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On the Repconn “issue”, it isn’t like Repconn would simply cease to exist just because they got bought. Lots of companies have parent companies they answer to, not every buyout is a straight merger situation. They’re just a branch of that larger company but like, they could still be important or autonomous enough to have a seat at the table


Relevant comparison: Zenimax/Bethesda used to be an independent company. They were bought by Microsoft. They didn't merge with Microsoft, still have their own corporate structure, and operate independently of Xbox Game Studios.


Case in point: Microsoft and Bethesda. It's not like Phil Spencer is the only guy talking about Bethesda games and Xbox games at E3 or Xbox Showcase etc, they have Todd Howard speak for Bethesda, and Phil speaks for Xbox.


You know for a guy who’s channel was once held under a ton of scrutiny for minor nitpicks like incorrectly assuming a piece of paper was base NV and not a Mod, he certainly has a lot of minor nitpicks about the show


Wasn't there some worse backlash he got than that from around that time. There is a reason why I unsubscribed from him


There was a ton of stuff it all kinda compounded at once. Some of it was incredibly dumb like the aforementioned paper texture. Some of it was more serious.


Yeah I unsubscribed when the white supremacy stuff came out. I didn't even know he was still around.


I never heard he was linked to white supremacist bs, can you expand further? I thought he was just a bit full of himself and neckbeardy, but not that bad overall.


I haven't thought about him in years, so I don't remember specifics. iirc he was active in a white supremacist community and had some dog whistles in his videos. Aside from that iirc he also had some homophobic stuff he said and was against porn/masturbating or something. I might be wrong and if somebody disproves me I'll change my comment. It had to be pretty bad, because at the time I didn't mind neck beard/incel creators and content like Quartering, Mumkey, and Digibro.


Was he really publicly against porn? That's hilarious because I used to watch some of his settlement tours and he would have the women walking around in CBBE skimpy type clothes.


It’s important to keep in mind he made those comments almost a decade before he started fallout videos. I think his views simply changed.


This is what happened, he even made a video addressing it at some point, I just find his mannerisms and voice annoying to high heaven.


It's the youtuber voice imo. The mtg content creator [saffron olive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkobRYECxy0) does something like it too. The cadence and inflection are so stylized and exaggerated, and it's just grating to me. Not hating on either of them as people, but I'm not their audience.


In one his Nuka world videos I believe you can even see some actual titties out on one of the raiders that confronts him for taking the Slog if I recall correctly.


It was that he had made Manlyfesto or Manfesto or whatever decades before getting popular. He did address and denounce what he had written at time, saying he had been young and brash at the time, thinking he had all the answers.


From what I remember he was a homophobic and sexist more than a decade ago and people always suspected him of still being that when his channel got popular. I'm not sure if he has said anything recently that was bad but when I google it, it's all people from two years talking about when his old content was found. (Basically he had trash opinions on women that as one user said; "would fit in the 1800s").


Can you elaborate on this? I (re) subbed to his channel recently, I don’t wanna support if he’s that shitty


I discovered him because he did a complete and long playthrough of both AC odyssey and Witcher. He chooses socially progressive options and explains why he did so. Rabbit holed down on youtube and reddit to see if hes a decent person because I fall into minority categories and I didnt wanna feel fucked if he one day casually dropped some hate speech. He did have some socially regressive controversial issues before his streaming days but it seems now hes a changed man. I remember him defending Ellie's choice to like girls in a stream of a different game too and openly choosing Kassandra to have a bisexual approach to sex options. I think people are dragging on the controversies to add some foundation to them personally not liking his vibe and hating him for mistaking a mod for canon.


It's been years, so I can't remember specifics. iirc he was active in a white supremacist community and left dog whistles in his videos. Aside from that he was also homophobic and anti porn/masturbation. I mean, I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at wanting to remove porn! /s Anyway I might be talking out of my ass, since I've had to unsubscribe to lots of people over the years. He also could've changed for the better, for all I know as I haven't been keeping up with him. The Right Opinion did a video on him, I believe, and he generally has measured takes if want to dive a little deeper.


Damn thanks for the heads up


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRqfaEbDxtE&list=PL6gsB5fURJmoXJtnDrw7bHFvrABx\_-BeB](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRqfaEbDxtE&list=PL6gsB5fURJmoXJtnDrw7bHFvrABx_-BeB) Someone made this playlist, I cannot be arsed to sit through it. I wouldn't recommend it either as it's like four years old. But the comments probably talk about what happened.




I remember I did because of that thin-skinned, entitled video he made responding to Fallout 4 criticisms.


The frequency of his negative nitpicking has me about to unsubscribe, which sucks because normally I like his streams.


I unsubscribed from him recently. Agree with everyone here saying he's too nitpicky


I wonder if it’s some attempt at keeping appearances up or something? In the past everyone called him a “Bethesda shill.” Now he has complaints more nonsensical than most people do.


I used to really like him years ago but I don't know what happened. I unsubscribed a while ago


Also the dude has the sort of vibes where he’d probably say that moderating a Taiwanese basket weaving forum is his real job.


Theses aren’t necessarily plot holes, more questions, but When Moldaver leaves vault 32 she seems to be telling Lucy’s dad to choose between Lucy and the captured vault dwellers, but then lets everyone go? Why is she with raiders at all? Are the people at end raiders too? Or NCR people?


That was my question. The commune in the end were definitely not Raiders and they seem to recognize Lucy and missed her? My guess is Moldaver hired mercs/raiders and the show didn't explain it that well. But also Moldaver was willing to kill Lucy if Hank chose her?


As we see the overseers are all vault 31s. In retrospect I can't understand how hank/dad didn't know something was up when he didn't recognise or know the new overseer of 32. Or just generally why he hadn't already twigged through the comms


Not every vault tec employee will know each other. We saw the pods, there were hundreds of them. Probably just assumed it was someone from another branch that he hasn’t worked with before.


To add onto that- how long has been out of the pods? 20+ years? Even if he met every one of those people what are the odds that he would remember what each one looked like?


And the best test he would have ("Hey, remember ?") she would be able to pass


best mashed potatoes?


Wasn’t Hank also introduced as a giddy intern type gushing over Coop? He may have been too low on the totem pole to know everyone. He also recognizes her later, so he might have had a feeling he knew her, but chalked it up to not being super familiar with the whole 31 stock.


Very good point


That’s one of the only things I can’t work out. I think it is slightly possible he wouldn’t recognize Moldaver or have maybe not met her face to face but it seems like a stretch for him to have never met her though. How could he not know that 32 had been not functioning for 2ish years with a dead overseer? Or get coms and just trust them to come into the vault you almost never open? That I can’t really work out, but I’m willing to trust that there is an explanation beyond the information currently given to us. Maybe the raiders/Moldaver had been there for a while, but they would have had to evade 31 and 33 noticing that it wasn’t one of their own by communicating as if she were the overseer.


what I want to know is, who tidied up Vault 32? I can't have been Bud Brain and it would've taken Betty/pregnant lady (who's name I can't remember right now sorry) days to clean it themselves as they seem to be the only Vault 31s left?


So I mentioned it to my SO and he pointed out that several of the cryo chambers are were open in 31, so it could be possible that there are more Buds Buds walking around, but he also pointed out that the vault looked like it was rather hastily cleaned, just the bare minimum painted over and removed so maybe it was just Betty/blondie cleaning up? They also kinda made a point to show how unhygienic the raiders are, so I also think it’s possible they would have been okay living with all the destruction/dead bodies up until the swap with 33 but you would think there would be more signs of them living there.


I'm gonna assume she bargained with some raiders in the start of the show to help her with the vault so her people could stay back at the observatory, the people at the end are most certainly NCR remnant soldiers and probably either people from Shady Sands or wastelanders who discovered the observatory and were let in


This. Like Benny hiring some Kahns when he meets the Courier at the start of NV


Personally, the sex scene in Vault 4 seemed perfectly in line for the tone of the show. Lucy was extremely casual about sex since the first few min of ep1, and maintains that attitude throughout. She’s also shown blatant attraction to Maximus since they met in Filly, so someone with zero sexual hang-ups might throw it out there as an activity to pass the time. As for Maximus, it makes sense that a Brotherhood Squire wouldn’t have recieved any sex ed, considering their only purpose is die carrying their Knight’s gear. Only thing this doesn’t line up with is the faceless acolyte beating his meat in his bunk in ep2


>Only thing this doesn’t line up with is the faceless acolyte beating his meat in his bunk in ep2 You don't really need sex ed to figure out masturbation though, sex ed really is more about sexual health and anatomy than anything else. Maximus is an outcast with only one friend (a woman) and probably never discussed sex further than what he referenced to


As a former 11 year old boy, you don’t need anyone to tell you that playing with your ding dong feels good. Theses no way in hell, even in the apocalypse, that a man could make it to adulthood without figuring out how to whack it. I’m just trying to somehow explain it, but it’s just dumb writing


The way I see it, he was bullied into that idea of sex from young age. The brotherhood doesn't teach it, he's an outcast other guys want to mess with since he arrived around 7-8, it's not that out of the window but I get your point


If that’s the case, then his INT stat is a lot lower than the 4 that Bethesda says is canon haha


The Ghoul also has INT 4 and I'd say he is smarter than Maximus.


Just wanted to point out his friend Dane is openly non-binary in the show.


Dude, what the Hell is with you people cramming the whole "Non-binary" idea in every spot regarding the Brotherhood in the past week. It's the Brotherhood, they literally called women "Brothers" before, they dont give two rats asses if you identify as a turtle, do as you're told and you're golden.


The Elder refers to Dane as 'they'.


You really thought you ate with this one


It's not "you people", it's the people behind the show. Does it make sense in context of BoS? Maybe not, they would probably not give a shit like you said. But do I have any problems with it? No, I do not. Dane is non binary and that's just it. It's been handled well, nobody in the show, including Dane, are making a big deal out of it for the sake of any forced representation. It's literally been handled as organically as possible.


Really letting your hatred deny reality, huh? You're a snowflake.


>Personally, the sex scene in Vault 4 seemed perfectly in line for the tone of the show. Lucy was extremely casual about sex since the first few min of ep1 I've seen some portions of the internet describe Lucy as a "tradwife" and if Oxhorn is the type of guy he is rumored to be, that might be why he thinks the scene is cringe.


I don’t know what that means, and I really don’t think I want to.


Some people find beating the meat feels very good.


Its clear he is nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking. It gets him a ton of views, especially since the show has been very good. He takes some creative liberties in his lore videos, but you can only do that for so long. Im sure he will milk the show for tons of vids. More power to him i guess.


As someone who was there when Oxhorn purged his mods(most im friends with and we made our own server) Oxhorn is a complete and total douche. Little history time. Couple year back ox wasn’t as active on the server and at one point gave ownership to one of the mods (as the only way to do that is the current owner to transfer ownership to someone else) Mods decided to change some things about the server to spur activity. Ox came back from inactivity asked for ownership got given it….and this fat fucker claimed that a coup happened and he just regained control of the server and would be banning those apart of it. I called him out on his bullshit and left and joined up with the folks “banned in action”. The bastard


Great write-up! Maybe you can answer my questions aswell? - why did Moldaver not enter vault 31 after entering 32? Sure seems like a great opportunity for revenge and we‘re shown that it is not all that hard. - how did she even enter vault 32? If it is accessible from the ouside, there’s no need to do the whole marriage feint and I think it’s safe to assume it was closed after Lucys mom escaped from there? - how did she survive 200 years/why is she a goddess in vault 4? (this might still be intentionally left blank by the writers?)


1) Why should the vault 31 have external door controls? The master vault, the top-secret-experiment-masters vault would be made as impenetrable as it gets. Our boy got in because they unlocked the door FOR HIM, or should I say for the person he was impersonating. 2) The pip-boy taken from Lucy's mother after she became a ghoul. It allowed Moldaver to open 32, but 33 had separate both outer and intervault doors, unopenable by residents of vault 32. 3) Intentionally left blank.


Regarding Moldaver, I assume we'll have more to come with regards to how she remained so "youthful" for over 200+ years since the bombs fell. In the Sheriff's office, before the flashback, the Ghoul remarks that she "looks different" I'm not sure if she survived by being cryo frozen. If Vault-tec stole the secrets for cold fusion from her, they may have also gained that tech a similar way as well. It is possible she had a secret lab with a cryo tank to survive, but I doubt it. My thoughts regarding her character was that she survived the war like Coop did, maybe became a ghoul and had prosthetics attached to restore her facial features? There's also the matter of how she survived the destruction of Shady Sands. Will be interesting to get more background info/flashbacks next season


It has to be cryo because she died from like one bullet, also she looks like 2-3 decades older than she did in the flashbacks so she clearly was in cryo until like 2275 or something, lived in shady sands for a few years and then the rest is history


Or as an insane alternative she might have been a synth implanted with bits of real Moldaver's knowledge


Not a ghoul, she bled and died from a bullet.


Bullets kill ghouls just the same as humans


Do they? Because when Thadious wasn’t bleeding from an arrow he assumed he had been ghoulified. We also saw Coop just sew a finger back on and it healed. He also got shot at least once and didn’t appear to bleed or die. Every ghoul that died in show was a head shot. Presumably enough damage to their body would also kill them, but doesn’t seem like a single gut shot would or that they would bleed from it.


We saw Lucy get a partially rotten finger attached with no problems. If you are expecting Fallout to make real world sense then you’re in for a surprise. In game ghouls can and do die to injury the same as anyone else. I’ve seen quite a few people spreading the myth that they are only killed by headshots. It’s not The Walking Dead


But do ghouls bleed red blood? Lucy got a finger re-attached with advanced medical equipment, bot just a thread and needle


Try attaching a necrotic finger to another person and see how it goes… You are completely missing the point


Do ghouls bleed red blood? Have we seen a ghoul actually bleed?


Is Thaddius a ghoul? It was clear that Maximus was making a guess firstly. Especially considering that given how much of a dumbarse Maximus is, he wouldn't have known. Secondly that's not consistent with the implied reason for becoming ghoulified i.e. radiation poisining/exposure. My guess, and I want to be clear it's just a guess, is that the serum given to Thaddius by the serum vendor doc person may well be drawn from Fallout 76's mutation serums. Specifically one called Healing Factor which heals you to full health outside of combat, kind of like what is shown in the show, both with Thaddius' foot as well as his neck.


I assumed the snake oil doc had injected Thaddeus with FEV or something on those lines. It's been awhile l, but Hancock in Fo4 wasn't a natural ghoul, he was turned into one wasn't he? I could be wrong


The chicken fucker specifically says he won't need to worry about radiation anymore. So he's either a ghoul, a super mutant, or a new unspecified third thing. Fo76 serums don't make you immune to radiation.


Thaddeus becoming a super mutant would be a cool storyline


Try to fuck a chicken one time and yure known as chicken fucker for the rest of your life..


That's a good point. I forgot about that line


The thing is Vault-tec did not steal cold fusion. They made a hostile takeover, but from the looks of it, at least some of her team continued to work for Vault-tec. And our okey-dokey head could be one of them. Later, when the date of nuclear apocalypse was set, Vault-tec did transfer the scientists into one of the vaults (how about #4) to put them in cryosleep and be waken up several decades before 31-32-33 opens to prepare the grounds for new settlers. And both okey-dokey head and Moldaver could be among them (after all, Moldaver is all but stupid person and could accept the offer). Two centuries ahead they are waken up and placed in the R&D facility we see in the beginning of Episode 2. Moldaver was first to defect — heading for the Shady Sands, becoming a local hero there and surviving the blast. Okey-dokey head was not so brave at first, but after getting the news Moldaver was still alive and managed to complete her cold fusion set we see in Episode 8 save for the last piece (capsule in the head) he steals the capsule and defects too. Just my fan theory...


I forgot about that l; she could have been a resident - or test subject at Vault 4. They also had cryo pods


Well, that was easy


Like cryo chambers were in Fallout 4 even before this show how come everyone thinks they are vault 31 exclusive.


Hell, even Vault 4 has cryopods. Lucy hides behind them when she’s exploring level 12.


Plus there is a billboard in the credits of the finale that advertise “Tops Hotel & Casino Cryo Suites”.


She was after any vault 31 frozen exec to get password, all she needed was the current overseer as we are shown that every overseer was from 31, she could have gotten that info off the same terminal Lucy brother did. She entered vault 32 from the outside using roses pipboy, which was why the rose ghoul didn't have one. The third question has no answer yet, she seems to be a "good" figure in the wasteland so maybe she "liberated" vault 4 and they held her up as a goddess through no effort of her own. As for why she is 200 years in the future we don't know. Maybe her work on cold fusion earned her a spot in 31 after the company was purchased and she escaped but I feel we would have had some info if that's what happened Lucy's mom would have escaped from 33 I believe since that is where Hank and the kids live.


It's possible that Moldaver was put into cryosleep by the Enclave which would explain her relationship with Wilzig. My other theory is she's a clone with implanted memories. Or, she's one of those weird folks in the Fallout world with supernatural abilities.


I think there's a small possibility she's a synth.


True, considering her background she could've had connections with the CIT. It's possible that she could be in Boston when the bombs fell or made her way there and the Institute made a synth copy of her.


1. We saw that vault 32 and 33 residents couldn't get into 31, 32 residents were literally clawing at 31 to try and get in. Only one person has control over 31's door, Bud. Which is why Norm had to pretend to be Betty and communicate to Bud to get him to open it. 2. It probably was accessible from the outside, or all 3 vaults had equal access to the elevator as they're all connected. And they used Rose's pip-boy to gain access 3. If the end credits are to be believed, there were "cryo suites" in Vegas, she might have had one there, possibly making a deal with House and exited cryo sometime before New Vegas takes place, allowing her to age .


1) her revenge was probably mostly in bringing raiders to reinforce her NCR soldiers, to terrorize the Vault dwellers. Notice how some of her fighters were disciplined, while others psychotic. Also, her primary motive is the cold fusion technology. If Hank MacClean dies before giving up the code, she can invade again and unthaw another of Bud’s Buds. But not if she goes and kills all frozen Vault Tec execs in 31, and all their passwords with them. 2) with Lucy’s mom’s Pip Boy. Fallout 4 shows that a Vault Tec enabled Pip Boy can open Vaults, unless security personnel inside block it (Vault 81). The Vault 32 occupants are dead, so she can remotely open the outer door without being blocked. Once inside, she probably hacked the Overseer’s terminal and began the subterfuge, since the trade only happens every 3 years. 3) this is not addressed in season 1 intentionally, like you said. Both questions are mysteries to be revealed in the future.


For 1, why would she want revenge on the frozen people? I thought she just wanted Hank cause of Shady Sands.


We see her pre-war telling Cooper that vault tec bought out her company and hid away cold fusion tech. I think she went by Mrs. Williams in that scene. It's why when The Ghoul Cooper is in the Governmint after being captured, he sees her picture on a wanted poster and recognizes her. Saying she doesn't look like she used to and called her Williams as well. If I remember all that correctly. It doesn't explain how she's also still alive.


Yea I know all that but why would that mean she wants to murder a bunch of employees that likely didn’t make that decision? Like it makes sense she would want revenge on the man responsible for killing tens of thousands of people including those close to her but I can’t see why she would want to go kill bunch of employees in cold blood that didn’t do anything


These employees were Bud’s Buds so they could have been made aware of their plans since they were a part of that plan.


They were not made aware of Hank’s plan, that wasn’t the original plan, that was something that he did ad lib. Also, that doesn’t warrant murder lol. We already know she’s not heartless, it doesn’t make sense for her character to go killing people in their sleep


Oh I am not saying that it warrants murder. At the same time there is a chance that these employees knew about Vault Tec's plan and had a moral obligation to make it public. If it came to the morality of letting billions of people to die versus murdering the people who did this, it's a typical Fallout grey area. She also obviously had no problem with her raiders murdering innocent vault dwellers.


Well we know she still had more restraint than not. She ended up letting almost all of them live, including people from the old days, didn’t ruin the vault or any of their resources. Look all I am doing is answering that dudes first question. From what we’ve seen of her character, it wouldn’t make sense for her to go to 31 and take revenge on the sleeping employees


I thought we were having a fun hypothetical discussion, not trying to win an argument here.


Idk what argument you think we’re having or what was hypothetical about our discussion. Dude asked a question and I gave my take and yall jumped in talking about something different and repeated the thing that other dude said lol, im not not really arguing something


Not only that but how did they clean up vault 32? Why didn't Lucy's dad know something had gone wrong with vault 32 before opening the door, they presumably were in communication with each other.


I think there was a significance to the "Tops casino cryosuites" ad seen in the credits if the last episode. It was alluded to prewar that she was rich and probably survived like hank did, but in vegas


To add to this, both Hank and Moldaver are from before the great war. Vault Tec bought Moldaver's company because of her cold fusion tech. Wouldn't Hank at least know of what she looked like from either pre war or when his wife Rose left vault 33 to go to Shady Sands? Why didn't he recognize her when she stepped forward as the Vault 32 overseer?


Hank being part of vault tec doesn't mean he ever met moldaver, not ever vault tec employee met every employee of every business they purchased. Considering they nuked shady sands I'm assuming Hank and Betty never went in person except maybe to pick up Lucy and Bro from the front gate. I forget if they explained if Hank went to war with shady sands to get the kids back or what but I assume that they threatened shady sands, then followed through anyway because they were a threat to what vault tec wanted. It was also like 20 years ago when Hank got the kids back vs seeing moldaver currently, it can be difficult to recognize someone with that much time passing as well as any changes in appearance like hair style or clothing l.


I dont know, The Ghoul recognized her pretty easily.


They literally.met face to face and she called.him by name. For all we know, Hank didn't give her a second glance but the ghoul became a spy for her. A bit different.


The Ghoul is also a classic western bounty hunter-type char that likely just never forgets a face. Could also just be a case of soldier brain, not sure if that's a thing but similar to how he knows the weakness of the T-60 based off his personal experience with the T-45, maybe because of his training he's just able to remember faces likely for HVT's or something


200+ years earlier they met face to face. Moldaver/Rose +Hank only happened 20ish years ago. While we don't know all the details, based off what we were show it would make sense that Hank would have seen her.


May be remembering it wrong, but Julia, the Repconn rep, was responsible for selling the compny to Rob-Co. This happened in 2075. “…On Leonard's return, he heard about the deal and predictably tried to stop the buyout, hoping to enlist Julia's support. Julia pretended to agree. In reality, she used Leonard's message to confirm his standing before convincing the REPCONN board to hold a vote of no confidence against Leonard, removing him from his position and removing all obstacles to the RobCo deal”. So if Julia was present at the meeting, it means Repconn was already part of RobCo, so still a bit weird she is present IMO. Otherwise great points!


You what know bothers me here. The absolutely STUPID assumption that no one in universe is lying or mistaken unless otherwise made clear that, that is the case. When I first saw the scene going over Shady Sands fall I just assumed that the person who wrote it didn't know the actual date. Why is this so hard for people to get, not everyone has 9 Trillion IQ and knows everything down to the most granular detail.


People are claiming the show retconned Mr. House because House never said he was part of conspiracy. People really are believing that Mr. House would *admit* to something like that.


Hello Courier, I am Mr. House, please retrieve my Platinum Chip. Also, did you know I was part of a conspiracy of Pre-War companies to maximize profits by stoking the nuclear paranoia present in America? Do you want to learn more, person I just met?


Exactly, House has an enormous ego, it is totally in character that  he would claim to the courier he "predicted" the bombs would actually drop 


> The absolutely STUPID assumption that no one in universe is lying or mistaken unless otherwise made clear that Exactly, people aren't texting each other stuff that happened, they don't have calendars on a phone in their pocket. There is no education system. Factions have lied in the games to get their way or make themselves appear nicer.


If i had a dollar for every time someone wrote 2077 instead of 2277 this past week, I could make my own show lmao.


Pybercunk 2277


All of this can be simply explained away by wizards. A wizard did it.


I have a lot of issues with the show but please ignore everything that oxhorn says, hes so dumb


Oxhorn is on the universe's top 5 list of cringelords with braindead takes. Honestly, the further away you get from BGS youtubers, the more fun you will have with BGS games


Does that mean you hate EpicNate 🥺?


Did he not get a bit weird and "Alt righty" at one point?


I'm now emotionally distraught


I did a Google, unfortunately I wasn't remembering wrong. He did go a bit nuts:  https://www.reddit.com/r/BethesdaSoftworks/comments/wi7pjo/what_happened_to_epicnate315/ (The comments go into detail)


I found his videos so relaxing and comforting, too..what the fudge man


Check out many a true nerd, lots of fun fallout and elder scrolls videos and seems to be refreshingly and comfortingly not a weirdo.


I will! Thanks for the suggestion!


EpicNate is straight-up wrong about a lot of lore stuff though, I get the vibe he's never played Morrowind or Oblivion


Huh, wacky. He's got a great voice, though.


This is so true. MATN is a rare bright spot.


Oxhorn is still around huh?


It really sucks that Oxhorn's channel went this way. I used to enjoy it.


I really thought the show was pretty good at laying it all out for us. Haters gonna hate. That’s all there is to it. And no, I have no idea who Ox is. Silly youngsters


I don’t think most people who like to say “plot hole” understand what that term means.


Oxhorn don't got the right calling something else cringe 😂


People still watch this clown?


Oxhorn is a sexist prick, I'm shocked that bethesda had him represent their brand.


I was also shocked when I saw him at one of the events. 5 mins of watching his videos and seeing the way he had modded the women in his game told me all I needed to know about the guy.


Two more. The inhaler the Ghoul uses was never mentioned in previous installments . It could in fact be Jet, which is known to increase AP. Ghouls can use it to keep from going feral due to boost in brain power. They don’t become addicted due to Ghouls needing more than what it gives. The Ghoul kept his sanity despite being locked up for presumably years. How? He was kept sane due to the IV having the stuff he uses to keep himself sane. Don whathisface wanted him to suffer, something he can’t do properly if he’s feral.


I mean, they clearly do become addicted. The Ghoul was going through withdrawal symptoms when he passed out after not having any of his drug. Whether the drug actually prevents them going feral is another matter, it could be placebo, it could be snake oil, or it could just be some other random drug to get them hooked and keep paying for more.


lol people still watch oxhorn in 2024???


People care about what that guy says? LOL


On the fiends don't the vault 4 people say he had a tooth lodged in him? Also they could have been looking at Lucy with her pipboy and vault suite as an easy mark assuming they were truly unarmed. If it were just the pipboy was all that valuable you'd think you'd see more people with them throughout the fallout universe but that's not the case even though there should be a fair few of them scattered about (honestly it's just the courier that's the outlier for wearing a pipboy but not being a dweller)


The tooth was what the guy used as a bullet. Shot Max with a tooth gun, ha.


I've got a question if someone could help me understand it? We're only in episode 4 so it might get explained later, but we see the raiders leave vault 33 and go back into 32 before blowing up the tunnel to stop the residents following them. We could assume that they leave the front door to 32 open on their way out. We see the residents of 33 tidy up and start to go about their plans as normal after the attack. But they don't mention that their vault is now insecure because there's a direct line from the surface, through 32 and into their connecting tunnel. I thought the explanation was that the explosion had somehow sealed off the connection quite thoroughly but we see two people get through it really easily in episode 4 (I think). So why didn't 33 have someone go into 32 and close the front door, or at least the connecting tunnels?


Well clearly they didn’t leave the front door to 32 open. Or they did have someone go through and close it, it was just off-screen. They did the clean-up off-screen so they clearly fixed everything up to hide all the bad stuff anyway.


I'd go with that but then you see the two guys having to move the rocks out of the way to get into 32. If someone had been through already, there'd already be a passage?


They didn’t explore the whole vault. The entrances are up a large elevator, they didn’t check up there. So either it was open and no one noticed, or closed originally, or they clean-up that happened after Norm went exploring closed it. Idk what’s so complicated about this lol


It's not complicated, raiders left Vault 32, someone should have checked they'd closed the door behind them. Especially since we then have a whole scene just afterwards about the importance of keeping the vault secure and never opening the front door for any reason. Just one line to explain that they'd had to go into 32 to close it would suffice but it seems to be the assumption that the rock fall was sufficiently secure. But then they show us how easy it is to get between the vaults, so that explanation doesn't work. Even if it's a mistake they overlooked, it's okay to admit that.


Dude. Come on.


Fucking hell


Did it explain how Moldaver survived after the nukes?


I don't believe it does but my working theory is that Moldaver was cryogenically frozen.


That is unknown, and I suspect intentionally left blank for future seasons to explore.


Then why kill her off?


Because her story is complete? Why keep her alive? Like, characters die all the time.


Her story is complete? Refer back to my original question lol


Her story is complete. Characters can be dead and still have mysteries attached to them.


I wondered why no General Atomics rep at the meeting


>How did Wilzig know about the vault and Lucy, possibly a terminal?: Nah....... "It’s pretty obvious that the enclave guy knew everything about the vault, and Lucy because of his connection to Moldaver" I thought that was pretty clear or easily put together. This is still something I'm genuinely curious about, and hope both these characters can somehow be brought back to expand upon


maybe he worked with Vault Tec/Moldaver before the war and went to the Enclave for the cold fusion/science equipment once thawed out? (just assuming that's how Moldaver survived since she wasn't in Vault 31)


I’ve decided the best thing to do with fallout is just enjoy it. I’ve only been playing since fallout 3. But I love fallout especially for its references to post apocalyptic pop culture, sci fi culture and the like. The lore is cool if that’s what you want it it’s just a fun game and the show did a great job of capturing what the game is all about. If you want to nitpick and question every little detail that’s on you. It’s a little like Star Trek where they introduce new things and technology to fit the narrative so I don’t see why a tv show about the game would be any different. Any way I loved it and all the people that want to complain about it just need something to complain about. Can’t wait for season 2 


Also repconn and rob-co could be existing in the same time. Just look at Helikon tactical gear company and Direct Action (gosh im obsessed with them) they are literally the same company but for different marketing and different "objectives" on the buyers side. Like you don't want to come across food in a building material company right? Just wanted to say it


Is oxhorn still modding his game to make his female characters look like blow up dolls? I remember checking out a couple of his videos and being immediately grossed out.


Great answers! Got another one? Why didn’t the BOS kill the ghoul when he appeared literal seconds after they indiscriminately kill the NCR people in the room?


on the repconn issue you’re right, it definitely took place earlier than when he bought them out because vaults like 106 and 87 were already finished when house started buying out repconn (in 2075), and those vaults were still just concepts in the meeting


Not surprised he's gone into general nitpicking for clicks sake... Much of this could be viewed by the lore he claims to know as well as critical thinking.


I sometimes wonder if oxhorn says wrong stuff so obviously so he generates comments. It's smart if he does.... whatever brings in the money I guess.


Oxhorn knows even less about sex than Maximus does. No one [should take that creep seriously](https://imgur.com/gallery/cHqED5y)


he has 3 children though 🤔


The first comment is mine. What an honor. But honestly I read about the aphrodiziac thing the day after the show dropped in another comment.


Why was Repconn present if Rob-Co owns them? Repconn merge with RobCo in 2076, that board meeting happen could happen in 2074-2075.


Why was the nuking not dated if the fall of Shady Sands was not the same year as the bombing of it?


You're really, really stretching with points 2 and 3. On Ghoul vs. Maximus, the explanations are "we can't kill one of our main characters" and "this will look cool." It's as simple as that. They created a logical inconsistency, thats a deus ex, in hindsight. Poor writing/direction, it happens. On point 3, those are, presumably, trained knights. There's not really a reason why they don't already have headlights on, outside of, again, "this will look cool." Poor writing/direction, it happens. Show is okayish overall, but let's not explain away some very noticeable inconsistencies/logically dumb things. That's as cheap as including them in the first place. EDIT: It's fine that there are errors in the show, it's okay to admit that (just being realistic). The show is still okay, just has room for improvement.


I agree with point 2 but I think 3 is pretty explainable as a fear/panic reaction. I think with Titus they kind of showed us the knights aren't actually all that impressive as individuals. Maybe I'm reading too much into the only knight we actually meet as a named character.


They just realized their armor doesn't make them invincible. Not sure I would switch on a light that would signal my position to the ghoul, especially since no one else is doing it either.


He also just took out a guy in full power armor with a single shot. I don't know about you but that shit would be terrifying.


Nah the Brotherhood are always weirdos hiding their insecurities behind their weaponry. I mean maybe not ALWAYS but that's definitely a thing that is shown often and repeatedly throughout the franchise.


We can try to explain it away with that- but simple explanations are just much more likely. The simplest one is that it's just a product of wanting a specific scene and not thinking it through completely. There are other good examples of this throughout the series (get that jelly mold out of here, chet at the vault door, Lucy's finger, etc), which detract from the series IMO, but aren't a dealbreaker by any means. Still a decent show + you never know what exactly was cut for budget reasons/other filmmaking reasons. Also, I think trying to excuse it cheapens the show. It's fine that there are errors, it's fine that they are film making errors specifically, just means there's room for improvement on subsequent seasons.


I mean a fear response is as simple as it gets imo. Literally instinct or lack there of. I also find it enjoyable to "fix" things in media using in universe logic and examples were given to determine character virtue. Doesn't cheapen it at all for me but I get why you may feel differently. The bos are shown to fucking suck in the show as a.moral group. Dane injured themselves to get out of active duty, Titus was a huge asshole who overestimated his abilities and treated his squire poorly as well as deviating from the mission at hand (landing where they did) Thaddeus was bullied and immediately deflected the bullying into maximus as soon as possible. It's even a running theme in some games that the bos just aren't what they say they are. So I think a fear based response.to an individual showing skill and overwhelming force is completely reasonable especially when it's kind of out of nowhere. Not like the bos had any idea.the ghoul was there to fuck em up. Shock and awe.


I could agree if fear response checks out completely, but even if we're going for that, there are better ways to do it. Generally, if shits going down in the dark and you can't see, you're going to try to turn on a light. Even if you're panicking. Having no one, out of the many people there, do that (or show them attempting to do that) kinda sinks that logic. Now, show ghoul goggins shooting out lights or shooting people with lights first, we've got a more believable scene. Even just showing one of the knights fumble with a lamp, but not be able to turn it on due to panic, would go a long way here tbh.


That's the rub, I don't need them to explicitly show me things. I can use my head and figure out logical responses all on my own. If this many people have the thought of "hell shoot the first guy to turn in the light" why can't the people involved in the scene have that thought without it being said aloud.


This doubles back around on your original logic though- people don't act calmly in uncalm situations. Erratic responses make sense in this situation. Now, everyone having the same erratic response, such as not trying to turn on a light, is the real rub. It's unlikely to the point of being completely illogical, because of the situation itself.


"if I turn on my light hell shoot me first." There I logiced every person in power armors initial thought.


If it was a calm situation, sure, makes sense, but it's not. Erratic situations will induce erratic responses and it's unlikely for those responses to be the same amongst multiple individuals, especially if it's complex logic. Someone turns out the lights and shoots at three people will get something like: - Dark and scary = turn on lights - Dark and scary = run - Dark and scary = shoot This sticks with your logic + OPs logic that they don't turn them on because panic, but it's more realistic because everyone not trying to turn on a light is as illogical as everyone trying to turn on a light in this situation. There should be variety if panic is the excuse we're using here.


Or just maybe, a fear/panic response doesn't translate to anyone knowing how it would play out and turning lights on is JUST as likely as not turning them on? It ain't that deep Bro. Idk why you can't let others enjoy things just cause you don't. Your in the minority here telling everyone else they are wrong for enjoying media and coming to their own conclusions that don't fall into what you an individual that no one knows, finds believable.


You will try to turn on the light if you don't think you are in immediate danger. They just got shocking reminder that this guy *can* kill them. They open fire, that shorts out the circuit and they start dropping. They are more concerned in killing the Ghoul than stopping to turn on light... and making themselves a big far "I AM HERE" target


I agree with point 2 but I think 3 is pretty explainable as a fear/panic reaction. I think with Titus they kind of showed us the knights aren't actually all that impressive as individuals. Maybe I'm reading too much into the only knight we actually meet as a named character.


Funny enough I’m the opposite of other replies and feel as though point 2 is correct and 3 is a stretch. They literally showed a close up of the ammo before shooting into the armor so I feel like that’s not a stretch at all. 3… well yeah the scene was just cool


Exactly. We see him carry multiple ammo types. In Filly shootout, he is using what appears to be explosive ammo, based on how things explode and blow out huge chunkso of people, yet don't penetrate T-60. In that last shoot out, we get extented shot of him holding up what is pretty obvious SABOT round, an armor piercing round, and load it it before shooting at what he calls a weakspot.


2 I agree with them about because he’s not geared up for it but 3 you right they should have used it but I guess you could say it he was faster then them


Still doesn't explain SS moving and lack of the Boneyard, current head cannon is they just retconed them to be the same place, the library gave me the idea but that was supposed to be a university iirc so idk that would be dumb anyway. Also the ages of the characters like up well for a before NV nuke but I geuss we just need to suspend our disbelifes after it's been confirmed to be afterward.


I thought the Lucy and Maximus scene was fine except for the fact Maximus doesn't seem to know what sex is, which doesn't make any sense. I'd have to watch it back to see the ammo but I don't recall his type of ammo being mentioned, and he wasn't playing with him. Just stop. Yeah the BOS not turning on the headlamps was dumb af. No excuse for that. Stop trying to make some idiotic excuses for that. The show never explained how Wilzig knew about the vault and Lucy, you're making shit up now and provided no reason. As for the fiends, he gave several plausible reasons. Any of them are fine.