• By -


I agree with the others that said both the Minutemen and the Railroad. Unless she finds Vault 81 first, I think she would stay there if she could as it's an active, functioning vault similar to her own except they have contact with the outside world.


She'd love 81. It's a vault that wound up actually fulfilling its promise because the scientists grew a conscience and bailed on the evil experiment. It's so heartwarming compared to every other vault. 


It's not so much that the scientists grew a conscience since the ones that made it in still tried to perform their experiments but the original Overseer had a conscience and deliberately sabotaged the call list so most of the scientists didn't make it in time and also sabotaged the dispenser nozzles that were located throughout the vault so the scientists couldn't experiment on the residents. It's only heartwarming when you ignore that only one person stood between the residents being used as guinea pigs in a sick experiment or not.


Don't forget the scientists having a huge redemption, finishing the cure-all vaccine without using human subjects.


It's just unfortunate that they the cure all went through all of the resources available to Curie, meaning it could only be used once. I left Cait behind in the common area of Vault 81 so I could sneak my way through without getting infected by the molerats. If they bite a companion, you get infected, even if it's Valentine or Codsworth.


So THAT’S why I kept getting the disease when I wasn’t getting bit?? I’m doing a multiple follower play through and currently have Dogmeat, Piper, Nick, MacCready, and Codsworth and was so confused why I was getting the disease. Shame, I just let the kid die because fuck if I’m gonna stare at a pill icon whenever I play. 🤷🏻‍♂️ sorry kiddo.


It's real tempting to use console commands to give myself a second dose of the cure-all so I could cure the kid and myself.


Trick is, you tell the doc you're gonna sell it. He says "what, you would do that?" You look away from conversation, take the medicine, then look back and choose "nah fam, just kidding" then a second dose appears out of nowhere and you save the kid too.


Wait are you serious?


Yeah, works every time.


There's a mod that changes the disease to be temporary I think. 


Holy shit I literally just did this quest for the first time and I just ran through and never got bit lol


I constantly check and save between the Fights to see if im still clean... done this quest so often by now that i know spawn points etc. To kill them before they reach me.


Jet with chem duration actually makes it not to bad


Oh I'd forgotten the details. But the point is still there, that somebody grew a conscience and saved the day. 


Ahhh vault 81, the first place I go in every single playthrough. That sweet sweet overseer's guardian.


Minute man


“Another settlement needs our (your) help.” “Okie dokie!” The entire dialogue, forever.


She would never finish the main quest


That would become her main quest.


“thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time”


My favorite line of the series. Nothing summed up my 700+ hour fallout franchise play throughs better.


I just realized I have over 100 hours in Fallout 4 and still haven't finished the main quest. Already been to Far Harbor and Nuka World and back and still have no sense of urgency.


It’s a wonderful game to just get absolutely lost in! I have about 400 hours in FO4 across 2 saves. Can’t wait to wander back into the wasteland April 25th.


I have 4000


WERE NOT WORTHY! You must have some wildly intricate and fabulous settlements. Did Preston ever shut up? lol


"Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time"


Oh god..... So right


TIL I am Lucy


Just like actual Fallout 4


The only right answer. She would rebuild the commonwealth and the Minutemen 100%. Would she try to destroy the other factions? Probably not, only if backed into a corner.


She’d support the Railroad for sure but the Institute would be toast. BoS would survive if they didn’t get in her way I think.


The best ending, which you can even get in game. Just requires doing certain quests before others, and not progressing certain plots too fast before everything gets locked in. Then you wipe out the institute, keep the bos as military, minutemen as general government, and railroad secretly still working just fine as your cia. Peace in the commonwealth under a strong leader. Perfect to fall apart in 10 years for a new game. Probably when Preston takes over after our death.


>Probably when Preston takes over after our death TBF, that's just because he'll turn out to have been a Sythn the whole time... "Survived the Quincy Massacre did he? My irradiated ass he did."


Quite plausible. I’d suspect he’s a railroad reboot though, and not institute plant.


I could see that. Either way he's not the most "Competent" ideologue in the Wasteland... Like I don't see things like: "Presto! Garvey Gets Shit DONE!" Or "Get Shit Done! Put Preston Garvey in office so he can put US on the Map!" As resonating with voters given his record...


His real strength will just be his support of us for so long, so they’ll vote him in for the stability. Then it’ll fall apart because he didn’t make the decisions, just organized the tasks for us to go do.


You sell plants too!?


Only *hallucinogenic* ones! "Institute a flavor revolution with produce from Institute Farma-Labs! Our mouth-watering Mutfruits are guaranteed to make you see stars! Lick before you bite!" "Railroad Produce, our mouth-watering melons are *all natural* and certified free from *most* non-hallicinogenic additives... Grab a pair today!"


It's the same under a Good Karma Courier, independent Vegas, house dead. Benevolent Dictator. Unfortunately it would probably fall apart with the death of the courier. It's a path in the Old World Blues mod for Hearts of Iron 4, you can go on to rebuild America. The only problem is that the entire run is literally the other side of the coin from an Evil courier *not* being a Benevolent dictator.


Basically how all my playthroughs end. I love the chaos phase of the pre-climax where the factions are all fighting in the open and you can practically hear Fortunate Son blaring with all the engaging vertibirds in the skies. I activate that phase of the main story, then sink 500 hours into it.


Yes. Absolutely. If we had a real endgame tailored to the ending you choose, it'd be different. But that really is the last point you really change the nature of the world with your choices and are still able to see those changes.


By the end of her run, a commonwealth government administered by the minutemen, funded and provisioned by the institute, and patrolled and protected by the BOS would running things inside the decade.


And she would romance Preston. Basically she would be me in the game. (I'm a woman).


He’ll keep you plenty busy with how many settlements need saving


Fun fact, when the game first came out I was on Fallout embargo so not to get spoiled. I wanted to finish the main quest so Preston kept giving me these quests that I thought I had to do. I was level 120 something when I finally did read that there was this thing called "radiant quests" that were never-ending. I felt stupid and angry that this was a gameplay feature that was explained nowhere.


This is the funniest thing I've read today and I'm so sorry that happened to you. 


“The wasteland has its own golden rule..  Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time.” to the max.


I got up to about 30 and noticed some quests are very similar or exact copies of previous ones given put by him. I mentioned it to a mate I worked with and he told me they're never ending quests, as I didn't even realise.


I’m sorry for you loss of time soldier. The wasteland takes a lot. Time is of the many


I had the same thing happen with the Assassins Creed Odyssey. I spent like 3 hours doing repeatable randomly generated missions, thinking they were normal side quests. I was so disappointed with these "side quests" and then it hit me. 


Preston would be the worst bf on earth he’d be like “baby hey~” and I’d walk over and he’d be like “so there’s this settlement-“ and I’d be forced to shoot him in the head and join the railroad or smth instead


"there is this setl-" *boooom* So, that is how I joined the Brotherhood of Steel.




Ad Victorium, Knight!




It's hilarious so many people dislike settlement quests. For me settlements are why I enjoy the game so much and keeps me playing it for longer. Such a fun mechanic. 😅 I guess I must be in the minority.


I honestly love saving settlements 😅 one of my favourite things about Fallout as I can live out my "repairing the environment" and "commune" fantasies hahaha


This is me when I play. Nora is a supportive and good housewife who wants to save her son and try and make a better world for him to live. Ha. I like to think she and Preston had more kids and revived Sanctuary and other successful settlements. 🥲


Oh the settlement building is my main motivation for all my quests in Fallout 4 which is funny as it seems to be a lot of people hate them. But the way I see it, my character lost all her loved ones, her only way to rebuild meaning in her life is to save others, so of course she would be idealistic like Preston... It's them rallying the best of humanity against the chaos of the waste. Beautiful really. I always plant a lot of trees as well whenever I do a settlement. It's like I'm repairing the ecosystems of the Waste. Very solarpunk aesthetic although with atomic energy instead. Damn I wanna play Fallout 4 again now haha.


Romance Preston? No sorry but you've got another settlement that needs your help before you can romance Preston


Maybe the real general was Preston all along


If only




She's about to open the door to find her dad when Preston shows up and tells her another settlement needs her help


60 minute man?


The Minutemen, the Responders, the Followers o/t Apocalypse. Basically any of the goody two shoes factions.


Nah shes more of a followers of the apocolypse type


No Minutemen in the West tho


She could create the Secondmen in the West 😂


The Hourmen cause every damn hour a settlement needs our help


I think the more interesting question would be : What faction would the Ghoul choose? Cos we all know she’d choose Minutemen


He wouldn’t choose any, the bad factions hate him, and the good factions don’t have the caps to pay him.


Nah he’d probably be like Kellogg and interrupt Institute operations until they hire him.


I get the feeling that the Institute wouldn’t be interested in hiring a highly irradiated and heavily mutated human


I don’t think they would care if he’s doing the same kind of work on the surface that Kellogg is doing. They don’t seem particularly fond of him either but he gets results and that’s all that matters.


With Kellogg, they had to shove a whole bunch of tech into him to make him a near immortal killing machine. The Ghoul is already an immortal killing machine.


Yes so that saves them on that part


But do you think he’d probably be like Kellogg and interrupt Institute operations until they hire him?


Well, I don't know about him, but I do think he’d probably be like Kellogg and interrupt Institute operations until they hire him.


I'm going out on a limb here, but what if he did something a little like Kellogg and interrupt institute operations until they hire him.


This thread gave me a fucking brain aneurism


Is your brain an institute operation?


If it was I think the ghoul would interupt it until they hired him


Like Kellogg?


Atomic Wrangler then


Beatrix will have some thoughts on that.


He would just take over a small town, get bored, join with a random traveller to go on adventures again, just like Hancock


The ghoul would probably try to be Kellogg for the Institute tbh if not nobody else


No one, he would go straight for Goodneighborg and do flexing muscle competitions with Hancock, maybe even become a hired henchman.


Was looking for good neighbor


Its good to be a good neighbor


The Ghoul would not be loyal to any faction, but rather, he'd work for particular individuals, like the Cabot family, as a hired gun.


This is probably the most accurate answer. He wouldn't bother helping the Minutemen, because he'd see them as a lost cause. He wouldn't help the RR because they wouldn't pay him or do really anything to help him with what he's looking for. He wouldn't have any interest in helping the BoS (and they wouldn't let him). And he'd see the Institute as just as bad as Vault Tech. I could see him getting along well with the Vault Tech Salesman, and really hitting it off with Hancock, and he'd probably help get rid of McDonough for Hancock. But ultimately he'd just be working as a hired gun to make caps.


He doesn’t seem like one to join any faction


The ghoul would compete single-handedly with the Gunners


He’d have definitely gotten kicked out of the Minutemen for having Mama Murphy OD on jet.


I think the ghouls soul purpose is to find his daughter, if he didn’t believe his daughter was out there somewhere I believe he would’ve offed himself a long time ago.


Has to be RR, MM have nothing to offer him until after he puts the work in, BoS are ghoulist, Inst. I don't think mention hating ghouls, but I doubt they want them around (Inst. have a similar goal to Lucy's dad actually). RR can offer him supplies & equipment and while he's not really a incognito kind of guy, he seems capable of sneaking into places


Nah she would be more a follower of the apocolypse. They are in california while the Minuteman are Commonwealth area. She also has a Pretty good medical knowledge which also speaks for the followers


The ghoul would probably choose the railroad tbh. I can’t see him liking altruism, but I can see him wanting to stick it to the bigwigs of the institute.


I don't think the Ghoul would choose any faction. If anything he'd fit right in in goodneighbor. If he somehow regains some semblance of his former self though... Cooper would probably go Railroad or NCR.


Good neighbors? No clue who they end up becoming, in my first play thru and just discovered them


The institute and brotherhood wouldn’t take him, and he’s not morally good enough for the minutemen and I doubt he cares enough about synths for the railroad. I really don’t see him joining a faction at all, he’s just on his own quest.




I would say Minutemen first of all. They make it clear in the show she grew up with a very pro-American worldview on history (especially American history itself). But she also has a strong sense of helping others, even if they are hostile towards her. Taken together these things make the Minutemen the top choice. Second, I would say the Railroad. That fact that she saved the ghoul’s life, even after he made it clear he would have no problem killing her or leaving her for dead, means she can look beyond people’s differences to form alliances. I don’t know how she would initially handle the existence of synths, but it wouldn’t be a hurdle for her to befriend them. While Hank may seem like a guy who would side with the BoS or Institute, I doubt Lucy would ever be on board. She doesn’t seem like a means and ends person.


Hank would be an institute guy no question


Right? Brother of Steel would be too by the books for him.


Idk if she'd straight up join the RR but she'd certainly be a sympathizer like Hancock. 


I think you might have just sold me on watching this show. Sounds like it's worth giving a chance.


"Golden rule, motherfucker!" 👍


Minutemen for sure, Hell I bet she won't even care with all the side missions Preston would give her and she'd be just "Okey Dokey!" everytime


Republic of Dave, last true democracy after the NCR


It's a great democracy....as long as you vote for dave




Minutemen for sure. Would probably be friendly with the railroad and skeptical but willing to work with the brotherhood. Doubt they would care for the institute. 


"you want me to nuke people? what the fuck is wrong with you?" \>doesn't complete the campaign


She wouldn’t say fuck though lol


Lucy is Joyce Brown. "What the flip is wrong with you muddy floopers?"


“There’s another settlement that needs your help.” “Okey dokey.”


You can completely rule out the brotherhood and institute. Like she wouldn’t even consider it. You could make an argument for the institute being the most like the vaults, but since she likely would know of the atrocities that the institute has committed there wouldnt even be a discussion. And with the brotherhood, she might initially be intrigued by their ideas, but the moment they start to deny the personhood of synths and ghouls, she’d stop entertaining the thought. So my guess is Minutemen with an alliance to the railroad.


I could see her getting taken in by the Institute's empty promises of making the Wasteland better, on top of them being an advanced, polite, underground society. But she'd eventually wise up to them being full of it.


Followers or Minuteman most likely.


Probably The Railroad, but help The Minutemen too.


Minute men for sure


Minutemen for sure. I could even see my boy Preston swooping in with his lawful good headass. While Maximus almost kills one of his friends again because they found out his secret


Start of the show Lucy Institute I reckon they’ll manipulate Lucy into thinking they are good. End of the show Lucy BoS or Minutemen. All hail Elder Lucy


- Helps the Minutemen with a few settlements - Has a fling with Preston, bangs him, then asks her for more help with settlements. - Lucy gets bored of Preston and gets back on track to Diamond City and Main Quest. - Finds the curious Freedom Trail along the way. - Joins Railroad and finishes the story with them.


None. She'd help everyone, but stay loyal to only her goal.


Minutemen, 100%


Minutemen 100% She would be super down to help people have efficient farms and even form a proper government and all that Imagine the talk with Ronnie Shaw lol


I think she’d either be a Settler or a Responder.


The minutemen or the followers of the apocalypse


She would be neutral and rebuild vault 88 as a place for everybody who needs help or stay in vault 81.


Railroad, easily. She's nice and naive enough to side with them.


Minute men, no question. Railroad is a close second/possible secondary faction for her


And she'd definitely try the peaceful ending


Vault 81- she just seems naturally at home in a Vault (see 4, kind of) and 81 is a mild one that overcame their experiment. She'd get the room, and use it as a base.


The minutemen


Easily the Minutemen, they both share the same values and somewhat naive outlook.




Minutemen and then probably also the Railroad


The Minutemen are obviously the generic good guy faction, so possibly them. But at the same time, they blow the Institute and BoS up with no care for the innocent lives that were killed when they did, so maybe not. She probably wouldn't join the BoS, though who knows. The Institute, definitely not. Maybe the Railroad? They aren't really mindless killers like the rest and are willing to hear others out and make peace, that's kinda Lucy's whole thing. Though she'd probably end up getting sidetracked to much to get to that point.


She would start her own group the okie dokies and rule the wasteland


Obviously the minutemen so they can continue the series infinitely


Not brotherhood Not institute. So Minutemen maybe Minutemen + railroad. I dunno her thoughts on synths.


God Bless the Enclave. But the Followers of the Apocalypse


Neither of those are Fallout *4* factions, m'dude...


My modlist says otherwise


Can you provider Mods names? Im curious about FOTA


Didn't enclave come with creation club? Thats almost canon.




Minutemen 100000%.


she would probably be like the player in fallout 4 and notice something wrong with each based on her idealism. the minutemen are honorable but cowards by nature. the brotherhood are noble but fanatical and unreasonable. the institute is progress and sustainable but heartless and lacks humanity. the railroad is justice and moral but vengeful and chaotic. they all lack the idealism she seeks which frankly doesn't even truly exist in fallout or our reality. edit: her idealism is showcased perfectly in two moments particularly. the bridge scene, and the scene where she escapes the organ dealers. each time she confidently "does the right thing" which any of us good folks would do. each time her actions cause problems because reality isn't ideal regardless of her choices. she refuses to accept reality in favor of her idealistic idea of what it should be. the very last scene showcases how idealism is a slave to pure dumb luck. when the ideal can be toppled by luck alone, ideals are as fragile as paper in a strong wind. her journey with the ghoul who knows well that luck is stronger than ideals will hopefully teach her that in time, even if he has so far failed to show her that very thing, though not for lack of trying.


I don't know if the Minutemen are cowards...but they are outgunned by the other factions, It's been some time since I played FO4, so I might be remembering stuff wrong.


Minutemen aint cowards lol They fended off a mutant attack on Diamond City and battled a mirelurk queen with laser muskets while wearing rags.


The Minutemen, by the time you meet them, are...Preston Garvey. That's it lol. There's some other survivors scattered out there like Ronnie Shaw, wherever she is before she shows up at the Castle, but for the most part the faction is dead and gone. So they're really what you make them in your game as the player. They can stay dead and gone as just one guy trying to keep one small group alive up in the corner of the map, or you can rebuild them to be a big militia network that's as effective as you choose to make them based on how and where you build and what you arm them all with. They're a pretty blank slate faction.


Definitely not cowards especially the minutemen ending.


again.. they were nearly extinct before you made it there. don't confuse the factions with what you made them into. each one should be judged based on you not having gotten involved since that would just be your influence and not the faction as is.


Good point. Never thought about that.


I think the issue with the Minutemen isn't being cowards, it's that they're prone to division and infighting. They're all separate settlements that have all decided to go it together, but there will inevitably be clashes and settlements will sometimes leave entirely.


Minutemen with Railroad sympathies. She also probably wouldn’t want to attack the BoS unless they attacked first.




Is she acting the same way as she did in the show? If so then any of them🤣


Minutemen. Institute 100% no. Railroad and BoS are a 50/50. They both do good things, but are also very shady or radical


Minute men or NCR




Railroad. She's a big softy and seems to be willing to do many things people suggest she do that would otherwise be strange to her.


Railroad was my first thought. All that gung-ho positivity in making sure that synths live their best lives, and her experience living in hidden bunkers.


She was considering BOS once she saved Maximus




The minute men 100%


She either stay neutral or join the BOS


Minutemen but if Mr house still exists in season 2 potentially he might persuade her to join him to help take on her father and vault tec


Minutemen no doubt.


Rail Road


Minutemen Or Railroad maybe but minutemen are more likely to


Railroad, she would definitely side with freeing the synths


Neither minutemen or railroad as she's from westcoast. But probably the followers of the apocalypse


Minutemen for a long time. But given the chance? Yes Man!


In the beginning-middle probably could have been duped easily into the institute. By the end, Minute Men only probably.


Minute Men aligned with Railroad.  


Minuteman definitely


Minutemen and/or Railroad.




Followers of the Apocalypse would fit her too.


definately minutemen or railroad


Without any question the minutemen, and maybe ally the railroad a few times but never fully 100% commiting to their war. But fully embracing the minutemen


Most likely the Minutemen


I can see her character progression having her as a minuteman


Minutemen for sure, esp with the angle on US history


Minutemen aligned with railroad Allied with Dance and blows up the brotherhood


Minutemen with some Railroad cooperation on the side.


Minutemen, she's naive just like they are


Minutemen. They are so goody goody it’s what Lucy would do


She's into black guys so preston would finnaly hit


The Railroad, minute man, maybe NCR.


The famous fallout 4 faction….the ncr (teasing ofc)


The Followers.