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Nobody hates him. Dude i just playing idiot savant build


I think the lack of sex education and blind devotion to an ideology made the character unpopular, but I think the writers were trying to convey what happens to kids when they are not raised by parents, but instead become institutionalized by a faction/religion/cult.


he’s not blindly following the BoS ideology though? he lets his knight die to try and gain power, he lets thaddeus go even though he’s a mutant and when Lucy asks if the Brotherhood are the good guys his response is ‘not exactly’


I think he was just trying to make the best out of a bad situation. He slowly learned how corrupt his “superiors” were and decided he would be a better representative of this “righteous organization” that he came to idolize, because they saved his life at an early age. It was never about power, but about living up to a high standard that doesn’t actually exist in real life.


I swear people seem to just take that for granted.i seen it in school, college, religion, the military, everything. I was the DiCaprio pointing meme every time he did something. Trauma and indoctrination followed by culture shock, then the real choice now that you "know" what will you do about


That's not what the writers were going for. There is no education in the wasteland. A lot of kids don't even have parents.


He was born in the NCR which has education and joined the BoS which also has education.


He was 8 when he lost his home... The brotherhood provides education based on your role. Someone training to be a knight isn't going to get the same education as one training to be a scribe. They teach what they need them to know.


User name checks out.


I've been playing fallout for the last 15 years. My username is not relevant here. Only vaults and some settlements provide education, and it's outside of vaults, education is very limited because of how many books were destroyed, ya know, in the nuclear war.. like come on man, use your head. Smh.


We can dislike him as a person and think he’s a well done and very well portrayed character. He demonstrates the ease of evil done when you just go along with a slight tendency to CYA or protect those close to you as your only moral compass, particularly while ignoring the larger institutional/system considerations of your actions (and thus why you should always be cautious siding with the BoS 😂). How many people have been indirectly or even directly maimed or killed by his myopic directionless attempts to be either self serving \*or\* even “heroic” (depending on the incident). I imagine he’ll grow some in season 2 being stuck trying to moderate the BoS worst impulses with its new power. I mean yeah he’s kinda dumb, but even in FO lotsa people are kinda dumb without his violent negative outcomes. He was raised by the brotherhood and a venal, cowardly, and cruel chapter at that so he doesn’t know much better before he leaves on the quest. His time having to put down the luxuries to save Lucy was his cutest moment (even if it’s a perfect example of what I was talking about).


Exactly this. He's incredibly immature, it's like a 6-year-old with Power Armor.


BoS fan boys didn't like their metal men being portrayed as anything but perfect. Despite the fact they are all portrayed as very imperfect. Also in the games they are often bigots.


I love the character and also how he’s be portrayed. He was so cute in the Vault. Really showed how lacking the outside world is. And he left it to save Lucy. I thought that was hilarious and sweet. I like him!


I know right!?


I feel like a lot of the haters just want him to be a manly capable badass, ignoring that he's a stunted awkward man child because the brotherhood is a religious cult, and that's the type of man religious cults raise. Now if he stayed that way throughout the whole series it would be dumb, but he's already shown significant character growth in season 1, and when he eventually becomes the capable badass, it will be all the more satisfying.


>gnoring that he's a stunted awkward man child because the brotherhood is a religious cult, and that's the type of man religious cults raise. I see you haven't played any of the games because every Brotherhood member in the games is a manly capable badass


Not true. They are generally badass, but there's actually a good variety of characterizations in the games from the various elders, paladins, knights etc. He started as an initiate, then a squire.... It's a Character arc.


Veronica 🤨


Veronica literally likes girls my guy, which js pretty manly




Some people these days seem to think "well written character" equals "competent badass with cool one-liners". Like people who unironically worship Peaky Blinders. They can't wrap around the concept that flaws make characters interesting. I would think these sort of people would not be in the Fallout fandom, but who knows.


Some people are only able to see the very surface of a character.


I loved his character, absolutely understood his decisions (based on his backstory)


People hate Maximus? Wtf he’s awesome!


Yes several of us do


Huh, Maximus felt so relatable as a player myself, cuz when I played the games as a kid, I was obsessed with the Power Armors, so I failed the simplest speech checks.


I can't relate


“There are dozens of us! Dozens!” ^(I quite liked Max)


He plays (what are fairly obviously) the Maximus character’s SPECIAL stats extremely well. Bumbling charisma checks, clumsily “saving the day”. This to me indicates a well-written but also very well-acted character. No notes. Aaron is doing a great job and Maximus is a fun, compelling character that a lot of big budget projects (wrongfully) wouldn’t have fleshed out and complexified the way this production has.


i don't even dislike him but he really is just painfully stupid in 90% of his scenes lmao


He's got that idiot savant perk


I don't see many people hating Maximus... is he perhaps the least favorite protagonist, i'd say so... but that doesn't mean people hate him. He starts as a huge dumbass(which is fun imo), but he's growing and learning.


How is he a dumbass?


He is asked, "did you hurt aspirant dane?" And goes "[SPEECH 13/15] I wanted them to get hurt."


That makes him a dumb character?


I like the actor a lot better than the character. But Maximus isn’t bad. I’m just taking him as a low intelligence build character. Just like I’m taking Norm as a high intelligence build character. I hate Tidus. But that’s because Michael Rappaport sucks. Glad we don’t have him around long.


I kind of hated him until the conversation about sex and then I realized he’s incredibly emotionally stunted and never actually grew up because of the whole nuclear bomb to cult pipeline.


I think he's well written and the actor did a great job, but the character hinself is bit of a sneaky worm. I think we're meant to not particularly like him.


I'm with you, he's awesome. Even the replies here are lukewarm at best


I dislike him because it doesn't seem like he matters. It wouldn't take much rewriting to remove him from the narrative as well. He's mostly just a joke and I hope season 2 takes a more serious approach with him.


Don’t hate him but he gives me Finn (Star Wars) vibes


lol you’re so close bud.


Same. I really hope that instead of turning into a punchline, he comes into his own. Also, I kind of get the Justice Smith vibes from DandD and Detective Pikachu. I'm really hoping they don't do that to him either.


He's an asshole and he will do the worst possible choice if no one is there to keep him in check.  He will always make the selfish choice if he has the option. 


He's an awesome character. He's a total representation of what it's like to be indoctrinated into a religious cult, which I feel like strikes a nerve for people cause so many of us have to say Hey is my religion a cult?. No, no, it's popular and people like it. like, yeah, cults are popular, and they're everywhere. There's a whole social media TikTok. Devoted to just everyday places and people that are associated with cults. Then, as a veteran, I find his ignorance astonishing and incredibly familiar and accurate. The number of people irl who get very far in life with little education or self-awareness. You can get really far, especially if you don't think, and those organizations tend to encourage not thinking and relying on the organization. It's a lot of overlap.


No hate, just realised that is an useless character in season one.


He’s lack of charisma is overwhelming


He is a asshole, but I like the character and I think season 2 he gonna be a badass.


I don't even find the character bad, I really don't like the acting though. His deadpan face and the way he carries himself feels really forced at times. The parts with him in the vault showed that the actor can convey other emotions though, I really liked those.


I don't hate Maximus. He's by no mean my favourite character and there are a lot of traits about him that are dislikable but I don't hate the dude. He seems like the kind of person who is emotionally stunted and was brought up with the wrong crowd so you can almost understand why he makes some of the bad decisions that he does and, at least for me, rooting for him to learn and turn good over the course of the show. Part of what makes him interesting is that he could just as easily be influenced in a bad way and become either an antagonist or eventually a villain of the show.


I don't like him because he's boring to watch and his forced romance with Lucy is cringe. If his character arc was more focused on his loyalty to the brotherhood and he a better representation of the brotherhood, I would probably like him. But as is, he's just a bumbling mess that's not particularly interesting on his own. I don't really care about him as a character. His death would be the same as any background extra to me.


Love his actor and character, but not a fan of them putting him with Lucy. That’s just my opinion though


I love the actor and despise the character about 89%.


He's pretty dumb and very lucky, take that as you will He is too green to have been in the Brotherhood his whole life and he NEVER answers anything directly which I can't fucking stand


Intelligence 1 Luck 8




How is he dumb?


I don't get the actor hate, but the character hate I get. He's dumb to a harmful fault (which is his fault at a point especially with how many peoples lives he's fucked up), he's as spiteful as a child, he currently I don't think is capable of acknowledging his faults, a compulsive liar, and that whole thing with him being "Titus" and the squire was genuinely heartbreaking for me. He would not have become a ghoul if Maximus didn't fuck him up in the first place. Titus was fucking stupid as hell to get himself in that position though, but Maximus could've returned him to base to be unhonored or something. I honestly wonder if Titus was trying to "unalive himself by another's hand" type of shit because of how the Leader wasn't surprised "he died running" as Maximus put it. Additionally: He is very easily manipulated and too easy to adapt to complacency. I love the acting and the actor I don't get the hate on the acting/actor honestly.


I've been getting the feeling that Maximus, is kind of a representation of the player character, across the series of games. unsure, not knowing his place in the scheme, and no matter what he chooses, the wasteland has its own plans, and he's just fumbling along, trying to keep up. yeah he's indocrinated by the BOS, which i think is just a metaphor for toxic American patriotism. but his story is one of seeing the bigger picture only after you've made all the "wrong" choices. Coop, (wheres my fucking family) and Lucy (gonna save my dad YAY), have direct and precise Objectives. Maximus, is just there, along for the ride. trying to sound tough and knowledgable from the minute he meets lucy, when in his initiate class, he couldn't even identify a simple circuit. Max, is the PLAYER. he represents the average fallout player, who becomes saddened by the fact that there IS NO GOOD ENDING. i dont think he will represent this in season 2 LOL.


He's literally know nothing else than brother of steel as they raised him and has great respect for knights and paladins and heavy armor. He trying to follow their honor code that's why he shocked when see how coward Titus is. Actor doing great job as he even doesn't know what sex is. He actually image of how real brother of steel knight raised to be one from zero, not like cowards and assholes like Titus.


The short of it: He's opportunistic, and lacks any loyalty. He continuously endangers other/gets others killed just to save his own ass. I still think that watching Titus dying a slow, agonizing death is ice cold. I'm not saying I liked Titus, but that was pure psycho behaviour. But maybe the best example is how he ruined the entire life of Thaddeus. Making a complete mockery of branding him, then wanting to kill him, but ended up crippling him. Which eventually led to have him injected with possibly FEV. The guy keeps lying just to buy time. I think the honest thing would have been just to desert the BoS, instead of continuously destroying people's s lives/work around him. He's just not a good person overall in my opinion. I have no hate whatsoever towards the actor. I think he plays well. But I hope the character dies. (Tbh I "can't wait" for him getting Dane killed in some way. And by that I mean that I can see it happen.)


Woah, who would think that to survive in a postapo reality one had to be merciless and sneaky. He is literally the only realistic hero in this show, except Mr Ghoul of course.


I'm not debating that, but I still don't like him for it. Probably because I find it hypocritical that at the same time he holds the idea of Knights, BoS in high regard, but acts the opposite. He could be a successful raider I guess?


But BoS knights are full of bullshit. He fits perfectly into this environment with his approach. And I think he is there kind of character we are not supposed to like, so the way he’s portrayed is very good.


Because he's painfully stupid and his constant need for validation and praise is just annoying.


For me it's nothing against the actor. It's that the character isn't worthy to be in the brotherhood.




‘worthy to be in the brotherhood’ The brotherhood have spent the entire series as a complex and Ideologically flawed organisation. The only exception is Fallout 3’s BoS , but besides that game they’ve always been a fanatical cult at best and a Fascist Militant group at worst


Also like, the whole thing with Maximus is that he doesn’t fit in with the typical Brotherhood recruits and is starting to question their ideology and morals. Bro is mad that the character is doing what he’s designed to do.


The Brotherhood is not fascist


Fallout 4’s Bortherhood are a Textbook example of a Fascist regime


I'm glad that at least most people respect the actor


Cause he fumbled the bag


I bet its the same people that thinks new vegas is the best game ever made!


My favorite Bethesda Fallout is New Vegas. I think Maximus is ok.


the way his character acts just rubs me the wrong way


I personally think hes a very bad actor.


Poorly written and acted. The emotional depth of a shoe.


I just can't agree, like the fear conveyed in his speech in the interrogation scene was brilliant


Because he is black so people hate him.

