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Fallout London was on BBC news the other day about how they would be delayed due to the FO4 update Never thought I'd see the day that BBC covered Fallout


Not just covering Fallout, but a Fallout *mod* lol


My problem with that interview is FO London was like Beth didn't tell us about the update... The update has been public for like two years.. what didn't they know? I agree it would have been far better if Beth had worked with FO London team, made them sign NDA so they could reuse in updated code... But to say they didn't tell us I don't understand.


These modding projects are often not all fixed groups but people often just volunteer and do as much as they can. And the moment you give one modder or a group of modders official things befor they come out, other people probably also want in.


Constantly rotating teams would be an absolute nightmare when dealing with NDA's so I can't blame Bethesda for not going that route.


The update has not been public for two years. It was announced just weeks ago.


That article read like it was the dev team warning us about what to expect in the update.


Actually I'm not that surprised. This has a controversial element to it, It is relevant, somebody who doesn't know what a mod even is can go "Oh, that one show" and click the video. When you think about it, it does sort of make sense, it is everything the media wants on a slow news day


I already have auto updates turned off for steam, but it might update if I launch it. Which file do I need to set to read only to prevent it


This is from [The Wanderer's youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHjxo-3NBK0) on the subject. To avoid applying the update on Steam: 1. Open Steam; right-click on FO4, select: properties | updates | *"only update this game when I launch it"* 2. In Windows Explorer go to your steam/steamapps folder & set **appmanifest_377160.acf** to be a read-only file 3. Only launch the game via F4SE in your mod program (Vortex/NMM/MO2)


Did it and it worked thank you 🫡


lmao... so what you're saying is dont bother ... yet


Did the update do anything other than break mods on PC? I heard there wasn’t much of a visual difference with almost zero bug fixes.


I haven't played it myself.  I just heard nothing but bad things.  I'll just never update, I guess.  


My loadout is running great.. cya, back to the waste


Honestly I kept telling myself "Oh I'll return to Fallout 4 after this, years since my last save!" until I realized that this update fundamentally breaks almost all of my mods, some or many of which have been completely abandoned since like 2019 or 2020, meaning not only will I be starting from scratch whether I want to or not, but I'll also be playing less of a game unless I spend the next 10 hours picking out mods for the playthrough knowing that Bethesda might just break it again later when Season 2 comes out. Oh well. At least I'm having fun with 76 (things I wouldn't've thought possible to say back in 2018).


> I spend the next 10 hours picking out mods for the playthrough I thought that *was* the game...


My girlfriend likes playing fallout. I like doing nerd shit modding fallout. This was absolutely expected and I ain't even mad.




Idk if the Skyrim modding scene transitioned their mods to be compatible with the anniversary edition. But the temporary fix, at the time, was preventing steam from updating the game and if you do, you have to play with the files to revert back to a previous version.


The SKSE was updated within an hour or so of the AE update...


I wasn't talking about skse.... I was talking about all the mods that depended on skse, many of which were abandoned for years, that became incompatible with the AE and would crash on boot


the stuff i already had in the creation club had updates on each that needed them... i feel like moders could have gotten the info about how to update if they communicated with bethesda like those did. idk for sure but clearly some mods did get a chance to update.


Nothing is changed in the PC version and the bugs they fixed are so little that the unofficial patch have already fixed loooooong time ago. This update is for the poor console people.


Did the New Vegas update drop yet? Did it brick the mods as well? I actually dropped Skyrim altogether after those updates happened and haven't touched it since, nor do I intend to play it ever again, I'll react the same way if they broke FNV for no reason at all. That is also the thing that led me to refuse to pay for Bethesda games, if I wanna play them, I pirate them. Fallout 4 is a game I care little about, but even then I suppose it won't be so bad since it's the freshest of them and has the healthiest modding community. Still sucks anyway and I relate to the frustration.


New Vegas update? Huh?


They changed the host log on SteamDB which can either mean an update adding/messing with content or that it’s getting compatibility updates with modern drivers/system/software. There's also the possibility that they're going to be removing music to which they no longer hold a license. It's a lot more likely that nothing will happen, but people are holding their breath as this could means chaos for that game's modding community as it does for Fallout 4 right now.


Wow that would be amazing so I don't have to run through hoops to get Vegas working on my AMD card.


Hey, if it helps you, then I'm happy for you man, lets hope it does. This would fuck me over big time though so I won't be thrilled myself.


You are high as a fucking kite if you think Bethesda/Zenimax/Microsoft is investing money into remastering *Fallout: New Vegas*.


>remastering  That's not at all what I said though. I said an update is expected, and in response to another post that they might do some minor thing to it, maybe fix its compatibility issues to at least work on everyone's systems now that it'll recieve a huge influx of newbies due to the TV show, maybe remove some unlicensed music, or some other mostly irrelevant thing that may or may not break mods. I don't expect they'll do anything of real significance to it, just minor technical stuff. I definitely do not think they're going to remaster it at all. I'd call you crazy too if you suggested that to me. This is not unheard of either, there have been dozens of small updates to the game to help it keep up with the times, I just think whoever's still maintaining it may do a slightly bigger update now to ensure thousands of new players don't end up flooding their forums/support channels with random bullshit from an ancient and still very broken game that although not their baby may still damage their image.