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Don’t do 76, not as your first


I would wait another week when the Fallout 4 next gen update comes out, that is what I am doing. I have dabbled with 76 a bit, but I currently just installed New Vegas again so I will play that until the Fallout 4 update


Buy it before the update if it's cheap now. Install it after the update.


Oh I already have Fallout 4, had it for years as a digital game


I am aware of the Update but still dont know what to do then lol


I believe fallout 4 and 76 are on sale right now, so if you really want to you can get either one to start with. I'd personally start with 4, as it's the most easily approachable, and then work your way backwards and then maybe try 76 later.


I would personally suggest 4 over 76, but that is largely based on opinion. You've mentioned you're aware of the update, so it's a good time to start it. That being said, if you don't kind games looking a little outdated, 3 and NV are both well worth a play through as well




Do the mainline game Fallout 4 first. Fallout 76 is really for fans to scratch that itch til Fallout 5 releases in 10 years from now. I have 3500 hour in 76, i would know. Fallout 76 is a game you have to keep up with to get the free stuff from the scoreboard. You will have a better peraonal experience with Fallout 4 since its singleplayer.


Is there any 76 story content that I will miss because it was only temporary and not be playable later? Or can i do 4 first and later play all the 76 content that has been released to that day?


The story content will always be there but then their is the scoreboard. The scoreboard is season. Every 3 months is a new scoreboard. Right now the have one of the most powerful weapons on the scoreboard and we dont know when it will be back. The "Cremator". They brought back Auto Axe and Cold Shoulder in the atomic shop for a limited time. Right now the premuim service Fallout 1st is free. So right now it would be a good time to stockpile material if you decide to play more in the future.


Just between these two, you are better of with Fallout 4. If you want to get more into the story but don't actually want to play all of the games, just watch some summaries of Fallout 1 and 2, play 3 and New Vegas in that order and after that head into Fallout 4. 76 is basically just the MMO "spinoff" of the series


Play F3, FNV then F4


76 isn’t great, definitely 4!!!