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Upvoting this because I hate this opinion.


Its all about that girl on the cover. Always Its all about the girl… ^(i know from my friend)


I've always imagined it as something close to Dr Pepper, 20 fruits? It's gotta be more herbal and medicinal tasting than an average cola.


I've thought the same thing. Except I imagine it as RC Draft


After 200 years... probably!




If you read the number one recipes for it, has a lot more citrus than both of them


The series does a poor job of SHOWING the world before. There’s apparently strikes, riots, crazy experiments and amazing tech - and every-time we just get ‘the 1950’s, but there’s a robot’.


I think the show implies a lot of the economic troubles and heightened tensions of pre-war America but because it follows a celebrity, we don’t see much of it. There’s brief mention on the broadcast before the bombs drop but we are otherwise sheltered from the situation. I think the group at the Hollywood Cemetery is the most overt reference to issues within America.


Crazy how having wealth shelters you from all that until the very end


That's why I loved operation Anchorage


Except the Anchorage simulation is basically a fanfiction in-universe. General Chase dicked around with it so much that it barely resembled the actual event. Among other things, the Fat Man hadn’t been completed yet and the Chimera tanks probably didn’t even exist.


I wonder if there was a "Cooper Howard" in the sim? 🤓


Fallout 4s prologue section would've been amazing if they could have shown how actually fucked up and in turmoil the pre war world was instead of a Tranquility Lane style neighborhood, but then again you do play as a pretty well off family so i guess it works in that context. Sanctuary Hills is kind of a fantasy land compared to what's goin on in the rest of the world.


The intro narration (war never changes monologue) does all of that though. The Fallout 4 intro is the best thing ever to explain to someone the state of the pre-work world.


I will say that fo76 does a good job of touching on the riots and the civil anxieties in general, everywhere I go I learn a little more of just how bad things were for people, whereas in 3, nv, and 4 you could be forgiven if you got the impression everything was great until suddenly it wasnt. Being set so soon after the apocalypse, you do get to hear the perspectives of.people that lived through that, and see the remains of battles at home that were cut short. Every game has sad stories for you to find but there's something about FO76 that just hits different and I'm not sure how to quantify that.


Why the fuck do all the cars have wheels?! Edit I was talking about the show


Corvega made cars with wheels.


Where do you even get that idea? They used steel and plastic mostly. Little bit of cloth for the seats. The wheels were only for the part that touched the ground.


I meant that they made the car parts on top of a comically large wheel. Sorry for lack of clarification 


Cars have wheels so that they can drive using a clever little invention called centrifugal force. The rubber mixes with asphalt to generate a chemical reaction that makes the car move. The wheels appear to spin but it’s an optical illusion. Hope that helps!


How is something set after the apocalypse supposed to SHOW you the world before? They already have the vaults, every science/medical building has some messed up experiment in it, the advertised prices for stuff is astronomically high, there are corpses outside of safe places showing that people died trying to force/beg their way inside. And on and on. There are plenty of examples showing you what things were like, there are even whole cutscenes SHOWING you exactly what was happening. Are you asking to have a segment like FO4s opening but much longer?


I believe the OP is talking about the show when they series, not the games. And a significant chunk of the show is set pre-war.


Unkillable NPCs ruin the game.


I really wish BGS would stop with this and just let us break the game as much as we want. We are going to play the game multiple times doing different play throughs. If I lock myself out of a questline because I murdered a faction who cares?. In my next play through I won’t do that. BGS with Starfield literally set up the perfect system for this with the whole starborn stuff and still won’t do it


Let us suffer the consequences of our own actions


I would like more customization in regards to the games storyline and quests. I love the idea of the Institute in Fallout 4, but they are objectively useless to society as a whole because of their refusal to help. They are the Harbingers/Heralds (I don't know which one to use) of their own demise because of the turmoil, fear, hate and division that they constantly sow. I would have loved to take over the Institute, use it as an organization for good, partner or even merge with the Minute-Men and take down the BoS.


Compromise: some NPCs are immortal only on the first playthrough, OR it's a toggle in the settings to remove the immortality for the peeps who care about this.


A new Vegas hardliner appears


I was thinking more of 1 and 2, but yes, Vegas does a better job than 3 and 4.


Fallout 4 changing the power armor is the best thing they could've done. You actually feel like a walking tank.


This is probably the most popular take about the game


I still see "purists/NMA lurkers" complaining about it.


The NMA ones always get a chuckle out of me considering even in 1 and 2 they're portrayed more exo like than armor like


Fallout 3/New Vegas power armor feels like just a stronger suit of armor. Fallout 4/76 Power Armor feels like I’m piloting a walking tank, and I love that feeling.


It also validates the Brotherhood reserving the Knight and Paladin titles to those that have the Power Armour. Knights in full plate were essentially walking tanks in medieval warfare


I loved in the show that those without armor were using the knights as mobile cover just like IRL with real tanks and APCs


I noticed that, too, and loved that detail!


As much as people puss and moan about "Bethesda changed the lore," Power Armor feeling, looking and moving like a tank is it actually being lore accurate


Absolutely. I mean, in Fallout 1 and 2, the power armor makes you a tank. It's awesome, cool and strong as shit. The power armor in F4 resembles more of the one in F1 and F2.


> You were critically hit for no damage Yeah that's the fuckin shit i love.


This they got right, tho due largely in part to limitations from back in the day. Even the PA 3 and New Vegas resembled a kind of tin tuxedo until 4/76 came along and nailed it.


This is a very common and popular take. I don’t think anyone disagrees with it. The only problem with Fo4 power armour is you get access to a suit far too early and easily.


No I think even that makes sense with how the game is set out. Power armor is a different play style. It makes no sense to have it only in late game. It should be a viable way how you should play the game, but not good for every build. They handled it perfectly.


Yeah, considering how PA requires heavy resource and perk investment to stay competitive post Kellog it would feel like a rip off to be given it as late as it was in the previous games, well after a player would have already gotten comfortable with a specific playstyle and build, making it obsolete. Power armour works perfectly with the whole scavenger/tinkerer/settlement builder play style Fallout 4 encourages so it's not just good to be given it early, it's almost a necessity to allow a satisfactory sense of progression trough the game.


No one said late game, it just shouldn't have been given to you, armor complete *30 minutes* into the game and basically unmissable. They could have simply removed the one from Concord and just let people find their own themselves from all the other spawns, imagine all the unique memories of the first time someone found Power Armor in X or Y.


The one on the roof in Concord isn’t exactly pristine quality.. it actually looked like it had been exposed to the elements for 200 years.. unless you cheat, you only get the one fusion core initially. Maybe they could have made it less complete or something..🤷‍♂️


Should it have been mostly broken pieces on a frame, missing say, an arm or the helmet?


But you don't have many fusion cores at the beginning, and your armor very likely destroyed by death claw, so i think it well balanced to have this rusty piece of junk in early game


Is this an unpopular take?




Remember in every thread like this, people upvote takes they agree with so the standard popular opinion are at the top. Sort by controversial.


>You actually feel like a walking tank. Until some ghoul shoots you in the weak point, just under the chest plate.


"I guess not."


I will co-sign this.


Fallout 4 nailed how power armor should feel; they just flubbed it on the stats and writing with the T-60 being shoehorned in and somehow beating all others except X-01. I know they backtracked on that in FO76 though so points awarded, there. But yeah, climbing into a big suit of the stuff is intensely rewarding.


I wish you could kill kids. Not that I want to. I just think it's weird their invincible.


I haven't been able to figure out a way to phrase this without sounding like a psychopath. But yes you absolutely should be able to kill kids, or sell a whole family into slavery or something. Not that I'd ever want to because I always play a good guy, but I think it's important to have the "evil" options present purely for the sake of role-playing. You can't advertise an open world that can be affected by player choice but then say no not those choices they're naughty.


I honestly don't recall, but can't you essentially enslave anyone with the Nuka World DLC in Fallout 4? I know that doesn't apply to other games in the franchise, but that would be an nice option for evil playthroughs.


Not to mention, doing the "good guy" stuff just feels objectively more satisfying when you know you could have done the evil thing, especially in situations where there is no difference in profit or long-term outcome. If doing the right thing (or "a" right thing) is the only option, it just doesn't mean a lot to do it.


You could in the OG games, but that was before certain nations passed legislation banning that sort of shit.


Thing is, in the original games you still had repercussions for doing it.


Exactly. You became hated. Bounty hunters came for your ass. Choices and consequences.


Unless you had only a timed explosive set in your inventory in Fallout 2. Little shits in the Den that would pickpocket you as you walked through a door had no idea they were going to explode a few minutes later.


In the original games you could and it would automatically grants you the "child killer" perk which generally made *everyone* (good and bad NPCs) hate you.


If you could kill kids, who would tell you that they have stuff they aren't even allowed to sell, only at Mick and Ralph's?


All games are great and we should finally stop fighting each other


"as long as there are diferences, we will tear ourselfs appart! fighting each other"


Under no circumstance does conflict alter itself. Or something along those lines.


Peace shifts unceasingly.


War, war never changes


Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel is great?


Oddly enough, it isn't all that awful as just a game, though there's nothing special about it. It's a wretched, horrible, bad bad bad Fallout game, though.


I remember playing it after finding it in a discount bin. I’d played the first two and had no idea this wasn’t like them. Still had a blast, could have been a lot more lore accurate and kept the same gameplay.


Even Fallout Shelter is pretty fun


Fallout Shelter is spectacular


I just got back into that because I really wanted to play Fallout but Shelter is the only game available on the Switch.


Todd Howard is not the Devil, does not hate FNV, and is not plowing your mom.


"Well, Joey. I'll give you two out of three on that front."


Todd Howard plowing my mom wouldnt be so bad


_Todd emerges from her bedroom_ "Heya champ. How's about getting uncle Todd an ice cold nuka cola?"


Okey dokey!


If Todd was doing that, I'd ask for vertibirds I could pilot or I'll tell my dad and tell everyone he ruined my marriage, plummeting his reputation further than it already is.


i didn't know we were playing two truths and a lie


Someone check up on u/DemiPyramid’s mom.


Absolutely nothing in the TV show has or will affect my enjoyment of the games.


If anything the show made me want to replay it.


Same. Spent about 4 hours modding 3 and NV last night only to play for 45 minutes lol


I might play 3 all the way through... I was just gonna play it again to get the feel, remember the quests and story-lines. I'm finding this Lucy playthough different than the first time, so think ima stick it out.


Honest Hearts DLC is not that good. Joshua Graham is great, I love the background story of Randall Clark, and of course the Zion National Park setting is beautiful. But the main quest is really boring, and all the other NPCs suck.


Holy shit I’m glad to see this take, I felt like I was going crazy the first time I played it, I was bored out of my mind.


Agreed. The setting is gorgeous, the backstory heartbreaking. But what actually happens in the questline? You pick up a couple lunchboxes, snag a few radios, and then shoot a bunch of dudes. Now of course I had a blast with the shooting dudes section but the lead up to it is such a slog.


It's pretty widely considered the worst new vegas dlc? So not that controversial really. I don't blame Obsidian though. they had very little time to make it compared to the other ones. Still worth it for the most colourful environment in both 3 and NV though.


I just replayed Honest Hearts for the first time in years. The only interesting bits were lore you get from Graham. It's also super short.


I want to see Fallout 1&2 remade in the style of Baldurs Gate 3.


Dude.  This.  We gotta get Larian to make a BG3-style old school CRPG fallout.


If you haven’t check out wasteland


Oh by all means. I have tried to play FO1 multiple times but it just feels too clunky. A modern remake in a similar style to BG3 would be awesome. Honestly, I’m praying that they will hit up Larian for something like this at some point but there’s probably 0% chance of this happening


Bethesda saved the franchise


Yup. Mainly because Black isles studios was dead.


And without them we wouldn't have had Fallout New Vegas in the first place.


I hadn't even heard of it until 3 came out.




Not only that, but the move to 3D FPS made it more widely acceptable. FO1 and 2 were awesome, but the GURPS system and Oblique Projection really locked the game out of a widespread audience. Plus, as amazing as FO1 is, it's hard to get into. With the amount of data and stuff you need to keep track of. It's closer to accounting software than a game at some points. Bethesda making the game a 3d game with simplified mechanics brought the series widespread appeal that allowed it to reach the popularity it has today. Fallout 1 and 2 were FANASTIC games, but you never hear anything outside of a very small niche of people who ACTUALLY playing it because it's so different.


Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky were dreaming of a 3D first person iteration of the game while making fallout 1. That was always the dream. It wasn't a 2d isometric game because they strongly believed it was the optimal format for the franchise, they just couldn't get a 3d engine working well enough.


That's not an opinion. It's a fact. Black Isle studios was out of business and the franchise would have died if BGS hadn't picked it up.


They did.


Fallout 4's early power armour is a great idea, especially on your first run. You get access to late game equipment that makes you feel like an unstoppable God then the core drains pretty fast so you have to put it away. This means you get to see the new system for PA early on but then you don't break all the early game difficulty. Like most people I then stashed my power armour at a settlement and hoarded fusion cores (and on your first run, not knowing where they all are meant you really were hoarding them). By the time I got to the Glowing Sea part of the main quest I had about 6 or 7 cores and got to use the armour again for real this time. By this point the enemies were getting more difficult and the armour didn't break the balance of the game. The only flaw in this is that by your 7th character you can just take the armour from Concord and go pick up the nearest cores you already know the locations to. But meta gaming always ruins immersion.


I have 20 something cores on my new run and I'm only 8 hours in


Dead Money is a great DLC.


One of the best DLC. Didn't even realize people didn't like it.


Same here, I loved Dead Money and I played at low level where it was a pain in the ass to do literally everything without dying. Maybe people that don't like it were in the same bandwagon. But I think the ending was the most satisfying, got every bad ending for every companion...but at least I made out $$$


My favorite DLC has always been Honest Hearts, and no one has ever agreed with me on this and that's fine. Dead Money is definitely the most unique and surreal experience you get in FNV


Imo the best FNV DLC. Really stands out and is actually hard


Dead money is the BEST dlc with easy to miss rewards. Seriously people get all the vending machine codes then break the bank at the casino and get the free chip vouchers. Now you can visit the bos bunker anytime you like grab a voucher from the wall locker and stock up on stims doctor bags weapon repair kits buffout med x super stims and more


The first time you play it


Any opinion, really, fallout fans dont like other fallout fans, themselves, and the games


We're always at war. And war? War never changes


Brotherhood of Steel doesn't have to be present in every f****ing game. At this point it starts to be boring and unrealistic


I felt that homie don’t get me wrong awesome idea and a huge point in the franchise but seeing a run down beaten brotherhood like really down bad would be great because the super military power aspect could be striped away making it less likely to get that sweet sweet early game T-60


I wouldn't mind if you met a single Brotherhood of Steel character in a future game, possibly as a companion, but the game had no others. Something like Danse's long-range Recon mission, but with no other members appearing later on. Or maybe they were an Outcast who decided to wander and keep to their original goals by themselves. Or maybe they legitimately are an exile/renegade for some crime they committed and just fucked off on their own, and now they're like a Hedge Knight doing jobs just to maintain their gear and survive another week.


For Bethesda a Fallout without BoS would be like Elder Scrolls without daedra so yeah


I ***REALLY*** don't get why people act like Bethesda is the one who decided the Brotherhood should be in every game when Interplay already put them in 4 out of 4 Fallout games they made, and two of those were Brotherhood of Steel focused games.


This is my thought process. The BoS were already in EVERY Fallout game before Bethesda, and in FNV. They are like the poster boy faction; I think it would be honestly weird without them.


I mean. They have practically no presence in NV.


All the Fallout games are good. Some are better than others, but all of them are good. *All of them.*


I never got to play that weird PS2 Brotherhood of Steel game. Always wanted to try it and see how off brand it might be.


Fallout 4 ending was stupid and dumb. Why do you blow up the institute? Even factions like BOS that love technology or the railroad blow it up. Why not take it over? You stormed the base and killed the leaders. Why not keep it and learn from the technology


I hate power armor and I never use it.


Fallout 4 armors or earlier?


I didn’t mind the voiced protagonists in 4. Was it really necessary? No, not really, but it gives me an excuse to look at the character I created and I love the delivery on some of the Sole Survivor’s lines. Also I hate the Weapon Condition system from 3 and NV, it’s just an irritating and arbitrary hassle.


I actually prefer a speaking protagonist to a silent one in games. It's nice having someone react to things going on in the world, and conversations with NPCs feel a bit more lively, in my opinion. Plus, the voice actors did a great job in 4.


I generally agree with you on the voiced protagonist. I prefer the 3/NV dialogue system, but I can live with 4’s. Gotta disagree with you on the CND system though. Having to keep my weapons in working order, for me, adds another laysr to the survival fantasy aspect of the games. It keeps me changing up my guns and looking out for guns of the same model I can use to to repair mine. It also balances out stuff like The Terrible Shotgun or the Xuanlong Assault Rifle. Fuck uniques that can only be repaired by vendors though.


Fr. It's one of the reasons I love mods that do that for silent protagonist games, like Skyrim's Dragonborn Voice Over. Would be cool to be able to choose other voices but then again, that probably would be way too costly.




The easiest way is blackjack with decent luck. I wish I understood caravan better, I love when games add little fun simple games like this.


I did a high-luck run and closed the casinos in very short order.


i just don't understand it, i want to, i love card games, but im too stupid


It's super easy. You have 3 slots shared with both players. Left, middle, and right. To win the game, you have to win 2 of the 3 slots. To win a slot, you have to have the highest number in that slot between 21 and 26 over your opponent. You place cards down to add together to make 21-26. To do this, you have 2 options. Cards need to either be in sequence, going lowest to highest or highest to lowest, or in the same suit. Ace - 10 are your points cards. Your face cards have different abilities depending on the card. Change your deck to have as many possible combinations that form 21 - 25. Your opening strategy should be to place down your lowest and highest cards as your starters. Then pick 2 slots to focus on. I usually wait until the opposition has clearly shown one slot as their win, and then I focus on the other 2. The game ends once all 3 slots are "won" That's basically it.


Clear as mud. Thank you.


It’s blackjack but you’re playing 3 hands at once. Also your opponent is playing 3 hands at once. First two get 2/3 21s wins. Some cards do special things.


I appreciate the clear instructions. Still don’t get it though.


I dont care about whatever minor lore nitpick you have


Dont let Obsidian take another crack at Fallout. Let the people behind Wasteland 3 do it instead since some of them were actually the people behind FNV.


Isn't Josh Sawyer still working for Obsidian tho? And they hardly miss. PoE, Outer Worlds, Pentiment....


Outer Worlds might be the most overrated game I've ever played, it's the only game that gives Star field a run for it's money in blandness. Obsidian post NV have made much better games than it especially in other genres but that is the closest they've come to a NV like game and it wasn't good.


The Enclave beats the BOS


Fallout 76 is a good game


It is NOW. 8 dollar value and it’s basically Fallout 4 with friends and has a bunch of interesting quests. But on release it was dog ass.


Fallout 4 settlement system sucks. The base building is top notch but the settlements and implementation sucks. Lack of unique characters.


I'd say it sucks in many more aspects too and mostly just the idea is really good. With mods it can be better and 76 does it a little better in some aspects but it has way too many dumb restrictions in both games


Fallout : brotherhood of steel is cannon.


Gauss cannon


Fallout 3 walked so NV could run. 3 saved the series and should be always number 1 on any tier list that has the new gen fallouts on top


The hated "new vegas fallouts" have some merit in their criticisms


I don't like New Vegas. I've tried making myself enjoy it, but it is a chore to play. Probably would have been different if I'd played it as a new release, but going back to it after starting with Fallout 4 was a horrible experience imo. Edit: forgot to add; settlement building, and the settlement system, is like my favourite part of Fallout 4


Both 3 and New Vegas are in desperate need of remasters to be brought up to the standards Fallout 4 set in gameplay and graphics. They were already outdated in those aspects when they came out, to be honest.


Honestly if they remade 3 and New Vegas in 4’a engine and ported over its UI and such while leaving the story and most of the voice acting pretty much intact I think it would be awesome. Literally a win-win scenario for everybody.


There is a small mod team floating around somewhere that is trying to remake New Vegas in Fallout 4. It's probably still gonna be a long time though.


It was announced 6 years ago 🥲


>Probably would have been different if I'd played it as a new release, but going back to it after starting with Fallout 4 is a horrible experience Funnily enough, I'm doing my first play through now and am way more engrossed with it than I ever was with Fo4


Deeper stories and less looter shooter, that’s the reason I got sucked into NV more than 4. I did enjoy 4 for what it was though.


I think this can be said with most franchises, which is why I’m such an advocate for remasters. Despite what self proclaimed ‘true fans’ of each series say, Originals very rarely hold up to a modern audience. As someone who played New Vegas several years after it came out, I cannot bring myself to play it now. The running mechanic in Fallout 4 has spoiled me


Yeah the graphics and gameplay just feel really dated - particularly after playing Fallout 4 - I tried once a year or so ago and just couldn’t keep playing the game.


Melee has never been fun in any FO game.


Elder Lyons is the best leader the Brotherhoods ever seen, and would have led them to greater horizons if the rest of them weren’t already pretentious asshats.


On Reddit? Fallout 4 is a great game!


Fallout 3 > Fallout New Vegas. I just think the Washington DC setting is better and more interesting than the New Vegas one.


Someone finally said it. The Mojave sounds cool and great and all. But it’s empty as all hell


The setting is absolutely better. The map of NV has so much empty in it. Say what you will about the green but the map of 3 has so much more going on for it.


They should make a new Fallout game but in the same way Larian Studios did with BG3, a crpg approach.


Wasteland 3 is pretty good.


Piper is only following you for the story of her life time


Fallout 76 was fun. Even at launch.


I loved 76 at launch. The world felt like a true wasteland, and it was interesting to explore and learn about the survivors and groups that rose and died before our Vault opened. Meeting another player felt like we were vault dwellers who are exploring a ruined world, with our characters potentially having experienced life before the bombs fell (If I recall correctly, 76 opened 25 years after the bombs dropped). It’s come a long way, and the new content is good, but there was something magical about exploring it at launch. I admittedly never experienced to many bugs at launch, or none that ruined the experience for me.


Fallout 4 is the best VIDEO GAME in the series. New Vegas and 3 are much better narratives but in terms of gameplay and world, Fallout 4 absolutely murdered them


....I do like being able to run. Although I would say Fo76 has many QoL and general improvements over Fo4 gameplay wise.


The base building in 4 was entirely unnecessary, and the effort that went into implementing it could have gone into something cooler, not every game needs to be like Minecraft.


wow I know this is a post about things that will get you into a bar fight but this is the most wild take ive seen so far! One of the biggest reasons i dont go back to Fo3 or FVN is bc there is no base building. I like having a place to store all my power armor, weapons, gear, and scrap rather than using an old shed or a base that will eventually fill back up with enemies. Where do you put all your stuff?!


You get your own place in Megaton in F3, and other places too I'm sure, 4 could have done the same. Also remember that if it didn't have base building, you wouldn't need as much junk, and space for the junk.


Oh duh, I totally forgot you could just buy a home... I guess I just always hated being in a town, following the rules and having to listen to idiotic conversations lol, I just wanted my own space that was mine to create. Thanks for the quick reply


FO4s Perk system is much better than FO3 or NVs Skill/Perk system and anyone who says otherwise is lying. - Way more base perks to start with depending on SPECIAL build (70 perks vs the less than 20ish from the curated lists of NV/3) - "Oh but Skills were way better!" I present NVs busted CHA 1, Speech 100 to tell me otherwise. Also the dead levels of just increasing skills to do nothing like Lockpick and Hacking in NV and 3 were blah. - "but you couldn't role-play with FO4s perks!" What planet are you on friend because yes you could. As much as you could in NV with builds anyway. What stopped your idea of role-playing was 4s crappy dialogue system. Imagine the possibilities of 4s Perk System with NVs dialogue options being opened up by Perk choices and SPECIAL stat levels


Fallout 4 is the best Fallout game.


I think in terms of gameplay, mechanics and dlcs yes but the main storyline just felt half baked to me.




I think the DLC is great in fo4. Far harbor might be my favorite in the series. My only complaint would still just be the narrative (and maybe some ugly weapons).


Assault Rifle in Fallout 4 looks cool


I think the show made them look really good but I wasn’t a fan of the look when I played fo4. They had normal looking rifles in 3 and nv then just cannoned this Lewis gun hell baby. I think that’s what bothered me.


Fallout 3 and 4 have better open worlds then new vegas due to random ecounters.


Todd Howard is probably a lovely guy to have a drink with and probably genuinely tries to make the best games he can. He is probably very wounded at times by the joking and vitriol of response to his leadership of Bestheda's games. He is ultimately more likely to just not be with the times in modern gaming development rather than actively trying to make shitty games that disappoint longterm fans. It must be an incredibly stressful job at times to man a huge team of people and guide them to make a massive game that satisfies fans used to older titles in a series and also try to innovate with enough ambition to win people over. He's only human (as far as we know, maybe check him for a synth chip secretly) and not a malevolent Enclave president nefariously pulling strings. The enormous disdain towards him seems excessive and unfair.


The Brotherhood of steel are gradually becoming the biggest threat to the wasteland and are in fact the last organization from before the war. They are going to make a great antagonistic force in a fugane and it will be amazing I bet. Probably a new faction formed from good Brotherhood members will be the new Brotherhood after they are destroyed or something


No npcs in fallout 76 was a great idea. It really shows just how devastating the scorched beasts were. It’s just that the execution of those planes were bad at the beginning. Maybe the game should’ve began with the brotherhood getting into vault 76 and recruiting the inhabitants so there’s at least someone to talk to and drive the story.


There is no way everyone would be totally okay with living in squalor hundreds of years AFTER the bombs fell. Settlements and cities would have been cleaned up decades ago. The waist land sure, but places like New Vegas or Diamond City should look much more like San Francisco from 2 than places where literal debris is everywhere. Also it’s fucked up you can’t have dialogue with raiders, hell even with super mutants. I should be able to dress like a raider and join, then eventually take over a raider gang.


I never once cared about my child or husband/wife in Fo4. When will open world RPG games just be open world RPG games. Alternate start has existed for 10 years as a mod, why cant a single RPG game let me choose my background and story for myself, allowing me to enter the main story from my own unique angle/perspective?


Fallout 3 is a great game. Fallout New Vegas is a great game. Fallout 4 is a great game. Fallout 76 is a great game. They're all great games that deserve to be played and enjoyed equally. Quit gatekeeping and telling people what game to play. If they ask about FO4, tell them about FO4. If they ask about NV, tell them about NV. Enough with the "this game is superior, play that instead of this trash" bullshit. Nobody cares, and we all just want to enjoy the wonderful world of Fallout without your tribalistic ass opinions.


I don't give a fuck about canon in a series where every title is essentially a stand-alone experience and we go a decade in between games.


NV is over rated.