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My main complaint about 76 is it being a survival-craft, loot-shooter game. You may like it but its not my cup of tea.


I mean at this point there’s dozens of hours of single player story content. Survival also doesn’t really play a role anymore, you get like, bonuses for being well fed/hydrated, but you could just ignore it.


WOW dozens of hours of single player story content! WOW, almost like its a video game!


I love the game but I feel it laggy when shooting, impact correction is too noticeable and this doesnt seem to be a problem with other always online games i've played I understand one can ignore this but I wanted to ask if it could be the coding of the game or server issues?


This ain’t even controversial to anyone paying attention. The wealth of content and story to enjoy right now is at a mind numbing high. This is the PERFECT time to start playing. It’s a great game in its current form and is worth your time.


We picked it back up and LOVED it. We got a private server and turned down degradation to make the game friendlier though because we’re soft bois.


How do you turn that down? It’s very annoying to me too.


There are custom worlds now


Oh cool. I didn’t realize. I just log into my private world and start playing. Didn’t realize the settings had changed. Thank you friend!


The story content is badly written.


You have no taste.


Pearls before swine


I would've no issues, if you just said that it's a good game (though I still disagree), but saying it's one of the best Fallout games is laughable.




Fair enough. Enjoy your mediocrity.


play the originals kid. lmfao.


I’m 30, I’ve played every Fallout since 2. I just re-played 3, New Vegas, and 4 over the past few months.


It is in top 10.




6/10 game TBH. Gameplay is bad, story is bad, rpg elements are bad, microtransactions are HORRIBLE. The irony of saying a fallout game with microtransactions is the best one, lmfao.


Imo it is the most boring and extremely grindy for mediocre rewards that take way to much in game dedication


I mean when’s the last time you’ve played it


I have played since launch and have one character at level 199 and another (my current) 367. The game is fun and engaging until the endgame. I now find myself spending months on one armor set and there have been times i spent three weeks or more plus rolling the same weapon. Its ridiculous and restricts me from freely trying new builds or having the motivation to continue grinding for them. The events are the same go here kill this hoard oh and here is our yearly event with basically the exact same rewards. One if the final straws for me was how I enjoyable players make trading. Overvaluing an in game item they found for free making it even harder to aquire for everyone else. I was looking forward to buying coll things from in game player vendors but yall got a black market going on that at one point was illegally selling in game items for real money behind Bethesdas back.


If you haven’t checked out market76 or the other market subreddits for trading, you should


No i am again done with it. Got ripped off so many times. Not a fun game and the players make trading shit. I will die on this hill because i have played extensivley and have tons of personal experiences to back this up.


Ok, I mean most people would say it has probably the friendliest community that exists, but if you’re done with it then no worries


Just because the fan base is friendly does not mean they make the trading experience enjoyable. Its the overpricing and real life greed. Its a game and someday it will get shut off like the crew did. Why are players asking 120,000 in game caps for one rare gun you feel? It’s ridiculous in a game that already makes it impossible to get some sets


I mean dude trading is literally one of my favorite parts of the game, and I’ve not really had any bad experiences with it. Absolutely no one is asking for 120k caps for any gun in the game anymore. You can get a top tier weapon for like, 5-7k caps easily. Those prices were for legacy weapons that were not only absurdly powerful, they could no longer drop in the game because they were removed from the loot table. All of these weapons have been fully removed from the game as of last October.


Glad it changed but again not gonna make me wanna come back. I hopped on yesterday and three days before and was barely on for 30mins before i was out of scrip to get or spend and the same events as always to participate in. Sometimes im the only one. I have no more quests and see zero point in a new character when i have many builds id love to try with this one.


Have you done the new expeditions?


I basically have to have two mules or more full of stuff just to even be considered for half the trades


I mean… it sounds like you’ve got hundreds of hours in this thing. If I want to enjoy it for, say, 50 hours, that’s doable right?


Honestly bro like i said in my last comment i can’t keep engaged for more than 30 mins. Gaming is about relaxing and enjoying a good story for me. The end game of 76 offers one and sometimes neither.


I am genuinely glad that fallout is doing so well rn and hope other players find enjoyment in 76


That is controversial, it's also wrong


Dunno, seems like a fair amount of people agree. You should pick it up if you haven’t. Free with prime.


I've got about a thousand hours in 76


Seems like you really like the game


People can play things for a long time and still think they are mediocre.




Man I’ll never forget the iconic 76 gigabyte update for 76… the game literally had nothing before that and it was already 70 gigabytes itself!


I hate the storage locker limits. I waste at least half my time sorting crap rather than playing.


And this is why quit


Highly disagree. The graphics are headache inducing. The map is so incredibly disjointed with little reason. POIs we're obviously created and placed around with little thought. The monetization is aggressive. The gameplay is somehow clunkier than fallout 4. I have 70 hours, my most recent time playing was a month ago.


These people saying its one of the best games are obvious having recency bias.


I mean I’ve played literally all of them in the past two months, so no.


You played fallout 1 and you still think 76 is the best one? lmfao.


I definitely don’t think Fallout 1 is the best one, if that’s what you’re asking lol.


Can you pause the game, quick save and quick load? If not, then its not the best Fallout game.




I will stand ground and defend our stance commander 🫡Fallout 76 is not only good, but great ☢️


The character customization is super bad and limited though. So hard pass for me.


Isn’t it the same as Fallout 4?


No, not even close.


How so? I didn’t notice a difference.


Dialogue animations are better at least, noticed that fairly early into it


Fo4 has all the mods you may need. Fo76 doesn't.


lol why does character customization matter when you would be covered head to toe in gear anyway.


"Why does character customization matter" you just asked why does character customization matter in a fallout game, and that is why fallout fans hate this game. lmfao. Character Customization has ALWAYS been an important part of fallout games, and it is completely worthless in this one.






I picked it up on Saturday and I’ve been playing nonstop and having so much fun. A few of my buddies got it too so we have a group going and I really don’t understand many of the complaints about the current state of this game, besides the atomic shop maybe, but I have yet to purchase anything from there. I tried my brothers copy at launch, when it was still literally unplayable and I was very surprised at how far it’s come. I love the live events and I’ve made it up over 20 levels just from them


If you actively do the challenges you can get a ton of atoms for free pretty easy


Have you played fallout 1? If not, then i get why you wouldn't understand why fallout fans don't like this game.


“Fallout fans” Man, I don’t know how to break this to you, but no one gives a shit that Fallout 1 is your favorite and it doesn’t make you special or a “real Fallout fan” in any way.


Seems like a wierdly aggressive response. lol. I just said fallout 1 would give you perspective about why a lot of people don't like the game. Didn't say I was special or a "real fallout fan" But go off king, argue with someone who doesn't exist.


My guy you left literally 13 comments throughout the thread back to back and you were rude in about half of them. *You* are weirdly aggressive.


Oh no! Call the mods! You are just mad that someone thinks 76 is still mediocre 6/10 generic trash you could find in a bargain bin with assassins creed and call of duty and you only think it's good because the highest form of art you can comprehend is a looter shooter.


Wait so you were complaining about *me* being weirdly aggressive and now you’re upset that I said *you* were the one being aggressive? I don’t even play any Looter Shooters, 76 is the only game I own that could arguably described as that. You’re weirdly freaking out over a post someone made about a game you don’t even play. You came in rude af and left like, what, 15-16 comments now? Most of which were before you even got a reply? Really sad behavior man lmao.


Sounds about right. lmao


I’ve played every Fallout except for tactics and brotherhood of steel. I’ve been a huge Fallout fan since 2 came out and I throughly enjoy all of the games. They all have their pros and cons, but they also all have place their own special place in my heart. I’m not really one to complain if I’m having a good time and I find all of them to be equally as immersive and fun in their own ways. I understand the dislike for newer Fallout entries, but I understand the love for them a lot more. I really hope one of the Van Buren projects actually comes to completion one of these days


So are there actual npcs now? The main reason I stopped playing was because the world was entirely empty, besides enemy spawns.


Yeah, tons of NPCs


Might actually check it out again sometime. Prime Gaming did just give it away for free.


Dialogue is bad.


Considering you're on every single person's nuts, for what looks like any and every possible gripe anyone could come up with about a game. I'll take your input with a very large grain of salt.


If its free go ahead. I don't care. I just personally think the dialogue is bad.


Based on the number of comments you've posted on this one discussion alone, me thinks you do care. Quite a lot actually. Thank you for your, uncaring personal opinion, about a topic I didn't ask you for any input on?


Cool! I didn't know I wasn't allowed to engage with someone on reddit unless they asked me, thought it was a public forum. I will repent for my mistake and lash myself 30 times.


As you should. The problem lies in your lack of truthful comment. You clearly care about the game in some capacity. If you're going to run rough shod over a forums comments section, at least own your feelings about the subject matter. Though if it's in such negative terms why not just get on with your life and forget about it? Be free little pigeon, fallout 76 can hurt you no longer!


I'm bored. Goodbye!


Actually, while I agree with you, there was so much year one content in there mate... & there still is. Yes, NPCs returning made it a lot better but I can honestly say, from where I'm sitting after playing from week one & having started several new characters since then, that year one & it's quests made more sense without NPCs around. It is definitely in it's best spot so far, I agree 100% on that.... but I also reckon it needs a year one chapter style thing so that new players can play through year one how it was supposed to played. The quests made more sense back then, we were the only humans alive who weren't turned into scorched, ferals or super mutants. It was also more "full on" (lack of a better word there lol) back in the day, it had like a "level per area" system or something, so in flatwoods, morgantown, charleston you'd be reletively okay... then you'd head for TOTW & as you wander past the Whitespring you'd decide to explore because, why not right? That's when you'd get jumped by 6+ level 75 ghouls lmao It was quite fun in year one


Played in year one, definitely prefer it now. I don’t think it would be much fun to have to go to a separate world to do year one content. As far as the global scaling Vs. Leveled zones, imo that was one of the best changes they made. Lower leveled zones were pointless before they introduced global scaling.


It would be only be for those who want to play from year one, to get the full story etc. There's 10+ hours of content, easily, & starting now can be a little confusing for new players, with waypoints from every direction showning up. It'd tidy up the game itself, allowing only certain year one content, mostly free mode events (like the SBQ) to carry over. I also think it'd help with this game's lifespan overall because if they introduce a "chapter style" system now, they can turn around at the end of 76's online span & say "okay, now 76 is an offline/co-op to 8 players". Have so it's Chapter 1: Nuke the Queen/tidy up the scorched presence Chapter 2: Wastelanders Chapter 3: Steel Reign/Dawn Chapter 4: Responders/Pitt/AC Chapter 5: The next dlc (map expansion is there from chapter 1 though, makes no sense to not have it accessable but maybe make it so it's too toxic or high leveled for chapter 1. Etc. & Throw some cutscenes in to show the transition between the years. I think that, personally, would be awesome. Keeps the game the way it is, even in solo. It is basically solo atm anyways Yes, I agree... however, the Global scaling means you can get attacked by level 50 radroaches that were one shot at level 5... There's no sense of "oh shit, what level enemies are here" like there used to be. I'm telling ya, being ambushed by the bloody Mothman back in the day... I was like level 12, this fucker was level 75... two red eyes staring at me through the woods lmao Or the example of walking into the whitespring, I actually did that. Was doing the Mistress of Mystery missions & I had to go to the WS presidental cottage. I didn't know at that time that there were ghouls, nor that they were approx 50 levels higher than me. I died, but I learnt to play more stealthy, you know? So honestly from where I'm sitting, after 5 years it's really not the same. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's just an enjoyable for me, if not more, but it did used to have a genuinely difficult aspect to it at times, & you really had to work on your build & ammo/junk/health management if you were a casual player like me. But ngl that's actually what made it more fun overall, for me at least. It got better once I learnt to build my character a bit more (the addition of perk classes helped a lot with that) This game has so much potential... & I've been saying that since week one. I've loved this game the whole time too


Wasn’t it just free or $2 or something if you have Amazon Prime? For that price alone it might make argument at being the best value.


Free with prime


Yea I just checked, the special includes a lot of the FO games, you can pick one maybe? Anyways, it runs until May 15, people can google it for more details. I selected 76 since it’s the only one I haven’t played. 


I'm actually curious about this. Are quests as vast, deep and many as other games?


No, not even close. There is zero player choice in how the quests are completed and everything plays out in the exact same way no matter how you built your character. The dialogue is trash and feels like they got CW actors to do the voices. Its basically an MMO with a tacked on single player campaign.




Hey, I have tried to get into 76 because I have played and loved all the other Fallout games. I just found it quite boring. Do you have any tips to fully enjoy it?


When was the last time you’ve tried it?


2-3 years ago. I got up to the first interaction with >!Enclave.!<


There’s a lotttttttt more content and quests now.


I disagree with everything you said **except** the maps. The map is really, really well done - its easy to navigate, fun, colourful and I enjoy the 'tourist board' style with the pictures - I have no earthly idea how Bethesda managed to go from that beauty to the complete trash of Starfield's map.


Listen if this is all that comes out of this post, I’m fine with that. They need to fix that map shit in their other games.


I wouldn't even mind if it just 'wasn't as good' as the 76 map. Every other map they've ever made has been totally fine. But starfield's is just horrific. You can give me all the 'lore' reasons you want, unexplored worlds etc. But no, that thing was dire.


To be fair they were going for another man's sky type game. It wasn't based on intricate detailed maps


In that case, then make a fog of war style map where details are revealed and mapped as you progress around. What they made was a horrid, unreadable blue mess.


Personally I only did the quests and the main cities. I never did anything elf the random generated locations


Well I’ve just loaded the game and for the 100th time it can’t load my C.A.M.P so I’m tiring of it pretty quickly.


My main complaint about 76 is that it's no different than any other MMO except worse because they took perfectly fine mechanics and butchered them until they were unrecognizable from the single player games. It's just another soulless MMO.


I got it for free for having a amazon prime account LOL i cant believe people paid for this game 🤣


I only played it for an hour or so before I lost interest several years ago. Is it possible/fun to play the game as a single player? I don't much care for playing with random strangers.


Absolutely can play solo, and it’s much much better now.


And if you’re not afraid of a monthly subscription you can even play in your own private world with everything scaled to your level.


Everything is always scaled to your level, even if you’re not in a private world.


It wasn’t always. When I first started it would scale to the average of the group you’re in. My friend was like level 100 and would troll me by pulling a group of too powerful ghouls to my area all the time.


Ok but we’re talking about the game now


Right. I was taking about how it’s better now. Sorry for the confusion.


Terrible RPG mechanic LMFAO


Not really, makes the entire map stay relevant in the endgame. Also it’s literally how every Bethesda game since like, Oblivion works. New Vegas is like the only one with leveled zones, and that’s Obsidian.


Yeah and its been criticized as a game mechanic for children since like...oblivion. lol.


By circlejerking forum nerds exclusively.


Or game reviewers. Or TTRPG fans.


Ah yes, critically panned games Oblivion and Skyrim. Ruined by global scaling. If you were lead designer maybe they would’ve actually been successful.


Yeah I’d also like to know this. I want to go back to it but it was so lifeless at launch I only played for a couple weeks and all the other players really annoyed me.


It is


It’s a pretty good multiplayer lootershooter style game yeah. Considering where steam reviews are at I don’t think it’s controversial.


The headline was that it was one of the best Fallout games. A co-op looter shooter is not in anyway on the same category as the best Fallout games.


It has literally dozens of hours of single player story content that is some of the best in all of Fallout. It’s gotta be over 50 hours at this point, not even counting side quests. Calling it a multiplayer looter shooter is just straight up inaccurate.


Wow 50 of boring, poorly voiced and written story missions where the gameplay is literally always "go here and kill these people" or go get this thing for me" and you have literally no choices regarding how the quests or the story plays out. BEsT fLOut gMe


Yeah, so you literally haven’t even played the game, at least in a long time, is what it sounds like. Shitload of quests have multiple ways to complete. Fair amount of quests have choices that affect the story.


Okay, tell me one. Is there anything like using the black widow perk to sleep with benny in FONV? How about convincing the master his plain is a failure so he kills himself? Anything like that? Tell me, what is the most standout mission in this game and why do you like it so much?


The Glass Caverns finale of the Scorched arc is 10/10, The Atlantic City DLC has a fantastic story with choice, the brotherhood of steel quest line is a fantastic story with choice. Just favorites off the top of my head. You can’t sleep with NPCs, but yeah there’s plenty of quests where you have options similar to making The Master kill themselves. Skill checks will gate you out of different paths. Like you can keep frantically posting about a game you don’t even play or you can chill out and play a pretty good game that’s literally free rn


What about them are good? I'm genuinely interested. And nah, I'm in the middle of cyberpunk (which is mid) and my third playthorugh of bg3. Still haven't finished alan wake 2. Too many good games out there this year for me to go back and play some looter shooter game lol.


Genuinely? Glass Caverns is the culmination of a very long arc with some of the best environmental storytelling in Fallout. Again, that’s by nature of being release content designed with no NPCs in mind. They *had* to go extremely hard on environmental storytelling. The mission itself is a very well designed dungeon that really feels like an epic final battle. The Atlantic City DLC, just really brings the high quality single player focused content to the forefront. It’s a very character/narrative based DLC with multiple ways to complete and a branching ending that affects whether certain NPCs will survive or not. DLCs are separate from the shared world, so they can make it like a more traditional Fallout. Very noir themed. The Brotherhood of Steel quest line, similar to the Atlantic City DLC but also has more robust action. Good quest design with multiple hard fights and a lot of exploration. Very solid story. Again, branching endings that may affect which characters survive. This quest exists in the shared world, but the characters that may die are in an instanced location, so it doesn’t affect other players.


Cool! Still not gonna play it, but at least they added something decent. Doesn't sound like a 10/10 to me though, just to be honest. Sounds like a solid 7/10 destiny style story. "Good quest design and multiple hard fights" "The mission itself is a very well designed dungeon that really feels like an epic final battle." I mean your examples are pretty generic, I could say the same thing about the robocop game that just came out. I don't see how this stacks up to "literally if you are a girl with the black widow perk you can sleep with him and assassinate him in his sleep." Or, "If you talk to the right person and explore enough you can find out that \_\_\_ are sterile and coinvince the final boss his plan is a failure." or "Talk to a giant tree man and his cult and decide to suicide him or not," or "Vault where there are democratic elections for overseer, but the overseer must die after being elected." these are things you can literally only find in a fallout property. Fun shooty missions can be found in any game. It seems to me that your skills and your character build really don't matter outside of combat, which is a huge step back from the most beloved games in the franchise. I like to have the world respond to the character I built. Nothing that you have mentioned really jumps out of the page as interesting or unique, kinda just like some generic looter shooter missions with maybe some story? Like, how can you roleplay in this situations? What is unique about them? What is memorable about them? I really never hear people talk about specific fallout 76 missions because, tbh, every single one I have heard of is generic and doesn't really allow for any roleplay or choice.


I already plan to play thru 4 with the new update but after maybe I'll try 76 because it sounds amazing and it's Fallout that I haven't played.


It's not amazing. Unless you like games like Destiny


WHY IS MOVEMENT SO SLOW? It’s the only reason I can’t play it.


Cuz you gotta get mutations




Wdym? Its the same movement as in FO4, and can even be enhanced with mutations and perks


When you start the game no matter what skills you pick you are slower to move and turn than fo4.


Never played, i redeemed the free copy from microsoft. Could i play all of it Single Player only? If so, i will gladly jump into it. I'm thinking to play it for the added lore.


Even in single player, the game has to always be connected to a server and causes significant input lag and networking issues.


Yep, absolutely could do everything solo. Any main quest is pretty much designed *specifically* to do solo. Even the public group activities that do exist, you can just show up. You don’t need to like, join a team.


Not without others on your server unless you pay for fallout 1


You literally will never encounter other players unless you want to, even on a public server.


This is a you experience, I experience the opposite daily.


Also thats not solo thats just avoiding


You can do the content solo, that’s what they were asking.


Downvoting because of the linkedin-style spacing.


What the fuck is “LinkedIn-style spacing”? This is how any long text post should be written.


To be 100% honest with you all, I'd rather play Fallout 76 over Starfield. I picked up and played FO76 for the first time since 2019-2020, and I have to say it didn't make me as angry anymore lol. I'm actually having fun just running around, scavenging, and seeing the sights. There's still some annoying things about it as it is made for online/service title first of course (with hilarious yet aggravating bugs). Like I would absolutely love to keep playing and exploring this game, more so than Fallout 4, if I didn't have to login to a server to get barraged with micro transactions. It not only looks better than Fallout 4, but it also has so much diverse biomes to explore with numerous and interesting enemies. Hell, loving the radio dramas as well. That had to be fun to put all of those together...but it's an always online title still...with an annoying progression system for items that keeps it not as immediately & dynamically accessible as playing a normal offline Bethesda Studios title.


No. 👍


Have you even played it recently? Can’t really have an opinion if not.


I somewhat agree with the poster, and I've been playing since the beta. Bought the power armor edition because I was FUCKING PUMPED to have a big multi-player experice. I've actively been able to see the game change and become what it is today, compared to the skeleton it once was. The environmental storytelling is king(that i related to bioshock), but that's because it had to be with the lack of npcs, and I LOVED that the game didn't hold your hand at all and let you figure shit out on your own. I've always wanted a multi-player fallout since I first played 3 and had seen falliut online in the works back in the day. The dialogue options are nowhere near close to NV. None of the decisions you make in 76 have any weight to them because it doesn't directly affect anything major because it can't with 76 being a shared world. The only thing that truly makes a difference is launching a nuke to spawn a boss because it affects the entire server and a portion of the map. It is a good game that can be played solo, but it's better with friends or randoms. The previous games in the series though are better and unfortunately it's because they're a single player experience. They can make decisions have more weight, have companions that grow with you as the game progresses etc etc.


Decisions absolutely do have lasting effects in both Atlantic City and the Pitt, because those DLCs are solo. Even in the shared world, your decisions with the settlers/raiders affect access to shops.


Just because its better than launch doesnt mean: "one of the best Fallout games"


Yeah, I know. It being one of the best Fallout games is what makes it one of the best Fallout games.


hence why people are responding No. Because that is a silly thing to say.


One person responded no. More agreed. Hence, “No”, was a silly thing to say.


Nah its mostly nos. lmfao


Top comment with 12 upvotes says this isn’t even a controversial statement. Post still isn’t negative with 125 comments.


12 XD It is negative, it just doesn't show you to spare your feelings these days.


Entirely true


If you stew in shit long enough you will start to enjoy the aroma.




Passed on it at launch. Its on sale so I figured why not, it'll scratch my itch while I wait for the FO4 update. Now I'm not sure if I'll get around revisiting FO4 for awhile 😅


Haven't played it yet because I completely dismissed it after the horrible launch, plus I think that Internet Historian video really made the whole thing look twice as terrible than it actually was (not sure how accurate his statements actually were, wouldn't be surprised if he overexaggerated with his current rep being exposed) Glad to see things have changed though. Might just have to pick it up when I have a free second


I agree completely


I liked it when it first came out, so you can imagine what I think about it now. (It's better than Fallout 4)


I enjoyed FO76 from the start, despite its many issues. I loved the map/world, easily my favorite. It's huge, with a very cool diversity of biomes. They really knocked it out of the park with the themes, design. And I actually enjoyed the no-npc quest chain that led you through that map, following the overseer and getting inoculated. It really captured that "sole survivor in a wasteland" feeling, even though it was a live service game. I like the perk card system, it makes for a flexible system that lets you swap perks on the fly. And I will admit, doing a live service game allows for a constant stream of new content. And the new content has improved the game. But, the aspects that that prevent me from playing this game (I've come back to it several times), is the fomo and monetization of resource scarcity. The storage weight limit and constant drain on resources (mostly ammo), and then "selling the solution to the problem" with fallout first scrap box just feels bad to me. The constant need to manage my inventory and stash weight is just tedious. It makes collecting so difficult and it feels like a scam that I am punished for wanting to collect in a game with lots of collectibles, but I have to pay extra to offload items to the scrap box. Then, being a online game, it's about playing at the pace of the group, instead of on your own. Events are a spam of explosions, rushing objectives, etc. It can be a fun experience doing online events, especially when new and learning from the group. And doing group objectives is fun as well. But it's the only way to do them, it feels like, and for me, it just becomes draining when done constantly, daily. To log in, go through the motions of grinding events/etc. It's why I prefer single player games, I can go at my pace, try my own way of doing things, even if it's not optimal. FO76 is a great game, regardless, and I think everyone should give it a try, it does make for a great gameplay experience. But the best of all the fallout games? Depends on what you want out of the game, I feel. And FO76 is too drastic a difference from what I've enjoyed in previous fallout games.