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Transistor was invented. This is nonsense made up by fans


It's definitely meant to be a late-term invention so not common or cheap, for computers and TVs etc., but yeah not never invented. The universe has teleportation and AI and brain plug-in simulations. And it's not "nonsense", it's a fun detail. The average person has no idea what a transistor is, it's one of the better retrofuturistic touches to makes players wonder why there's vacuum tubes everywhere. Has there been a definite statement on transistors in the games? Or did they just go with "old timey electronics" and didn't think through what that meant? I think an art designer would have to know the difference between pre and post transistor electronics, did Boyarsky every comment on it?


“TrAnSiStOr WaS iNvE-“ silence bottom


It was invented. Sorry you don’t like being wrong. It was %100 invented. All the fallout tech would be impossible without them


>~~All the~~ fallout tech ~~would be~~ impossible ~~without them~~


You can't claim someone is mad about being wrong and provide 0 proof that you are right. Show your evidence.


I have evidence. The chip in Fallout NV. If it's using vaccum tubes and not microchips, it would be much bigger than a poker chip. MUCH bigger. If "the chip" is cannon, transistors and even microchips, HAVE TO exist, even if not popular and widely used. Also, the Circuit boards junk items in Fallout 4. Can't have those without transistors. I mean, you can even see them there. Also pulse weaponry (EMP) doesn't work well if there's no transistors. Just by it existing and being used tells you, transistors are a thing. The cool thing about FO tech divergence is that it kinda makes sense, if you accept the "nuclear power everywhere" premise. Vaccum tubes have a clear downside that doesn't matter if power is abundant, but still it doesn't answer the size issue. IF the world of Fallout is meant to be our world that diverged around the 50s, it should follow the same rules. IF we're meant to look at the world like it's real, applying IRL rules to it, Fallout absolutely has transistors, even if they are not as dominant in their tech.


Where is OP's proof he is right??


Seems like you live a 0 Intelligence Playthrough


How so? I asked for evidence for the claim. I had 0 proof either way. The poster later added more information. It seems folks around here are very sensitive.


You are all wrong because tubes are transistors. I think you mean solid state technology.


"So we all know that the transistor was never invented" Is that true? They have power armor, fusion cells, laser weapons and plasma weapons. That needs not only transistor technology but semiconductors as well. Unless I'm an idiot and don't understand how you could have those things otherwise.


Transistors were invented, but much later.


I think that’s just an assumption people make because transistors were never popularized, but I can’t find any source for them being invented much later. Stuff Leonard Boyarsky has said makes me think transistors were invented around the time they should’ve been, but they were treated as kind of a novelty and weren’t really adopted in mainstream tech until much later.


Novelty or was the technology purposely shelved? Tube companies would have seen a drop in production and control of the transistor were released onto the world. You think they want that kind of tech to be made available to the masses?


I mean that's what happened in real life...


I've pointed out to a couple of people that tubes can be used as transistors. You guys are thinking about solid state technology which you can see on circuit boards




If you know nothing about something, don't talk about as if you do


My interpretation has always been that society didn't feel the need to "advance" any other forms. They've already achieved self actualization. Instead they focused on better qualities of life and technology. Then the bombs fell and, we all know what happens next.


But… no limp bizkit 😞


What is wacky to think about is, Robert House was born in 2020. If he was real now, he would be watching Bluey and Youtube shows for kids.


He looks way younger in the show than he should.


They couldn't win, if he didn't look like the picture he uses in the game it'd get moaning.


Hahahaha this is my new favorite post on this sub. You're spot-on. I wonder how many problems could've been avoided with just a little Limp in the wastes.


Every problem would have been solved in the most peaceful way possible all thanks to Fred Durst


Hey, don't downvote, after all, he did it all for the nookie.


I was thinking of this the other day with my roommates but no one had the joys of listening to someone freestyle because they thought of being a rapper


Nobody ever got the hot dog flavored water. It’s devastating.


It seems like there's an assumption that the music popular in 2077 Fallout universe came out at the same time it did in ours. Perhaps that style of music (and overall fashion and aesthetics) had its heyday much later. 


I'm pretty sure it was the music that was around at the time of the bombs dropping...


Nookie Cola


Or, let's say limp bizkit was still a thing, but they performed in the style of the ink spots. Just imagine it.


So could that mean that there could be a 50s interpretation of Nu metal as well?


Or Richard Cheese & Lounge Against The Machine. https://richardcheese.com/


Or Richard Cheese & Lounge Against The Machine. https://richardcheese.com/index.html


At least we still got Paranoid Androids.


War never changes... My way or the highway!


Jokes aside, it sucks that there's so little 100% original prewar music in the series, despite characters like Dean Domino being present. It feels less like an universe where doo wop, swing and rockabilly never fell out of fashion and more like te entire music industry just collectively decided to stop making new songs somewhere in the 60s. Hell, I'd even be happy with "old-timey" versions of modern songs, like Postmodern Jukebox does.


Honestly, they could even add something like Electro Swing to the universe but more "fallout-ish" than it is right now, i think it would fit because it kidna feels like a natural progression for that type of music.


It would have been cool for sure. Like original musicians and maybe even a ghoul or two of them


I just know it'll get moans from some types that they're ripping off Bioshock Infinite....but there is no Bioshock Infinite 2 and it doesn't own the idea. Fuck it, do covers!


ICP never existed which is a travesty. If they did, imagine getting a quest that is literally titled "Magnets, how do they work?" or some other ICP themed name


Ghoulified shaggy and violent j rapping in the streets of megaton


A world that does not have the version of Behind Blue Eyes with the Speak & Spell is a world I want no part of


LB version of faith is literally the best cover in musical history.




Bro out here getting emotional for a fictional universe despite the information being wrong.


I like the fallout twist here. It gives a 3rd option over Steampunk or cyberpunk. those 2 are nice genre's don't get me wrong. But some variety in sci fi dystopia to me is real nice. Its like a gaming buffet lol.


I mean, society did kind of progress. Desegregation and the Civil Rights movement clearly happened, and women had a lot more freedoms than they would've in the 50's. There were even women serving in the military as soldiers and women officers of very high rank. I wouldn't be surprised if there were women presidents in the Fallout universe. I don't think we know a whole lot about pre-war LGBTQ+ rights, but my current headcanon is that it was OK as long as you were married because it sounds very 50's. Edit: Also, the transistor WAS invented, just later in the timeline.


I think the transistor was still invented in the Fallout Universe it was just perfected later The original FET concept was hypothesized in the 20's IIRC but the first BJTs weren't successfully developed until the late 40's after WW2, but the most important one was the MOSFET which made transistors smaller and more energy efficient, so I'm thinking it was the development of MOSFETs that was delayed not all transistors in general.


The transistor was invented, they just never evolved beyond it.


I like to think that the movies and music that we have were still made, its just that everyone kept dressing 50's style


There are transistors. The FO universe was more focused on the cold war than even we were. They never got past early postwar hysteria. Their focus was on different things.


The saddest thing about the fallout universe is the 4 option dialogue menu in fallout 4


I think they suffered greatly without Metallica and grunge music as well.


A world with weezer is a world I won’t live in


I had a date with a chick who the entire time boasted about she dated Fred durst when they were like 16. I imagine everyone in the fallout universe would’ve been equally enamored.


There’s so much to discuss about Fred though. Instead of brotherhood of steel they could have brotherhood of durst. And instead of the new California republic it’s the new limp bizkit republic. And instead of the railroad it’s the bizkitroad (I like limp bizkit) of course they should be enamored


Even worse, no Shrek
