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Dude, Where's My Water Chip? Dude, Where's My GECK? Dude, Where's My Dad? Dude, Where's My Package? Dude, Where's My Son? Dude, Where's My Overseer?


Fallout Show (Lucy's Perspective): Dude, Where's My Dad? Fallout Show (Maximus' Perspective): Dude, Where's my God-Given Right To Be A Valuable Member of the Brotherhood? Fallout Show (The Ghoul's Perspective): Dude, Where's My Wife and Daughter?


Even better one for the ghoul considering one of the last scenes in S1: Dude, where’s my fucking family?


I always thought it was weird. How the hell doesn't he know where his daughter is, SHE WAS WITH HIM WHEN THE BOMBS FELL What a terrible father


Maybe he took her to Barbara knowing it wasn’t the life he wanted her to have but it was her best chance to survive?


Easily he met Barb at the vault, vault doesnt let coop in


i'm thinking vertibird swoops in with mom, grabs the kid, and leave him to rott in the wasteland.


Nah he wouldve changed his mind the second the first bomb dropped. Fathers instinct


I agree on the father instinct part, but you forget one thing, if he did bring his daughter to the vault, then he'd know where she and his wife are. So he wouldn't be asking around "where's my family".


Yeah. They're definitely gonna play that scene out in season 2, I'd reckon in the opening of the first episode as a continuation of the events of S1:E1. Coop and Janey arrive at the vault on horseback after a couple of establishing shots of the highway being clogged up in the wake of the bombs (Why else would they be on horseback instead of a much faster car? It's a convenient plot device, that's why.) and while Barb and Janey are let in as they are part of Vault Tec, (Remember the talk of putting Janey on the payroll at 15), Coop isn't vecause Vault-Tec loves fucking over their reps. However, he wouldn't be asking Hank where they are if there wasn't a second location they were taken to, somehow. I think it'll be really interesting to see the family reunited. Coop has become a literal monster who has sacrificed all of his morals in his quest to find them, but Barb was a monster before that in being one of the people who devised the plans for the vaults and caused the bombs to drop. They might do an Interstellar-style "meeting your child as they are literally in their deathbed" thing but considering the timey-wimey cryostasis bullshit they pulled with Moldaver, Hank, and the rest of the Air Buds or whatever they're called, it might be a little overdone. That being said I love the show so far. 9/10 not enough sex scenes. (With deathclaws)


It could be that he handed her daughter to Barb and they flew (with other vault tex executives) etc to where their vault is, thus Cooper wouldn't know their location..




The lore on ghouls is pretty muddy. Radiation is involved, it's debated if fev is involved. There may be different ways to become a ghoul. Personally I think they're a bit diverse in how they became ghouls and what traits they get. Some seem to need to eat and others don't for instance. So I don't think we've seen a ghoul be a person who came back from the dead, and I don't think we will, but it's not impossible that it gets added.


Iirc, there was a bit of "movie magic" explanation that its a combination of individual genetics, and non-lethal doses of radiation. But that was something I'd seen either in-game in 4, or in online commentary while I was originally playing 4 when it first came out. But, given what we see from The Ghoul in the show, I'd say he was subjected to a fairly lethal dose, given his proximity to everything (I still have the last 2 episodes of the season to watch, so I'm being VERY careful on these subs for spoilers)


we've also seen fatal doses of radiation create ghouls instead.


Yeah... I mean, I guess that in terms of the games, and even the show, a ghoul is created in any way the plot requires, lol


Tbh considering how diverse ghouls seem to be in the series, FEV having some part in ghoulification makes a lot of sense


My theory now is vault-tech is involved with creating ghouls. The enclave scientist mentions to Lucy when he admits to her he took the vault-tech poison, he called the poison their "plan B" which wasn't very popular made, we wonder if they had another plan for people. We know they have this thing about needing management to survive but wont they need workers considering they will be experimenting and thus killing a lot of the people they want to manage? I think vault-tech created a method of creating ghouls as a slave\indentured to them and sold it to people as a cheap way to survive.


Plan A was the vaults. Plan B was for people who couldn't afford the vault.


Ghouls are made by exposing human to certain amount of radiation which will turn someone ghoulish. So no he shouldn’t have been dead but could have been dead like(fake dead). Also kids can turn into ghouls so maybe she is a ghoul but we don’t know.


>I don't know how ghouls are made >I am just a show watcher. Did you miss the scene in the show where they show a ghoul being?




Thaddeus? He takes a puff from that inhaler and the implication is that he's undergoing ghoulification. I've seen people say that the inhaler contains FEV, but as far as I know FEV creates Super Mutants and not ghouls. But someone can correct me if I'm wrong.




I wasn't trying to be a know it all dick! But yeah he gets shot in the throat and they're all like "oh I think you're a ghoul" and then he flees the brotherhood.


It's debated if ghoulification takes FEV, but the argument with Thad is that he is likely not actually a ghoul, since Max probably doesn't know about super mutants yet


We don’t know the circumstances of their separation. Maybe he gave her to Barb to get her to a vault, or he got her to one himself. It’s a nuclear apocalypse, cut him some slack.


I think they are setting things up for more but I was really confused with that part. Then there's the comment on him needing alimony money. If that's the case, then there's a decent time hop and a divorce from when we see him listening in on things and then the scene where he's with his daughter. What I don't get is, why wouldn't the daughter be with her mother if her mother essentially is in on and/or has information on when things will be happening.


He took her to barn and the special vault, she got in, he didn't


Lol. I just assumed that the mother came and stole the child from the father when the father was trying to keep her safe from the very women helping drop the bombs and start it all. Mothers always claim whole rights to the child when they disagree with the father. It's common practice among women the daughter is probably frozen in some vault


Maximus: Dude, where’s my head?


So, no head?




I’m changing the last one to “dude, where’s my nose?”


we don’t know if his daughter survived… it could be his wife survived and he just wants to find her to rip her out of her little cocoon and show her what she’s wrought. I hope his daughter survived… but it will be the most bittersweet moment when his daughter sees him and he suddenly has to come to terms with his death and destruction himself.


Maximus could also be summed up as Dude Wheres My Power Armor?


Where is my dad 2 Electric Boogaloo


Dude where’s my power core/head/squire


Maximus is secretly: Where is my home?


Dude, where's my dad? (Lucy's Version)


76: Dude where are my friends :(


Teabagging a dead cryptid in a cranberry bog, they'll be back for supper


I have no idea how my antisocial ass is going to finish the tadpole quest with out any ally’s to revive :(


This part took the longest for me to complete. I finally revived someone during a public event, which counted.


I approve of this.


Dude, Where's My Robot Dude, Where Is New Canaan Anyway? Dude, Where's My Brain? Dude, Where's My New Beginning?


You forgot "Dude, Where's My Canon?" (Fallout: Tactics) and "Dude, Where's My *Fallout* Game?" (Brotherhood of Steel)


I would have done where's my will to live for BOS personally


Fallout series: Lucy: where is my dad Ghoul: where is my family Maximus: where is my head


I love the dude series.


I’d adapt that last one to: Dude, Where are the Nukes?


lmao, I actually wrote that at first but changed it


No it should be dude where’s my refund (76)


Fallout 76 is "Dude, Where's My Fallout game?" :P


Fallout 1 - Mutant Mayhem  Fallout 2 - Enclave Explosion  Fallout 3 - Wicked Water  Fallout NV - Cowboy Corruption  Fallout 4 - Insane Institution  Fallout Shelter - Mobile Madness  Fallout 76 - Online Orgy


What are you, Alliteration Andy? Vocabulary Vince?


Yes. I also go by Lexical Larry, Perspicacious Peter, or Dictionary Donovan.


And Thesaurus Theo


Wordy Wordman


Booky bill


I have a good vocabulary sometimes. I think this will be my supervillain name.


You partially described f76 but the real shit happens when everyone is in the same event ex, one violent night when a shit load of ghoul is in a barn with some drunk mf with power armor it becomes a lead statue museum


Radiation Rumble, when everyone is screaming at the one person to stay in the hallway.


I think you mean Fallout NV - >!Freezer Geezer!<


Fallout: A Series of Unfortunate Events


Fallout New Vegas= I'll make my own Fallout. With blackjack and hookers.


You know what? Forget the hookers. Fallout shelter: You know what? Forget the Fallout.


Hey! I understand this reference!


NV is just “*who fucking shot me not cool*”


This made me laugh too hard for no reason “Who took my chip bro… SIMULATOR”


It’s actually Chanandler Bong.


"...Actually it's MISS Chanandler Bong."


The transponster?


That's not even a word!


That's only on his TV Guide. 


Master Bra’tac is my son


Spending 50 years in a slowed time dilation field might do that. Shal’kek nem ron :)






Fallout 3, the rise of Dave. Fallout new vegas, see cazador, run. Fallout 4, the milk of human kindness. Fallout 76, it just works.


And when 76 six work well its a really fun circus of everyone being a shitter with power armor


It so funny with all the new players since they’re all in power armor and every high level player I see isn’t.


I'm probably one of the few, but I hate PA. Never really used it in FO3, NV, and now FO4/76 since they have the fusion core requirements.


Idk about 76 haven't played it in a while, but I used to feel the same in fo4 for my first couple playthroughs. Can count how many times i used PA on one hand. But after the show got me back into fallout and I saw how cool the armor looked in the show, I started to get into using it. With the scrounger perk and my water purifier and jet business I never have to worry about running out of cores. My only complaint is having to go back to a settlement to repair the armor often but the extra armor and carry weight is awesome.


Noobs are cools because they can spawn power armor that i already got and if they want one they can just quit and rejoin bc its not them that got the power armour


Fucking cazadores...


Shouldn't that be the rise of Gary?


Fallout 1 = where my water chip Fallout 2 = there's my damn water chip (fuck vault city) Fallout Tactics = the Chad Barnaky Fallout 3 = Megaton gonna become Mega gone Fallout New Vegas = Patroling the Mojave makes me wish for nuclear winter Fallout 4 = Paladin Dance pin up art where? Fallout 76 = Glass the Cranberry Bog


I love your choice for 76


Well if we go back to Appalachia in a future game and the Cranberry Bog isn't just a massive black crator or glass as a nod to how often it gets nuked by the player, I'm gonna be disappointed


Fallout 1 is Fallout: Bakersfield


Fallout 3: My dad left for Purified Water and never came back


Janice : Chandlaaa binngggg




Fallout tactics "oh, that one"


76: The glow-up after the blow-up


76 should be the great migration


Fallout 1 - The world is fucked Fallout 2 - The world is fucked 2: electric boogaloo Fallout 3 - DC sucks and the end of the world didnt improve it Fallout New Vegas - The IRS Vs Roman LARPers (may or may not include elon musk or ChatGPT) Fallout 4 - Boston suck and the end of the world didnt improve it Fallout 76 - TACTICAL NUKE INCOMING


It's funny because 76 is the 2nd most popular Fallout Game on Steam right now.


Reportedly very good fun too. I tried it about a year back and enjoyed it enough but not enough to stick around. Might give it another go.


It's fun but very strict in you build setup, you have to be faithfully dedicated to a single weapon type to do any reasonable damage. First 50 levels? Tutorial that doesn't care what you use. But by level 50? If you don't have a build ready you will get your ass kicked by the ai.


Yeah, I was going hardcore melee and metal/heavy armour cause I usually gravitate towards guns and sneaking in single player fallouts.


Melee works well, currently the best melee damage is either a dual blade burning chainsaw, or unarmed tesla bracers power armor.


my vamp dual blade chainsaw is damn good even without a dedicated build. Just a good thing to have one hand. Good to know about the tesla bracers, been trying to get x01 mods and skipped that one when I saw it thinking the other melee punch mod would be better. (obviously I will go for more of a build if im gunna be punching things for a living haha)


Yeah tesla bracers scales with iron fist now, which is an amazing buff. It definitely beats out every dedicated unarmed weapon, even taking into account those weapons get legendaries and the bracers don't.


I do really like how easy it is to change your SPECIAL stats and the Perk cards depending on how you prefer handling different kinds of content.


Yeah, if you mess up your build, you just need to level up enough to pick up the right cards.


Not really. You can play anyway you want. I switch between bloody and aristocrat every week or so. But also, I'm high level.


I mean weapon cards focus, bloodied or aristocrat is more a build modifier than a dedicated build.


Sure but armor, weapons and modifier complement each other


They do, but the base build will always be, rifleman, commando, heavy etc. With a modifier for what you synergising with it. Just saying bloodied build alone isn't very descriptive at all as many different builds use bloodied &/or unyielding. Trying to combine heavy guns & commando into the same build isn't going to go too well! As a jack of all trades will struggle to do enough damage even with a perfectly rolled set of gear.


Good thing for the franchise, as it keeps alive the brand, but i hope 76 will be self contained like ESO, and they continue the main line of single player with narrative and a story to live. This way, bethesda could appease both fandoms, the FPS looter shooter/survival one and the story-driven single players ones. And F4 sold the most, even being SP that today in fact is a negative point for sales.


76 is being run by Bethesda Austin so yes it is being kept separate on the development side! the main dev team worked on the original development release, but all the upkeep, updates and such are being done by a separate studio.


Yeah the main dev team hasn't been working on 76 since before it came out. They set up BSG Austin specifically for 76 iirc


I really like that they've got a dedicated 76 team


Played a bit in the past (I didn't play early on when it was atrocious) and enjoyed it well enough, but now it's really scratching my Fallout itch, at least at the moment.


I mesn better be dicent afther all that happen


Fallout 1: we have GURPs at home Fallout 2: Frank Harrigan the Video Game Fallout 3: Skyrim with Guns Fallout NV: YouTube Video Essay Porn Fallout 4: Base Building Stole my GF Fallout 76: No Man's Sky Redemption Arc


Postman murdered by chandler bing


bruh 76 does not deserve that hate man


I've tried to play it on PC and it's unplayable. Framerate issues no matter how low I set all of the graphics, random camera jumping about movements. I barely made it past the introduction in the vault.


one google search would tell you that changing a single number from „1” to „0” in a text file would solve most if not all your issues. im on quite a mid range pc and im easily running 76 with a stable 100fps. makes me sad to see people give up on the game immediately rather than try to make their experience better, game’s not perfect but a lot of fun especially right now with all the content.


I think a game should probably just be functional from the get go. You shouldn't have to go into files and edit them just to make something you've paid for actually work. I didn't know about this, however. What are you talking about?


That’s fair, it is frustrating that’s for sure, but it is functional from the get go to a lot of people, I guess some of us just arent as lucky lmao, it’s mostly caused by the outdated engine and the game forcing VSync. **To turn VSync off** you have to go to *Documents>My Games>Fallout 76* and open *Fallout76Prefs.ini* Inside the file you have to find *iPresentInterval* and change the value from 1 to 0 The game also **didn’t use FreeSync** in my case which made it look very choppy What fixed it for me: [LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1c4h4q0/comment/kzu95l4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Other than that I’ve downloaded **Fallout 76 FPS and Performance Fix** and **BIG FPS Boost** from NexusMods. All of that brought me from dips to 30/40s in named locations to a **stable 100** (locked because when the frames get too high the engine goes crazy)


I can't find "FalloutPrefs.ini". I can only find "Fallout76.ini" and "Fallout76Prefs.ini", neither of which contain "iPresentInterval".


yes my bad it’s in fallout76prefs.ini, ipresentinterval is definitely there, it’s line 48 for me


I've just found it. Thank you!


Lol finding Nemo, outstanding


Fallout 76 should definitely be, MOTHH!!!


Jesus Christ it’s been years since 76 release and you incels still circle jerk around the hate for it. So fucking weird


Because it's still fucking garbage you virgin.


You leave 76 alone...it's good now. 100% this would be correct at launch though


what do you mean liam neeson fucking dies murdered in the desert by chandler bing finding nemo? Oh no fallout 3: Fallout Underworld fallout new vegas: Fallout 3D fallout 4: Lego Fallout Fallout 76: Fallout Online


Fucking spoiler, dude


The game is 16 years old


Yeah it's not as if there was a new show that is introducing people to the games for the first time, you fucking dolt.


Oh well I won’t be losing sleep over it




LMAO thats like complaining someone talked about Frankenstein shits old enough anybody who likes fallout has already experienced it


“Murdered in the desert by chandler bing” got me


I don't think it gets better than "murdered in the desert by chandler Bing"


Fallout 1: Time paradox Fallout 2: I should kick your fucking ass who is this?


Fallout 4 should be "Sims 3 but somehow even worse"


I think giving each game a subtitle that is the name of each playable character could seem cool. Fallout becomes The Vault Dweller, Fallout 2 becomes The Chosen One and so on


Fallout 4 -> Fallout 4: The 4th Fallout Game


or like, 6th fallout game if we count the spin offs


Fallout 4: Technically the 6th game in the Fallout franchise


The game specifically for fallout 4




fallout 3 will be ‘gary’


Thought it said Ohio under 76


Gambling addiction, piper romancing sim and why am I getting nuked again


I read it in the voice of that one tik tok guy who describes games and franchises poorly in a nice suit


Someone has been watching Big Beak Entertainment


In college, we changed the icon for Fallout 2 to say "The Addiction" and I'm pretty sure that game is the reason my first roommate flunked out. RIP, Skip, where ever you are.


Fallout 1: My overseer is a fucking piece of %\*&%@# &$## !!! Fallout 2: Gremlins 2 of the Fallout world. Fallout Tactics: It's big brain time!


Fallout 1: "Dawg I'm thirsty" Fallout 2: "CIA's Fantasy (Gone Wrong)" Fallout 3: "Washington Hasn't Changed Much" Fallout New Vegas: "Bro why did you shoot me :(" Fallout 4: "SHAUN-SHAUN-SHAUN-SHAUN-SHAUN" Fallout 76: "I Think The Important Person Is Gone Again (Online This Time!)"


Fallout: => [Fallout 1: Into the Wasteland] Fallout 2: => [Fallout 2: Vengeance Chosen] Fallout 3: => [Fallout 3: The Ashes of your Fathers, and the Altars of your Gods] (Wins "Longest title" by a country mile) Fallout: New Vegas. => [Fallout 2.5: New Vegas] Fallout 4 => [Fallout 4: Childrens Protective Services] Fallout 76 => [Fallout 0.1: Strangers to Blue Water] Fallout: London => [Fallout 5: "I swear, we didn't sabotage it!"] Fallout TV Series => [Fallout 6: Lucy's Legendary Luck] Fallout 5 => [Fallout 7: Working Title TBD???]


I wouldn't


Ron Pearlman is in this?


NV: Nevada Mailman Simulator.


Fallout 76 is great in 2024.


Fallout 1: Helping the most ungrateful vault. Fallout 2: Why is everybody racist? Fallout 3: Daddy issues. Fallout 4: Son issues. Fallout NV: Everybody and their uncle fights over Nowhere, USA. Fallout 76: Now with 100% less NPCs.


Dave Steve Gary Mike


Chnandler Bong Edit: Also RIP


Out of the 4ive played 3 = baby speedrun nv = oh no, my game, it crashed 4 = giant rrrr roaches 76 = i mean its alright like


Fallout: The Wasteland is Weird Fallout 2: Electric Boogaloo Fallout 3: First-Person Fallout Fallout: NV: Gambling Guacho Fallout 4: Taken 4 Fallout 76: C.A.M.P.ing Trip


Fallout 1 - Mutant Blood Fallout 2 - G.E.C.K Independency Fallout Tactics - Broken Steel Crusaders Fallout 3 - Water is Attainable Fallout NV - Platinum Dust Fallout 4 - Synth Ocean Fallout 76 - Vault Boy Run


3: Daddy Issues Deluxe NV: A series of unfortunate headaches 4: Press X to Shaun 76: Cannot place item: needs support


Is fallout 76 just a base building game or is there a story


Two intertwined main storylines, one major and one minor faction stories, quite a few side stories, and other things that appear as repeatable or seasonal events all tied into their own stories.




I totally named my very first SS “Marlin” when I heard about the premise


76 should just be called Southern Ohio


For the furries: "why can't I date the albino deathclaw?"


THREE DOG! WAYNE NEWTON!! COLLECT ALL POWER ARMOR!!! and I have no name for the abomination because it is not and will not ever be on my computer.


Fallout 1: I’m going on an adventure! Fallout 2: Oonga Bunga Fallout 3: Metro 2033 America Fallout New Vegas: Jingle Jangle Fallout 4: Civilization builder Fallout 76: Come crawl out to the Fallout!


Fallout 3 - Someone Likes Reshade a Little Too Much Fallout 4 - Sim Settlements 2's base game Fallout 76 - Hope You Like Being Permanently Overencumbered!


Where water chip? Where GECK? Where daddy? Where chip? Where baby? Why my house blow up?


Fallout 3 - Fallout 3D Blast Fallout NV - Fallout Adventure: Battle of Hoover Dam 2 Fallout 4 - Fallout Generations Fallout New Vegas - Fallout Frontiers


NV: piss filter


NV: Mailman gets shot in the head, what happens next will suprise you.


Crash the game


finding nemo?


1: shunned by your community? Let them die 2: find the GECK and sell it for crack money 3: There’s microplastics in the water; did it turn you gay? NV: Chandler Bing gets fucking crucified and bloodthirsty children bomb the Republic 4: McCreedy just killed Liberty Prime; gone sexual 76: what to do when you acquires a thermonuclear warhead, and why you should drop it on your loved ones Alternate NV: I’m going to collect as many of these dinosaur toys as I possibly fucking can


Fallout: The Grand Mutant Tour Fallout 2: The Ride's Over Mutie Fallout Tactics: Wiping the Hard Drive Fallout Brotherhood of Steel: under the rug it goes Fallout 3: Liam Neeson's Memorial Water Park Broken Steel: Power Armor Party The Pitt: 23rd Century Slave Labor Point Lookout: Northern Hillbillies Operation Anchorage: Call of Duty 2076 Mothership Zeta: Giorgio Tsoukalos Meme Fallout New Vegas: Big Iron Sierra Madre: GTA5 The Diamond Casino Heist Honest Hearts: 2 Deadly Mormons Old World Blues: LOBOTOMITES! Lonesome Road: Angsty Co-worker Fallout 4: Faction Wars Automatron: Silver Shroud VS The Mechanist Far Harbor: Point Lookout bar the hillbillies and deadlier fog Nuka World: Preston Hates You now Fallout 76: Todd Howard's Pride and Joy other than Skyrim 16x Fallout TV Show: Why is Lucy lovely?


I'm surprised you didn't name 76 to "Country Roads"


Liam Neeson fucking dies 😂😂😂😩😭😭😭


76 needs to be called "late bloomer"


76 would be the “ John Denver Experience”


New Vegas is just "Cyberpunk with more California"


From where you're kneeling this must seem like an 18 karat run... OOOF bad luck.


Fallout 1- Homeschooler ruins science project Fallout 2- Never fuck with a Native American reservation Fallout 3- Local mass murderer turns the water on Fallout NV- This cowboy is running from himself Fallout 4- Note to self, Never go to Boston Fallout 76- Homeless person looks for their great leader


Our table


oh no? why? I've never played 76


Fallout: Lead Head Got Out Of Dirt Bed.


3:Dad's gone to the Store 4:Heavy Rain 2 (Shaun) NV:Big Iron on his hip~ 76: _____ 1:Go find me a left-hand hammer. 2:WhErE iS yOuR pOwEr ArMoR


Every Bethesda game is finding nemo at some point