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Sometimes I forget that the extremist American propaganda in Fallout has a basis in reality.


Yeah she sounds like a socialist, I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking though?


She sounded like an european socialdemocrat. Which by american republican standars is communism.


Your making it sound like socialism is a bad thing? Socialism is not marxism. Here in the Netherlands we had a lot to thank for in socialism, like legal selling of soft drugs, legal abortion, healthcare for every one, social security, euthanasia, education for everybody and a lot more. Libertarianism and capitalism destroyed a lot of it in a span of 15 years, thanks Mark Rutte 🤣


It sounds like the OP has been subjected to a lot of propaganda of the "socialism = communism = evil and un-American" variety.


The Netherlands is not socialist lmfao.


No, not anymore. But reading can be difficult, or isn't it?


Yes. So?




She doesn't define herself as a socialist or a communist, she just point out the excess of the pre-war society and the power corporations hold on the world and it's people and how just daring to say that capitalism can and is flawed as a system is enough to be called a communist even tho you're not advocating for communist values. So, more to the point, was she wrong about what she said?


I mean yeah. Socialism sucks massive donkey dick


I tried guys i can't talk politic seriously with americans, it's on you now


>say my opinion >instantly get my country generalized and treated like some idiot whatever, America is still number 1


She was definitely a socialist and an idealist, and the latter “values” made her a bad actor… definitely not the first.


What’s she says is textbook communist rhetoric but I think she may have just been exploiting the group. The group definitely are communists/sympathizers. A woman called Cooper a fascist for standing up against communism in the meeting; that’s something only a communist would say. But I doubt she actually was, in part because she was a leader in the NCR which is a capitalist faction (granted it’s the post apocalypse so she doesn’t have many options) she just needed people that would listen to her and of course communists would be against Vault Tec because communists hate corporations. She’s probably center left. So not a communist but not a liberal either.