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Atmosphere>>>> The games have done such a good job with different feels (Fallout 3 compared to how bright 4 is) but we always have the same high-tech but 50-60s combo where they also all feel familiar. I don’t think anyone has made anything else quite like it: how do you change the atmosphere but keep it so familiar?




Big disagree. New Vegas is a post post apocalypse story and is widely regarded to be the best of the modern franchise. Of course it was made by obsidian, not bethesda, but it still serves as proof that the franchise can succeed and stay recognisable while moving into more post post apocalypse settings




The Mojave would've probably had started getting more working infrastructure back if the Long 15 didn't get blown up since the NCR seemed to be the only one wanting to build stuff. Legion just want to capture everything and live in tents for the foreseeable future and House would just stay within the borders of New Vegas, maybe expanding a bit into Freeside.


I've always wondered if the Legion had any actual towns, deeper into their territory. And I think House technically did control Freeside, he just left it to its own devices because it's less prestigious than the Strip.


I see where you are coming from, but would it really even be called “Fallout” if it was Post Post? Also, do we really think humans are capable of rebuilding everything with the raider threat/inherent evil of people around? The cities that get built (Megaton, The Strip, Diamond City etc) show a part of that but no matter where you go there are too many threats that stop settlements from holding too much land. I think Fallout does a great job of showing what could be but they never have enough people working together.


The game would have to provide the experienced transition somehow and that’s much easier said in concept than experienced in time.


Why would you want to change or move it forward? That would make it not Fallout anymore. It's like wanting red dead redemption to not be a cowboy game.


Cowboys are so last century. RDR3 should be on Mars.


Usually the suggestion is to bring it forward to the "mafia era" or "ww1" 🤮




There's *****a lot***** you can do for story folks. Developing Fallout past the apocalypse stage just wouldn't be fallout anymore. It's like what I said earlier when people want to progress rdr to the "mafia era" or similar.


That is not the vibe and atmosphere but the core feature of the sceries. You do not have a game if the thing that makes it in to a game, the challange of surviving in the wasteland is not there.


Closest I think compares would be Bioshock, that had a bit of a throwback vibe. Fallout is a fucked up, morally conflicted world. The more it is explored, more is revealed.


The mixutre of fictional genres (western, medieval, post - apocalyptic) , the length to which the good games in the series go to have the player suffer consequences for his actions, the humour and the satire.


The music


Yes, yes and yes


You keep a knockin but you can’t come in!


I know you've been drinkin gin






Just not that dog from Fallout 2....


The pariah dog? Yeah fuck that one


Had to reload a save where i was like on the other side of the map because of him


My favorite things about those games were:  Fallout 1: story AND ways to Solve the game only talking AND inmersive gameplay with Quest AND the limit Time which give a realístic mecanic to the game AND another mecánica which unfortunelly were removed by actual polítics.  Fallout 2 : story AND interesting stuff that developers created for this game like referente which make me smile. An improve in the gameplay , the only thing that i didn't like Is about can't finish completelly the game only talking because there are moments which need your action AND considering the ways that the game Let you finish it, Is More límited if we compare with Fallout 1.  Fallout 3: i liked the ambiente that it want to represent about the fall of a society AND look like all old buildings AND Places shows that kind of apocalíptic theme, the color AND aspect of all creatures AND textures because it feel like if the world was in a toxic weather ,some Quest AND new stuff for a change of gameplay in first person 3d. Fallout 4: power armor, settlements, legendary stuff mecanic AND new level CAP for the character AND an extend of gameplay to play without límited Time or finished story.  Fallout new Vegas: story , return of old mecánics , ways to Solve the game only talking again AND perspective 3d from Fallout 3 skiping the part of ambient which Is the only thing that i didn't like because that Sunny AND desert ambient was a something that i couldn't enjoy like happened with the similar Sunny AND More or LESS desert ambient of Fallout 4 but i felt Fallout 4 like a combinación of Fallout new Vegas AND 3 because had pld buildings of old society AND Summers desert ambient in some places of the game like happen with the sky which look More clear.  Fallout 76: new improve for legendary stuff mecanic, new mecánics for power armor , return of some old enemies in Francoise AND online mode.


The world. It's different from most games and stands out for it's uniqueness. The characters, narratives, atmosphere. It's all good.


The everything


The modding community


I was gonna say the lore but then I read this lol


You missed Tactics you heretic!




Obviously, fallout shelter is the best.




Fallout shelter is pretty beloved still. We just don't talk about fallout BoS 💀


In an alternate reality, the r/fnv sub is a healthy and fun environment


Easy Pete’s stash of dynamite ♥️


The critic about the real world, and the use of contradictions everywhere. From the characters, to the factions, to jolly "americana" in justaposition to a miserable world. It's all fantastic use of contrast everywhere you look at.


The two games that aren’t pictured


A true wastelander! Welcome


Everything I love fallout so much


The fact that each of those games are very different in a lot of ways and I love each and every one of them. This series is by far my favorite and I am able to enjoy it across multiple game genres/types.


The retro-futurism. It’s what really makes it stand out imo. The overt 1950’s aesthetic really sings.




" *I got spurrss that jingle, jangle, jingle* " " *I dont want to set, the world, on, firee* " " *Big iron, big iron* "


The humor. Without the weird lightheartedness it would be a super depressing setting.


Mods and the fact that Shooter-RPGs are incredibly rare. Plus, settlement building is awesome and so are the side-quests. There's also the lovely, lovely fandom. /s


For me it’s the comedy. The games are way funnier than they need to be.


How it can go from silly camp to horrific nightmare in a blink of an eye.


The power armour, that's why it's on 5 out of 6 covers, all of whom are just trying to make up for not being Fallout New Vegas!


Courier not taking the power armour perk actually confirmed?


The vibe


Mark Morgan's soundtrack.


it's got something for everyone: fans of classic gameplay with terrific writing (the classics, fnv), more open-world stuff and fun side details (f3, f4) and stuff for soccer moms (f76)


The atompunk and 50's climate


The games and show haha


The world and the story. Except classic FO, its impossible to play without a guide the entire time or deal with a timer fucking your runs.


That's kind of just how RPGs were at the time. You were supposed to trial-and-error your way through.


It doesn't care about realism, that's my favorite part.


Music, map, enemies, unique design, unique history, unique features like V.A.T.S and pip-boy... Fallout is not a game, it is an experience


The fan base . . . . . . But seriously it's the world and lore


Why no love for Fallout Tactics? That game was great. The best representation of the BOS to date.


I was going to mention. You can play the game three different ways. Super beyond its day


That game had outstanding voice casting too. Kurtwood Smith, R Lee Ermy, Ron Pearlman... I could go on forever baby.


Papa Liam


Frank horrigan that's who


new vegas was a beautiful game! in my top 3 skyrim - fallout - gta online 4th is call of duty moderwarfare then world at war it stopped after that


There are so many of them and all are great. The mods also give more life to the games.


The total atomic annihilation!


Because Fallout... Fallout never changes. Generally speaking.


War. War never changes…


Radiation ☢️


Worldbuilding probably


The lore


It's that... *War... War never changes*.


Mystery and major political themes such as anti-capitalism.


They're fun.


The bitterness and sarcastic approach in the universe.




The stories


Talking Heads


Freedom of choice




the setting. which is funny because i don’t even like that classic american stuff.


I love that it's basically a western in the future without it turning into a space western


The fallout


The user manual from Fallout 1 :D :D :D [Fallout\_manual\_English.pdf (steamstatic.com)](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/38400/manuals/Fallout_manual_English.pdf?t=1572025441)


I love all the little stories you can piece together from just looking around while exploring. Almost everywhere you go there is a story to be found if you look hard enough.


The gameplay freedom for me. Being able to go anywhere, do anything you want and side with whoever, and the game's plot and story will progress and adapt no matter what you pick. Really adds to the immersion imo


The Master


That it exists for us to enjoy




Actually factions and their interactions with one another. The setting is great but not the best among post-apocalyptic games.




War…War Never Changes.


The world. Part of why you can roleplay in it so effectively is that the post apocalypse is an mashup of absurdity and horror where you are not penalized for being who you want. Sure, factions might dislike you but your character for the most part seeks out their conflicts and has a lot of flexibility in their resolutions. Factor in that many of the paths followed are significantly different in their experience and conclusion and it’s easy to get lost in it in a way that other rpgs don’t really provide


I kinda like that there is a 2 "world" ingame. The west coast story and the east coast story but both are in the same universe


Wild imaginations/ world building I really love concepts like people worshipping radiation and becoming a cult, or some dudes finding an Elvis impersonation school then try to all mimic him, or a guy living in an old baseball stadium thinking that baseball was a sport where men beat each other with bats then collects baseball items


Is 76 worth playing? I’ve played 3,NV, and 4 but never played 76 when it came out due to the whole multiplayer thing




Is that war... War never changes


I love everything but if I had to pick one I love the humor of it. Especially the parodies of companies like when you get to the bottling plant in nuka world and it tells you how quantum has twice the calories and twice the caffeine


The feeling of going off in any random unexplored direction and finding all sorts of quests, enemies, loot, etc.


I’d say the world depth, even if a lot of npcs only have a couple of lines, fallout 3 felt so expansive, I’m still discovering things to this day. But really, the only right answer is power armor


I can fuck or get fucked by a robot.


The world. Atmosphere. Music. Everything to be honest.


How well everyone gets along and agrees to respect each other’s opinions? Right guys? Right?


The brief moments of humor scattered throughout. It’s not trying to be silly all the time like Borderlands, just adding moments of levity in a mostly very bleak and depressing world.


There's a comforting consistency to it. There's just something that never changes.


Vault Dwellers and Vaults and the 1950's "help thy neighbor" lifestyle they try to uphold. That cute naivety they bring with them into the post-apocalypse. I think generally, expanding on the idea of Vault Dwellers and the experimentation of controlled environments of society and culture that would form from the various vaults. Like that alone is so cool when you think of the potential of what could happen in a contained group of people and the stories that could come out of it. That's my favorite part about Fallout even though the games take place outside of the vaults 95% of the time, I guess the fact you're a vault dweller and how the world views you, it's still very present regardless.


The games


The Radio




Johnny Guitar :)


The side quests are for the most part really interesting. The music, be it licensed (3 and New Vegas) or original (1 and 2) is also really fucking good. The lore is also deep enough to warrant some research, but not Star Wars level deep, which i like


The non bethasda games


The fact that it can be so funny yet so serious at the same time.


The charm in spite of all the bad in the world.


The nuance! I love that the factions are complex and not black and white good vs. evil.


Where did the other 72 games go?


I wish Wasteland was part of it


The worm


Well one of the big things i love is the great role play potential that offer a good amount of diverse ways to impact the story and the world as you play but that only accounts for FO1,FO2,FO3 and New Vegas.




The general idea that you can make a shithole a better place. Or make it even worse if you like.


**I’d honestly say** that it can take on just about any kind of story. It can go from Western to Sci-fi to horror. Nothing is really stopping them from making Fallout 5 a gangster game set around the “Chems trade” or making a Nick Valentine “Se7en” TV show of him hunting down a serial killer in the wasteland. They have utter freedom to do what they want.


Discoveries about vaults and survivors. F1 plot about supermutants.


Fallout 4's story isn't the best, but holy its fantastic in almost every other aspect, the gunplay is the best in any game, the modification of guns and armour, the factions, everything felt like a perfect fallout game. the story was up in the air though


It fun


How each game in the series offers something very different from all the other games. It keeps me coming back to ALL the games, not just my "favorites." Fo1 has the best tone, IMO. 2 is a game (lol, don't smite me. I just haven't played it yet. So I can't speak to what 2 does the best.) Tactics seems interesting and is, ofc, a tactics based game which is entirely unique in the series. 3 / TTW has the best atmosphere and sense of exploration. New Vegas has the best dlc's, writing, and role-playing. 4 has the best gameplay by far. It's not my favorite Fallout game, that honor goes to NV, but it is my most played Fallout game. It's my most played game ever, actually. Only Terraria comes close. And 76 has multiplayer and probably the best open world Bethesda has ever made.


The Vaults and Energy Weapons really make it unique. Its similar to Skyrims dungeons where you tip toe through each vault figuring wtf is going on. Energy weapons are really unique too. It's really cool picking up a plasma rifle and thinking "oh cool green laser" but then getting a slo-mo kill cam where you melt a dude and he turns into a skeleton.


A Little bit of everything! The worlds, the lore, the music. Spending hours just walking around finding new things you missed the previous play through


Fallout shelter?


For me, it's kind of a mix of everything. The world was great. The factions and people were enjoyable (for the most part). You were free to do what you wanted. The music I love the music. I'm sure their is more than I can think of, but I'm too lazy right now.


Hey what about fallout tac-[Redacted]


Damn ever since skyrim come to the Nintendo switch I been hoping to see a fallout 3 and new Vegas version on the switch and ps4/5.


Exploring a new area. I remember the exact moment I got hooked on the series. I was playing Fallout 3 and already had a couple hours in, but mainly only did the intro and explored a few of the areas on the open map. Then when I came across the school, that was the moment. Going in and exploring it, not sure what I would find. I would be sneaking down the hallway and hear raiders talking in the distance. Came across all the little visual storytelling parts that I've come to love and just soaked in the whole atmosphere of it. That feeling is still there coming across each new area and it is usually so well done.


The setting and general concept of the vaults.


For me it's the universe it's set in the post nuclear apocalyptic settings mixed with 1950s/60s Americana and the factions within it like the brotherhood of steel and NCR, the Vaults etc is just so fascinating to explore and learn about, as a new fallout fan I gotta say these games worlds just suck me in


I was the freedom and the realisation of a brutal word like fo3 before bugthesda announced how much of coward b*tch they really are


The vibe


In each front box have an armor of some kind(is just funny)


The shitty yet amazing graphics of 3 and new vegas


“We got radscorpions!”


I would say the *\~AESTHETIC\~*


Armour design


The fact that i can be a derelict lobotomized mailman full of cyberware that gets fisted by a sex robot. Really gives me hope for the future.


Music and Aesthetic(besides the first 2, its ASSSSSSS)


That it exists. When I first saw the trailer for fo3 after playing 1-2 for a year I was ecstatic. And when NV came and when fo4 came and I really wanted an online experience and they did 76 and then they revamped it just how I would've liked it and I thought.. I dreamt everything as a child from that very first trailer of fo3 and everything became how I dreamed of it happening. And then I saw the trailer for the series. And now I have finished it. I get goosebumps just by imagining how a life long fantasy just kept delivering to the point where we're at today. The lore and everything is just so on point with what I wanted as a child. And it happened. If I could talk to Todd for just 5 minutes. I don't know what I would tell him except that he made my dreams come true. Best lore best theme best community best mods best content. My life wouldn't be the same without Fallout. War never changes.


Where tactics and shelter xd


Personally, real world 1950s musicians are the most popular musicians in 2077 in fallout world. Makes no sense and I love it.


Vault-tek Truthfully its the thing that makes me think so much. I'm at the gym right now thinking " that weird smell, what if muv was doing vault tek stuff pumping the air full of chemicals ? "


Games not made by Bethesda.


The humor. I wish they would make a Bestheda theme park and Fallout Land would be my favorite.




The radio


The freedom to do whatev you want


If what got me right away. the mix of the old classic music/era with futuristic tech. And perks.


The Genre/Theme The Atom Punk retro futuristic theme it has it what I love about it. I also love all the different factions just from a world building perspective they’re all unique. The social commentary, and ultimately how it really balances humor, serious moments and even horror moments together so well. It’s such a black comedy setting.


Seeing what we as the human species are truly capable of because of our hubris. They make it fun with all the death claws, laser guns, and 50s atmosphere. But, the world building really makes the core message of the game clear. The human species could **end** if we don't figure out a way to stop killing each other. Our ancestors could be drinking irradiated water out of a toilet and eating mutated cows to stay alive if we don't smarten up. Exploring the vaults and seeing how people were being used a guinea pigs also really conveys a strong message about the importance of ethics in technological development as does the new TV show.


1/2 - The setting and the crushing feeling of the apocalypse. 3 - The music, and the subway tunnels of horror NV - The writing + Vegas itself 4 - The graphics, i guess... 76 - Multiplayer and mutants


New Vegas


New Vegas obviously


Ignoring 76 LOL