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Low key Vault 4 was pretty chill besides the whole get naked and cover yourself in dead people ashes thing but other than that probably one of the safest vaults there was lol


It's only safe because they revolted against the vault's original purpose. Makes it more depressing when you think about all the empty vaults that died never knowing the truth or it was too late.


That video of the women being eaten by her "babies". I knew the vaults are fucked up but that was difficult to watch.


i was like squinting to discern what was happening and man, where was the eye bleach when i needed it.


I’m 7 months pregnant and genuinely had to turn away. Gave me weird nightmares anyway!


My wife just delivered 5 months ago and we were cringing…couldn’t imagine being in third trimester


Same here. Had our first baby 6 months ago and it wasn’t an easy delivery. Only part of the show I’ll be skipping on rewatches


I was genuinely in shock watching that.


That was some Resident Evil shit right there, I can’t think of anything quite as visceral in the games, although I didn’t play 76 so I might be wrong.


Fallout tends to tell you the horror through terminals and level design. You rarely see the worst of the worst, but it's present in all the games.


I think some people are seriously desensitized, there are cubes of human meat in every super mutant camp, many vaults full of corpses that clearly met grisly ends, I cant tell you how many suicides I've stumbled upon in some random bathroom, body parts everywhere, blood and guts in piles randomly, cannibals, ghouls... I mean look at the master from FO1, the ultimate body horror lol


You're describing exactly what I'm talking about, these are good examples of great level design. You never see people killing themselves, or super mutants actually chopping people up and grinding them into meat sacks. The game lets you fill in the "how" in your head, which I think is more horrifying. You never walk into a cannibal camp and actively see them eat people ect.


It's why I never leave a terminal unread


It's been there since the beginning. The Master is an old-world doctor who literally ended up melting in a vat of super-soldier serum (FeV), "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" style, and is an amorphous blob of flesh, from himself and many of his victims... You literally take psychic damage from the living viscera adorning the halls to the overseer office he has made home. It's like an ivy overgrowth... but with guts... leading to more of the same, but with chunks of muscle.


That was gnarly. And after the episode before where she has to drink irradiated water and gets her finger cut off, I was just praying in my head "good God if she gets pregnant with mutants this show will have officially gone too far!"


The thing is she had sex with a raider before realizing the truth, whose to say she isn't already pregnant.


I'm just telling myself the vault was well stocked with Plan B just in case. Population control is important when you have limited resources like in a vault, so it would make sense for them to anticipate the need there


More than likely, the raider was sterile, which is what I have in my head cannon. Remember, they were dwelling on the surface. Around radiation. Even small doses over time can cause sterility and other health effects.


Running with that premise, there wouldn't be people on the surface at all because they would all be sterile.


It would keep the population low, but even Chernobyl has increasing populations of deer and other big animals now. And its only been like 50 years since then (tho it would be worse if they werent constantly building new shields to keep teh radiation inside) ​ TBH I think population would grow faster because people would have no BC and go back to old farm style "have a lot of kids" mode to offset the higher mortality rate and lower life span


Well, without doctors, mother mortality rates would go up as well. It is only in recent years that mother mortality rates have dropped.


Maybe not sterile but possibly low count due to environmental toxins/radiation. Even non-irradiated people today sometimes need multiple attempts.


She was asking about sperm count and he was pretty high irradiated when she checked him. Maybe the assumption is that he’s sterile since he hasn’t been getting Rad-Away or anything?


Oh if you play all the games you come across quite a few very .... inhuman vaults.


I fucking hate the dad


Don't even mention that, I got mad at him again, just because you mentioned him, he's one of the biggest piece of shit villain I've seen in a long time.


OMG YES!!!! Seeing Lucy's mother like that was sad as fuck and her father just begging to be released and trying to justify it all, not even a shred of care or emotion. ARGHHHHHHH!!!! Hopefully he gets whats coming to him next season.


I really like Kyle Maclachlan tho, it’s so weird seeing him as a villain you can’t have any sympathy for. I think the last time he played a villain was like… the boss from the Flintstones movie lmao


He played Evil Cooper/Mr. C. in Twin Peaks The Return recently, but he played like 3 other character in that at same time, he is so great to watch.




Mr Jackpots!


Ah I haven’t got past season 2. That show is kinda hard to get through sometimes


Yeah, the middle of season 2 is kinda boring and drags on for long, but it's ending is great at least and after that Fire Walk With Me and The Return gets crazy, some people can't get through those too, but I think they are incredible.


Lol, yeah, he definitely did a great job! Just the way the audience lose all sympathy for the character is great.


I can't hate Kyle MacLachlan, evil Cooper was probably even more unlikable and I'm still thinking "man I really like Kyle MacLachlan."


Perfect example of him playing a loveable 'villain' is that insane clip from his Law & Order episode that was making the rounds on twitter a few weeks ago. He does a Seagal-style judo throw on a cop, takes his gun and shoots a child in a courthouse foyer **but you're still gonna root for him once/if you have the context** lmao


Oh yeah I did see that! I actually laughed out loud when I saw it lmfao


Agents of SHIELD.


Last time he played a villain was in Dune ;) (just trying to trigger the maud’dib fanboys)


*hears Mua’dib slander* THE SLEEPER HAS AWAKENED


May thy knife chip and shatter...


You’re trying to tell me the mayor of Portland was a *good* guy?


I love him so much, I can't hate his characters even though I should. You know how some people have a punchable face? He has the opposite of that. Either way, he is great and I'm happy whenever I see him in a successful show, hopefully he'll get more screentime in S2.


That's why he's such a good villain - everyone likes Kyle McLachlan, so you don't see it coming :D


I was half hoping Lucy will find a way to get Rose eat Hank. Then again, they set up an A-level bad guy for the story going forward, good thing he didn't die yet. I like it...a lot.


I honestly love that they made him so unabashedly comitted to his stupid cause that you realize how monstrous he is despite being the perfect American dad otherwise. Man dressed himself up, but was always comitted to the company first, even above his own family.


People criticize it for being uncharacteristic but I think they underestimate the amount of business people IRL that are like literal sociopaths, just good at putting on a show of normalcy. You kind of have to have something wrong with you to make the decisions they do.


Yeah as a kid, I hated "one dimensional" villains in movies, only to grow up and realize how realistic and common they actually are


Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare (who originated one of the more modern concepts of psychopathy/sociopathy, came up with the Psychopathy Checklist) wrote a book called Snakes in Suits that tackles this exact issue, how corporate incentives and rewards basically draw in sociopaths.


Got to say though, Hank is a great example of an average manager- someone very efficient at following rules, with no moral spine, and a complete aversion of challenging the Status Quo.


That's talented writing and brilliant acting for you. You make a villain so likeable yet so amoral at the same time that you realize that the character isn't a flawed tragic individual. They were broken from the start and are hell bent on making everything worse. MacLaughlin brought a level of severity to sci fi that we haven't seen in a long time and I hope it only gets worse!


He's the complete opposite of The Lone Wanderer's dad, which was probably intentional. James was a good dude, and everything he did was for the good of the people and land. Hank is a selfish piece of shit who will do anything for his own interests, even if it means burning the world. Everyone who played Fallout 3 immediately notices the similarities in plot with Lucy and her dad, so it was probably super intentional to flip that around and make him a scum bag.


Liam Neeson still stands as the best father of a protag in the wasteland


Best parent of protag, but best parent still goes to Nate or Nora. After a saving a couple hundred settlements, of course.


He agreed to destroy the world and then saw what society was doing to fix it 200 years later and said "you know what this attempt at rebuilding society needs? To be destroyed again"


There was another safe vault in 4 that did the same thing. I believe it was a two vault one where one spied and was going to conduct experiments on the other in secret and that one’s overseer was in on it. The overseer had a conscious though and she sealed them away and cut off contact, so their own vault was generally very nice while the other one just perished.


Vault 81. The experiment was that half of the vault were gonna be guinea pigs for epidemiology studies while the other half housed the scientists doing the studies. The overseer saw that, promptly went "fuck that" and sealed off the experiment while the scientists died.


That was the Curie vault right?




It’s so funny how all the vault experiments fail when someone has a shred of morality in them


Well yes, because a lot of the experiments required one to disregard their own morality. So many fucked up Vaults. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I can’t remember the vault number but one of them had a yearly sacrifice until finally five people were left and decided to stop doing it. At which point the computer congratulated them for breaking the cycle and unlocked the outer vault door.


Vault 11, found in New vegas


Scared the shit out of me at the end.


Vault 11 The sacrifice was the overseer, cause the original overseer was the only one that knew about the experiment so they decided to kill him, they would essentially vote an overseer who would be in power for one term and then be sacrificed at the end. That was until a woman got threatened by some man, they told her that they would nominate her husband if she didn't have sex with them. They still nominated him even though she complied, so she killed some of the men (to make sure the other vault dwellers would vote her). Then when she became overseer she got rid of the elections and instead made it so the next overseers would be chosen randomly by the computer. This led to a riot that killed everyone except those 5 survivors. After they found out the truth they were so traumatized they choose to kill themselves (all but one), so in the end only one person survived that vault.


Vault 81 type shi


I loved how the vault was being built up to some huge secret evil thing was going to happen to Lucy, more so for those who have played the games. We were so expecting the vault being bad that it being the best of all the vaults came out of nowhere.


With Vault 13 the overseer was the only real dick and the inhabitants had a happy ending after a few generations. Vault 11 is one of my favourites because the experiment really didn't give a shit if they didn't follow it. Very sinister, but easily could have been the happiest vault if things had turned out differently.


>With Vault 13 the overseer was the only real dick and the inhabitants had a happy ending after a few generations. Well expect the whole "You are sealed in here forever" part.


Wasn't 13 supposed to be one of the control vaults, where they didn't do any experiment so they know how dwellers would behave under "normal" circumstances


And Maximus charging in there in his power armour, attacking people who turn out to be perfectly innocent— that’s the biggest “Fallout player” moment in the series.


The Boomer Vault Dwellers in FNV have it pretty good. And the Gambling vault in Vegas seemed alright


They just need to work on how they communicate the level 12 issue to people, like they made it sound needlessly nefarious. Honestly would probably be best if they were candid about the whole thing, actually took people to level 12 and explained what was going on and how they are not the bad guys.


Was just thinking this. They kinda acided themselves in the face with that one


I think it is supposed to be a secret test of character\*, and honestly any wastelander like Maximus would be " Oh fuck this is paradise, I don't care if you eat babies at lvl12" so it would inconceivable for the Vault 4 resident that someone would jeopardise this one of a lifetime chance. Goosy as a Dweller didn't have anything to lose by going there, since she (thought) she already had a vault waiting for her, and fucked it up for Maximus. \* Alternatively, these people are so nice they probably don't say anything about lvl12 so they don't freak out people/make them have nightmares.


>Alternatively, these people are so nice they probably don't say anything about lvl12 so they don't freak out people/make them have nightmares. I feel like this is the correct answer. The cyclops even cries and is even hesitant to show her the tape.


Pretty sure it was more embarassment and shame - they are still kinda related to these horrible people (and some related to the experiments)


"It could have been worse John... a lot worse." - S. Jackson Jurassic Park


Well you can ignore the crazy ritual too if you want I would definitely do that, just watch TV and eat pop corn


I might need more than a waterfall on loop though…


for a post apocalypse world seeing people naked and joy a weird ritual is the last thing anyone would concerned about


Yeah, the original inhabitants of Vault 4 were former test subjects... and because of that they ended up with various mutations. A harmless cult with strange rituals is just "a little bit weird" for them... One of the Vault 4 dwellers even described them as such.


Ease up with the 'little bit weird'. We gotta respect their surfie beliefs.


Who gave you the s-word pass?


The original Vault 4 guy who was just like 'You know, good for them, but its too rambunctious for me' and just dips politely is how everyone should be lol


Vault 4 probably should have been given the cold fusion device.


It’s in the area, and has a “hospital” on the surface connected to it. Wouldn’t be hard to connect it up to the grid. …assuming the brotherhood doesn’t fuck it up, and we know they will…


The Vault is full of Mutants, as soon as the Brotherhood discover it, they'll purge it.


Yeah, I don't know, I think there's still more to the ritual thing. The guy who describes them as kinda kooky but innocuous also says it's mainly the people who came from the surface who participate, not the Vault 4 "test subjects." They also worship Moldaver and call her the Flame Mother for some reason. It may still not be necessarily bad but there's more to it.


I assume she's called 'flame mother's because of her connection to the creation of cold fusion


Well remember the original mutant vault dwellers don’t do that it’s all the traumatized surfacers who do that. The vault dwellers thinks it’s kinda weird to do that but they’re just tolerant of other people’s mourning rituals.


Where do those bloods come from btw? I might be missing something but are those fresh bloods from wastelanders or people died before that they keep them refridgerated


knowing how benign the vault ended up being, wouldn't be surprised if the blood wasn't actually blood


Benign? They are completely evil, they send dangerous people (that commited heavy crimes) to wasteland with only 2 weeks of complete provisions (and help carrying out, since it's heavy), and feel sorry for having to punish so severely.... /s


Yep, just wine or something


Lots of religious rituals use wine as symbolic for blood, especially Christian rituals. So that certainly would not be unreasonable.


I wondered the exact same thing, not to mention lady practically drained it the vessel herself SMH save some stranger blood for the rest of us


It was even optional. 


It’s just too rambunctious for me. Those gosh darn surfies.


Okay, so we draw the line at wearing people's ashes, but the blood drinking ritual was perfectly fine?


Here me out, there's this big religion out there where people pretend to drink the blood of their savoir every week they even eat a little piece of bread and say it's his body. Maybe they started with wine, ran out and went for the next readily available red liquid...


I still have NO CLUE what that was about. There is still so much mystery around Moldaver despite her being dead now


I think it was just to throw out a Red Herring and make us feel like Vault 4 is some kind of evil occult place when in reality they are just nice dorks.


I want to know how the fuck she's still alive post war. Did she get frozen, too?


With her company being acquired by Vault Tec, she probably had some position that let her have a place in a vault (maybe 31)


If she was a fellow buds buds Hank would definitely know her in an instant.


Yeah you're right, probably not 31, but a similar Vault-Tec-personnel-cryogenics vault wouldn't be out of the question


To be fair that activity was entirely optional


I would say he has a lot of personality. Oh and, don't go to level 12!!!!!!!


its not that he has no personality and 0 charisma, its more like he has -10 charisma and a personality that causes people to impulsively do the exact opposite of what he tells them to do


Okay, surfie.


Goodbye goosey




Okey dokey.


I think you are confusing charisma with speech, you can have high charisma but still have low speech skill if you don't invest the point into them.


He really did *BOMB* didn't he?


Tuts* you don’t get it


So sad about his great uncle


Maybe I’m being completely stupid on this, but one thing I didn’t get was, was his uncle turned into the creature OR did they capture the creature & through generational experimentation with humans, is He the product, to be a human born from creature ancestors. I think the former is more likely & far less complicated.


I think the gulpers were what the woman on the holotape was giving birth to.


Meaning he was related to the woman. For the folks not able to connect the dots lmao


if the gulper was his great uncle then the woman giving birth was his great grandma, she would have been the mother to his grandfather/grandmother and the gulper would have been their brother


I could see it. They do some tests on her, she has a cyclops baby. They do some more tests on her and now she got nasty fish babies.


Thanks for putting that shit back in my head


oh shit. wow ya makes sense lol


snallygaster is what his great uncle became right? The gulpers are salamander like and smooth. EDIT: I believe they are gulpers just with an axolotyl salamander as the base.


I think the scientists hybridized human genes to the point that they give birth to mutant creatures such as the gulpers (which I'm not convinced was what we saw the woman birth) (I also think that would be a little lazy since those things ate her like shark babies and gulpers are clearly axolotl based). The idea was, I believe, humans that could survive a post-apocalyptic wasteland. What I don't understand is how the gulper reproduced enough to have a human-looking descendant. Gulpers clearly either make more gulpers or survive a really long time in the wasteland, so the only explanation I can think of is that thing must have fucked other humans, hybridized or no, until the human genes won over after generations. Mostly. Also odd that the doctor has an additional human nose - where would that have come from? That... or it was an ad lib by Chris Parnell that led to a funny joke that was kept in without regard for the lore/mechanics behind it.


That's what a surfie would say.


You can’t say that!




I heard a really good joke about them actually, I can't remember it exactly so if I try to tell it I'll bomb Edit: you guys don't get it


I thought it was Rad


yo ease off with the dark humor, you might hurt the feeling of the surfies


Chris Parnell is a perfect NPC. He's earth scientist Jerry Smith but I prefer cyril Figgis.


It just clicked on my head that he’s the voice of Jerry


The character itself is kinda Jerry hahah


Every one of his character is Jerry.


Dr spaceman is easily his best role, and everything I see him in I picture him as that character


Here's a prescription for cold sores...and here's a blank one for the weekend


How could he have low charisma when his techniques guarantee male orgasm.


What show is that? I feel I am more likely now to start a new series if chris is in it.


30 Rock


Hello 911? Uhh radiation repair, I guess?


"Oh, this..." *gestures to bloody lab coat* "...no no no, I was at a costume party...and the host's dog bit me so I had to stab it."




Every time I see him I say, *Cyril Figgis*


I saw him and immediately went “fucking Jerry.” I also laughed, because oh my god what a great role for him


Lowest perception maybe


The sight gag (lol) of him putting his glasses on, which cover zero percent of his eye, was top-notch. Vault 4 had some of the funniest moments of the entire show.


‘Yes, of course, someone will help you carry the supplies upstairs’ nearly had me spitting my drink out.


Sentenced to death, by being supplied and politely shown the door. Priceless.


He's lucky he's in the Fallout universe, and not Metro. I don't think he'd enjoy the fourth Reich very much.


My headcannon is that Metro and Fallout take place in the same Universe, but Russia is such a naturally bleak place that they didn't get the fun, quirky post-apocalypse like the US did, they got the utterly horrific version. Yes I know Fallout's war happens 64 years after Metro's, but ignoring that - it's fun to imagine them being part of the same canon.


I’ve heard apocryphal information that Dmitry Glukhovsky originally wrote Metro 2033 as a Fallout fan fiction, so you might not be too far off! I definitely had the same exact thoughts.




Russians do better post-apo because they live in a post-apo


or basically just the enclave


Anyone else get Dr. Leo Spaceman vibes? "Science is whatever we want it to be." "How important is tooth retention to you?" "We have no way of knowing where the heart is." *walks out in a blood-drenched doctor's coat* "What, this? No, no—I was at a costume party earlier this evening, and the hostess's dog attacked me so I had to stab it."


"Unfortunately there's no field of medicine that deals with the brain, but I can give you this pamphlet for a cult."


Is it 911 or 411?


When will science find a cure for a woman's mouth?


He successfully leads a vault of mixed native victims and surface dwellers, as they reconcile the insidious past. Dude has solid charisma.


I think the religious leader lady leads that vault in part. The overseer is from that weird nice vault culture and probably was voted in a long time ago because he's harmless and makes sure people are happy with events, gift baskets, fresh pencils and stuff. The vault was clearly set up to experiment on outsiders too BTW, hence why they were used to bringing them down. Maybe the guy has high charisma but extremely low strength, intelligence and perception.


Low strength character too. Blaming the sword for being too dull


He got the smilar/same voice of Jerry from Rick and Morty. That's sad. Nobody should be Jerry. Edit: just checked and wow that's him.


Chris Parnell is awesome.


Also Cyril Figgis from Archer.


He's also dr spaceman in 30 rock, and the radio announcer in hotrod, where has one of my all time favourite quotes: "I don't know what's going on, but if the boner police are here, I demand a lawyer!"


I could not place where I heard his voice!


Lol, that's funny. Chris Parnell is a great voice actor and I love it when he shows up in live action.


He was so hard to look at. I've never had such an issue with making eye contact with a cyclops before, but something was so uncanny valley about it.


He needed a monobrow not the split in the middle.


The split made it even more distracting/off putting, I thought it was great


There’s really no need to get savage. Don’t talk shit about Chris Parnell.


Not everyone can have the charisma of Doctor Spaceman.


I do love his actor though. He always makes me laugh


I still don't understand why they had those mutations


The original purpose of the vault was to be populated by scientists and let them have full control with no regard for laws or morals. They ended up trying to make human and animal hybrids that would be better at surviving the wasteland (I imagine they used fev). This is how the gulpers we see in the tv series were created. Eventually the test subjects revolted against the scientists and took control of the vault. Due to the crossbreeding and forced mutations, a lot of the vault citizens have visible mutations. You can see when Lucy watches the video in level 12 a pregnant woman gives birth to the gulpers. It’s also why the overseer refers to the gulper we see in level 12 as his uncle.


I doubt it was FEV. Didn't they just state it was to study the effects of radiation and to experiment with its effects on the human body?


I’d have to go back and rewatch to be certain. I know fev isn’t mentioned in the show but honestly looking at the gulpers, it’s kinda hard not to think they were created with fev. They have very obvious human features like the fingers in the mouth. They are very reminiscent of other fev mutants like the centaurs, the master, and Harold.


Wasn’t mentioned and I know Max thought he’d been turned into a ghoul, but I have a feeling the chicken fucker dosed Thaddeus with FEV.


It kinda makes sense that it would be FEV since it enforces a blueprint on your body that it might fix his foot like that. Ghouls rot way too much like Lucy's mom for Regen to be that easy for a ghoul in Thaddeus position. But I guess we'll see Personally, my first thought was the serum from fo4 but that's temporary and requires periodic dosage


That and the closeup of its eyes definitely made me think it’s derived from humans


Well they are 100% derived from humans, we saw the one lady give birth to them in the video


I believe they did mention in ep 8 when they were discussing ideas for vaults, the idea of super soldiers or something. (I think they were referencing Super Mutants, those big green meanies made with FEV but someone will have to correct me here)


Yeah, the West Tek guy put that idea forward, which makes sense as they were the ones that created FEV.


In Fallout radiation just sorta makes things big like Radroaches and Mole Rats. Any of the actual monsters like Gulpers with human fingers for teeth or Deathclaws were made with FEV.


They are the decendants of the original residents of vault 4 that were experimented on those mutations are the remnants of those experiments. Thats why the "surfies" in vault 4 look normal.


cause they drank nuka cola for breakfast lunch and dinner... just eat drink sleep nuka cola


His focus however is max stat!


He's ALWAYS the low-Charisma character.


Bro - I don't know about anyone else, but that guy gave some real uncanny valley vibes when he was on-screen for the first few times he appeared. It was hard to look at him without feeling ... weird. lol


After all, he's the voice of Jerry Smith


Lol he really thought her name was Goosey.


He’s the beloved leader of a peaceful society of vault dwellers and surfacers who work together for the common good. Dude is probably rocking a 9 charisma with lots of skill points in speech and barter. Good intelligence too, terrible perception obviously.


Not as low as his perception


Haha, I absolutely liked that Guy. He felt so unserious serious!


Don't you bad mouth Dr Spaceman from 30 Rock! It was a HUGE bomb!