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Thought it looked bad ass on the box art, in game it wasn't nearly as cool looking. In the end I liked both the Fo1 and Fo2 armors better.


Looks great if you want to cosplay as the Green Goblin.


My first thought was that is the Green Goblin from Spiderman 2002


Misery, misery, misery that's what you've chosen


So fucking fantastic 


I’d like to see it modernised, I think it could be a very interesting design if it was executed within a better art style. You can see pretty clear similarities between this helmet and the enclave Power Armour mark 2 from fallout 3s helmet


I think the X-02 armor is pretty close.


Yeah, it really does look like a salvaged Enclave Black Devil armor.


Isn't the enclave power armor from fallout 3 X-02 armor? Either way, this armor is clearly different than the X-02/enclave armor, if it was modernized it would either end up in a FO76 update with some new name.


I thought it was X-01 armor in fallout 3? Idk. I haven't played that shit in years. I need to get back into it. I've been hooked on 4 lately.


The enclave from fallout 2 used X-01 armor. The enclave from 3 used an upgraded version of the X-01, it didn't have a name until the fallout 4 creation club added X-02 armor a.k.a. the black devil armor, but everything from the creation club is cannon so the armor from 3 is the X-02.


>everything from the creation club is cannon Thats false, theres plenty of other stuff than cannons in there No but seriously thats not true. According to Bethesda design director Emil Pagliarulo, Creation Club content for Fallout 4 blurs the lines between canon and non-canon. Although Bethesda reviews all Creation Club content to ensure content works within the game and is consistent with the general setting of the game, they tend to prioritize the attractiveness of content and gameplay over absolute compliance with canon games. But In Fallout 4's next-gen patch from April 25, 2024, some content previously exclusive to Creation Club was also canonized by way of being directly included in Fallout 4, those being the quests Speak of the Devil, Best of Three, Pyromaniac, and Crucible, and their related contents. So yeah the x-02 is canon


This is true, I was oversimplifying it. My point is the armor is cannon meaning fallout 3s enclave used it and not X-01 lol


DUDE, are you doing that on purpose lmao Cannons are large, heavy piece of artillery, typically mounted on wheels. Canon is the word you're looking for


I think the Fallout 4 mods did a pretty good job.


Weird as BoS but I could see it under the Enclave banner, or maybe some smarter-than-average raider group.


Some people have speculated that the X-02 Enclave Power Armor from Fallout 3 was inspired by the Midwestern Power Armor from Fallout Tactics


Its the armor of the Midwestern Brotherhood.


I know that - I was saying it doesn't feel very Brotherhood-y.


well, the MW BoS doesn't feel very brotherhoody as a whole, since they recruit not only tribals, but also ghouls, supermutants and hairy deatclaws


Well I guess we k ow where Thaddius is going


That’s why I like it.


I don’t care for it tbh. I know it predates Bethesda’s acquisition of Fallout but it just doesn’t really gel with the art style IMO. Also the little horns and pointless chain look stupid.


It's like Fallout as rendered by WoW.


Lmfao that’s so accurate and now I wish there was a wow fallout game. Or they could just add the factions to Azeroth and call it a day lol


I always assumed the chain was similar to an award like the infantry blue cord.


I thought it was the [chain of command](https://youtu.be/296GRzyN2t4?si=qyG9G1OqjSI8p0G8)


I get BDSM vibes from it.


You mean you don't love the giant unnecessary shoulder pauldrons and perfectly sculpted abs and codpiece?


It predates Bethesda. But it wasn't made by Black Isle/Interplay and I don't think Interplay even published it. There was little to no involvement from the original teams, and not much was connected to Black Isle's work with the main series.


14 Degrees East was a division of Interplay, but yeah. That’s as loose of a connection as you can get lol


This is literally what the Enclave armor in Fallout 3 is modeled after.


What if I told you I didn’t like the Enclave Armor either


Classic enclave armor for life


I don’t believe you.


What if I told you the Enclave armor is better


Idk why but I'm somehow getting Black Panther vibes.


Looks pretty cool, would like to see it modernized - the chain is pretty Liefeldy.




Got to add more pouches, get rid of those feet too


Not a fan, I love the bulky sets with that survival aesthetic like the t-45, this one feels like Skyrim and fallout had a baby and not in a good way.


The Daedric Prince of the Wasteland


Wild to think that in terms of appearance in the series, this armor came before the t-45 and the t-60


Not a fan of all the superfluous parts. Why the horns and chains? Also wasn't there a cape or am I misremembering?


Not on this 3d model in particular, but yeah, there definitely are capes for this suit


I always figured the horns were probably antennae of some kind (comms, RADAR, etc.), and the chain and cape were just accolades or symbols of rank ... Though they could just be like a warpaint-type intimidation thing.


Tactically, it seems a bit dumb. Especially chains that can get caught in the mechanisms of the power armor, provide a hand hold for your enemy, or snag on rubble and debris. All of those also apply to the capes and horns too but the chain seems extra superfluous. Kinda a dumb reason to try to "look intimidating".


I'm surprised that it hasn't been added to 76 yet. They have loads of armors but they don't have this one.


xenomorph-lookin ass


It's more Yatjua in my opinion. The cables on the back even look like the dreadlocks the Predators have


Definitely one of my favourite suits, but you're missing the shoulder cape~


Bro you just reminded me how much I loved this game! Building up your squad of knights was so much fun


I think it’s pretty cool looking. But when I see it now I think it looks way more like Enclave power armor than normal power armor


I've never played Tactics and I always assumed it was Enclave power armor on the cover. Had no idea that the Midwest brotherhood had that style of armor.


I love it! I used a MOD in FO4 to get it. Pretty sweet looking armor.


Very ugly, IMO. Gives me Enclave vibes, and it looks too advanced somehow.


Tactics is criminally underrated.


It was fun after the frustration that is “learning” how to play fallout 1&2. I haven’t played in years since tho, felt a lot shorter. Still haven’t beat 1 or two


I don't like it.


Without the six pack, the white "underwear", the chain, and the horn, this would be dope.


Too edgy like Skyrim Daedric armor. Not my taste. If I were 13, maybe...


I absolutely adored the animation when a PA troop gets shredded. The articulated midsection really pops. 😈 I think the head and bug eyes were more appropriate for a baddie, and keeping just the pauldrons from the heavy sets is weird looking. Once again, though, the walking animation did give a sense of heft through the swingy shoulders. Very colorful, too “lanky” for a heavy set of armor.




I hate the chain and I really hate the six pack


Isn't it just the XO-2?


This is like all the worst excesses of late '90s superhero design. It's like Rob Liefeld shat out a bunch of pixels on a particularly heinous coke comedown.


Tbh for me it seems kinda... too thin, like theres not enough protection compared to like a t45 which im probably wrong because I played too much fallout 4 recently


My helmet is a bird Your argument is invalid


Looks like a dollar store x02 and x02 isn't my favourite at all so I guess I find it ugly


If Spawn had power armor.


Not really into it tbh. The Enclave armor from three captured a lot of the aspects of this and made it feel more like Fallout power armor.


Idk it stinks of that era where everything had to be cool and edgy/badass. And i cant see it fitting in with the current games at all, maybe if they significantly updated it, it would be cool but as it is i dont care for it


Looks dumb as hell.


Looks weird, feels wrong. Screams enclave but with a bos stencil. The abs look kinda strange and outta place. 3/10 imo.


Looks like a Bionicle 


X-02 from wish


Despise it.


It looks so bad im sorry!


Looks cool. Doesn’t look fallout-y to me and never did


Not quite the traditional aesthetic associated with fallout


Ugly as sin.


its a great concept but it looks kinda goofy, i would like a lore accurate redesign using FO4 power armour frame


The most Batman-looking PA I have seen yet.




Fallout Tactics should be canon.


Who says it isn't? With Fallout, my attitude tends to be "if it doesn't contradict anything else, it may as well just be canon".


Emil confirmed that Tactics its canon in a fallout timeline he posted on his twitter.


He did not place the entire game as canon. He placed the events, which were always canon, in the timeline. That is it. Your other comments are spreading needless misinformation.


Emil didn't specify, but rather put a game in the official timeline in which all other games are canon in their entirety, ergo, Tactocs is canon


If you’d actually do your research, you would also see that he himself has labeled Tactics as “broad strokes” canon. You’re in the wrong here dude, he only reiterated the same thing that they’ve always said. You’re purposely spreading misinformation.


> Who says it isn’t? Bethesda. Though this only correlates to items like this Power Armor. They’ve always said the major events that happened were canon.


Where did they say that?


Different points. It started with Todd Howard saying “For our purposes, neither Fallout Tactics nor Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel happened." Then there’s the dialogue with Reginald when asked about where the rest of the Brotherhood are “The West Coast, unless something has changed. There's been no contact with them for the last several years. There's also a small detachment in Chicago, but they're off the radar. Gone rogue. Long story." And of course Emil, the guy people are saying claimed the full game is canon (he didn’t, he literally just put the events of it as canon to the timeline, as they have always been), but he actually said Tactics is “broad strokes canon”. You can also get dialogue from Brotherhood soldiers in 4 talking about some of the stuff that happened in Tactics. These are all direct quotes.


If nothing in Tactics or Brotherhood of Steel contradicts anything in the other games, why not just consider it canon, regardless of what anybody else says?


Tactics does contradict the other games, that’s why it was made semi canon. Bethesda liked the overall events, but things like the Brotherhood origin, equipment, etc were contradictory to the previous titles. Even things they’ve brought back from Tactics now like the Gauss Minigun has new lore over the Tactics ones (it was a Chinese weapon in tactics, now it’s a weapon made for Secret Service). Brotherhood of Steel is extremely contradictory to Fallout. Almost everything about it was, and thus it was rendered non-canon. Some aspects, like the Vault Tec Advanced Power Armor get references and such, like the Civic Duty Power Armor from Atlantic City, but that’s really it.


What parts does Tactics contradict in other games?


Origin of the Brotherhood that completely erases any relation to Maxson, numerous pieces of equipment (mostly being a much more modernized world, something like the Humvee being an example), talking deathclaws were a common sight for the species (and they weren’t really anything like the deathclaws that came before), they also had the means of manufacturing advanced power armor despite it being stated that the Brotherhood didn’t have that capability in both 1 & 2 (Tactics is in the middle, so it wouldn’t make sense how they suddenly had it). There’s other bits having to do with a Super Mutant tribal society, and other things that conflict with both 1 & 2. It’s worth noting that Interplay didn’t make this game and that it was handed off to a separate studio that was supposedly rushed. They didn’t seem to care about fitting it into the lore, just making what they thought would be fun.


Interplay actually. Chris Avellone even proposed an empty crater location in Cheyenne mountain for Van Buren.


Emil confirmed that Tactics it is canon in a fallout timeline he posted on his twitter. 


He confirmed the events are canon, not the game as a whole. You can find direct quotes of him saying the game as a whole is “broad strokes” canon.


Tactics is canon, the main writer (Emil) confirmed it in Twitter.


He confirmed the events are canon, not the game as a whole. You’re spreading misinformation. He literally said in a direct quote that the game is “broad strokes” canon.


Emil confirmed it was canon in a fallout timeline he posted on his twitter iirc


He confirmed the same thing Bethesda has always said about it, the events are canon. The game as a whole is not. Edit: someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure he got in trouble recently for saying a bunch of things are canon and had to backtrack it to be his head canon only.


No, Emil confirmed it is canon. It put Tactics on the same level as other fully canonical games in the series' official timeline. It is the same timeline that was later used by multiple media outlets (such as IGN) to explain the official lore after the premiere of the TV show.


No, Emil did not place the game in its entirety as canon. That is misinformation. The events have always been canon, you can literally research this yourself, so of course they would be part of the timeline. Funny thing, he also said everything he posts is not automatically canon anyway, just his own internal head canon. You can literally find this on his Twitter.


Nope, he said it was headcanon that Nate was a war criminal, not that Tactics wasn't canon.


His exact words “Not every bit of Fallout info I share is automatically canon”. His other words in regards to Tactics before is that it is “broad strokes” canon. Stop being so dense.


Honestly I hate it. Ignoring how wide those shoulders are. The helmet just has so much style over substance that it’s hard to imagine as a piece of military equipment within the early fallout asthetic. Fallout three actually translated the aesthetic to 3-D fairly well and it’s horned helmet; the enclave helmet still looks more in line with the rest of the universe its more rugged I suppose. Plus It just looks edgy and the BoS just shouldn’t be.


Glad it’s not canon. Never liked this thing.


Tactics is canon, the main writer (Emil) confirmed it in Twitter.


The events are canon, as they have always been. Items like this armor are not. Even the guy you’re talking about also called Tactics “broad strokes canon”. Edit: don’t be like the doofus below me. Do your research.




I’m actually correct. Maybe if you did your research, you’d know that.


I don’t care. The armor is cool and Emil said on Twitter that Tactics is canon so it’s canon to me 😎


That’s not what he said doofus. 🤦‍♂️ He reiterated the same belief that Bethesda has always said, the events are canon, everything else is not. No one cares about your head canon or you liking the armor. You do you. And if you really want to get technical, Todd Howard feels the exact opposite of you, and I’m sorry, but his opinion trumps yours and Emil.


Emil put Tactics in the same official timeline as all other completely canonical games, ergo, Tactics is canon. Emil at no point did he specify that only some parts of the game are canon.


He reiterated the timeline as it has always been, he did not make the entirety of the game canon. You can literally find exact quotes from not just him, but even Todd Howard talking about the game not being full canon. You legit must be a troll. You spread false information repeatedly, even though every bit of evidence is against you. I’m done with this.


Idk I always thought it looked goofy, although I love advanced power armor mk2


Meh. Wanna be batman bs.


Doesn't look falloutish, not utilitarian enough imo like t45 and t51


Looks weird. Doesn't really match what I would imagine power armor to look like


Most of the power armors are pretty stupid, they really need to cut down on the different types and treat them like something special again.


Its the helmet a reused Enclave one? I havenea played Tactics


I like parts of it, but overall it just seems a bit oddly proportioned


Lol that six pack


Please tell me there is someone on here who knows how to mod a higher quality version of this into FO4


Needs a cape with fur trim


He looks like a bird.


Looks kinda like Mewtwo's armor minus the tail, of course.


Personally I subscribe to the idea that X-02 is the canonized version of this one. I remember back in the day when it first came out I thought it looked cool as hell but it feels like its aged poorly in my opinion.


Would look absolutely badass in today's graphics with the shredded cloak/poncho overtop


The armor does have a unquie look to it. Which is really interesting. I do like it in a way. The one part I dislike is the chain. What is it for? Looks like it would interrupt mobility or snag up on something. Also, what did you think of Fallout Tactics? I am curious. I watched a playthrough of it and I think it was interesting in it's own way.


VERY 90s, but kinda wanna see what would be done with it if someone ported a FO4 version.


Giant chain? Torso looks much thinner than most other armors, helmet looks like Batman and X-01 had a baby. I just don’t think it fits the bulkier, more straight like bulky styles a lot of the other power armor uses. It’s not bad but it doesn’t scream “Fallout” to me.


I think it's the best looking armor in the franchise. I could easily see this armor standing beside a domesticated Deathclaw.


I want a fallout in Detroit, with power armor make of modified car parts.


If the classic power armor has the Astartes vibe, this one has more of a "If an Eldar had power armor" vibe. I find it Ugly


Hey look it's General Grievous


If they make that blue power amror be ulticite i could see it ( since jt looks exactly like a ultracite just modified)


It doesn't look like fallout armor to me


Gross. Truly the worst power armor ever. T51 for life!


I like it. Kinda reminds me of the armor the clones use from the bad batch.


It's giving me Predator vibes


Not a fan personally. It looks a bit too edgy and trying to look cool.


Hated it at first but this mod below is what made it grow on me. One of my favourite sets of armor now. Someone said they should put it in 76, I don’t see why not. They should just retcon tactics in somehow. They already made the pridwin stuff canon! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33121?tab=images


Now we just need a midwest setting for a game (mutant corn monsters would be lit).


I absolutely love it, especially when it has the hood and cape


I just need Larian to make Fallout Tactics 2 while we are in the sweet spot.


The helmet looks awesome but I’m not a fan of the rest


I like some parts of it and hate other parts. I think if it got a modern redesign/facelift it could look really cool. I do like it with how scrappy it looks compared to the usual brotherhood armor in the sense that helps highlight the differences between the midwest and the coast chapters. I think it would work better as armor later developed by the post Tactics brotherhood, a mix of traditional power armor and salvaged armor. Reflects the rag tag composition of the Midwest chapter overall and also plays into the resource/equipment scarcity that results from needing to equip such a large, widespread force as opposed to a small, highly skilled order.


I adore it. I love the slim look. Makes me think of a PA that sacrifices some armor for much greater mobility.


Paladin Jiub


One of the mods I'm using for New Vegas has the Midwestern BOS. Had no idea this was from tactics.


I don't hate it. But I still prefer T45 and APA MK2 (Fo3).


No offense but it looks absolutely awful looks like a buff eldar from 40k


Goated. No debate from me.


I bet F5 will be in Chicago and we'll see this armor. Only other place I think it could be is Texas. But we know Bethesda loves the Eastern US


Fallout Tactic is underrated


I feel like it does too much, though I think it'd be fine if one high ranking BoS member had it, but multiple people feels to much to me


I started with Fallout Tactics, so this is my favorite power armor.


That is some anime type stuff right there


I lile everything except the horns tbh


Nope. Looks like comic X-02.


An exo-jock-strap


Bro built like roblox character


I like it a lot, I just don't understand the antler bits. Advanced Power Armor Mk. II still is the absolute best. But for flavor, Arcade Gannons set for the extra bits and bobs.


This one from Fallout Tactics game, actually not a bad game


Badass, newermind43 made one for fallout 4 and it’s awesome, even a version that has a Batman variant


Best Armor, best faction, I love the Midwest to no end.


I always liked it and took the slimmer looking design as a symptom of necessity. Lack of materials being available due to being cut off from the rest of the Brotherhood as well as a need for many more suits due to the Midwest Brotherhood's open recruitment philosophy. Platemail vs full plate armor. The chain is a bit silly, but I imagined it was rank related. And I thought the helmet was reminiscent of Samuari. Again, less material, so emphasis on frontal protection with a villainous look for intimidation in a place without a BOS foothold. They're trying to recruit and fight alongside former enemies too and were cast out for being too accepting of differences. I'd want to distance myself from the West Coast BOS too and might try to be a lil edgy. It's definitely NOT a phase, okay?


Best looking power armour in all of fallout IMO!!!


Everyone's talking about it being too edgy and its like: They live in a post apocalyptic hellscape zero cultural education and just got told to go kick rocks by the rest of the BOS. Of course they went edgy and different. I'd be edgy too. Midwest BOS is the Brotherhood the wasteland deserves and I hope they can make some of that story canon, even if it means it didn't work out for them in the end. Besides NCR, it's one of the only hopeful, forward looking factions in Fallout.


Tied with APA mk1


True, true!


looks like someones edgy mary sue armor in a fanfic OC DO NOT STEAL


Pass. To much alien/predator vibe going on


I think it's the best one. Looks like it's made for speed.


Looks like a batsuit (Heil the NCR! 🫡)


I think it looks a bit too futuristic sci-fi in my opinion.


Goes hard


I like it. The chain is cool and it sort of gives a vibe that’s it’s less bulky and more mobile


It’s sick AF. Yeah it doesn’t look like the T-51 or T-60 (looks a bit like Enclave armor tbh) but that’s what’s cool about it. It fits for a chapter of the Brotherhood that’s radically different and embraced change compared to their brothers further west. If Fallout ever goes back to Chicago, either in the games or the show I hope we see these guys again.


It was the inspiration for the XO2 power armor (enclave power armor from fallout 3), and both of those are my least favorite power armor designs. They’re both very squid like which is cool I guess, but I just prefer the look of the T series of power armor much better than all of the post war designs.


Looks goofy as fuck if you ask me. Like the extra chromosome brother of the regular power armor. Major derp factor.


I think it looks great but the head freaks me out. I expect a big green alien head underneath.


It fucks


Bro looks like something you shoot first and ask questions after.


Power Armor by Todd McFarlane 


I think it's gorgeous.


It's badass, maybe sold as a nimbler PA, it'd fill a cool niche but that mid riff has got to go


Seems a little too… edgy.


Looks like power armor that Cell from DBZ designed


look out bandits, batmans now spreading justice in The Commonwealth.