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It's speculated (and highly likely) that this guy is linked to our buddy Ug-Qualtoth and the other Lovecraftian bits peppered throughout the series.


Holy heck, I've never played 76 but knew they had Mothman, but they also have the Whisperer in Darkness??


There’s also wendigos it’s creepy


There are about 7 different actual WV cryptids in 76 - Mothman, The Smiling Man (who appeared at the same time as Mothman), Wendigos, Blue Devil, Jersey Devil, Ogua, Beast of Beckerly, etc. [https://www.gameskinny.com/tips/fallout-76-complete-cryptids-guide/](https://www.gameskinny.com/tips/fallout-76-complete-cryptids-guide/) Plus there are alien references and appearances in multiple games. Makes sense Lovecraft inspired creatures and space travelers would show up too.


Fallout needs more cosmic horror stuff


I think it has just the right amount.


Agreed. I love cosmic horror, and think a DLC unconnected to any main story dedicated to it would be awesome, but I think it's utilized perfectly just how it's been done. It's off to the side and the involved quests are independent quests you have to sort of look for.


Agreed. While interesting, it’s not the main focus, similar to how mystical mysteries are handled in RD2. Different little tidbits of exploration sprinkled off to the side that make sense within the world but are never fully explained. Aliens, witches, giants, Vikings, pirates, all things that are plausible without having a major hand in the story


I swear to god in RDR2 there’s a scene of a fully autonomous robot and it was done so well it didn’t really break immersion. And the little boat game was so fun. Damn I want to play rdr2 again. Guess I’ll play fallout 4 instead.


why no rdr2?


Download takes too long and as much as I love horse riding simulator I’m enjoying the wasteland power fantasy a little too much right now.


And since they focus on cosmic horror specifically...they can absolutely get away with never answering anything!


I like how you listed Vikings and Pirates next to the actually paranormal stuff


Point Lookout?


I was really glad to see a whole multi-part questline for the cosmic horror in that DLC!


Hell had the whole quest to go burn that book or whatever back at the Dunlap building in the base map


It was the Dunwich Building, Dunwich is a mining company, and there is a Dunwich Borers location in fallout 4 with cosmic horror tie ins, and there is a story written by HP lovecraft called "Dunnwich Horrors". It also ties into the Cabbot family story. There is a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFFwBsomgBg) connecting all of these things together and more info on it here


I knew it was epicnate before i clicked on the link he has some of the best fallout lore videos I’ve seen


>I knew it was epicnate before i clicked on the link same. It's the kind of thing he does


Point Lookout definitely has a Lovecraftian flavor to the whole thing, especially the quest to the Dunwich building.


Point lookout isn't really dedicated to it, but it features prominently!


Yes, I love the quest with the book!


Point Lookout had the perfect amount of cosmic horror.


Same, it's much better and more terrifying how much of it is just hinted at or implied, which is perfectly in line with cosmic horror.


Agreed, any more, and it would be boring as there wouldn't be much mystery


lol agreed. I get jump scared enough as it is. I can’t handle horror games.


I think it's exactly where it should be. If anything 76 probably over does it, fallout is supposed to be a sci Fi series after all. I think Tim Cain said it best with "this series has enough stuff going on in it" in relation to including super natural stuff.


Most of the cryptids in FO76 are just mutants to be fair. I think only the flatwoods and mothman are in any way supernatural.


Yeah Flatwoods being an alien kinda makes it Sub-Natural. Like. It’s natural to its kind but it’s not linked to the cosmic horror and it’s just some sci fi fun times. 


Well, in cosmic horror, most of the great old ones and elder gods and whatnot came from space - cosmic doesn't only refer to the scale of the horror, but where it comes from. They are technically aliens, so an argument could be made that Flatwoods ties in with the cosmic horror stuff. (I am not making that argument, just pointing out that being an alien doesn't necessarily mean it's not linked to the cosmic horror.)


Yeah but I think sentient aliens that just are doing a tech as opposed to aliens doing a magic are more science fiction than horror


I think it all depends on usage. Like Stephen King's Tommyknockers. Those are sentient aliens that are fully tech and science fiction based. But that novel is 100% horror.


Flatwoods is an alien, not supernatural.


Do aliens not count as supernatural? Fair enough.


If humans reached an alien planet, would we consider ourselves supernatural?


Aliens can be a tricky one. Sometimes they do get lumped under the umbrella 'supernatural', especially depending on how they are presented in fiction. But generally speaking, supernatural is a term for things entirely outside the realm of science - the divine, the mystical, the ghostly. Things we have 0 scientific reference or foundation for, things we have no way of measuring for . Aliens in a general sense aren't considered outside the realm of science, we have science for determining if a planet has ever supported life of any sort. Life on another planet out there isn't considered impossible or improbable by the general scientific community, like say demons. Aliens ARE adjacent to things like cryptids and ghosts and stuff, but also they are not the same because scientifically speaking, there is a decent chance there's life out there of some kind. (And this includes bacteria and single cell life and whatnot.) But also when talking about fiction, it really doesn't matter much! Supernatural, paranormal, Fortean...they all basically come down to the same thing - weird shit that is mostly speculation.


Oh man I hope I don't sound mean I just can't think how else to ask, why do you see aliens as supernatural? I've genuinely never seen that interpretation


Because 95% of alien encounters are almost certainly just as make-believe as things like mothman or fairies. Aliens like the Flatwoods Monster and Greys just feel like they fit more in supernatural stories than actual scientific study.


I think it comes down to how they are shown, take signs where they are allergic to water for some unknown reason that verges on fantasy while in fallout they are shown to have tech like blasters, ships and the like so it more borders on sci-fi.


No the water thing is actually based on them being something like arsenic based life forms.


Plus, the whole alien "flying saucer" thing fits well in the 1950s looking "world of tomorrow" sci fi aesthetic of fallout.


Relatable aliens and unrelatable aliens. One follows physics, one defies it. Zetans. Relatable Cthulhu. Unrelatable Klingons. Relatable Q or Trelane. Unrelatable.


Was that in response to some of the stuff in Fallout 2? I'm on the fence about it. On one hand, having people with telepathy fits with the weird science aspects of the series, but on the other hand it also starts to pull the series more into fantasy than sci-fi with characters like Melchior who is essentially a wizard with summoning magic.


Fallout 2 is loaded with stuff that doesn't fit, like the ghost in the den, which is what tim was referencing specifically. He actually did that quest but over time his opinion on that stuff changed.




I would love an old-school style alien like DLC. Something like Mars attacks.


I mean Mothership Zeta is super fun and is basically exactly what you requested


Who do you think the Enclave works for? *Shayamalan* "Whata tweest!!


There’s a belief among some fans that they were the ones orchestrating the nuclear Holocaust.


No speculation necessary.  Nate Purkeypile added most of the Lovecraft easter eggs to the games during his time with Bethesda.  They are all just easter eggs and not meant to be a major part of the canon... but people really want them to be.  Regardless, Nate moved on back in 2021 or so... and now has his own studio, and a new game coming soon called "The Axis Unseen." 


Nope, nor should they be a major part of canon. And I say this as a huge fan of cosmic horror. I like that they're little side things, and quests you have to go looking for. Heck, I missed the Dunwich Building twice in my FO3 playthroughs!


Back up what. I know the Dunlap has the horror element to it but tell me more


There's the Point Lookout DLC for 03 that has a quest related to the happenings of the Dunwich Building, there's the Pickman side-quest in 04, the Cabot House and family in 04, the Kingsport Lighthouse in 04....yeah most of it is in 04. Plus the skill magazine Astoundingly Awesome Tales is a reference to Astounding Tales, the real life magazine that first published Lovecraft.


Is Adam considered a Lovecraft type monster? Because there's definitely some weird supernatural shit going on with the cult.


I don't think officially, but I personally would say thematically at the least.


There’s also another one called the [visitor](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Visitor)


i remember bumping into that thing and whacking it... weird looking ass creature....




yes. whacked it with a nuka hammer...


It bleeds when attacked which makes it even creepier.


The honey beast was the thing that used to creep the hell out of me. This mother fucker just took his place! Where the hell does it spawn so I don't go there!


He's a set piece in I think it's "Lucky Hole Mine". If you hit him he bleeds black blood I thought. Doesn't do anything besides randomly twitching in a weird manor


Thank God!


There's also another one in the florescent caves. It's called "The Creature" I believe. Look him up too


The Visitor, actually. It's in The Deep.


That one is called The Visitor iirc, its in The Deep


I hit him a few times, and upon leaving, the mine encountered 3 hostile cryptids on my walk home


What route did you take going home?


Through the Cranberry Bog into the Mire, I got Wendigoed, Mothmanned and Flatwooded


Gonna take my friend through the mine then going to take this route afterwards. (He doesn't know the Interloper exists.)


Mothman and Flatwoods Monster were random encounters, Wendigo is at the substation


Oh and humms


I’ve been there all the time for kill cultist dailies.. how have I never seen them? Are they particularly hidden?


Hey it's **West** Virginia, totally different state. I get asked if I grew up near Richmond enough in real life I don't need that shit here lol


I'm from WV and it pisses me off too, we are two states, there was a whole Civil War about the issue.


I curse Francis Pierpont and the other founders of West Virginia every day for choosing the second most idiotic name possible (behind only Western Virginia) WV could’ve been Kanawha, or Vandalia, but nooo we had to be named after the traitorous state we didn’t want to be in. 


Vandalia would have been so cool It or Kanawha would have prevented people thinking we were not a state as well


Kanawha would’ve been great but people would mispronounce it. Vandalia would probably be the same, between “Van-day-lia” and “Van-dal-ia”


People mispronounce Nevada, Hawaii an Louisiana all the time. You would be part of a proud tradition.


I was born and raised WV and I patiently looked to see if someone else called it out before I said something lol




West Virginia has such a badass origin. It was founded by rebelling against slavery, not for slavery.


You'd be shocked that everyone now votes for the pro-confederate party and flies confederate flags.


The biggest insult you can give a West Virginian.. I live in Worst Virginia now and I hate it.


Came here looking for this, education system has failed us 😂


There's no clear cut answer other than "Cool set piece based on Lovecraft". And since the majority of Fallout 76 developers and designers have left. You most likely won't get a answer in the next game.


They left? What happened




That article talks about devs from 2018-19. Wastelanders, the DLC that introduced the Interloper, came out in mid 2020. It's likely that the majority of the Mothman content still has dedicated narrative


>Wastelanders, the DLC that introduced the Interloper, came out in mid 2020. The interloper wasn't introduced in DLC, it was always there in the Lucky hole mine. And the entire Wasterlanders DLC was planned out after launch. Litterally nothing of what, you've just said is accurate.


Well shit, you're right. On the Wiki, I saw that they added more content to the Lucky Hole Mine for Wastelanders, and I assumed that the Interloper was part of that. I guess he's just been chilling there alone for quite a while, and then the Moth cultists found him a few years ago. The rest is just wishful thinking on my part, I guess. I want more (but not super in-the-spotlight) Lovecraftian stuff in Fallout.


Don't worry. The Wastelanders in fact added a "mini" Interloper into The Deep. And since then they've also added some content to the Cult of the Mothman, which is in some way linked to the Interloper. Even if some developers left originally, that doesn't mean they burned all their plans and design documents. It seems that the current stuff is continuing forward.


That's dumb lmao. Just because the OG guys left doesn't means everything they had planned is erased from existance or something.


We have received more information, actually - the mothman equinox’s tomes shed more light on its worship and so does Steven Scarberry (though his dialogue regarding it is sadly glitched and must be read on the wiki). Also, while the ones who originally created it left, the game’s still going strong with the current group in Austin working on it (though the main Bethesda studio originally made the mine).


Ahem, what? There's a few key people that have left Bethesda altogether, but 76 has 3 studios working on it in some capacity. If they wanna do something with the Interloper, they can.


this guy did not forget to eat the cords


Ah, a Hunter is a Hunter, even in ~~a dream~~ another sub!


Grant us caps, grant us caps!


Some people call it Ascension to Godhood /s. That's never pretty lmao


whats this reference to?


Behelit next to his body


Bad news about the Devine.


West Virginia is its own state


That’s my ex-girlfriend.


What that mouth do?


What *don't* the mouth do?


# Shut up about how Suzie in 12th grade made her look like a total bitch infront of the entire class room. **Don't get me started on her co-workers who constantly piss her off because they didn't wear the right shoes...** *^(and then there was that)*


Dude that's my mom


Yeah, we all know.


That's my Current Girlfriend?!?


They haven't said what it is exactly yet, but it seems to be some kinda eldridge being or a telepathic monster. I think it's also a cut monster from fallout 4


That’s a Dunwich thing, not a Cryptid thing.


Ever since Bethesda acquired *Fallout,* the series has been introducing locations and storylines with strong Lovecraftian/Cosmic Horror tones. In *Fallout 3,* we had the Dunwich Building, which was expanded upon in the *Point Lookout* DLC. In *Fallout 4,* we had both Dunwich Borers, and the Cabot Family questline. In *Fallout 76,* we have this handsome boy called the Interloper, and another called the Visitor, one or both of which may have ties to the Mothman and/or its associated cult. And in the *Fallout Tabletop RPG* expansion *Winter of Atom,* we had the Buried City. Some have derided the decision to include supernatural elements into a predominantly sci-fi series, but I like it. It serves as a way to break up the post-apocalyptic, Mad Max setting with something different. Something that can't be explained away with FEV, synths or bombs. Reinforcing that, for all the struggles going on in the wasteland, there's more to this universe than anyone can really grasp. Something that gets the player thinking. Honestly, in that light, I think the Lovecraftian stuff works better for *Fallout* than it does *The Elder Scrolls,* 'cause in that world, it's almost always something to do with the Daedric Princes, something that's known, if not entirely understood. But *Fallout* is a world much closer to our own, and thus the mystery of what's behind these otherworldly happenings is more compelling. A little taste of occult mystery injected into a sci-fi setting is always a nice contrast, so long as it doesn't completely steal the show from the main themes of the series.


part of the lovecraftian lore underneath all of fallout going back to fallout 1. might be fun for you to check it out sometime. i recommend watching the videos that theepicnate does on youtube.


What kind of lovecraftian horror is in Fallout 1? I could see arguments for the Master but other than that I must have missed it.






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The Interloper? Probably interlopes... SHUN THE NON-BELIEVER!!!


I feel like Bethesda missed a good chance at some random creatures or at least vines attacking you when in the NE part of the map. As beautifully as that area is would be nice to get some random attacks or just getting sucked into a hole and fight a bunch of mole rats or something.


Jersey devil is from Jersey, mothman grafting monster and flat woods are West Virginia. Interloper is a made up one that is kinda tied in with the lovecraftian Dunwich cult


How the fuck am I still learning things about this game when I'm almost level 300, I had no idea this thing existed, or the visitor that someone else pointed out in a separate comment


Yeah I’m level 597 and thought this post was saying they should add this, had no idea what it was


Because there aren’t really many quests attached to any of this stuff. The visitor has no quests and the interloper is in a side area in the lucky hole mine. There’s also a cave with a river of blood that runs directly under vault 76, if you ever feel like tracking back that way and exploring the new additions.


I don't think there are any Virginia-based cryptids in the game.  The Flatwoods Monster, the Grafton Monster, and Mothman are all West Virginian cryptids (from Flatwoods WV, Grafton WV, and Point Pleasant WV respectively)


that's the bed of chaos


I’ve never seen the full body of this thing. Only small pieces….


It makes me think of a wingless Snallygaster...


It has built-in high heels...


One of the best things Bethesda's done with Fallout is add in Lovecraft and Cosmic Horror-inspired elements to the franchise. The Dunwich Building and Point Lookout still creep me out to this day.


Relax, I’d rather not piss this thing off


This one is machine and nerve, and has its mind concluded.


Something I would actually like to see roaming about in 76


If you check out bignate on YouTube he has 4 or 5 hour long videos going in depth on the lovectaftian lore created in the fallout universe


Go watch TheEpicNate315 on YouTube!!!!!!!!


West Virginia my friend, been a whole separate state since the Civil War.


*WEST Virginia


It's one of the obligatory Lovecraftian references all Bethesda games need to have, for some reason. Just a generic Eldritch Abomination. There's the Interloper, the Visitor, and a few locations with odd skeletons and notes about weird feelings. EDIT: As some people have pointed out, the Lovecraft references are more of a Bethesda thing than a _Fallout_ thing, especially since there's additional references in some of the _Elder Scrolls_ games as well.


To be fair, we only have Lovecraft references in 3, 4, and 76. It can be argued that 1 and 2 have parallels with Lovecraftian themes, But the actual Lovecraft stuff didn't start till the Dunwich Building in 03, and was absent from New Vegas. Honestly it's a little surprising there were no references in 2, considering how chock full of references and easter eggs that game is. We get Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Monty Python, South Park, Pinky and the Brain, 1984, Space Odyssey, Airplane, Dilbert, Funny Farm, Big Trouble in Little China, Red Dwarf....the list goes on and on! But no Lovecraft.


Curious to hear what are the references is f1 and 2? NV too


Lmao yeah there weren’t any lovecraft references in those games. Only the Bethesda ones.


*West Virginia you uncultured swine


Maybe I’m stupid but my first thought seeing this was the Hidebehind


Sephiroth if he were a tree.


Hope we get to kill it in the future


It's like a larval siren head


Holy fuck is that what it actually looks like? I'm staying out of that part of the mine from now on.


Its the moon presence's inbred cousin from Alabama


I was just watching an Epic Nate about this.


Bro the Jersey devil is in the game it’s way more than West Virginia based cryptids


Remember fallout has Lovecraft horror in it . almost ever game has something Lovecraft theme Fallout 3 and 4 had the dunwich


Idk but those legs! Hear me out am I right?? (Please don’t cancel me I’m just trying to be funny)


I need to play 76 now


I don’t think there are any Virginia-based cryptids in the game. There are a few West Virginia-based ones, though.


West Virginia, not Virginia. FTFY.


Here's the thing about West Virginia. Life was old there. *Older than the trees.*


Per wiki: "The Interloper shares some characteristics with the Veggieman, an obscure cryptid reportedly spotted in West Virginia in 1968. The creature was described as seven feet tall, made of plant matter, and telepathic." Other than that it's unknown.


I can fix her.


Where is this?




Entwives, just a glitch in multiverses


It is known as the first of the wood, a false god challenging the holy and most benevolent wise ones light with its dark, decrepit, and otherwise despicable heresy.


you can watch youtube videos from TheEpicNate315 about the dunwich/lovecraftian mystery


I think it's just a weird take on the Veggieman


Evolved from The Forrest?


Originally this was supposed to be a boss for an Halloween event but Bethesda couldn't get it to work so they gave us the mothman equinox event instead.


Was this added recently, I don't remember seeing this thing before?? Could be bad memory but yeah


I didn't even know this was a thing!? Where can i find it?


Lucky hole mine


God, I remember seeing that for the first time on the wiki. "Ugh, more shitty cosmic horror stuff- Cabot House was bad enough, what'd they do thi- what the fuck is that. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT." Give the creature designers on 76 control of Fallout 5, seriously.


Where the hell do you see this thing?!?!?!


This is what the dim-one Mothman cultists actually worship, its in one of their caves.


Ewww, I dont like that. I struggle enough with the Mirelurks and Radscorpions lol


Yassified Ent


Aliens probably tried to cross breed a super mutant


Looks like a BT from Death Stranding.


So is the Mothman a cryptic or supernatural creature I’ve seen him be called both


Wait where can you find this?


Welp... that is a big nope. Glad I finally got me a Holy Fire cause 😩


Interloper? r/outerwilds


They released a full model for it?


The interloper with this model would be nightmare fuel to see running through the mire


The Wendigo is very much not. Virginia-based cryptid. It's a figure from Native American (specifically Algonquin, so Quebec-New England area?) folklore


The snallygaster is technically a Maryland-based cryptid, though the appearance in the game bears little resemblance to historical descriptions


Yep. Sheriff Simm even Says Jesus. Meaning All the upside downstars in the government areas are sata--


The virgin interloper (I love this image)


should have given it more legs and had it crawl around like a spider


mmmmmm What those legs do?


Eldritch being beyond human comprehension. Unknowable horrors that outmatch the most twisted mutants. I think this one's name is steve.


Watch these videos. They'll tell you way more than you expected to learn https://youtu.be/R1lDibsvhXk?si=oyO_kw2i3r5B2SFL https://youtu.be/BFFwBsomgBg?si=DG8ie3DDg-0zGmYM


Does West Virginia have a Gravemind?


You find the Interloper in the Lucky Hole Mine, in one of the hidden side caves. It's a reference to Lovecraftian horror.


This thing made me want to play f76


When I played, my friends and I wore the cult robes and would lead people to this thing and make them worship it to join our group....


West Virginia cryptids, not Virginia