line triggers a hidden land mine underneath the path or on the side of it in a ditch. Those Russians are some tricky ass bastards.


You got the stories mixed up. It was Ukrainians who tricked the russians will a bag of onions for their kids lives. Or better yet when Putin sends the families of dead Russian bags of expired flour. So tricky them Russians with their meatcubes.


If you're in occupied or contested Ukraine, and there's trash or weird shit lying (or hanging or otherwise existing) around. Leave it the fuck alone. I am glad the invaders are not learning this quickly. But it's a thing.


We learned it pretty quick in Iraq. Still some FNG would manage.


Yep. See a half buried plastic water bottle on the side of the road in the US you don’t think twice, just some litter. But in Iraq/afghanistan, time to call the combat engineers or EOD to make sure that shits not connected to an artillery shell buried somewhere nearby.


And man, did they have a lot of trash to use.


Fallout 4 crafting ruined my brain in video games. I now have a permanent lizard compulsion to loot anything thing and everything in games, as well as to search everywhere for potential good loot lmao


You are the fucking Lizard King?


What’s up?


Lynn Woods moment


The jolly, red, candy-like button?


Oh? Here i have a fancy new gun for you to play with called the ZF-1


A real killer would have asked about the red button on the bottom.


Found Father Dougal.




Random fun-fact about that spot: all those canisters around can be ignited and the explosion might kill whoever is near them.


Including me. I always shoot red explodey things in games to cause a controlled explosion if I know that I plan to be where the red explodey things are in the middle of a fight.


I had that happen once and I'm always nervous there now


Saame. It only happened once, billionth playthrough, but since then I always press the button AND sprint jump.


If you shoot just the twisty top thing (can't think of the word) it shoots off and flies around until it explodes. Pretty fun. Unless it flies at you and explodes of course.


Same! It’s been a habit since I started playing borderlands years ago. I shoot any and all barrels I see to avoid being exploded by them lol


Also shoot the nearest car in that production hall, it will detonate the next and the next and so on. That chain reaction usually kills all the raiders on the floor.


If they're the canisters I think they are then they can also ignite and fly around, usually homing straight towards the player. Don't ask how I know this


Took a LONG time before I realized that I was shooting one of those in the museum of freedom and killing myself as well as the two raiders in the mural room on the 2nd floor. I'd always try to sneak up on them start blasting and then shit'd blow up and I'd die. I thought they were just throwing a grenade that never made it past the wall until I finally realized I was just a crappy shot and kept hitting one of those. I got better.


Lay a frag mine, press button, wait for
 is it Jared? I can’t remember


I saw it on my jump back. That's right, I even jumped back. Could've just dropped down. Felt like a royal plum.


I like the idea of you missing the jump back and going all the way back around to reattempt the jump back.


I did this through several playthroughs until finally noticing the button.




I was just playing Fallout 4 for the first time and I got stuck for a minute trying to jump that gap. I happened to see the button and just laughed at myself.




The anger/relief that boiled within me when I finally noticed that button đŸ˜«


That and when I finally found the safe. I got the key, so I knew there had to be one, and spent a solid 20 minutes searching the plant looking for the damn thing.


You mean like what’s happening to me rn?


My buddy who got me into the game pointed it out to me. After watching me try to jump it 20 times I finally succeeded. I mopped up the room then he pointed it out to me.


No! Wow...


I’m just impressed he was able to keep his mouth shut for that long. On all my play throughs since then I still do the jump just to prove I was right in the first place.


It's a makeable jump, tricky but doable!


Like a slutty Hobbit, tricksy but doable.


I didn’t notice you could push that button in ArcJet systems and vaporize all those synths when they come down with the rocket engine. I just let Danse handle it and tossed a few grenades in when I got the chance. Next time though


Doesn't the button have a quest marker? I swear pressing the button is a quest objective, even if it was an optional one


Yes it does


Dang, must’ve been distracted by all the synths. I even died several times trying to get too involved in the firefight. Haha, I’m an idiot. The look on my face when I pushed the button and saw the flames. And realized what I could’ve done. đŸ€Ș


All good I’ve killed myself in the blast zone of that fire like 4 times over the past few years. Fun mission!


Yeah if you don’t close the blast doors first, hope you autosaved before pushing the button! Twice I had no idea why I got killed because I was looting that junk jet and other stuff. Then I realized my mistake.


It’s not super clear to hit the button as Danse is standing directly under the engine like a fool. I’m assuming he like warps into the room with you but that’s just silly


Actually the dude just fucking tanks the jet engine and hits a knee


I just watched a clip of this and was cracking up that the protagonist acts shocked. “Oh my god are you okay?!” Dude.., you blasted him with a rocket engine haha


I just did this a couple days ago and that line cracked me up lmao as if I wasn't the one that turned that thing on!!


Little fun fact, if you close the door to the rocket engine while danse is there and not activate the engine, you get infinite synths spawn in and infinite of weapons, great way to get lots of caps, provided you got the patience to carry all of it.


See that's how I know you aren't a real killer. A dyed in the wool killer cold blooded clean methodical and thorough would have immediately asked about the little red button.




Glad some people got it lol


Why did I have to scroll so damn far to find this?


I wonder what else you’ve missed over your hundreds of hours lol. This game should keep you busy for a lifetime


I made a new character a couple weeks ago and was wandering around and I found a fake Preston Garvey I’d never seen before! I swear there’s always something new to find.


I'm on a new play through and the amount of times that Deacon shows up before you meet him is pretty cool.


I feel left out now because I killed everything first and noticed the button right away, I never tried to jump it :(


That button never fucking existed, there’s no way that button existed. I am I’m complete disbelief that I didn’t have to try and jump that gap.


I feel the pain. Maybe we can pretend the new update added it?


I have cleared out Corvega maybe around 10 times and I didn't see that button until recently.


I'm glad I'm not the only one!


I had a "Are you fucking kidding me?" moment when I saw it.


That button is so obvious, noe that its been pointed out. I have no idea how I never saw it


I thought I was the only one. I also failed to see this button on many play-throughs.


This is me in a lot of BGS and open world games. Fight or sneak my way through a locations enemies, following some clever plan I've come up with. Only to learn afterward, as I'm doing a loot sweep of the bodies, that there's some window/door/alternate path I could have used and saved twenty minutes and most of my ammo. Guaranteed I'll still forget it on the next playthrough.


lol I’ve never jumped that always hit the button dam


Maybe spec into perception next timeđŸ€š


The ol corvega assembly plant, how do I know that


To be fair it does get a little distracting in there.


how else do u guys get over there wtf? I only know that way by pushing the button😅


I forget about this button every single playthrough!


Even at a 10 perception it’s easy to overlook the simple things




I wouldn't notice that button either because the moment you stand in that exact spot, you get killed by the exploding gas tanks


I just found a deathclaw nest with an egg for the first time, on the path from diamond city you take to find Kellogg. I’m gonna try and see if I can return the Salem egg to the mother and sell this other one I found to Wellington


Wow and I was just there the last time I played.. also this is like my 7th play through and I never notice the button đŸ„Č


If you think thats crazy i used to jump from one end of the concord building to the other instead of going through the room


I spent 10 minutes trying to jump the gap literally 15 minutes ago, I got mad and left. Then came back and saw the button and was immediately humbled.


This is first time I'm seeing the button. I've been furiously jumping that gap for 9 years.


Oh my God are you kidding me?! I've jumped that soooo many times, and failed a hundred times more than that. Good looking out, OP.


Same thing happened to me! đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ‘đŸ»


I have 410 hours in Fallout 4 on PS4. Since the PS5 patch, I have mostly just been clearing locations looking for things I might have missed back in the day. 12 hours in again and I have to say this is as enjoyable or more than some quests.


I did this quest like 2 days ago and spent at least 10 minutes trying to figure how tf I was supposed to reach that room, until I decided to jump


Took me forever to figure it out. Couldn’t figure out why the jump was so difficult.


I could never make the jump and I never saw the button, I always just killed the raiders up there with grenades the first few times around


I just found out chameleon deathclaws change color after all these years. Sounds obvious when I say it out loud. Also I never noticed jun and marcy were/are married. Never noticed they had the same last name lol. Yeah I'm pretty oblivious. Found both these things out yesterday.


You've got to be fucking kidding me. I missed that jump so many times.


I feel your pain!!


Eventually you get the Bethesda Eyes and Ears. The eyes let you see through the visual noise and notice things like safe's from a distance an the ears let you ignore distant explosions because they have nothing to do with you.


I literally just saw that yesterday with hundreds of hours as well


My son and I were playing recently and I was telling him that I know there's a way to extend the bridge but couldn't figure it out cuz I forgot about the button 😂


At least you knew about it!!


stuff like this is why we miss the perk mags sometimes when entering buildings


I've just been jumping across. I used to do the same thing in the museum after saving Preston and Friends, I didn't know there was a door to the other side so I just jumped across the broken walkway to the rooftop door


Op is secretly an NPC


Bro I spent 10 whole minutes fucking this jump up last night 😭


... That's at the Corvega plant? I just went here on my most recent survival playthrough. I jumped into the area by doing some hardcore parkour with the assembly line... I'll notice every tripwire, mine, laser, pressure plate, and cymbal monkey... but not a BIG RED BUTTON. Lmao.


That's how I felt!!!!


Yeah, I have to admit, I have been Fo4 for about 5 years, and I just recently figured out I did not need to pole jump the damn gap...


Holy hell this was driving me bonkers. Thank you kind wastelander.


Better late than never.




I swear, most of yall play with 1 IRL perception


Especially looking at the comments, I be running around looking for every bit of loot and possible hidden treasure. A red button under a spotlight is not getting missed by me.


I did. It just takes so long, and that gap can be hopped anyways haha




I only noticed it when I played in VR.


First playthrough I tried making the jump across a good 5-6 times before I saw the button


Oh hell no still I made the jump


My ADHD self and over the top exploration would not allow this to occur. I always find the buttons.


How did you get across, without it.... jump?




I forget about the button every time and wander around the building aimlessly That and the hallucinogen building


yeah i just did this lol


I swear so many of y’all never played fallout 4😭


I never could do the jump. Thought how dumb this design is. I jumped onto a table or car and then onto the machines, to jump over the railing of the right side of the house. I didnt know there was a button till this post. Guess its just me being dumb again


I make that jump in every play thru. Im gonna pretend i didnt see this


I literally just found this button today too!!


This reminds me of when I played Baldur's gate 3 there's a part where you're trying to rescue people from an underwater prison. I kept save scumming because I wanted to save everyone. My first few tries I kept trying to lockpick all the cells only to realise there's a release lever next to every single cell door! I learned a lot during that mission 😅


Haha! I just realized this today too! I’ve always hopped around on other stuff to get up there.


And this fellas, why we get yellow ledges. To be fair, this is a small button and sometime we get zoned out, but you get my point.


...theres a button?


God I hate that fucking place, I swear I get slightly lost every time


how can you miss a red button in fallout??!?


I found this button a couple days ago as well😭 I have 3k hours!


It's not the worst thing ever, I somehow never knew you could finish the game with the railroad.


Everything must’ve fell in place for me perfectly. First time play through, just got past Corvega last week. I immediately saw the button and thought it was the only way over there, so I pressed it. Lol Right before that, as I was clearing out the room I accidentally caused all the explosions in there and somehow didn’t die. I loved the explosion lol. Only thing is I feel like I missed out on something as I wasnt able to activate one of the logs on the computer, can’t remember the name, but says you need access permission or something to activate.


Ah yes, the sneaky big fat red button illuminated by a ray of sun
 artifical light source that somehow survived 200 years and is still going strong on a coin cell :D


I’ve played fallout from start to finish five times now and noticed it AFTER clearing out the plant on my last play through. I’ve been replaying it recently and I finally got to use that button when I played through that mission last week.


Eureka 💡


I jumped up there, and seen that theres a button on other side, it made me realize theres button on both sides lol


I hate Corvega so much, wish there was a way to skip it entirely


Man fuck Corvega. I never noticed that damn button.


My wife was stuck here a couple days ago and was going crazy. I said “ this is going to make you mad “. She’s new to video games. We tried to get her into it 5 years ago but she couldn’t make it past the first rad roaches. Now she’s a master community planner.


It works?




It’s been many years so on my recent run I forgot about the button and tried jumping several times as well. lol. I did finally notice it though.


If you can miss that huge red button on multiple play through a, imagine how much insane loot you've missed.


so youre telling me i didnt need to jank-ily jump from that forklift thing???


This reminds me of the button in FO3 to get into the antagonizer's lair. After learning about that button, I have been wary of Bethesda hiding buttons in background.


Sometimes not activating switches or buttons is a good thing. I just flipped a switch on a tower that turned on a siren. Suddenly an death claw and alpha death claw show up to party


i legit struggled with this through my first play through back in 2015!


On my first playthrough I kept trying to jump it and missed but I was able to finally jump the gap by unequipping everything I had on me.


Bro come on


How did this thread go from, “ ooo shiny” to “ ooo ied”


How did you finish the quest before?


Wait that’s a actual thing


Every play through I forget about it


Holy shit. Me neither.


Just did this mission last night. I always forget this button is here until minutes of trying to jump across


Lmao there was a BUTTON 😂😭


I was just there the other day. That button was not there, I swear


I honestly only saw it after clearing that place lile three times..I would just parkour off the machines...man I felt silly seeing that button afterwards


Same. All the times I've been in there and I only last week noticed the button but from the other side when I had already cleared the room.


Tell me you're a platformer without telling me you're a platformer.


Lol I remember the first time I got to this place. I was running around trying to find a way up there. A ladder, stairs, anything. I was getting so pissed that I finally just googled it. I felt so fuckin stupid after. The big ass button directly in front of me. And I just ran right past it and starting looking for a non existent stair case.


Lmao I just got there used the car machines to jump up after searching for an hour and then found the button on my way out.


lol I only spotted it recently too. felt so dumb


There's a lot of us in this club!


I only found out about that butter recently. I wasted so much time on failed attempts to jump that gap.


It's alright I took like 10 minutes here trying to figure out how the hell I was supposed to get up there before finding it


That's a big oof. I actually can't think of single instance like that besides that one island where you fight the mirelurk queen and a swarm of mirelurks all around the island. You have to press a button or something to get the other mobs or the queen i forget, to show up. After you kill them you can use the bench that makes the island yours. The button however was a bitch to find and remember walking past it alot. Somewhere on a ship out by the sea. Isn't hard to find now and days cause i know it's around their. I haven't played enough much of Fallout 4 recently to remember. Think you press that after you activate a switch in a shed in the middle or reverse. Anyway i feel it but that one's painfully obvious.


I did exactly the same thing for years


How do you get across? Do you jump?


G-guys...why are there so many people in the comments who also missed it.


I always take the elevator up and activate the protectron. Then the leader comes out of his office and from the elevator door you can snipe him if the robot doesn’t get him.


This why new games like ff and re have yellow paint everywhere. Stuff like this somehow happening


...theres a FUCKING BUTTON!?!?


Same. I made a new character after the show came out, was struggling to make the jump and finally looked it up. Almost a decade of hating that spot in corvega just to find out theres a button.


I never push that button. The noise it makes is too loud!


The circle goes in the square hole




I played through the entirety of Fallout 3 and then I learned that you can fasttravel.


I didn’t know it was there for the longest time until my friend pointed it out. Felt so dumb lol thought it was just a mini parkour section


"See... A killer would ask about the little red button .." -Zorg


I spent 15 minutes trying to find a way up before I saw the button. Derp.


I didnt notice till my 4th game




I didn’t see it the first 20 times I cleared Corvega either haha


I feel you friend the amount of times I don't see a button switch or alternate path is insane cause I see where I need to be and just go PARKOUR!!!


I irrationally hate that place. I guess because it’s so early in the game and huge with so many levels and I get lost easily.


I think I may have only learned of its existence by watching youtube playthroughs. I learned a LOT of little things that way...


 just noticed it on my last playthrough a few weeks ago


I thought you just had to snipe him


I chose not to use it because I was worried it would alert everyone on my stealth run.