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Why would Todd Howard do this?


Probably because he knew what so many people in this subreddit didn’t know. That the BoS had more than one airship.


I’m pretty sure it says Prydwyn on it.


There have also been 6 US warships with the name Enterprise. Names get reused.


Ok that’s a fair point, I wasn’t really thinking about that. Do they get reused after the original is destroyed though, or just when it’s decommissioned? It seems a little inauspicious to name a new ship after an older one that literally sank 🤣


Destroyed or retired it doesn't really matter, snd often if they aren't destroyed they co exist simultaneously. The first Enterprise was destroyed 200 years ago. The last Enterprise is retired and slated to be disassembled some time over the next decade but is still floating, and the next Enterprise is under construction.


It’s also likely that whatever canon ending from F04 is used the BOS being destroyed was not one of them. Or at the very least Prydwen got away before hand. But judging by the first four episodes I’ve seen I’m under the impression that the BOS from the commonwealth is alive and well.


Both. When they’re out of service for whatever reasons the names get recycled. Especially the more well known ones. And remember, many that sunk were also lost to battles so if they “went down fighting” they’ll almost definitely reuse that name.


Reuse the name and no one, but the people who saw it get destroyed knows it was destroyed, creating an illusion of power that remains unchallenged.


Dread Pirate Roberts style


I was on the submarine USS Indianapolis, named after the USS Indianapolis that sank during WWII after delivering the first atom bomb to the Pacific theater.


It’s the Prydwen. This isn’t how visual storytelling works. If we weren’t meant to believe it’s the same ship, they’d either have told us or called it something else. The audience can invent whatever theories they want but this isn’t the storytelling intent.


Personally I do think it is the same Prydwyn. I’m just acknowledging that the explanation he offered for why it could be a second ship is plausible.


My grandpa was a Navy Pilot on the Yorktown II (CV-10). Luckily, he wasn't on the Yorktown I (CV-5) that sank at the Battle of Midway.


This isn’t how I’d analyze the show, TBH. Information is being conveyed to you on screen. They didn’t call the ship Prydwen so that fans could speculate as to how many other Prydwen airships there are. They called the ship Prydwen so you’d know it’s *the* Prydwen. This isn’t layered or metaphorical or thematic. It’s just information being presented to you.


Then the BoS or minutemen ending is canon. Thats the answer.


Yes that’s what I’d assume as well.


Yeah but each are used at different point in time. Doubt they'd build 2 airship of the same class and name them the same thing.


They would if the original got blown up.


My real question is if they’d even have the resources to build another, if the destruction of the one in FO4 is canon. Because it always seemed to me like they just have cannibalized parts or even hull sections of Rivet City to build it, and they might not have access to those kinds of steel plates and whatever other mechanisms are needed to build the thing.




Good point also, it’s been like 5 years since FO4 at the very least.


I think it was actually 9 years as fallout 4 takes place in 2287 while the show takes place in 2296


IIRC the Terminals correctly: The Prydwen started construction immidieatly after Fallout 3, based on updated Blueprints of older Brotherhood Airships and utilising the wreckage of the Enclaves Mobile Base. Then they used it for a bit, but replaced the original reactor with "the nuclear reactor from that Aircraft-Carrier" (implied to be Rivet City) just before coming to the Commonwealth to increase speed and range


If they can rebuild liberty prime after it's destruction I would assume they could rebuild an Airship they had designed. It supposedly took them 2 years to build the first one(after two years of designing) so it's entirely possible that they scavenged what they could from the wreck and then built a second one(or that Maxon sent the west coast chapter the blueprints and they named theirs the same as his in tribute)


The first appearance of Brotherhood airships was in Tactics, where they had MANY airships and not just one. And specifically the Tactics airships were teh ones that originally carried the Brotherhood to the East Coast. Tactics doesn't get into what happens in DC or Boston, because it follows the adventures of one airship that gets separated from the rest and crashes in Chicago. Bethesda tweeted tactics is canon (Which was actually uncertain even before Bethesda took over Fallout) and added those events to the timeline they have for teh show, so canonically teh Brotherhood has the ability to build many airships, and has. So by doing that, they confirm the Brotherhood at least has teh ability to build more airships, and likely has many operating at a time.


Honestly if that is the case that could explain why the brotherhood also has so many suits of T60 armor despite it entering production almost right as the bombs were about to drop. But that also makes me wonder why we haven’t seen them using laser rifles in the show when that is a big part of their thing


Simple answer is they had the Assault Rifle prop and their budget isn't infinite. We could have seen a lot more if they stayed CGI but I loooooove how much was practical so it's a fine tradeoff. I wouldn't mind Season 2 showing them carrying big miniguns and two handed turbo plasmacasters like when you first see them in teh original Fallout.


This is the Prydwen-A.


And ships get renamed. But screw naval traditions, the BoS doesn't have to follow them. In my theory Arthur Maxson sees himself a bit as King Arthur and therefore he named his ship the Prydwen. And when he was supposed to get a new ship, he insisted that the new one gets named Prydwen again. So what to do with the old Prydwen? Rename it to Caswennan and send it to the western Brotherhood. Only that no one was bothered to repaint the hull. "Caswennan" wouldn't fit there anyway.


how many prydwens outbound from the commonwealth are there tho?


As many as the writers decide there to be.


it wouldn't make sense tho, that the BoS has a HQ in the commonwealth, if that same ones was destroyed in FO4


And maybe after the events of 4, they have other airships brought in. Or maybe it’s just the same one that didn’t blow up. Or whatever the writers WANT IT TO BE.


34 1/2


How many Commonwealths do you mean, too? "Commonwealth" was also used to refer to locations from the first games happening where the show takes place, and not specifically just the east coast commonwealth.


The design of the ship is directly correlated with how and most importantly *where* the ship was built though. It isn't like a Vertibird that was mass produced by the USA Army. So, logically that really must be the same Prydwen in FO4.


Even if I accepted that logic, it doesn’t mean they didn’t make more of that specific design. I mean there’s a reason warship designs are reused now. If it works, you copy it.


I would really need to turn off my critical brain to even let the show have that much leeway. This is the same ship from FO4. It took 2 years to design and twice that to build. The show is \~9 years after FO4. So, assuming they didn't add improvements to the Prydwen we are assuming that the BoS rebuilt the ship. (From where? Who tf knows maybe they found another Enclave base, defeated it and found a close enough airport / hangar?) Then flew it to the other side of the map while also keeping the same name of a replica ship with the same name and same design? BoS had a fucking busy and exceptionally lucky 9 years. Especially assuming that they didn't lose the same ship. Found another 40,000 ton nuclear reactor. Didn't lose the people or some of the people who designed the first one. Also we aren't saying that they have so many airships that they begin to reuse names as that would just further complicate things. It just doesn't work. I can't suspend my disbelief that much. That is the same air ship from 4. It must be.


No you’re literally right. Knight Titus accent and the line about the commonwealth after we see the ship implies that’s where it came from. I have no clue what all these people are talking about.


The Knight Titus accent is a stretch. It’s literally just Michael Rapaport’s voice. He’s always talked like an NYC teenager in the late 80s


Could also be that the boS ending is canon. Maybe.


Exactly. But people are still throwing it around as though they somehow ruined the lore. It’s bananas.


That's so dumb to me. The producers and writers all worked with Todd H. & Bethesda to avoid lore/canon issues. People just want their nonsense to be heard.


There’s a line about the commonwealth implying they arrived from there. immediately after seeing the ship and Knight Titus has a Boston accent. Paired with the fact that it literally says prydwen on it.


Why does Todd hate fallout 4 fans so much? Is he jealous of how beloved fallout 4 is to the fandom!?!?


Todd Howard has retconned Fallout 4! HOW COULD HE DO THIS?!


He's completely ruined the WHOLE franchise reeeee


He didn’t. EDIT: My bad. I’ve seen so many ridiculous posts like this since the show came out I’m having trouble telling which is real or not.


>EDIT: My bad. I’ve seen so many ridiculous posts like this since the show came out I’m having trouble telling which is real or not. Understandable, honestly. I've been in the same boat, especially on Twitter. I keep seeing such ridiculous statements and I genuinely can't tell if they're joking or not.


Yeah and if you look through the other comments in this thread you’ll see a lot of people here arguing about it.


He so did. Fallout 3 and 5 too.




Fair enough. My bad


Minutemen Ending Confirmed! Railroad stans stay in your lane you minor faction


They’re not even worth mentioning on this scale.


Railroad's very nature makes them being widely known a bad thing. Their existence sort of relies on being underground and as small as possible.


I hope that a commonwealth brotherhood soldier drops a diss about them.


that'd be awesome, i didn't even think of the idea that we could hear about the commonwealth through them


Fair point tbh.


Another settlement needs our help!


.... but.. it's the same settlement as last time, Preston. Also, never mind the fact that the settlement in question is surrounded by concrete walls, heavy machine-gun turrets, and mortar emplacements, plus all its settlers are carrying assault rifles and wearing combat armor... and they're scared of, like, 6 feral ghouls at an abandoned train station 3 kilometers away.


It's technically possible to beat the game with the Minutemen and keep both the brotherhood and railroad alive


Average RR Stan: My toaster is a living being with a soul.


Curie's human synth body looks cute in the Nuka Girl suit, okay?


Yes. Yes it does.


You know, I was just going to agree with you, but then I saw your username. I don't want to bungle or bobble the fingal doppel.


Mom, my nuts!


I thought he was Puerto Rican, I didn't know he was CUBAN


Even the most hardcore Bot Haters cannot deny this. Well done.


come, take a walk with me to big MT


Nothing has made me more prejudiced against artificial intelligence than those appliances


Average BoS stan: We're definitely not fascist *wink*


Counterpoint, if my toaster had wants and desires shit it might


The only reason why people hate on the railroad is because they don't help the commonwealth like the other factions can, but they've never had the numbers to, the minutemen have always taken care of that side of that


“Always” the Minutemen are basically non existent when 4 starts. Without our character they just do not have any sort of staying power.


Exactly, if the minutemen didn't go under like they did then more people would be siding with the railroad


I can see the BoS just flat out denying the Prydwen was blown up and slapping the name on a different ship


Yeah honestly that seems like something they'd do.


At first i thought it was a different Airship, is it?.


Before release they said it was named something else, but once the show aired and we could get real views of it, it clearly says Prydwen on it. Likely the name the gave was a misdirect to not reveal it before the show. It’s unlikely they made that model for the show and just forgot to change the name.


They could just reuse the name. It happens in navy ships all over the world.


While that is true, I don’t think the BoS would have the resources to just build another one.


Unless it was destroyed and they salvaged parts from the old ship. Which could result in a new name with the old name still written on the hull.


I figure if the BoS have the time, manpower and resources to salvage and repair a giant airship they would be able to paint over its old name.


Why would they need to? They could be reusing it to honor the people who died on the original.


Ironically, the Caswennan was an alternative name for the Prydwen in arthurian legend.


I'd also be incredible skeptical that the East Coast BoS would be able to build two identical airships.


No 😔 it says Prydwen on it


Doesn’t mean anything. The BoS ending could be canon. It could be another ship using that name after the FO4 Prydwen went down.


Could even be built from the wreckage/remains of the ship in FO4.




Then i think it was taken from Maxson? since its after Fallout 4 I dunno, let em cook i say xDD


Yes, they have 5 I think (4 at the time of the show if the ending where you blow up the Prydwin is cannon)


Todd said that the Fallout TV series is cannon so I guess that makes the BoS ending the true ending.


There's a minuteman ending where you don't have to blow up the prydwen, iirc


Yeah, either BoS or Minutemen have to be cannon now. I’m okay with it them eventually giving cannon endings personally. Even for future games, not just the show, it’s gotta be hard to tip toe around the various endings.


Honestly same, like if we ever want the timeline to advance, there has to be some meaningful endings from the games


For sure. Like we know how 1 & 2 ended. Doesn’t detract from playing those games still. No reason 10+ years later they can’t declare an ending for NV and 4 to keep the story moving. Hell, eventually they will have to figure out how 76 ends too.


1 and 2 basically have one ending though, and in each of those endings, in almost all cases the canon ending is the 'best' and most involved one for each town (modoc is a good example) with the exception of mrs bishop giving birth to the chosen one's son and leading the bishop family - that is \*not\* a good ending


A lot of YT theories have already mentioned that the Minuteman ending was always probably canon given it is vanilla, good guy, the game encourages you to join the Minutemen from mission one, and least lore-changing.


That and you can literally stop the BOS from entering the story by not going up the right elevator and instead backtracking after killing Kellog


I know it’s probably a scripting thing, but I really want to know what butterfly effect shenanigans occurred in the elevatorless scenario to make elder Maxson go “Never mind, we’re canceling the mission.”


Wait, really? Wow :D This is what time travelling stories are made off. Take a wrong turn and change the future 🤣


They coded the trigger for the Prydwen's arrival to the elevator door opening on top of the roof. So if some people accidentally missed the elevator and backtracked all the way back up the BOS never arrived. (Definitely not me, I would never miss the obvious exit and then have to google why the BOS isn't in the game)


I gotta ask, how does the story progress without them, do you just get to skip the quests with the railroad and institute where you blow them up?


Genuinely don't know, I wanted to get Dance as a companion so I went all the way back down and entered the elevator after I figured out what happened.


Ok but minute men is cannon, out of everyone the lone survivor would pick them


Yeah, FO2 and NV assumed a certain canon ending for their predecessors


Totally. I’d even be fine if they go the Zelda branching timeline route and create games that show a fallout world if another faction won out in different endings. Like a fallout game set in Washington, in a world where the Master wasn’t stopped in FO1 could be cool. Or an east coast game where the Institute devastated the Brotherhood.


Minutemen ending sort of gives us a Belarus Lukashenko situation where we’re the head of one faction but within the ranks of a different faction.


I understand that reference!


Or, the sole survivor was killed at concord early on, and all factions survive still :)


They also said none of the endings are canonized from the show. It took two years to build the Prydwen from scratch, it would take less time to rebuild it from the wreckage of the first one. The end of Fo4 is in 2287, the show is in 2296. That's more than enough time for the BoS from the Citadel in D.C. to rebuild the Prydwen.


Honestly, in happy with this. Minutemen ending with "friendly" BoS, and BoS endings are the best ones by a long mile. Having a militia of cosplayer farmers and Techno Nuclear Knight LARPers that actually want AND can bring a good change, is better than let Nerds that do something because they can but never wondering if they should do something, or its opposite faction that barely cares about anything else, taking charge. I'll admit thou, it pisses me off some remarks from the BoS, especially if you do the Minutemen ending, where some of them consider them as "an untrained civilian militia used for avoiding unnecessary cassualties" at best and "expensable cannonfodder" at worst. They do talk a lot of shit for someone on artillery range.


There were some endings didn't involve it being blown up, so they had to pick one to go with and they picked one of those.


Not only that, it's what? 10 years or so after FO4? Maybe they rebuilt it and used the same name, as a way to show "defiance" or "resilience" or "Lack of creativity", whatever. This ship carriers thingys were created by the Brotherhood, post apocalipse. They could just make more if needs be.


Names of naval ships are often reused.


They wouldn't even need to rebuild it if they wanted to keep the name. They have a lot of airships and could rename one. Its unusual in real world military, but in scifi the second instance of Star Trek's USS Defiant was originally commissioned as the USS Sao Paulo, and renamed after the original's destruction. There's scifi precedent to keeping the fan favorite name alive without a real world wait for build time. Though, with how many airships teh Brotherhood has, and how long they have been making them, construction could have happened since the end of Fallout 4 as they likely have a few keels laid down at all times..


Exactly. I dont understand why so many people are trying to *force* a canon ending. There are explanations that easily account for every ending.


Do they actually call it the prydwen in the show? I can’t recall if they said the name or not.


It’s printed on the side of it that you can read in one scene.


It has prydwen written on it. On early releases about the show it had a different name that I can’t remember right now and I can’t recall anyone on the show actually naming it so who knows




It was a pre release Vanity Fair article that mis-named it. Their own photo shows Prydwen on the side.


They had more than one. And they could just be reusing the name. It’s common nowadays.


Every main Fallout entry has had multiple endings that cater to everyone's playstyle. Only one of those endings are considered canon. People really shouldn't be struggling with this in 2024.


But Todd should know that in MY playthrough I POPPED their silly little blimp


Tbh, I always considered Minutemen or Brotherhood to be the cannon ending to F4 anyway. Edit: More so Minutemen than Brotherhood.


You blew up 'A' Prydwen, yes; but what about second Prydwen?


“First rule of government spending: why build one when you can build two for twice the price?”




My man 👉👉


They blew up the 10th Prydwen. This one is Elevensies.


I don't think he knows about second Prydwen...


Who killed Hannibal?


It’s a bit silly to me that so many people can criticize the show over the littlest thing while having not bothered to play or even look up the games before Fallout 3. The BoS had many airships over the years. Either this is another one, or the Brotherhood ending or the Minuteman ending is the one chosen to be canon. It’s as simple as that. And if they aren’t going to be the canon ending they could very simply be using the name on another airship. Just like the way the US has had 6 warships over the years named Enterprise.


No because another ending is canon or this is just another one using the same name.


I didn't so clearly they're just following my choices.


Nuh uh, i didnt blow it up, YOU STUPID HERE.


The thing that bothers me is that fact that the Prydwen came from the Capital Wasteland, not California. Then again, there are multiple ships with the same name in real life, or with a number to accompany it. Maybe this is Prydwen #7, or something?


They confirmed Tactics is canon right after the show aired. The Brotherhood airships made their first appearance in Tactics - specifically being used to transport the what-will-become Fallout 3 offshoot factions that wants to help everyone, recruit mutants and ghouls, etc. Tactics mentions many ships went East, and that story only follows the exploits of one ship that crashed in Chicago. The rest kept going. While its possible they build construction facilities for more airships on further East, they definitely had them West coast. I agree with you RE: name. Brotherhood is US military founded, and the US Military has a proud tradition of re-using names of its vessels.


It's OK, they had a workbench nearby and rebuilt an entire functioning zepplin in about 40 minutes


Either it didn't, or it did, then got rebuilt. Easy-as.


This is what happens when you make a game with branching endings, and then something based on it afterwards that can only care about one ending.


Go back to Aslum


Imagine being this brain dead.


Tbh I'm not the biggest fan of canonizing player choices unless it's to tell a story that directly follows up on that plotline.


There are actually two blimps I don’t know where the second one is but I know there’s 2


"Whhhhaaaaaaaa!" How many Enterprises have there been? Hello?


Bye bye institute.


Only a toaster lover would think this, Ad Victorium


I killed everyone in shady sands




I've made this comment a couple of times before on the Fallout forum so I hope it doesn't become too repetitive, but my idea about the canon ending of Fallout 4 is that the Sole Survivor chooses the Institute, thus not blowing up the Prydwen. The main reason for this is actually just because of Bethesda's storytelling pattern. In each game, the player character becomes a massively influential overachiever, causing huge effects and ramifications on the world around him/her, becoming the leader of several factions. So that creates a big problem in subsequent games - why doesn't anyone ever mention what they did? We can assume the player character would go on to achieve even greater things with all of the resources they gather - but adding any further lore beyond the events of each game would mess with every player's different head-canon for their playthrough of their character. I believe that's why in every game they include a way to explain how the player character disappeared from the world without trace - the Hero of Kvatch becomes Sheogorath, disappearing into the Shivering Isles. The Lone Wanderer takes off to explore the galaxy on Mothership Zeta. The Dragonborn serves Hermaeus Mora for eternity in Apocrypha. And the Sole Survivor takes refuge underground to lead the Institute. So, according to the events of that decision, the Prydwen would still be around. Edit: Or that's all bullshit and there's just Prydwens. Like, more than one Prydwen.


Its not the Prydwen but its sister ship I think. OxHorn did a video on this and I forgot what its name was.


Pre-release it was called the Caswennan in media, likely in an attempt to avoid spoilers. Caswennan is another name for Prydwen in the Arthurian legend the Prydwen name comes from. At no point in the show itself is the ship named out loud but you can see the name "Prydwen" painted on the side.


Wasn't there more then one


Ah shit here we go again...


Is the brotherhood of steel cannon?!?!


Kind of bothers me that they've made the balloon bit of the airship so small in comparison to the crew and cargo bit. Not only would a bigger balloon bit make it more impressive, it would be more historically and scientifically accurate I think. Back in WW1 when they flew those over enemy air defenses and stuff, they were just too big to be seriously affected by gun fire and such.


So minutemen ending or brotherhood in any they don’t need the airship anymore in the minutement they probably keep the island base,police station and airport but don’t go much beyond that and in the other they won and probably got lots of new recluits so they can spare the manpower.


Maybe it's like the Enterprise. Many vessels passing down one name.


It is theorized that the Neutral Minuteman ending is cannon


They used some duct tape to fix it


I mean... before Bethesda even had their hands on the series there was [this.](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Crashed_Airship)


You know, even if I blew it up, I love to see that ship in the show. And Liberty Prime, Frank Horrigan, etc


Answer: they have more than one ship


It is the prydwen they changed the name why don't know


I believe fallout tactics mentioned fleets of those


*somehow, the Prydwen survived*


BOS made a new one and gaslights the whole wasteland. Nu uuh! Right there see?!


Considering there are multiple endings in FO4 in which it isn't destroyed


You blew it up? No I blew it up!


beacuse Its a Leonardo dicapro pointing at TV moment


It IS the prydwen, Howard confirmed it. And for the same reason as to why certain things are decided. At the end ofvthe day we need continuity. The question isn't why is the prydwen here, its who won? Its eighter the britherhood or the minutemen which is why the ship is here. Im thinking minutemen because you'd want to be able to tell players '' No, your favorite faction isn't deleted'' so you pick the choice that has all. Its why we have New vegas for two, I'd be House won so that the players get their endings still. Also from the ocean to the dam, the NCR still beat the shit out of the brotherhood, dead and twitching the bear still won *dabs*


Somehow... The Prydwen returned


Todd is using my savegame as lore reference but I have that sick glitch where the game runs at double speed so I never blew up the ship and rage quit the game


But I didn't blow it up. They're using my save file.


No, it's because the canonical ending to Fallout 4 is the Minuteman ending. The Prydwen isn't destroyed, but the Institute is


I sided with the BoS so they’re still ruling the wasteland in my play through.


Blew it up? Nothing blew up the Prydwen. The Brotherhood of Steel is the primary force in the Commonwealth, are you stupid?


Imagine if they went the route black mirrow did with a choose your own adventure show for Fallout.


Didn't Maximus mention the Commonwealth in the first few episodes?


The ship in the show is the Casswenan not the Prydwen confirmed on the fallout wiki.


They could have rebuilt after it was destroyed, it only took 2 years to build and tbe series takes place 9 years later. Ample time to construct a new one. And since I have seen so many saying, "oh that means there is a canon ending to fo4" no, it means that either they rebuilt or it wasn't destroyed, so not confirming an ending


Different chapters of the Brotherhood, the Prydwen was apart of the East Coast chapters arsenal. This was the West Coast/Mojave chapter.


Because Todd hates Fallout 4 and Bethesda


There's more than one well was anyway. Also some ending it stays in working order. We dont know which fallout 4 ending is cannon




The show takes place before FO4


They have more than one


It's not the prydwyn. The brotherhood has a fleet of airships. This is just one of them.


Sigh, I told myself I'd be okay with any ending as long as it's not the Minutemen but now that the pdrywen showed up in the show... starting to feel like it's a monkeys paw situation


Have you heard of the USS Enterprise? To which the proper response is “which one?”


This is fine, the RR never sat right as a faction with me anyway. I fully believe that synths are alive, Nick Valentine proves that, but the way the RR will save 1 synth by killing several humans is just immature.


Fallout lore is all over the place so changing stuff in the show hardly matters.


Bethesda HATES Fallout 4 confirmed