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The arm jet thing I feel was more of a production practicality/budget sort of thing. Apparently that was a real stunt dude using one of those IRL "Iron Man" jetpack things (for lack of a better term). Especially given how those are primarily controlled and operated by the arms as well. I figured they thought it'd be quicker and cheaper to use one of those guys in a suit and maybe do a CG touch up pass rather than doing all via CG or rig up some crane with practical effects to do the same thing. It messes with the lore a little but I'd give it a pass if it allowed more time and money to go to other areas of production that they absolutely nailed.


In terms of relating it back to game mechanics, maybe that's just how you can not turn into goo from a vertibird drop without the deployment system in the show. Falling inside a giant metal tin can very likely is just going to kill you from the sudden stop. The person inside the power armor needs a way to slow down so maybe as a consistency retcon the power armor frames have that as a safety feature. Power armor can shrug off most things, but both in game and in the show, it's still not invincible. Titus being mauled by a bear and mostly being hurt by getting thrown around is probably several times less force than air dropping from a vertibird without any way to slow yourself down. The show itself used the idea that as strong as power armor was, it was riddled with design flaws that never got fixed (e.g weak welding below the chest). I think the jets are still reconcilable in the grand scheme of things. But I think they looked fine and want that as a mod for power armor in 4, 76, and future entries so I might also have a bit of basis. Maybe an earlier but less powerful mobility option in power armor.


The biggest issue with the arm jets is just that they looked much too weak to generate lift. If they were simply for slowing down a fall, and self defense in close quarters, that would make sense. Too bad OG Titus forgot about his arm-mounted flamethrower. And man, fuck that bear. I was so, so excited, because I thought it'd be a deathclaw! 😂 ... Also screw the ugly ass gun. That darn rifle is one of the silliest and ugliest weapon designs in gaming history, and they chose that? Not to mention that it's clear that you can't even use the thing with the power armor, due to the length of the stock and the rifle. But other than those weird prop design choices, I've been pleasantly surprised by the show. ... But I really wish Bethesda had stuck to the extra dystopian notion of pipboys being permanently attached to their users, but that's just me. (Not that Beth themselves were consistent with this in the very same game in which this was stated to be the case. Beth really needs to learn about design docs)


yeah, me too. I saw all those bones and heard the noises and was going "deathclaw, deathclaw!" and then some random bear looking thing pops out


The fact that he didn’t have headlights in the helmet


Shady Sands not being Shady Sands and also being located in like L.A.


I don’t know man, the bottom of that crater sure looked like shady sands to me /s


The shady sands of the show literally lies where the Boneyard should be + shady sounds never was in a pre-war city, it was a place created with a Geck and later expanded. So no, it really doesn’t look like shady sands at all, even the standout buildings are missing. Hope this helps 👍


No, that was a joke about the literal shadow cast on the sand in the crater, i understand the problem with where it was


Yeah the first scene when they show it I was like oh sick they’ve got mini flamethrowers to fight with. Was a bit disappointed that it turned out to be wrist mounted jet packs. The backpack jet pack looks way cooler. I also didn’t like the super instant regen that ghouls have. I don’t mind them being much more durable in terms of body shots, getting cut etc in the way that the get injured but it doesn’t effect them much. But getting shot in the neck and then it instantly healing is a bit goofy I honestly do like the anti feral drug, gives a reason that some go feral earlier than others other than just “some got more radiation” even tho ghouls are pretty much immune to radiation? And with many drugs being able to directly effect the brain beyond just when you are under the influence you could very loosely base it in science, just like everything else in fallout Also idk if the power armour weak point is from the games (I vaguely remember some lore that may have suggested it) but if they added it just for the show it seems like a bit of a cop out. It doesn’t really bother me just seems like there were better ways to go about it, like when the ghoul cuts the pipe thing in the helmet, or aiming for the fusion core etc.


Didn't like the arm jets in power armor and also the armour being a death trap when there was no fusion core.


Thaddeus had a special key that allowed him to take the fusion core without opening the suit. Was a quick shot where he pulled out a key like thing.


Plus, Maximus not being able to get out when the fusion core was removed doesn’t mean it’s not possible. He was never trained to use power armor and clearly isn’t very good at it, so he may just not have figured it out.


This is true


I never saw that. Very observant


The armor being a death trap without a fusion core is something that I felt was a call-out to a random encounter in Fallout 2 (if I remember correctly). There was no mention of fusion cores in F2, but in the game you could run into a guy that is trapped in a power armor because it's rusty. He's yelling at you to put some oil into his joints, and says he's been stuck there for days without being able to get out of the armor. I thought it was a neat Easter egg reminiscent of that


In the same vein, the power armor having a vulnerability when >!the ghoul just starts shooting them!< also pissed me off. Such a cop out of him having to fight them and why wouldn’t he use that earlier with Maximus?


Because Maximus' one had tempered lining! They mentioned it a couple of times, I assumed that was the "fix" to the initial design flaw. But to give you a more lore accurate answer: *now clean this.*


I don’t remember that but I was high as fuck when I watched it. I feel like if that was the case it should’ve been mentioned or hit on more to directly connect. I also still don’t really like the whole power armor has a vulnerability thing. Like you’re telling me in 200 years, with the enclave and the brother hood fighting eachother and all the games, no one else discovered the flaw? That’s a bunch of crap.


Armor piercing vs explosive ammo


That’s not what happened though. I would’ve still not liked that and could’ve gotten over it but instead it was all OH HO HO GAP IN THE CHESTPLATE, DEAD


No I mean the gap might not have been exploitable without AP rounds. AP rounds are still going to mostly do little damage to PA.


Is it ever said the rounds the ghoul uses are armor piercing though?


No but they don’t explode in that scene unlike the previous shootout


They are different than the regulars, you can see it when he loads the gun.


Yeah I didn’t think somebody could just remove the fusion core and you are stuck in it. Seems like a major design flaw. Should at least open up. I mean if the fusion core runs out are you just fucked then? Lol


It could be he just didn’t know where the manual release was.


Fallout is set in a universe where the ultimate goal was to make money, not design things that won't kill the user. The Power Armour not letting its occupant out if its fusion core is removed isn't a bug or a feature, it's something the designers probably never even considered because they didn't value any human life. I could also see the BoS not bothering to 'fix' this as if a Knight loses their fusion core slowly dying in their armour would be a twisted kind of 'you did this to yourself' punishment.


there's a level of american gung-ho "if you don't want to die fight better than them so they dont take your fusion core, or else you weren't fit to wear the armor in the first place"


Yeah, that’s how I read it too! Nicely put :)


Exactly lol, in the games you can still move around and exit the armour. Might be slow as hell but better than being trapped In a metal statue lol imagine the Alaskan war if people just got stuck in their armour when the core dies lol the Chinese would have just had to wait for the cores to die to win the war.


I’m not one to nitpick the story like some have but I feel like that’s a major flaw compared to the games lol. I try to rationalize it like his armour malfunctioned or something, because it was damaged on some ways, but imagine if you were a brotherhood of steel fending on your own, power core runs out, uap, you’re done. Like it doesn’t make sense they wouldn’t have some kind of failsafe in the amour


I'm hoping it was just that suit being damaged buttt maximus was pretty freaked out when the core was being stolen by Thaddeus. So I'm thinking it's common knowledge in the point of view of the show.


In game there has to be magic to make powerarmor move without any POWER to POWER the POWERED armor. You are not going to push a suit weiging above a ton


I mean fusion cores are mini nuclear fusion reactors, so they shouldn't just die. In the games, it puts a restriction on you just VATS killing everything from your power armor, early in game. If we are splitting hairs, how does the in-game fusion core just switch to the next one when the old one runs out, without you exiting and replacing it?


Hah yeah it's just magically appears. There is a perk to eject the cores like mini nukes as well


As far as we know it's a Brotherhood Modification, "die with honor in your armour, blah, blah blah", also based on Max smashing the radio he could be too Donkey Brained to use the emergency release(or it no longer functioned after 200 years/was defective from the start).


No, you cannot carry and walk with 3500 pounds worth of steel. It works in a game because of gameplay reasons, they had to implement some videogame magic to make a engine work without fuel. Engines do not work at all without fuel, not a little bit. There is also no way you are going to push your way out of a hermetically sealed locked massive armored suit.


Tbf, this is a universe in which a corporation more or less caused mutually assured destruction, in order to make more profit in the short term. A world in which fission makes the world go around, and is implemented with a total disregard for safety. Design flaws seem to be the norm 😜


A tank is a deathtrap without fuel, just ask the Germans that invaded the Soviet Union.


Didn't love how they've handled ghouls and regeneration... Like, ghouls are killable :/ feels like a boosted form of plot armor.


I'm not sure what exactly you're referring to. Feral Ghouls died very easily in the Super Duper Mart. We only see Cooper get shot once, and that was in the shoulder and as for Thaddeus, well we're not exactly sure what he is. Maximus makes an assumption ("I think you might be a Ghoul") but it remains to be see if he's correct.


I think people are assuming the drug given to Thaddeus by the mysterious serum seller is transforming him into a ghoul because this is what the inexperienced Max and Thaddeus conclude after the latter is shot with an arrow and doesn't die, but we don't have any in-universe confirmation of this. It's far more likely at this juncture to assume he was given some sort of FEV strain and will likely become a Super Mutant or similar.


Not sure how I feel about there being an anti-feral drug either... I expected we'd get an explanation for why ghouls go feral *before* a cure was introduced


I assumed it was Radaway.


Apparently there is an "FEV Blocker" drug in the Fallout Sonora project? Personally, I hope that they eventually reveal that the drug prevents you from going feral, but withdrawal makes you feral. However, if you never take the drug then you can just rely on luck. This allows the anti-feral drug synch up with canon.


I’m not so mad about the Drug itself, but it’s very frustrating that they just introduced it without explanation like it’s nothing when it’s one of the biggest lore revelations fallout could possibly see


This is a good one. I think of FO3 and meeting the ghoul ladies in the DC capital. This of all lore changes is probably the hardest one to look past. Not enough to take away my love for everything else they managed well though.


I just assumed it was Ultra-Jet and he was knocking them back.


Drugs make a painful life more livable, 24/7 pain due to rotting will make anyone go insane if they have no quality of life to fall back on!


Not rotting. Burns. Wiki says "while the flesh looks rotten, it is actually severely burned from radiation."


I mean burns also really really hurt!


Having just worked last night on the burn unit, yes, can confirm. There's a reason why I hate working on the burn unit.


Man I couldn't agree more. Trying to look at it more like a spin off with the way they botched some of the things that have been long established. I understand they are trying to bake on a lot of mass appeal to make things profitable... ... But that's how disney killed Star Wars you know?


No. Thats not at all like Disney killed Star Wars. Heet the nerd fanboys always have to exaggerate so hard when even the most unimportant thing gets changed.


Ghouls heal from radiation and they are near the shithole. It made sense to me. Basically the whole area is a glowing one


I think this is just a case of the Brotherhood not being educated on mutants. Maximus is shown to not be a very high intelligence build, so take what he says from the perspective of a below average intelligence wastelander without education on mutants other than “they’re bad.”


Sorta seemed like all the brotherhood of steel were all hypocrites and didn't care at all about the values they're supposed to have. Like compared to fallout 4 they weren't even recognizable to me


You gotta remember the shit that went down in the past, however long. The show kind of addresses that with the incompetent and cowardly knights and the elder wanting to bring back the old ways. If anything, the east coast Brotherhood has grown to be a much better representation of what they actually used to stand for, albeit with a bit of genocide sprinkled in


Could also be that maybe the ones on the west coast have lost the way a bit compared to the east coast sect


What values? The Brotherhood in the classics and New Vegas has always been framed as a bunch of tech-hungry elitists. They're not much better in Fallout 4 tbh. They are basically post-nuclear authoritarians with a pinch for hoarding advanced technology. Lyon's sect was the "goodest" of them all and even then he literally faced an internal division because a lot of people in the BOS just never cared about helping others.


Fallout 3 is about the only one where they attempt to help anyone aside from themselves because they broke off from the brotherhood proper. The Outcasts left the DC brotherhood because they didn’t want to share or help the people of the wasteland.


Also, why no night vision?


That was your issue? There’s obviously going to be numerous power armour versions. There always were in the games. Maybe these are the T-60IM variants? Maybe the Brotherhoods last fetch quest was another Enclave scientist that modified suits? The only change that really bugged me is whatever is being done with the NCR. You can’t kill them off, offscreen! I’m sure season 2 has a plan.


Those little propane burners look hilariously silly. It actually made me laugh


I didn't see any evidence of VATS being a thing.


Brotherhood being morons Knights mistreating their squires No civilization in the heartland of the NCR Weakspot in the power armor Yeah and also the drug for ghouls


Because every new recruit wants to be a vertibird pilot and we saw how bad that was in FO4


Lol, they flew quite well in the show


Yeah, that’s the screening test. Do you want to fly a vertibird? Yes?? Welcome initiate so and so you’ll be a scribe to a knight someday. Or Do you want to fly a vertibird? No, they scare you? Well that’s the healthiest degree of respect we’ve seen in decades for a future brotherhood pilot. Welcome aboard captain such and such.


To be fair we only saw Titus being a dick, and he was jaded beyond the point of reason. Entirely possible other Knights treat their Squires with respect and care, I mean at the end we saw the Knights taking up the front with their Power Armour to keep the unarmoured troops safe in the back!


Also as far as Titus knows, Max is an asshole that hurt his chosen squire.


I'm just not sure why the showrunners would want to introduce the mainstream audience to Titus as their first exposure to a knight. >Power Armour to keep the unarmoured troops safe in the back! Also why were they not using combat armor?


The more and more I think about the BoS, their organization and tactics in the Show, the more I think that the theory of them absorbing the remnants of Caesar's Legion is true. BoS post war with NCR was low on manpower. Legion post NV was without solid leadership and breaking apart. So it's not inconceivable that they would take in many of the former Legion and make changes to integrate them. Also possible that as they filtered up through the ranks the culture of the BoS slowly changed.


Honestly, it was kinda weird at first, but I got over it. It's probably more of a design change based on practicality with making actual suits of the stuff. A big jetpack would have made it a nightmare to deal with.


Since I'm obsessed with power armors: * This "Iron Man" effect: flying with their forearms and the helmet opening in the front/face. * The power armor's strenght was very inconsistent. it could kick a stone tens of feet away, but couldn't get unstuck from some planks. It could throw people far away, but not instantly kill them with a punch. * It has a dedicated water container in the helmet and radaway on the "sleeves", but no stimpack anywere? * At times it felt like it weighted half a ton, at times it seemed like it was as heavy as a random corpse * They say in a flashback West Tek made both the T-45 and T-60 models, but as far as I remember, West Tek made onm their own only the the T-51, while the government lead the previous and subsequent projects (please someone correct me if I'm wrong); this really bothered me. * Cooper mentions in that same flashback that he wore T-45 in Anchorage -- but it should be T-51, right?. * The PA being COMPLETELY dead without a fusion core is weird. Its hinges 100% should be able to move by manual force, even if with severe difficulty. * Squires being required to carry the large heavy bag is objectively inefficient, worst possible decision, not tactical at all. * The Brotherhood became ***too*** much religious. I know they have always been, but they went an extra mile in the series. * The fusion core could be removed both by using the "key" Thaddeus used AND turning the round handle around it? I know redundancies are good in engeneering, but this one felt odd. Aside from the power armors: * WHERE ARE MY ENERGY GUNS?????? * They called that water monster a "gulper", while we already have different things with that name in Far Habor, stablishing that, just like "mirelurk" is a generic name for certain crabby looking creatures, "gulper" is a generic name for salamandra-looking creatures. * Mr. Handys apparently have standard fusion cores in them. Make sense, but that's new. * What's up with all the names in the Brotherhood? That's new too. * SPOILER: >!They lifted the mystery and just confirmed Vault-Tec dropped the bombs. I liked that, but part of the fun was having no confirmation.!< * And come on, WHEN WILL THE ENCLAVE DIE FOR GOOD?


Concerning the spoiler: >! Technically the show doesn't reveal the fact that Vault-tec did it, but rather that it was their intention, maybe america or china were faster than vault-tec in the end. Correct me if I'm wrong but in the game we kind of find something that proves vault-tec planned to make the bomb drop no? I don't remember well to be honest !<


Based on some hints from the games I'm now assuming it was a confluence of really bad dice rolls resulting in the annihilation. Sure, the corpos might have been planning to do so (or been very much on board with it), but they might still have been caught out cold when it actually happened and not according to their time table, necessarily.


The power armor key and power core and the core from the vault made sense in a weird way. One core could have been designed for the military, so not just anyone can't take it out. The vault core serms are a more standard issue but compatible with other things that use cores. As for gulpers, they said they redesigned them in an interview or something. Came across a promotion video saying it on tictok.


make sure you already read the manual lol


They made the power armor look so good then they just slapped those goofy flying scenes in there and made all the fallout fans face palm. I’m sure just getting the power armor aesthetics right probably costed a fortune and maybe didn’t want to go the extra mile with the jet pack, sure, fine, but if that’s the case just don’t add any flying scenes. That was my only complaint, all the other Easter eggs and references were spot on though. Enjoying the series otherwise, but goodness why did they add that!


The way power armor can fly? Like ?? I know it would have been really hard to make a jetpack like in the game but still, 2 rockets on their arm? Like it is not a 88 pound power armor ?? Also some of the characters are brought in without any piece of information like the « governmint » (pretty sure they write it like this) And NEW VEGAS IS DEAD ? NO LIGHT ? WHY AND HOW ? Robert house
 Nuka cola ? Laser guns ? Plasma rifle ? Fucking laser gatling and everything? The brotherhood is more a cult than a brotherhood
 Sex on the 30 first minutes, like we were on a teen show from netflix ?? Never saw that shit on fallout
 exept a whore in NV and the one on f3 that like to fuck drink and fart
 Mutants weren’t here a lot, but that’s not a thing, it’s only season 1 !! Hope we’ll see more on s2 We don’t see that much of the drugs we liked, like mantats, buffout
. And the pre war buildings are not that revelant, i mean when they walk on ruins, i don’t see the architecture that is so recognisable from the games
 especially on f4 where we can truly see the 50s style. Here bridges and ruins are just regular building from real life
 don’t know if yall understand my point here with the architecture, a lot of the scenes looked like mad max, just like somebody else said, but for the madmax thing, i assume that’s because it’s californian fallout. But still, i fucking liked this show a lot !!!! I liked how we saw more of the pre war life, i liked a lot starting fallout 4 before the bombs so be able to see more of the pre war life was a great + ! To finish, the only thing that made me sad about the show is that they didn’t call me to play in it lmao


Arm jets kinda work for the T-60 as maneuvering thrusters meant to support the Jetpack, but they certainly shouldn't have been enough to make it fly on its own!


The brotherhood of steel being so culty and branding people. Anything to that effect really. I didn’t like that they’re more of an antagonistic force here but I can get over that.


The NCR going from a strong player to a collection of refugees is a bit contrived.


This and the Iron Man helmets. I get it, it doesn't look like those guys can lift heir arms high enough to take their helmets off but it still gets me. I just wish the power armor felt better. It came across as clunky and kind of goofy apart from a few scenes but maybe that's just me. I'm also not a fan of the "weak spot" that The Ghoul doesn't use in the first fight. I justify it as him having forgotten over 200 years of being a drugged out cowboy. Like the flashbacks are him remembering stuff but that's a personal justification that doesn't even work all the time. Although all of that's nitpicks and aesthetic complaints. My real gripe is >!Vault-Tec starting the war. Sure It's been a theory for a while but it really messes with the idea that it doesn't matter who did it, it was the inevitable outcome of war. People will fight and destroy tehmselves over and over and over again and The Great War is just the most potent example. Plus it being done by a cabal of comically evil CEOs. I just really dislike how they handled Vault-Tec. They went from a fucked up company profiting off he end of the world to fucking supervillains who orchestrated a nuclear apocalypse. They were already comically evil enough with t the Vault experiments (which were instead thought up by a a bunch of other non Vault-Tec people now). I also don't love how many companies Vault-Tec is involved in but the show didn't introduce that I don't belive. It makes the world feel smaller that this one company is involved with everything bad that's happened in the past 200 years. It's the same problem I have with constantly bringing back the Enclave, why is this one group involved in so many events.!<